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Деловой английский

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Деловой английский The Economy

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         Деловой Английский! 

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 The Economy

Fanny: Hey, Brian, you know, recently I heard that the Canadian dollar is very strong.
Brian: It is. It's been amazingly strong in the last few months.
Fanny: What happened? I mean, how come (как это случилось)?
Brian: It went up. The reasons behind why the Canadian dollar is strong...
Fanny: Yeah.

Brian: Very good question. Without getting too complicated (не вдаваясь в подробности), my understanding is the Canadian dollar is linked to a lot of primary industries (связан с добывающей промышленностью), so things like, say like, oil or mining (горная промышленность) or timber (древесина) from like forests and right now I think there's a high demand for those kind of products, so because of that it's pushed the Canadian dollar up. But also I think many other currencies (валюта) have gone down a bit, like the American dollar has dropped a lot.
Fanny: Really? OK.
Brian: I don't follow the currency markets too closely.
Fanny: OK, I see.

Brian: But I think because the American dollar has gone down as well, that means that, you know, it doesn't take as much Canadian money to equal the American money now, so I think those are probably two of the reasons why it's been strong.
Fanny: I see. I know that Canada is a country which is really rich in the natural resources, but are there still a lot of natural resources (природные ресурсы) left now?
Brian: That's another good question. I think that there are still quite a lot of resources.
Fanny: Oh, nice.

Brian: Which is, you know, is good but some of them are decreasing (снижаются) quite a bit.
Fanny: I think so, because of consumption (потребление).
Brian: It's too...
Fanny: Too big.
Brian: Right.
Fanny: Yeah.

Brian: And we export a lot of our resources too, so, you know, the Unites States is always taking a lot of our resources so that's like a huge market right there, but I think there's still lots of oil but maybe the... some of the trees, you know, they cut them down (срубать) pretty fast and they take a long time to grow back, so you have to watch out (остерегаться) there.
Fanny: OK, I think that's a very reason for the strong Canadian dollar.
Brian: It could be but you probably should ask an economist. Maybe they can tell you a bit more informed insight (суть проблемы) on it than I can.

 Answer the following questions about the interview.

1) What is helping the Canadian economy? 
a) Primary industries
b) Secondary industries
c) Foreign investment

2) What is said about Canada's resources?
a) There is still a lot.
b) There is not much left.
c) Consumption is decreasing.

3) What does Brian discuss?
a) Inflation
b) Currencies
c) Wages

4) What resource still has a large supply?
a) Oil
b) Timber
c) Coal


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