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Деловой английский Leadership


Курс английского языка “English as a Second Language"                    Запишитесь на бесплатный ознакомительный урок прямо сейчас!

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         Деловой Английский! 

         Наша Школа английского языка предлагает вашему вниманию рассылку, цель которой - помочь специалистам в различных областях использовать английский язык в своей повседневной профессиональной практике.
     Мы расскажем вам о том, как вести деловую переписку, оформлять e-mail, письма с запросом информации и многое другое. Вы познакомитесь с основными выражениями, которые используются при ведении бизнеса в англоязычных странах и расширите свой лексический и грамматический запас знаний.


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Paul / England

I think if we're speaking about a leader of a country, then first of all, I think the person has to be strong. They have to have their ideas of what they want to do and they have to do it, but at the same time, they have to also be adaptable to situations, but mainly I think the person has to be strong and has to be able to deal with (решать, справляться) stressful situations, and make important decisions at the right time.

Lindsay / United States

I think that a good leader needs to be charismatic to get people to trust (доверять) them and to like them. I also think that a good leader needs to be responsible, and be aware of the people that are around them to be able to help them.

Jeff / Canada

A good leader: I guess a good leader has to be confident (уверенный) enough in his or her own decision to choose a direction and just go for it and inspire (вселять) confidence in the people who are following him or her, but at the same time, they have to be open-minded (объективный) enough to recognize when they made a mistake, so I would say those are the two things: confidence and open-mindedness.

Helen / Canada

A good leader I guess is someone who is compassionate (сочувствующий), but who also knows how to lay down the law (формулировать закон). Someone who can enforce the rules, but also is able to listen to his workers and the people underneath (в подчинении) him ... or her.

Eoin / England

I think a good leader needs to be firm (непоколебимый, решительный), decisive, but also willing to listen to the opinions and ideas of the people who work beneath him or her.

Lori / Canada

Mmm! A good leader? I mean, number one, I would say be compassion and understanding of the people you're leading, but also having charisma and self-confidence is really important. 


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       Расписание English Speaking Club

Пятница:    18.30-20.00
Суббота:    13.00-14.30

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