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I definitely would rather rent my own home because right now I can't imagine myself settling down (поселиться) and being in a permanent (постоянное) place for a long time. I haven't lived in one place for more than three years in the last ten years, so it's really hard for me to imagine actually owning (владеть) my house and staying in there for the rest of my life.
Chris / England
I think it's better to own a home. I know that it's always a big investment (капиталовложение). You know, you have to pay a lot of money up front, but I think it's important to think of it as like a long term benefit (выгода, польза) that's going to provide you with some security (защита) when you choose to sell, or when you retire. You're gonna have somewhere to live.
Maiko / England
I prefer to own a home, even though at the moment I rent (снимать) an
apartment, I would very much like to own a home so I can have my own garden and grow plants (выращивать растения) that I like.
Amir / Iran
I believe that owning a house or owning a home is always better because land prices is something stable (стабильное) and most probably it will become more expensive
so getting a loan (получение займа) and trying to own a house is much better than paying money for the rent, which
goes nowhere.
Lori / Canada
I would say it's better to own if you possibly can because otherwise you're just throwing money away (выбрасывать деньги) if you're renting but I also think it's important not to tie up all your money (вкладывать деньги) in a home. You should enjoy yourself in other ways and not become 'house poor' as they say.
Eoin / England
At this stage in life, I think I would rather rent a home because I wouldn't want
to be tied to being on one place for a long period of time. Later in life, I can imagine thought that I would like to own a property(владеть недвижимостью) somewhere.
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