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Today we are going to speak about innovation and invention.

These are words which are used to speak about innovation and invention:

-To design means to make plans or drawings for how something is to be made.

-To develop means to make a new idea successful, for example by making or improving a product.

-To innovate means to think of new ideas, methods, products, etc.

-To invent means to design and make something for the first time.

-Technology is the practical or industrial use of scientific discoveries.

Let's learn some words about research and technology:

-He is head of product development at Lightning Technologies.

-I'm in charge of research and development (R&D) at our research centre just outside Boston.

-Our laboratories are some of the most innovative in the computer industry, and we have made many new discoveries and breakthroughs.

-We are at the cutting edge or leading edge of semiconductor technology: none of our competitors has better products than us.

-Everything we do is state-of-the-art, using the most advanced techniques available.

-Of course, the hi-tech products of today become the low-tech products of tomorrow.

-Products that are no longer up-to-date because they use old technology are obsolete.

We hope this material will be useful for you. Have a good business week!

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