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школа английского языка в Москве, методика, позволяющая научиться говорить, начиная с первого занятия. Лёгкое и увлекательное обучение. Никаких сложных и нудных лекций. Вы научитесь "думать" и говорить на английском так же, как и на русском. Деловой язык, любой уровень подготовки, обучение в группах и индивидуально, только практическая направленность. Бизнес переписка, составление резюме и договоров. Общение по телефону и на переговорах.
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Hello readers! Some useful information about companies for you today. Successful companies generally want to diversify: to introduce new products or services, and enter new markets. yet entering new markets with new brands is usually a slow, expensive and risky process, so buying another company with existing products and customers is often cheaper and safer. If a company is too big to acquire, another possibility is to merge with it, forming a new company out of the two old ones. Apart from diversifying, ...
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Дорогие Друзья! Скоро День народного единства России, и это означает, что все будут отдыхать, гулять, наслаждаться осенней погодой. Если Вы не уезжаете из города, я предлагаю провести эти выходные с пользой - принять участие в мероприятии <Refresh Your English. Мы будем играть в Мафию на английском языке, пить чай и есть что-то очень вкусное (тоже на английском) Это мероприятие пройдет в воскресенье 2 ноября в 18 часов в нашем центре на метро Молодежная (улица Бобруйская, д.6, кор.2. Для того чтобы я подго...
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Hello dear readers! TRADING is our topic today. If there is demand for shares in a company, for example because it is doing well, its share price goes up. If not, its price goes down. The overall value of shares traded on a stock market is shown by an index (plural: indexes or indices. Some of the main ones are: London: FTSE (pronounced "Footsie: the Financial Times Stock Exchange index. New York: the Dow Jones Industrial Average "the Dow. Especially long-established "old economy" companies. New York: NASD...
Деловой английский для любого уровня подготовки
Good morning dear readers! To extend your vocabulary we offer this dialogue to you. CONDITIONAL OFFERS Administrative Director: OK, I'm going to be direct about this. We need your offices to use as conference rooms for meeting with customers. I'm sorry to say this, but they're much too nice for an IT department! So we're asking you to relocate to some offices we've rented across the street. Of course this is only temporary, as we're all moving to the new building in a year's time. IT Manager: And why can't...
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Good afternoon! Incoterms. Today we continue talking about incoterms. Group 2 - The F Terms (Free, main carriage not paid by the seller) FCA - Free Carrier (named place) FAS - Free Alongside Ship (named port of shipment) FOB - Free On Board (named port of shipment) The seller arranges and pays for the pre-carriage in the country of export. The goods are delivered to a carrier appointed by the buyer. The buyer arranges insurance against damage to the goods of transit. Vocabulary! carrier перевозчик arrange ...
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Dear readers! Today we issue new list of business terms and their definitions. blocked currency замкнутая, блокированная валюта: валюта, которая в силу валютных ограничений и др. причин не полностью конвертируема, может использоваться только на территории данного государства credit enhancement повышение кредитного рейтинга заемщика с целью снижения стоимости кредита (напр, страхование облигационного займа) fungibles 1) ценные бумаги, находящиеся в процессе расчетов (Великобритания); 2) = fungible goods; 3)...
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Добрый вечер! Теперь наши уроки выходят на видео! Их Вы можете посмотреть на канале <Уроки английского языка от Евгении. Разговорный английский 4.0> Ссылка на канал: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpLKCLMn24q2TlNVYg09KRg Приглашаю Вас посмотреть мой новый урок здесь: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDqEblX91oc&list=UUpLKCLMn24q2TlNVYg09KRg&index=3 Видео уроки на канале пополняются ежедневно! Подпишитесь, чтобы быть в курсе новостей, а также смотреть те уроки, которые будут доступны только зарегистрированны...
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Good morning our readers! Today we are going to introduce Incoterms. Incoterms - short for "International Commercial Terms" - are standard trade definitions devised and published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC. They are an internationally recognized code that simplifies trade between different countries. Incoterms identify the additional costs, over and above the cost of the goods, that the seller will invoice the buyer in international sales contracts. They define who is responsible for arr...
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Hello our dear readers! Read the article about retail banking from the Financial Times. BANKS TO RELY ON BRANCHES TO DRIVE GROWTH (by Jane Croft. Banks will rely on branches to drive future growth rather than internet, according to new research. A study of 2,709 customers by Deloitte & Touche, the professional services firm, showed that the bank branch is the preferred channel for 52 per cent of customers interviewed. Only 16 per cent preferred to bank using the telephone and 8 per cent used the internet. ...
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Good afternoon! FX Trading The Foreign Exchange market, also referred to as the "Forex" or "FX" market, is the largest financial market in the world, with a daily average of well over US$1 trillion - 30 times larger than the combined volume of all U.S. equity markets. Foreign Exchange is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. Currencies are traded in pairs, for example Euro/US Dollar or US Dollar/Japanese Yen. There are two reasons to buy and sell currencies. About 5% of daily turn...