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Today we would like to continue speaking about organizations.

When people are self-employed they can say:

-I'm a freelance graphic designer, a freelancer.

-She works for herself and it means she's self-employed.

-To use the official term, I'm a sole trader/owner/proprietor.

Let's look at companies with limited liability:

-“Ltd” means limited company. The other shareholders and I have limited liability: we do not have to use our personal property, such as a house or car, to pay the company's debts.

- “PLC” means public limited company, so anybody can buy and sells shares in the company on the stock market.

- “Inc” stands for Incorporated. This shows that we are a corporation.

What mutuals and non-profit organizations are for?

-Some companies, like certain life insurance companies, are mutuals.

-In Britain, another kind of mutual is building societies, which lend money to people who want to buy a house.

-Organizations with 'social' aims such as helping those who are sick or poor, or encouraging artistic activity, are non-profit organizations or not-for-profit organizations .

-Non-profit organizations are also called charities, and form the voluntary sector, as they rely heavily on volunteers (unpaid workers).

-Some people donate money to the organizations in the form of donations.

We hope this material will be useful for you. Have a good business week!

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