[aspirant] Call for Papers

Аспирант и Соискатель N 7712 от 2007-10-11
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Call for Papers
An International Graduate Student Symposium Centre for European, Russian and
Eurasian Studies, University of Toronto January 24-26, 2008 New Perspectives
on Contemporary Ukraine: Politics, Society, and Culture
The University of Torontos Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian
Studies (CERES) is pleased to announce a call for papers for the Third
International Graduate Student Symposium New Perspectives on Contemporary
Ukraine: Politics, Society, and Culture to be held in Toronto on January
24-26, 2008. This interdisciplinary Symposium will bring together aspiring
young scholars for three days of presentations and intensive discussions
centred around new perspectives on the study of contemporary Ukraine.
The goal of the Symposium is to present new research and innovative thinking
that explores the political, socioeconomic, and cultural dynamics in
Ukrainian society. The Symposium seeks to integrate and draw on a wide range
of theories and new scholarly research by applying them to Ukraine as a case
The Symposium is open to graduate students and recent PhD holders (those who
have graduated within the past three years) from North America and Europe.
Proposals involving cross-national comparisons in the wider context of the
post-communist space are encouraged. Submissions can focus on a variety of
topics including, but not limited to, the following:
I Democratization and democracy consolidation;
I State-society relations;
I Political economy;
I Ukraines foreign relations and national security;
I Regionalism and identity;
I Rethinking Ukrainian literature and culture since independence;
I Rewriting the past: new approaches to Ukrainian history.
To be considered as a candidate for presentation at the symposium, please
submit an abstract (maximum 750 words) and curriculum vitae by November 19,
2007. The abstract should include a statement of objectives, methods,
expected results and conclusions. Submissions must be made via email to
Authors whose papers are selected will be notified by December 1, 2007.
Presenters should seek external funding. Limited grants for travel and
accommodation may be available for participants who cannot obtain full
external funding. Further details about the conference may be found online
at <http://www.utoronto.ca/jacyk/gss2008/>
Director, CIUS Publications Program www.utoronto.ca/cius Managing Editor,
Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Toronto Office
256 McCaul St., Room 302
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON
M5T 1W5
tel. 416-978-8669, 416-978-6934
fax 416-978-2672
-*Это 4 письмо от данного участника.
архив: http://subscribe.ru/archive/job.education.aspirant/msg/696447
Организатор и руководитель проекта: Славников Дмитрий - slavnik***@c*****.ru