[TC] управление the qube

Уважаемые друзья. Поделитесь списком клавиш управления приложением the qube.
У меня портабельная версия. Заранее спасибо. Ник. Маслов
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Уважаемые друзья. Поделитесь списком клавиш управления приложением the qube.
У меня портабельная версия. Заранее спасибо. Ник. Маслов
приветствую всех
вчера официально вышел GWCoonect2.0
GWConnect, это доступная и легкая в использовании программа альтернативный
клиент скайпа разработанная компанией GWMicro.
Вы можете скачать её по ссылке
список нововведений и исправлений ниже только на англисском.
Version 2.0
The following major changes have been made to GWConnect since version
1.06. Please consult the GWConnect documentation (included with the
download) for full details on all new features.
* GWConnect can now be made ad-free for non-Window-Eyes customers.
Please visit http://www.gwmicro.com/catalog/gw_connect for details.
* GWConnect's startup time has been reduced.
* You can now rename contacts in GWConnect. Either choose the Rename
item from the Contact/Context menus or hit F2. If the renamed text is
blank, GWConnect will fall back to the contact's own display name or
phone number (in the case of Skype Out contacts).
* A new privacy dialog has been added to the Skype menu. This will
allow you to limit who can call you, send you IMs, etc.
* Also under the Skype menu is a voicemail options window. Here you
can enable/disable whether voicemail is active for your account as
well as record your own greeting. Note that it appears that for this
feature to work, you have to explicitly enable the voicemail option
from your Skype account on the web if you haven't already done so.
* Added SMS support. Note that the Skype Kit only supports sending SMS
messages. There is presently no way to receive them. Additionally, you
must have sufficient Skype Out credit or sending the message will
* Added an "Answer" item to the Call menu so you can now use this
directly from the main UI in addition to the dialog or global hotkeys.
* When a call begins, GWConnect will now tell you who's calling if you
have enabled speech messages.
* Under the call menu is a "Hold/Resume Conversation" menu item. This
will let you put the active call on hold locally and resume it.
GWConnect will announce the new status of the conversation; e.g.
"conversation on hold" or "conversation resumed."
* The Contact menu has a "View Mood Text" item for people who weren't
able to see the full mood text column. All this does is open a message
box with the mood text for easier review.
* Added Alt F1 through Alt F12 (excluding Alt F4) to switch to
different preset contact views such as Skype Contacts, Skype Out
Contacts, etc. The name of the new view is also announced.
* There is a new tab in the options window called "Startup &
Shutdown." All choices related to GWConnect's startup, minimization,
and shutdown behavior have been moved here.
* Added an option to the Startup & Shutdown tab to ask you whether you
want to close GWConnect on exit. This is enabled by default.
* Added the option to have Alt-F4 minimize GWConnect rather than close
it outright. This option is found in Options/Startup & Shutdown.
* Added an option to automatically answer incoming calls (under
Options/General). When active, any incoming calls will be answered but
only if you aren't already in a call with someone else. If you are,
the caller is sent immediately to voicemail.
* In options/general is an edit box where you can instruct GWConnect
to hang up if you don't answer an incoming call after X number of
seconds (default is 30). Enter only whole numbers greater than 0. Note
that this option will only do something if you have set this value to
be greater than 0 and if you have enabled voicemail for your account.
* An option to speak timestamps for incoming and outgoing chat
messages has been added to Options/Speech (default is unchecked). This
setting is entirely independent of the "show timestamps" option for
the message log.
* A new checkbox has been added to the speech tab to cause GWConnect
to always say "alert" prior to any of its messages. This is disabled
by default. Note that this only applies to program-generated events
such as when contacts sign in, a message is received, etc. Anything
you do which would normally cause speech (such as changing contact
views, reading messages in text chat windows, etc. will not produce
the extra "alert" text.
* The message log tab in the options dialog has been renamed to "History."
* Under the history tab of the options window is a new group of radio
buttons which will let you choose how much text chat and recent event
history should be retrieved. The default is to only retrieve activity
from the last 30 days.
* Added a checkbox under the "Startup & Shutdown" tab of the options
window to let you choose whether to run GWConnect when Windows starts.
There is now no need to re-run the setup program or manually delete
the GWConnect shortcut from the local user's startup group if you want
to change this behavior after installing GWConnect.
* A setting has been added to Options/Files which will allow you to
have GWConnect automatically close file transfer windows when they
* You can now automatically accept incoming files when the respective
checkbox is checked in the Files tab of the options window. When
enabled, any existing file will be overwritten, and the incoming
transfer will be accepted without any intervention.
* If you place or accept a call while one is already active, you are
now asked if you want to put the original conversation on hold, hang
up on the original, or try to merge the calls. If you choose to put
the original on hold, it will automatically resume once the new
conversation ends. This behavior is configurable under the options
* Added a "Call Back" button to the voicemail playback window. When
clicked, it will stop the active voicemail (if one is playing) and
place a call to the person who left the message.
* If you place a call to one or more contacts with phone numbers
defined (either by you or in his/her profile), you are now asked which
one you want to call.
* You can now assign office, mobile, and other phone numbers to
contacts by choosing the "Assign Phone Numbers" item from either the
Contact or context menus. Note that whereas you can assign three
numbers to a regular Skype contact, you can only assign two for a
Skype Out contact.
* Your Skype Out balance can be viewed via the respective option from
the Skype menu.
* You can now view a contact's local time in the view profile window.
* The program now says and shows user display names for incoming
calls. Before, GWConnect would show only the person's Skype name or
telephone number.
* The names of call participants are spoken when calls begin.
* When editing your profile or assigning phone numbers to a contact,
each respective entry is normalized before the change is committed to
* Text chats now include a status line which will allow you to see
when members of the active conversation are typing. Similarly, a
checkbox to options/speech has been added to let you choose whether
GWConnect speaks something when someone in an open text chat types a
message. In addition, GWConnect likewise will send the appropriate
notifications to members of a chat when you type.
* Added Control-A, Z, X, C, and V hotkeys to select, undo, cut, copy,
and paste text inside chat and SMS windows.
* Messages in text chat windows are now displayed a bit differently to
make them easier to read visually.
* When inviting users to a text chat, you can now choose as many
people as you like rather than only being able to add one person at a
* If you sent a message whose contents was a single emoticon,
GWConnect would play the outbound message sound but failed to display
it in the message log. This has been fixed.
* Adding users to an existing one-on-one conversation worked, but the
title bar of the chat window would never update when adding someone to
a conference. This has been fixed.
* If a conversation is put on hold remotely or if a participant puts
you on hold locally, GWConnect will now speak and display a message
saying as much. In addition, a short beep will play every ten seconds
while the active call is held.
* GWConnect can now detect when the list of available audio devices
changes; e.g. if you plug in a USB headset, GWConnect will
re-initialize the audio devices and try to keep hold of your
input/output preferences. There is still a known problem where the
microphone on certain cards such as the Sound Blaster Audigy will
become active regardless of your preference in the Windows Volume
Control. This is a known Skype Kit limitation awaiting resolution.
* If you have more than one voice conversation active, you can now
switch among them by using Control-Alt-F1 to go back or Control-Alt-F2
to go forward. Or, use the Previous/Next Conversation items under the
call menu. GWConnect will speak and display the information about the
new call which is activated.
* When a call ends, GWConnect will speak and display its final
duration on the status line similar to native Skype. If you don't want
this to happen, uncheck the respective checkbox in Options/General.
* GWConnect now keeps track of individual conversation durations as
long as they're live. This means that if you switch among
conversations, GWConnect will be able to keep up and display the
correct duration on the status bar. Note that timing will cease
whenever a live conversation is put on hold and start again when the
call resumes.
* When adding Skype Out contacts, you can now optionally assign a
display name to the newly added phone number.
* You can now send multiple files in a single file transfer request.
* In the view profile window, GWConnect now shows the person's
birthday (if given) in the default locale's format. e.g. in the US,
you will see something like 8/29/1984 or in the UK, 29/8/1984. We also
show the person's age if his/her birthday is available.
* Under the Skype menu is a new item called "Change Language." This
allows you to set GWConnect to run in any of its supported languages.
If you decide to change the language, GWConnect will ask if you want
to restart for the new change to become active.
* If you first ran GWConnect in one language, hotkey descriptions in
the options window would always appear in that language even if a new
translation later became available. This has been fixed.
* You can now send and receive contacts to people in your contact list
or in text chats. Use the "Send Contacts" option from the Contact or
context menu in the main window or by clicking the aptly named button
in the chat window. Choose the contact(s) you want to send, and once
done, the people at the other end will receive notifications allowing
them to add the contact to their Skype buddy list, view his/her
profile, or ignore the contact.
* Added a reset settings option to the Help menu. You will be asked
whether you want to continue. If you answer yes, your settings will be
deleted and GWConnect will restart as if for the first time.
* The system tray icon is always present so long as GWConnect runs.
* GWConnect now stores window positions in addition to sizes when you
move or size them.
* If you moved or resized the main GWConnect window, the defaults
would continue to be used on the next launch. This has been fixed.
* Shortened the message descriptions in the recent events window; e.g.
instead of "message received from Blah," there is now just "message
from Blah." Additionally, call durations are displayed when available.
* Sent/received messages in the recent events window now include their
contents when applicable.
* Under the Call menu are two items for turning the speaker volume up
and down. Additionally, you can use Control-Alt-F11 and
Control-Alt-F12 to accomplish the same from within any other active
program. A "speaker volume" slider has also been added to the devices
tab of the options window. Note that until Skype provides a way to
disable microphone AGC, GWConnect will be unable to adjust your
microphone volume. Appropriate controls will be added once this
becomes possible.
* Custom contact groups are now fully supported. You can add, edit,
and switch to custom groups of your choice from under the "Custom
Groups" item of the View menu.
* GWConnect will no longer receive keyboard focus if it is configured
to run from the system tray on launch.
* Unicode (rather than ASCII) text is sent to your chosen screen
reader. Text written in non-Latin languages will be spoken correctly,
assuming the screen reader in question correctly supports Unicode.
* Control-Alt-End has been added as a global hotkey to Hold/Resume
* Added a hotkey to mute/unmute program-generated speech
(Control-Alt-F3 by default).
* A global hotkey has been added to repeat the most recently spoken
message. it is Control-Alt-F10 by default.
* Fixed the problem where the incoming authorization sound would play
but no window would appear.
* GWConnect would not always speak or display messages whose contents
were single links. This has been fixed.
* An option to repeat the caller ID of an incoming caller has been
added to Options/Speech (enabled by default). When active, GWConnect
will repeat the name of who is calling every five seconds.
* Added a hotkey to focus the most recently active chat within the
active GWConnect session (Control-Alt-C by default).
* Choosing "Show Main Window" from the GWConnect system tray icon
would sometimes do nothing. This has been fixed.
* When you tried to leave a voicemail for someone, GWConnect would
sometimes hang up immediately when the voicemail window opened. This
has been improved. Note that Skype are still investigating
voicemail-related issues that some GWConnect users have reported. An
updated runtime will be shipped with GWConnect when the issues have
been corrected.
* A number of visual changes have been made which will not impact
screen reader users.
* Fixed the issue where the settings file would sometimes become
corrupted at program shutdown.
* Many minor bugs have been corrected thanks to error reports. Thank you!
спасибо всем
предложения и ошибки можете описывать в рассылке GWC-rus
Друзья, кто-нибудь может что-нибудь сказать про юзабилити сабжевого девайса.
Пришло мне письмо такого содержания:
Что это?
Это мини ПК с операционной системой android(теоретически можно и windows
поставить и linux ). внутри процессор с частотой 1.5 ГГц, графический
процессор Mali-400, 512 МБ ОЗУ, 4 ГБ флеш-памяти, Wi-Fi. Есть разъёмы
microSD, HDMI, microUSB и USB 2.0.
Выглядит это следующим образом: вот эту "флешку" вы подключаете к вашему
телевизору(проектору, монитору) через HDMI, втыкаете клавиатуру и мышь в
usb и все! Ваш компьютер готов! Оп умолчанию стоит Android 4.0.
Несколько лет назад мы и мечтать не могли о таких компах! Вставляй флеху
на 64Гб - и у тебя в кармане полноценный комп!
Кстати стоит такой PC всего 74$ (около 2500р.). И даже уже можно
заказать здесь:
Вот и думаю, на сколько все это правда? вчастности про возможность
установки linux.
За 74 доллара я бы купил себе поиграться.
Эдуард Воробьев
г. Ленинск-Кузнецкий
здравствуйте, уважаемая рассылка! здравствуйте, николай! николай вот
основные комбинации клавишь управления thu qube ctrl+windows++n создать
новое сообщение и написать в ленту твиттера, , ctrl+windows+горезонтальные
стрелочки, переключение по группе сообщений, например лента, упоменание,
отправленные и личные сообщения, ctrl+windows+вертикальные стрелочки, читать
выбронную группу сообщений, например ленту твитов, ctrl+windows+r
английская, ответить, на выбронное сообщение, ctrl+windows+shift+r
английская, ретвит, ctrl+windows+пробел, прочитать текущий твит.
раньше были времена, а теперь мгновения, раньше поднимался ух, а теперь
давление. с уважением
золоторёв василий гомельская облость, будакошелевский район.
эл. почта