УРРА! Наконец-то я могу сказать во весь печатный голос - ЗДРАВСТВУЙТЕ!!!
Как говорится, не прошло и полгода, и я снова в эфире :0) Спасибо огромное всем, у кого хватило мужества,
женственности и просто человеческого терпения, дабы все-таки дождаться этот очередной выпуск! Если честно,
я и сам не подозревал, насколько затянется мое молчание. Но судьба - довольно-таки коварная женщина,
хотя она и не лишена чувства юмора... Ну да ладно. Не хочу об этом говорить. Может как-нибудь потом, если захотите :0)
Пару слов об Англии: английский юмор - это миф, равно как и почти все остальное (английская погода, английские джентльмены,
а особенно английская пунктуальность - хаха!). С языком у них, к сожалению, тоже не сложилось :( И ежели
кто скажет, что кокни - это "романтично", то я первый брошу в него чем-нибудь увесистым :0) Приведу
в пример один случай. Довелось мне работать там барменом. Однажды заходит ко мне парочка аглицких мещан,
и муж говорит примерно следующее: " Гимми сём сёйдёй плыыыз". Естественно, моя реакция была сродни вашей:
"Екскьюз ми???" Жена бросается на выручку: "Хи вонтс сам сёйдёй войтёй" (имеется в виду soda water).
Представьте мое удивление, когда он начинает гневно махать ручками и вопить "НООО! Ай вонт СЁЙДЁЙ!!!" и при
этом он показывает на стоящюю в холодильнике бутылку... сидра :0)) Уж если муж с женой не понимают
друг дружку, то что уж о нас говорить, несчастных :0) Хотя под конец уже привык... И даже разговаривал
с ними на их диалекте, вызывая у них удивление (у них самих способность к иностранным языкам, а особенно
в плане произношения, стремится к нулю). Да, чуть было не забыл: всех верующих - с Рождеством,
всех верующих, но не в то - с Ханукой, и просто всех-всех-всех - С Новым Тысячелетием!!! :0)))
Пожалуй, на первый раз хватит разговоров. Ведь знаю, как вы,уважаемые, истосковались по качественным анекдотам. Поехали!
A group of young children were sitting in a circle with their teacher. She was going around in
turn asking them all questions. "Davy, what noise does a cow make?" "It goes moo, miss". "Alice,
what noise does a cat make?" "It goes meow, miss" "Jamie, what sound does a lamb make?" "It goes
baaa, miss" "Jennifer, what sound does a mouse make?" "Errr.., it goes.. click!"
A woman goes shop to buy a rod and reel. She doesn't know which one to get, so she just grabs one
and goes over to the register. There is a salesman standing there with dark glasses on. She says,
"Excuse me, Sir...can you tell me anything about this rod and reel?" He says, "Ma'am, I'm blind,
but if you will drop it on the counter I can tell you everything you need to know about it from
the sound that it makes." She didn't believe him but dropped it on the counter anyway. He said,
"Thats a 6' graphite rod with a Zebco 202 reel and 10 lb. test line...It's a good all around rod
and reel, and it's $20.00." She says, "It is amazing that you can tell all that just by the sound
of it dropping on the counter. I think it's what I'm looking for, so I'll take it." He walks
behind the counter to the register, and in the meantime the woman farts. At first she is
embarrassed but then realizes that there is no way he could tell it was her. Being blind, he
wouldn't know that she was the only person around. He rings up the sale and says, "That will be
$25.50." She says, "But didn't you say it was $20.00?" He says, "Yes ma'am, the rod and reel is
$20.00, the duck call is $3.00, and the catfish stink bait is $2.50."
A little turtle begins to climb a tree slowly. After long hours of effort, he reaches the top,
jumps into the air waving his front legs, until he crashes heavily into the ground with a hard
knock on his shell. After recovering his consciousness, he starts to climb the tree again, jumps
again, and knocks the ground heavily again. The little turtle persisted again and again while a
couple of birds sitting at the edge of a branch, watched the turtle with pain. Suddenly the female
bird says to the male, "Dear, I think it's time to tell our little turtle he is adopted."
An attractive young girl, chaperoned by her old aunt, entered the doctor's office. "We have come
for an examination" said the young girl. "Alright," said the doctor. "Go behind that curtain and
take your clothes off." "No, not me" said the girl. "it's my old aunt here." "Very well. Madam,
put your tongue out."
The choir director selected the 6-year-old little boy with the sweetest face for the opening scene
of the play. "Now,all you have to do is, when I direct the choir to sing '...and the angel lit the
candle', you come on stage and light all the candles." "I can do it - I can do it!" the little boy
said, excited to be the one picked. Rehearsals came and went, and finally the big night arrived.
The choir was in grand voice, the stage was beautifully decorated with dozens of unlit candles all
around, awaiting the moment when the cute littlest angel made his interest. The director gave the
downbeat, the orchestra began to play, and the choir swept into the introductory lines, ending
with an expectant "...and the angel lit the candle," and everyone looked stage right for the
entrance. No little boy. The director gave the downbeat again, and gesture for a louder line,
which the choir gave him - "...and the angel lit the candle," and again, all eyes looked stage
right. No little boy. The director, beginning to sweat, motioned with great, sweeping gestures,
and the choir thundered into the line - the curtains belled slightly from the sound - "...AND THE
ANGEL LIT THE CANDLE!" And into the silence which followed came a clear, boy-soprano voice
floating piercingly from stage right "...and the cat peed on the matches!"