2013 will be a year of serious global crisis. That crisis is predictable, and in fact has already begun. It will inescapably confront the next president of the United States. Yet this emerging crisis got not a mention at the Republican National Convention in Tampa. We'll see if the Democrats do better.
The crisis originates in this summer's extreme weather. Almost 80% of the continental United States experienced drought conditions. Russia and Australia experienced drought as well.
The drought has ruined key crops. The corn harvest is expected to drop to the lowest level since 1995. In just July, prices for corn and wheat jumped about 25% each, prices for soybeans about 17%.
These higher grain prices will flow through to higher food prices. For consumers in developed countries, higher food prices are a burden -- but in almost all cases, a manageable burden.
Americans spend only about 10% of their after-tax incomes on food of all kinds, including restaurant meals and prepackaged foods. Surveys for Gallup find that the typical American family is spending one-third less on food today, adjusting for inflation, than in 1969.
predictable / prɪ'dɪktəbl / - предсказуемый
inescapably / ɪnɪ’skeɪpəblɪ / - неизбежно
confront / kən'frʌnt / - сталкиваться лицом к лицу
Amanda: John, did you see the news today? - Джон, ты смотрел новости сегодня?
John. No, what happened? - Нет, что случилось?
Amanda: There was a big earthquake in San Diego. - В Сан Диего было большое землетрясение.
John: Oh, my goodness. - Боже мой.
Amanda: The president was on the news talking about it earlier. - Президент выступал с речью об этом ранее в новостях.
John: Was anyone hurt? - Никто не пострадал?
Amanda: I think they said two people were killed. - Мне кажется, говорили, что погибло два человека.
John: Oh, that's terrible. - Ох, это ужасно.
Amanda: Yeah, I can't believe you hadn't heard about it. They were talking about it on CNN all day. - Да, я не могу поверить, что ты не слышал об этом. Они говорили об этом весь день по CNN.
John: Oh, I don't watch TV that often. - Я не смотрю телевизор так часто.
Amanda: Don't you watch the news? - Ты не смотришь новости?
John: No, I usually read the news online, but I haven't had time to turn on my computer today. - Нет, я обычно читаю новости онлайн, но у меня не было времени сесть за компьютер сегодня.
crisis management - dealing with a crisis:(антикризисное управление)
crisis of confidence - a situation in which people no longer believe that a government or an economic system is working properly, and will no longer support it or work with it:(кризис доверия)
to avert crisis - to prevent a crisis: (предотвратить кризис)
Cuban missile crisis - a dangerous situation which developed in 1962 when the Soviet Union began to build bases for nuclear missiles in Cuba: ("Карибский кризис")
ATM: Automated Teller Machine Банкомат
GPS: Global Positioning System Глобальная система навигации и определения положения
OR: Operation room Операционная (комната)
ER: Emergency room отделение (служба) экстренной медицинской помощи
PG: Parental guidance категория PG, "не рекомендуется смотреть детям" (категория, присваиваемая в США и Великобритании фильмам, которые не рекомендуются для просмотра детям (особенно без сопровождающих взрослых), но и не запрещаются категорически; решение оставляется на усмотрение родителей)
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2012-09-04 www.english-moscow.ru
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