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Issue 84

Деловой английский без отрыва от дел!

Образовательные материалы и услуги,
основанные на работах Л. Рона Хаббарда

Выпуск № 31 (147)   ||      www.english-moscow.ru
(495) 680-66-73, 680-83-45, 507-87-09
Количество человек, получивших этот выпуск: 15368


On the Trail of City Funds Spent on Strays - 30 July 2010.

By the numbers, the authorities care about stray dogs as much as people.

Moscow City Hall has allocated $190 per month for every stray dog that is housed in its animal shelters this year — the same amount that Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has deemed as Russia's minimum living wage in 2010.

In addition, millions of dollars have been earmarked to construct animal shelters and to neuter strays.

But despite the cash windfall, few shelters are opening, and there has been no decrease in the 30,000 stray dogs that City Hall and animal rights activists say are roaming the streets.

Mayor Yury Luzhkov says the problem has grown so acute that hundreds of strays might need to be put to sleep.

But animal rights activists and a former City Duma deputy say the real burden on the city budget is that money earmarked for the animals has disappeared into a black hole.



trail след, тропа
funds средства
stray потерявшее своего хозяина животное
allocate назначать, распределять
shelter приют
deem считать
minimum living wage прожиточный минимум
earmark предназначать (для)
neuter кастрировать
despite несмотря на
windfall неожиданно полученная сумма денег
roam бродить, скитаться
accute критический
deputy представитель
burden бремя
budget бюджет


I Couldn't Help It

Arthur: What was that terrible noise?
Что это быо за ужасный шум?

Rose: I'm sorry. I just dropped a stack of plates.
Прости. Я только что уронила стопку тарелок.

A: Were you hurt?
Ты не ушиблась?

R: Fortunately, no. But I'm terribly sorry.
По счастью, нет. Но мне и правда очень жаль.

A: I'm glad you're not hurt, but why did you drop the plates?
Я рад, что ты не ушиблась, но почему ты уронила тарелки?

R: I couldn't help it. The plates were too greasy and slippery.
Я ничего не могла с этим поделать. Тарелки были слишком жирными и скользкими.

A: You've got to be careful next time!
Будь осторожнее в следующий раз!

R: I will. I will. Trust me!
Буду, буду. Положись на меня!



money - coins, banknotes and bank deposits used to buy things and to show their value. (деньги)

banknote – a kind of negotiable instrument, a promissory note made by a bank payable to the bearer on demand, used as money, and in many jurisdictions is legal tender. (банкнота)

paper money – money in the form of banknotes, rather than coins or gold. (бумажные деньги)

coin – a piece of metal, usually flat and round, that is used as money. (монета)

plastic money (= credit cards) – plastic cards used to buy things. (кредитные карты)


PT : part-time
на пол ставки

PTO : please turn over
пожалуйста, переверните [страницу]

P-to-P : peer-to-peer

Pty : proprietary

pub : public
общественный, государственный

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