В сегодняшнем и следующих выпусках мы закончим с описанием внешности двух героев. Итак:
The man had no covering upon his head, which was only defended by his own thick hair, matted and twisted together, and scorched by the influence of the sun into a rusty dark-red colour, forming a contrast with the overgrown beard upon his cheeks, which was rather of a yellow or amber hue.
Этап 1. Начинаем читать, обращая внимание на подлежащее и сказуемое:
The manhad no covering upon hishead, which was only defended by his own thick hair, matted and twisted together, and scorched by the influence of the sun into a rusty dark-red colour, forming a contrast with the overgrown beard upon his cheeks, which was rather of a yellow or amber hue.
Здесь подлежащими являются только существительные, а сказуемыми являются глаголы
Had – имел, have– иметь
Was defended –былзащищен, be defended – бытьзащищенным
Was – был, be – быть
Теперь пытаемся связать подлежащее и сказуемое в осмысленные фразы:
The man
Have – иметь
His head
Его голова
Was defended
The beard
Leave – утрачивать, терять
Этап 2. Читаем, выделяя причастия (выделено красным) и предлоги (выделено синим)
The man had no covering upon his head, which was only defended by his own thick hair, mattedandtwisted together, and scorchedby the influence of
the sun into a rusty dark-red colour, forming a contrast with the overgrown beard upon his cheeks, which was rather of a yellow or amber hue.
Matted - всклокоченный
Twisted - спутанный
Scorched – выжженный, спаленный
Forming – создавая
Owergrown – заросший, разросшийся
Upon – на
And – и
By – при (при действии чего-либо)
With – с
Of – указывает на принадлежность к чему-либо
Or – или
Этап 3. Теперь выделяем все местоимения (выделено оранжевым) и существительные (выделено розовым)
The man had no covering upon his head, which was only defended by his own thick hair, matted and twisted together, and scorched by the influence of the sun into a rusty dark-red colour, forming a contrast
with the overgrown beard upon hischeeks, which was rather of a yellow or amber hue.
His – его
Covering – покрытие, здесь: головной убор
Influence – влияние
Sun – солнце
Contrast – контраст
Cheek – щека
Hue – тон, оттенок
Colour – цвет
Этап 4. Теперь попробуем разобраться в прилагательных:
The man had no covering upon his head, which was only defended by his own thick hair, matted and twisted together, and scorched by the influence of the sun into a rustydark-red colour, forming a contrast with the overgrown beard upon his cheeks, which was rather
of a yellow or amber hue.
Thick – густой
Rusty – ржавый
Dark-red – томно-красный
Yellow – желтый
Amber – янтарный
Этап 5. Теперь попробуйте прочитать еще раз и понять смысл написанного:
The man had no covering upon his head, which was only defended by his own thick hair, matted and twisted together, and scorched by the influence of the sun into a rusty dark-red colour, forming a contrast with the overgrown beard upon his cheeks, which was rather of a yellow or amber