The customs union with Belarus and Kazakhstan could lead to a flood of cheap used cars onto the Russian market, threatening to crush domestic auto production.
The union’s three members are supposed to have unified duties as of Jan. 1. The changes will synchronize tariffs for all legal entities, but the unification for individuals will need to be agreed under a separate deal by July 1, 2010, when all customs points between the countries will be closed.
From January to June, Belarussian citizens may import hundreds of thousands of cars to resell in Russia after the borders are opened, Alexei Tereshchenko, strategy director at the Russian and Belarussian dealership Atlant-M, said Friday.
After New Year’s, dealers in Belarus will be in an unenviable position. Tariffs on new cars will jump to Russian levels — 30 percent of the cost, but no less than 1.45 euros ($2.15) per cubic centimeter of engine capacity — from 0.6 euros to 0.7 euros per cubic centimeter now, depending on engine size.
customs union - таможенный союз
unleash - высвобождать
flood - нахлынуть, затопить
threaten – угрожать
crush - уничтожить, сокрушить
supposed - предпологаемый
unified - единообразный
tariff - пошлина
duties - налог, пошлина
entity - организация
separate - отдельный
customs - таможня
resell - перепродать
unenviable - незавидный
cubic centimeter - кубический сантиметр
per - за
The Customs
Kevin (the father): Here we are at the customs. Get out. The porter will bring your bags inside for examination. Вот мы и у таможни. Выходи. Носильщик внесёт твои сумки для осмотра.
Jack (the son): Surely this is not very important. Наверняка это не слишком важно.
K: The examination won't take long. The customs inspectors do not bother much about the luggage of out-going travelers. They are much more particular about the luggage of people arriving in the country. Осмотр не займёт много времени. Таможенники не слишком беспокоятся о проверке багажа отбывающих. Они гораздо обстоятельней когда это касается багажа людей, которые въезжают в страну.
Inspector: Open this one, please. Откройте эту, пожалуйста.
J: Why are they more particular about travelers arriving? А почему они разборчивее с въезжающими?
K: Because some travelers bring in goods that are liable to duty. They have to pay duty, or taxes, on them. If they declare that they have such goods they are told how much they have to pay, and are then allowed to pass through the customs without any trouble. Потому что некоторые путешественники привозят товары, подлежащие обложению налогом. Они должны заплатить за них налог. Если они заявят, что у них есть такие товары - им говорят сколько они должны заплатить, и потом позволяют пройти через таможню без каких-либо проблем.
J: What happens if they do not declare the goods? А что происходит если они не заявят такие товары?
K: if the man says that he has nothing to declare and then some dutiable goods are found in his baggage, there is trouble. Если человек скажет, что у него нечего заявлять, и потом в его багаже найдут товары подлежащие налогооблажению, начинаются проблемы.
J: What happens? Что происходит?
K: The passenger has to pay a fine. Sometimes the goods are confiscated and he is fined in addition. The fine may be more than the value of the goods. Пассажир должен заплатить штраф. Иногда товары конфискуют и его штрафуют вдобавок. Штраф может быть больше, чем стоимость товаров.
I: All right, sir, you can close your suitcase. Here I put my chalk mark on to show that your luggage has been examined. You may go aboard. Всё хорошо, сэр, вы можете закрыть ваш чемодан. Тут я отметил мелом чтобы показать что ваш багаж был проверен. Вы можете подняться на борт.
Market research
research – study of a subject to find out new things about it or to test new ideas, products etc. ((научное) исследование; исследовательская работа)
market research – the activities involved in obtaining information about a particular market, including how much of a product is being sold, who is buying it, why they are buying it etc, or information about what people might buy. (маркетинговое исследование)
concept testing - it is when groups of people who might buy a product are asked for their opinion about an idea for a product. (проверка концепции)
blind test – a way of testing a product in which people are asked to use the product and give their opinion about it without knowing the product's name. (закрытая дегустация)
focus group – a group of consumers who are brought together to discuss their feelings and opinions about products, advertisements, and companies. (фокус-группа)
price elasticity test – is used to assess the degree to which a change in the price of something leads to a change in the amount of it that is sold. (тест на эластичность спроса по цене)
KISS : keep it simple, stupid не будь глупцом и упрощай (заповедь разработчика)
KM : knowledge management управление базами знаний
km : kilometre километр
km/h : kilometres per hour километров в час
l : litre(s) литр(ы)
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