About 100 Russian airlines and other operators that fly to and from Europe will now have to join a European emissions program, facing potential fines for not complying with rules and deadlines.
The list of operators currently flying to the continent, published this weekend by the Official Journal of the European Union, includes many global carriers like Lufthansa and KLM, along with most Russian airlines, and even the Russian Air Force.
Emissions from international aviation increased by 70 percent from 1990 to 2002, and Europe is now including the industry on its emissions trading plan. By 2012, the EU plans to reduce aviation emissions by 3 percent from the average rate calculated between 2004 and 2006. Airlines emitting over the limit would have to buy emissions permits on the carbon market.
face - сталкиваться
fine - штраф
emissions – выхлопы
comply - подчиняться
deadline - конечный срок
global - глобальный
carrier - транспортный самолёт
along with - вместе с
Air Force - военно-воздушные силы
aviation - авиация
reduce - уменьшить, сократить
rate - уровень, величина
emit - испускать, выбрасывать
over - больше
limit - ограничение, допуск
permit - разрешение
Buying a house (2)
Josie: I think I can help you there. Мне кажется, я могу тебе с этим помочь.
Ralf: Really, how? Правда, как?
J: Have you thought about Brownsham? It is well within your budget and in the right district. Ты не думал про Брауншэм? Он вполне вписывается в твой бюджет и находится в правильном районе.
R: It's very old though, the houses can't be good there. I don't want to do a lot of renovation and remodeling. Но он же очень старый, дома там не могут быть хорошими. Я не хочу сильно заниматься ремонтом.
J: Oh you wouldn't have to, they are actually very well taken care of and so cozy. The whole neighborhood has this quaint old town feel, it is very green and has a nice park. О, тебе не придётся, на самом деле за ними хорошо следят и они очень уютные. Там у всей окрестности ощущение причудливого старого городка, там очень зелено и есть хороший парк.
R: That doesn't sound half bad. You know the place then? Это звучит совсем не плохо. Так ты знаешь это место?
J: Yes, I've looked at it when looking to buy a house. It's probably one of the quietest part of town too, it's safe enough, that's for sure. Да, я познакомилась с ним когда думала купить дом. Это ещё наверное и одно из самых тихих мест в городе, покрайней мере там точно достаточно безопасно.
R: I will definitely look into that, thank you. Я обязательно изучу это местечко, спасибо.
J: If you want, I'll go to a couple open houses with you. We can have fun with it. Если хочешь, я схожу с тобой посмотрю на несколько предлогаемых домов. Это может быть весело.
R: Sure thing. We'll combine work with pleasure. Да конечно. Мы совместим работу с развлечением.
bill – a) an itemized account of the separate cost of goods sold, services performed, or work done ; invoice b) an amount expended or owed c) a statement of charges for food or drink. (счет к оплате)
check (= cheque) – a written order, usually on a standard printed form, directing a bank to pay money. (банковский чек)
receipt (= sales slip) – a written acknowledgment of having received a specified amount of money, goods, etc. (товарный, кассовый чек)
document - a written or printed paper furnishing information or evidence, as a passport, deed, bill of sale, or bill of lading; a legal or official paper. (документ)
form - a document with blank spaces to be filled in with particulars before it is executed. (бланк)
coupon - a) a portion of a certificate, ticket, label, advertisement, or the like, set off from the main body by dotted lines or the like to emphasize its separability, entitling the holder to something, as a gift or discount, or for use as an order blank, a contest entry form, etc. b) a separate certificate, ticket, etc., for the same purpose. (купон, талон)
ACDA : Arms Control and Disasrmament Agency Управление по контролю над вооружениями и разоружением
AD : anti-dumping антидемпинг
Ad Val : ad valorem tariff rate тариф "ад валорем" (с объявленной стоимостью)
AFR : Africa Африка
ANE : Asia and Near East Азия и Ближний Восток
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