ANTIPINO, Ivanovo Region — Andrei Kudryashov would be happy to tend a patch of Ivanovo forest in exchange for firewood to heat his drug treatment center this winter.
But the law bars him and many other people without commercial interests from accessing firewood — even if it is gathered by thinning the forest and planting saplings, work that is direly needed in Ivanovo’s forests and others across the country.
“We typically have about 40 people here in the winter, and we have no idea where we will get firewood this year,” said Kudryashov, founder of the Choose Life rehabilitation center for drug users.
People come from all over the country to the small village of Antipino for free treatment, but since they are not locally registered residents they cannot legally obtain firewood for the wood-powered boiler in the two-story building where they live. In the past, the center has obtained permission from timber companies to clear wood scraps from their land, but this summer there are no companies operating legally in the area.
The required forest work, which Kudryashov offers to do for free, is hardly carried out at all in the region, said a forestry official in one of Ivanovo’s districts who asked to remain anonymous for fear of losing his job.
timber - лесоматериалы; строевой лес
tend - ухаживать
patch – участок
bar - запрещать
access - иметь доступ
thin - прорежать
sapling - саженец, молодое деревце
direly - ужасно, страшно
founder - основатель
rehabilitation center - центр реабилитации
obtain - получать
wood-powered - дровяной, работающий на дровах
two-story - двухэтажный
scraps - кусочки, отходы
carry out - выполнять, осуществлять; приводить в исполнение
hardly at all - почти совсем (нет)
forestry - лесничество, лесное хозяйство
At the dentist's
Dr. Morgan: Welcome! What's the problem? Входите! Что случилось?
Jack: Morning, Dr Morgan! I have a toothache on the right upper side. Доброе утро, доктор Морган. У меня болит зуб справа наверху.
Dr. M: Let me take a look at it. Good! Oh, there is a rather deep cavity on the right upper side of the mouth. Позвольте мне взглянуть. Хорошо! О-о! Справа наверху большое дупло в зубе.
J: Will you have to pull the tooth? Вы будете удалять зуб?
Dr. M: I'll do my best to save it. I'd suggest a regular filling. Я постараюсь сделать все возможное, чтобы сохранить его! Я бы посоветовал обычное пломбирование.
J: Do it. Я согласен.
Dr. M: You don't feel pain now, do you? You can eat in two hours. Теперь не болит? Два часа не есть.
J: Thank you, doctor. Спасибо, доктор.
Types of training
train – to teach someone or to be taught the skills and knowledge needed for a particular job. (тренировать, обучать)
on-the-job training (= in-service training) – when someone is taught the skills and knowledge needed to do a particular job while they are working. (обучение по месту работы)
part-time study – studying at the same time as working. (обучение на вечернем отделение)
day release - an arrangement in which a worker is allowed time away from work to go to college. (освобождение от работы на один или несколько дней для повышения квалификации)
course (= training session) - a series of classes in a particular subject. (курсы)
health and safety – protecting employees from illness or injury at work. (гигиена и техника безопасности)
time management – controlling the way you spend your time in order to work as effectively as possible. (управление временем)
presentation skills - how to explain something in a talk to a group of people. (умение вести презентацию)
project management - controlling resources so that a project is done successfully within time and cost limits. (управление проектом)
GAPP : generally accepted accounting principles международные стандарты финансовой отчетности
GAB : general arrangement to borrow всеобщее соглашение по займам