More than half of Russians (53 percent) believe that Russia can become the
most attractive places for living, while 28 percent have the opposite opinion,
a poll conducted by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM) showed.
Some 30 percent of respondents believe that in order for Russia to become a
more attractive place for living, its citizens' wellbeing needs to be improved.
Among other factors Russians named developed economy, good employment opportunities,
Russia's stability and security, as well as high-quality medical care and improved
living conditions.
Some respondents (9 percent) say that a lot depends on the government, while
another 6 percent think that the country's leader should be the person to change
the situation for the better.
Russians also named the following factors that prevented the country from
becoming attractive for living: corruption (15 percent), the outcome of a crisis
(14 percent), lack of stability and order (11 percent), and poverty.
The poll was held on April 12-13, 2008, among 1,600 people in 153 locations
of Russia's 46 constituent parts. The margin of error does not exceed 3.4 percent.
poll – опрос
conducted – проведенный
Russian Public Opinion Research Center – Всероссийский Центр Изучения
Общественного Мнения
respondent – опрошенный
citizens' wellbeing – благосостояние горожан
employment opportunities – возможность трудоустройства
medical care – государственное медицинское обслуживание
outcome – результат, последствие, итог
location – область
constituent part – субъект федерации
margin of error – предел погрешности, допустимая погрешность
Business meeting – for start
Friedrich: …Ok, may I have your attention, please? We are getting down
to business. Ладно, прошу внимания! Приступаем к делу.
Karl: Are we starting, Friedrich? Мы начинаем, Фридрих?
F: Yes, take your seats, please. Right then… On the agenda for our today’s
meeting are results of the last advertising campaign, debriefing, words of thanks
to participants in the negotiations held with our foreign partners and strategy
for a new project. Да, занимайте свои места, пожалуйста. Итак… На повестке дня на сегодняшнем
совещании у нас результаты последней рекламной компании, разбор полетов, слова
благодарности участникам переговоров, проведенных с нашими иностранными партнерами,
и план действий по новому проекту.
K: Yep, if you could go through them in order, it would be great! Ага, если бы ты мог разобрать их все по порядку, это было бы здорово!
F: Thanks, Karl, we’ll try to keep the meeting briefly. So, first of
all I should inform you of results of our last advertising company. That’s why
I want our advertising executive to say a few words… Спасибо, Карл, мы постараемся провести совещание в темпе. Итак, во-первых
я должен сообщить вам о результатах нашей последней рекламной кампании. Поэтому
я хочу, чтобы наш директор по рекламе сказал несколько слов…
Billboard – a large sign placed next to the road with a picture advertising
a product on it (вывеска) Hoarding = billboard – British English
Flyer – small sheets of paper advertising a product, is given out to
people in the street (флайер, листовка)
Junk mail – unwanted advertising material dropped in your letterbox
(почтовая листовка)
Spam – unwanted advertising material sent to your e-mail (спам)
Mailshot – advertising material sent by a company by post to a large
number of people at once (массовая рассылка)
Commercial – advertisement on TV or radio (рекламный ролик)
Web banner – advertisement on a webpage with a link to the website of
an advertiser (интернет-баннер)
Popup – advertisement that appears in a separate window when you are
looking at a website (всплывающее окно)
Product placement – when a product appears in a film or television programme
within the arrangement (продакт плэйсмент, сскрытая реклама)
EBITDA: Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization
Доходы до уплаты процентов, налогов, списаний и начислений амортизации
FB: Freight Bill Грузовая накладная
GAAS: Generally Accepted Auditing Standards Общепринятые стандарты аудита, ГААС
H/F: Held For Хранится для
KD: Knocked Down Сбитая (о цене), минимальная цена на аукционе
Москве: (495)
680-66-73, 507-87-09
или на
Ближайшие вводные уроки состоятся 6, 7 и 8 мая
в 19:20, а также 10 мая в 13:30.
Санкт-Петербурге: Приглашаем
на БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ вводный урок в студии English
Forward по адресу ул. Ломаная, д.11, оф.2. Больше информации
об уроке и курсе по телефонам:(812) 373-52-68, 8-911-778-16-98!
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