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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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RenameNotesUser LotusScript function drops unique OU from hierarchical name

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 443 от 2011-01-21
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Народ, делаю доброе дело - предупреждаю о серьезном баге в дизайне почтовых баз Lotus Domino 8.5.2: не работает функция добавления x509 сертификата при добавлении пользователя в личную АК, если отправитель использовал non-lotus почтовую систему. Т.е. если сотрудник др. организации подписывает письмо и отправляет вам, используя при этом к примеру exchange, то вы, получив это письмо, пытаетесь добавить его в свою АК, чтобы потом иметь возм. отправлять ему шифрованные письма по стандарту s/mime - у вас ничего не получиться(. Сам с этим столкнулся, сделал service request на ibm - в итоге проблему признали, передали команде разработчиков с пометкой high-priority, но в наст. время ее исправлять не будут. Возможно, поправят в след. релизах. Я пока использую шаблон 8.5 - там, если добавляешь нового пользователя с сертификатом, то все ок, а если контакт обновляешь - тож не работает, надо удалить и добавить заново. Вот такие дела. Кстати, если много народу начнет обращаться в Ibm с этой проблемой, дело с исправлением бага значительно ускориться - это намек
Добрый день.

Начал падать сервис STUserInfo.exe, Domino 8.5.2 FP1, Sametime 8.5.1

Process c:\Lotus\Domino\STUserInfo.exe (xxxx/xxxx) has terminated abnormally

Ни кто не сталкивался с подобной проблемой? Или хотя бы мысли в какую сторону покапать?
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Tips. Советы

Tom Steenbergen says, if you're used to using @DbColumn or @DbLookup, XPages is a little different. He's included some code to help you understand the differences.

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TLCC is offering live instructor led classes on XPages development, on-line, so you can get TLCC's training regardless of your location. And you get continued instructor support in the course discussions for an additional six months.

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Tap here for more information and to try a free demo course!

Chris Miller has posted this week's podcast with the subject of "NerdGirls at Lotusphere part 2". If you missed Part 1, check the IdoNotes Archive for Episode 90.

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Steve McDonagh want you to know, the prize drawing is not just for Lotusphere2011 attendees. Tickets can be purchased can be purchased via Paypal and prizes will be shipped.

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You might have noticed that, of late, I've been undertaking a bit of an IT audit about here. Starting with my online security review and then, more recently, changing how I manage photos.

What's came out of the exercise is that I'm now "embracing the cloud". I keep telling Karen this and she says something along the lines of "Embracing the cloud? What the hell are you talking about!? Shurrup".

Somebody suggested I put all my passwords in the cloud. At first I thought that was crazy. Then, on reflection, realised it made perfect sense and now I have complete peace of mind that I'll never forget my passwords and can use them from any device (that supports 1Password).

Now I just can't stop myself from putting all the files that are important to me in to the Dropbox folder. Starting with all my Office document which relate to the running of Rockall Design - namely the one Excel file I've used for invoicing for the last 8 years, but also all Word invoice files and other bits.

Next I plan on moving local code files to Dropbox. Such as Flex project folders and Visual Studio folders. At the moment a daily backup task copies all local code files to the NAS box I mentioned. No reason, that I can see, why I can't just put them in Dropbox.

None of this is really cloud-computing though, is it. It's just fancy synchronised backup.

My only real use of cloud computing so far is that I've started using Google Docs to store "Excel" documents that I would traditionally have passed back-n-forth with clients to track project issues. I know there are better ways of doing this but some clients just prefer a spread-sheet and Docs makes this a lot easier than emailing versioned copies of a file.

There's no doubting the cloud will play an increasing part of our computing futures. For now though I'm only really happy if I know there's a copy of a file on a PC I can physically touch. I'm just a bit old-fashioned like that.

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Don McNally explains, step-by-step, with pictures, how to configure Single Category Views in External Notes Databases.

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Francie Tanner says this workspace background has been around for years but, if you haven't seen it before, she provides instructions on how to find it.

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Lotusphere Online is on-line, and active. You can now get up-to-date info on all the events associated with Lotusphere, join Communities, and more.

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Let us know how we can assist you with your migration.
  • Do you have Rich Text Fields that need to be exported?
  • Do you wish to combine main documents with their response documents and put them or store them together?
  • Do you wish for metadata to be combined with your documents?
  • Do you have multi-value fields?
  • Do you wish to enhance and clean up the data while exporting?
Email sales@integra4notes.com today. Visit us at Lotusphere on booth #601.

Download our 15 day trial by registering on the Integra for Notes website.

Roy Rumaner is trying to help someone with an out-of-support installation. It appears something is over-writing changes made in an agent in the middle of the night. If you have any suggestions, Roy would like to hear from you.

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Dad has weighed in on the photo storage debate with an interesting point about longevity of the storage medium.

In his email was this photo of my Great Great Granddad, Solomon Howlett.

Solamon Howlett 01

He was born in 1871, which, assuming he's about 19 when it was taken, makes the photo about 120 years old. As he pointed out, it would have spent some time out on display (as to have a photo of oneself back then was quite something) in sunlight but has spent most of its life in a tin somewhere. Either way it's survived two world wars.

Dad's point being - will my digital photos be around in the year 2130!?

It's a good question and one I can only guess at. Who knows where technology will be by then?

The other point he raised is storage costs. A photo in a tin for 100 years costs the price of the tin (free?). Using Dropbox for the next 120 years would cost me $12,000!

The easy answer is always "I'll be dead but then, so I don't care". But I do care. I want my great, great, great (etc) grandchildren to be able to see their ancestors. Something tells me printing photos and keeping them in a sealed tin (buried in the garden) is the best bet?

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Bas van Gestel
Tags: column properties apply to all
 I like the option "Apply to all" in Column properties -> Header and Body tabs.
However IMHO it should not change the justification of the column text or header of all columns.

Author: Dwain Wuerfel
Tags: product domino notes promote
I have been interested in using what I have learned of Lotus Notes/Domino for quite some time now to put a database on the web for different uses, but doing so is a bit of a challenge.  The challenge is finding sites that will host your database at a reasonable cost with all the functions needed, i.e. NAB, to really make it work like it should.
So, it would be great if IBM would provide some domain that the supporters of the product could use to upload their databases, create blogs, or create wikis that could help in promoting the product with friends and family.
Maybe this is already available and I have not had any luck in finding this, but if not I hope IBM steps up and shows their true support of the product we love.  Afterall, according to Duffbert's recent post they have no shortfall of money to do so.

Author: Benetta Perry
Tags: calendar meetings global
create a calendar feature which seemlessly and automatically provides the user with an immediate indicator of if the meeting time is an appropriate time for their global colleagues or clients. Please see the attachment for details

Author: Benetta Perry
Tags: calendar meetings global
Create a calendar feature which seemlessly and automatically provides the user with an immediate indicator of if the meeting time is an appropriate time for their global colleagues or clients. Please see the attachment for details

Author: Benetta Perry
Tags: delegate delegation meeting invites
Allow any chair for a meeting to be delegated. Today, the meeting has to be cancelled and rescheduled by the new person, if the chair is gone or on vacation. Allow us to transfer the chair of the meeting. Currently only the chair can update the meeting notice in any way and the chair might be out sick.

The Lotusphere Online system that opened yesterday comes with a mobile interface: http://www.lsonline.info/m The apps highlighted below have been implemented using the XPages Mobile Controls from OpenNTF for WebKit based browsers. The ...
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Статьи и Документация

When using the renameNotesUser method in LotusScript on a user that has a unique OU you notice that it drops this from the hierarchical format of the id used.
Steps to add a system environment variable 1. Add the environment variable using the ADDENVVAR command. For example: ADDENVVAR ENVVAR(QIBMBINDRESOLVERFLAGS) VALUE('RESNOCHECKNAME') LEVEL(SYS) 2. If you are accessing the system via a 5250 or "green screen" session, sign off and ...
This topic describes known Apple device restrictions and limitations with IBM® Lotus Notes® Traveler. h2 Setup and login h2 Table 1. Setup and login issues Problem Details Microsoft® Exchange account setup fails when setting up an account with Lotus Notes Traveler. Verify that the mobile user ...
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