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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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How to use the Out Of Office (OOO) diagnostic tool

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 438 от 2011-01-10
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


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Tips. Советы

As everyone gets ready for Lotusphere, and June seems far away, THE VIEW has begun accepting abstracts and session ideas for the Admin2011 and Lotus Developer2011 conferences.

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Episode 15 features Mitch Cohen discussing The Blogger Open mini-golf tournament scheduled for the Thursday evening during Lotusphere.

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Ben Langhinrichs has been working on the Lotusphere 2011 Sessions database and Virtual Bookstore. This page explains how the Virtual Bookstore works so you can order your copy of "Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom", which brings to mind all sorts of wonderful visuals.

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The Lotus Technical Information and Education Community group has posted the Xpages Documentation Wiki template on OpenNTF.org for your use. This page explains some of what it does.

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By Mick Moignard

About this article
Just before the holidays, we ran the first part of this article -- Why Notes and Domino are often misunderstood -- by everyone's favorite Senior Technical Editor, Mick Moignard. With Lotusphere upon us in just a few short weeks, both of these articles are important food for thought. Here, then, without further ado, is the second part of Mick's important discussion.

What can we do about negative misconceptions?
If you start on the standard objections that we've all tried before, you'll likely not get very far.

But, depending exactly on your organisation, there's quite a lot that can be done -- or at least tried, especially these days, with so much pressure on costs and efficiency.

Tap here to read the rest of this very important article.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Atilla Öztürk
Tags: bookmarks community tags social networking networking social
Having this nice feature since Connections 2.0 (AFAIK), I don't see any reasons why this doesn't exist in Quickr?
We have Blogs. We have Wikis. We have Forums. As long a place/blog/wiki is open to the public (at least as anonymous reader), social bookmarking makes sense, I guess...

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: oneui xpages blog templates openntf
Now we are getting more and more applications on XPages using the same theme, we can somehow group these applications together into an 'application suite'.
However the domino blog template is still based on traditional Domino design principles, so this will make it time consuming for customers to modify this DB so it can use one of the themes on a Domino server.
It would be much easier if the Domino Blog template would be based on XPages and let is use a common theme on the server.
The Domino XPages framework has capabilities to provide a simple navigation structure to link applications to each other.
This post differs a bit from the linked idea, since for step 1 I would like to have a simple interface.
Link to domino template on openntf:

Declan Sciolla-Lynch has released a major update to his fileSendr project giving the administrator of the system the option to integrate into the Amazon S3 cloud for storage of files. Declan describes in his blog the new functionality. Here is a ...
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Статьи и Документация

In case the Lotus Notes/Domino Out Of Office (OOO) does not work properly, IBM Support has provided a diagnostic tool to troubleshoot the most common problems that can be encountered. How do you use the OOO diagnostic tool?
Error opening database, 0x103, IBM Lotus Domino Attachment and Object Service Estimator, ASCII, Ebcdic, .ind, indirect, (.ind), DAOS, daos, load daosest
For each new database to be created in Lotus Notes/Lotus Domino, the administrator must individually enable the database property, "Use LZ1 compression for attachments". Can this property be set automatically?
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