Полностью написал приложение для Notes-клиента на LotusScript, теперь возникли вопросы с тонким клиентом. Можно как-то вызывать из JavaScript те же методы, которые у меня описаны в LotusScript библиотеках или все нужно теперь переписывать заново?
У меня возникла проблема с циклической зависимость между несколькими библиотеками.
Можно как-то сделать, чтобы Use подключал библиотеки только если они еще не подключены? Т.е., например, в С++ Include подключает библиотеку только если она не подключена ранее, то есть можно не опасаться, что библиотека будет подключена сама в себя через другую (тот же эффект дает require_once в PHP).
Данная ветка посвящена набору в специализированную группу Lotus Team, в которую входят лучшие Lotus специалисты нашего форума.
Что дает участие в группе?
участие в любой группе - это определенный статус на форуме.
Требования к вступлению в группу.
50-75 конструктивных сообщений в профильных ветках на форуме.
Для вступления в группу необходимо одобрение одного из участников Lotus Team.
Весь процесс голования открытый, никаких личных сообщений! Вы пишите заявку в эту тему, если Вашу кандидатуру одобряют, то администрация изменит Вашу группу.
Здесь никакого флуда! Только заявки и связанные вопросы. Весь флуд ЗДЕСЬ
P.S. Так как некоторые личности говорили, что добавлять в группу некого, привожу хотя бы примерный список тех, кто может быть добавлен в группу (это личное имхо, все указанные - просто пример, и те, кого не указала - это не значит, что не достойны): lmike, Constantin A Chervonenko, Akupaka, VladSh, NickProstoNick, RAJ, turumbay, xalet, Мыш ...
Keith Brooks found that updating his Connectors client changed the way files opened. After determining this was the new "default", he found a way to change how the Connector worked without rolling back to the old version.
LEARN XPAGE DEVELOPMENT IN YOUR OWN OFFICE/HOME! Learn XPages at your own pace and at your place with TLCC's XPage courses. Unlike video offerings, TLCC's courses include many demonstrations and activities you do "live" in Domino Designer. An expert instructor is a click away if you need help. TLCC has two XPage development courses, each one is four days of training. Learn XPages from the Leader in Notes and Domino Training!
If there were an imaginary town called Lotus, where would codestore fit in? As an antiques and curiosities shop perhaps? A museum of times gone by? The oldest building in town kept standing through preservation orders and grants from the government whilst getting in the way of progress.
What you on about Jake?
Well, there's a charity effort underway pre-LotusSphere to raise money for the Children's Cancer Association. It's the idea of Bruce Elgort and the London Developer Co-Op.
As I understand it there's a raffle to be held on UK night at LotusSphere and one of the prizes is a copy of the following pixel-art poster of Lotus World.
The little building you can see revealed in one corner is where I live and is called "Ye Olde Codestore".
It would be too easy to read in to why I'm on the outskirts of town in an olde worlde shoppe, so I won't. I have it on good authority it wasn't their intention to make it appear this way ;-) Not that I would mind either way.
IBM should showcase the vision it has for using Lotus Products to build Web 2.0 capabilities with its own Web site. As Bob points out, there are little (if any) links provided to communicate material on ibm.com via facebook, twitter, connections etc. And surely the ideas represented in Project Vulcan have been refine dto the point where they could start to be used on the Web site. When I go to a product page (for example Domino Designer) i should see a stream of blog articles, wiki pages, press releases, case studies etc.) related to that topic. Maybe then i would have a better understanding why my company needs IBM/Lotus.
Jennifer Heins, Craig Lordan and the
IBM ID team have contributed an extended version of Steve Castledine's
Wiki to OpenNTF - XPages
Documentation Wiki. This extended
version is (almost) the version that is used for the IBM product ...
10, 2011 Once again, the Lotus Awards program
will include an open source category for Lotusphere 2011 - Maximizing Value
with an Open Source Solution. The category is described in a high
level on the 2011 ...
Archive command does not archive a place that already exists in the archive directory. Woulb be nice we have an argument to replace Place directory if already exist. Or another way to create incrementall archive backups.
Idea is create a Program Document set to take Weekly Backups for all Places in the Server, but keep copies also from 4 weeks ago or something similar.
Many of our customers need to archive a folder and all its subfolders in an easy way. Now they have to enter each folder, select all mails in that folder and archive them.
A right click on a folder should show a menu with something like "Archive all".
The number of downloads has increased
last year again. We had 154.000 downloads in 2010 compared to 128.000 in
2009 and 104.000 in 2008. Thanks again for using OpenNTF and a
special thanks as always to our ...
Customer notices several of these messages scrolling across the console, "Unable to write activity data: Reached the maximum size allowed for an activity note". Performance does not seem to slow down if caught and corrected in time.
body br p This table contains features described in the "What’s new in the Lotus Notes 8.5.x client" topics of the IBM Lotus Notes 8.5 Information Center and the IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5 Reviewer's Guide. Each row indicates the minimum server version, ODS, and template required for ...
IBM will host an Open Mic conference call with Lotus Development and Support Engineers on 12 January 2011. The topic will be "Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) for Domino and the RIM BlackBerry client."
You have either implemented a policy to allow user initiated Java updates in the client, or put the line com.ibm.notes.branding/enable.update.ui=true in the plugin_customization.ini file, you notice that the File - Application - Install menu still does not display
What causes the following warning error to appear when installing a Notes hotfix or Fix Pack on Unix platforms? How can it be avoided? "Error: The minimum supported terminal size is 80 columns by 24 rows. Please ensure that the terminal/window used is at least this size, and that the environment vars COLUMNS and LINES are set correctly. (use "resize" ?)"
Press play to watch the video object width"640" height"385"param name"movie" value"http:www.youtube.comvkvGmnoYW8lM?fs1amp;hlenUS"paramparam name"allowFullScreen" value"true"paramparam name"allowscriptaccess" value"always"paramembed ...
Follows these steps when upgrading the Lotus Notes® Traveler server. Note: For detailed system requirements, see this article: http:www.ibm.comsupportdocview.wss?uidswg27019476Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.2 System Requirements. In general, you should upgrade both Domino® and Lotus Notes ...
This topic describes memory, thread, and ActiveSync timeout considerations for the performance of the IBM® Lotus Notes® Traveler server. h2 Memory h2 If you are running the Lotus Notes Traveler server on a 32bit Microsoft® Windows® operating system, then you may need to take steps to reduce ...