Переодически около 2-3 раз в день падает сервак, причины падения точно определить пока не удается. Прогнал логи через LND, в результате чего получаю следующее. Поиск в базе знаний IBM, ни к чему пока не привел. В каком направлении копать ? Заранее благодарен за предоставленные ответы :-) Build: 8.5 (64-bit server) OS: Windows/Longhorn 6.1 (64-bit) (Build 7600), PlatID=2, (8 Processors) Host Name: SRV01 Date: Wed Aug 18 12:03:47 2010
INTEGRA FOR NOTES - THE AWARD WINNING LOTUS NOTES TO MICROSOFT OFFICE & LOTUS SYMPHONY INTEGRATION SOLUTION Integra generates Notes data to Microsoft Word, Excel, and Lotus Symphony, allowing end users to analyse and present data using Graphs, Pivot Tables, Filters, etc. Supports Mail Merge and Labels. No installation required, on the end user's workstation.
Through the optional use of Integra's event driven model, it provides a depth of access to data & computational capability, which is unique in the industry.
One of the things that struck me about the iPad was the need for a "PC" in order to start it. When I removed it from the box and turned it on I was told to connect it to iTunes via USB.
Once connected to your computer the iPad can find out what Apple account you want to use with it and setup a sync between the devices. If I didn't happen to own a Mac then I'd have been a bit stuck at this point, as there appeared to be no way past this step.
Had I known about this then I might not have recommended one some time back to to a friend-of-a-friend who was looking for "a new laptop" and had a budget of "about 400GBP". After checking he didn't need Office I suggested an iPad and he later bought one. Whether he had a PC in the house or not I don't know.
The likelihood is that he had an old laptop he wanted to replace and with which he activated the iPad. To do it the iPad way and to keep the apps he's bought he'd have to keep the old laptop handy. Whereas I'd imagine his intention would have been to get rid of it.
This stopped my recommending it to my real Dad who has had a play and was suitably impressed (mainly impressed by how much better BBC News app is than Ceefax).
At the moment dad use an out-dated XP desktop PC, use of which is confined to one room in the house - even though he now has wireless broadband. An iPad would be perfect for what he needs. It's just this need for a "real" computer. Does this mean the iPad can never be considered a "real" computer in itself?
in domino desiger tools menu, beside "recompile all" a new action "remove flag prohibit design refresh or replace to modify" will be nice. currently i'm using ytria or teamstudio tools for this, but this funktion is basic and so IBM Lotus should create it.
IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.2 comes with a new feature called XPages extensibility. See here for the XPages Extensibility API Documentation and here for a podcast (podcast) about it. Get the sample code from ...
The new release contains the full Dojo 1.5 imported into the NSF. This makes the setup much simpler. Now you can copy the two NSFs simply to your data directory and run the app. There is also a new control 'ModalWindow' in it using the WINK ...
Server instability for i-series has been encountered across several releases. After several years of customer experience with the same problem, more data was available which helped point to what is more likely the root cause ( copies of FTI's generated on another platform) which is not a supported configuration.
The Domino Diagnostic Probe (DDP) is a small Java utility provided by Lotus Support to monitor Lotus Domino servers (Domino 8.x and above). It intended to be used for servers that have been intermittently slow or unresponsive. The probe is a Java process (dbopen.jar) that runs in the background. The utility probes a specific Domino server over time by invoking database open transactions. If it detects a slow response it will invoke NSD (Notes System Diagnostic) to gather diagnostic data. This data is used
This article describes the new IBM® Lotus® Connections 2.5 migration tool, including its architecture, how to use it, and how to troubleshoot errors and perform a recovery. The new migration tool is based on Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) technology and provides a simple, effective way to migrate all necessary artifacts, freeing you from manually reapplying configurations.
Notes and Domino 8.5.2 enables power users and administrators to add a new attribute to the palleteItem attribute in a widget's XML definition to specify a custom icon to use in the sidebar view/title bar.
This release of Domino adds functionality to the IMAP server to help support the ability for clients to failover from one Domino server to another when the user's primary mail server is unavailable.
Using either the Notes Client, Domino Administrator Client, or Domino Designer Client, a customer can force the client to perform ODS upgrades of all local databases.
Notes and Domino 8.5.2 enables you to set a default double-click action to open widgets in the sidebar, a new window, a float window, or a tab. The default does not impact widgets that have a predetermined double-click action defined in their XML.
In 8.5.2 the Directory Assistance template database name is changed from da50.ntf to da.ntf, and there are several field additions and modifications to the Directory Assistance form.
An administrator can use the Managed Replicas tab in the Desktop Settings document to set a policy that, for users affected by the policy, marks any existing local mail replica as a managed replica, and, if desired, creates a new managed replica if no local replica exists.
Managed mail users can't disable the Out Of Office agent from server replica if it was set on a managed replica and a replication hasn't taken place to the server replica.
The Lotus Notes 8.5.2 preview guide is available for you to distribute to your users for new installations and upgrades to Lotus Notes. This guide is designed to help your users become productive on the new software quickly, and to provide them with links to documentation resources for further ...
The Lotus® Notes® Traveler 8.5.2 preview guide is available for you to distribute to your users for new installations and upgrades to Lotus Notes Traveler. This guide can help your users quickly become productive on the new software, and provides them with links to documentation resources for ...
Lotus Notes user performs a search in the Inbox of the mailfile and then selects documents to be deleted. Initiating this action will generate an error "Entry not found in Index" and delete the corresponding documents.
New users Preview Guide
The Lotus Notes preview guide is a good introduction to Lotus Notes if you are a new user, and a great summary for experienced ones. It provides a quick sampling of what's new, what's changed, and links to multimedia, help, and more. Reference card
Use the ...
To read a text version of this video, scroll down to the Welcome section in this wiki article. To watch the video, click the play button. iframe src"http:public.dhe.ibm.comsoftwaredwlotustravelertraveleriphoneinstalltraveleriphoneinstall.html" width"640" height"480" iframe ...