Как получить доступ к объекту DOM на BeforePageLoad в Xpage для программного изменения содержания страницы? Пробовал так: var dom = currentDocument.getDocument(true) var dom = doc.getDOM()
В отладчике выходит: Ошибка вызова метода 'getDOM()' для объекта типа 'lotus.domino.local.Document
Здравствуйте., уважаемые программисты. Я начинающий администрировать программист Lotus. Появилась необходимость поднять отдельный lotus Domino сервер. Такой вопрос - в каких случаях необходиомо ставить почтовый домен и как это сделать (в общих чертах)? Насколько я понимаю, почтовый домен нужен для использования лотусной почты для сообщения с миром ? Какие сложности могут возникнуть в процессе поднятия домена ? Заранее благодарен за любую помощь...
Здравствуйте, уважаемые администраторы Lotus. Такой вопрос - на какие факторы ориентироваться при выборе конфигурации для Domino сервера. Есть исходные данные - количество баз (1), количество пользователей, количество документов в базе, количество ежедневного притока документов, наверное можно как-то в логах проанализировать ежедневное количество запросов к базе (вот этот момент бы прояснить) ...На что опираться при выборе железа и чем руководствоваться ? Заранее благодарен за любую помощь и информацию)
Добрый день! Подскажите кто как решает вопрос по реализации транзакционной записи в БД. В большей степени интересует работа через C API, но можно и к LotusScript. Если будут какие-то готовые решения, то вообще замечательно :-) При создании документов мне видится пока один вариант: отдельно вести список созданных документов, при завершении транзакции очищать этот список. Если транзакция не завершена, то считывать из списка все доки и удалять их из БД. С изменениями полей посложнее будет, т.к. надо хранить предыдущие значения. И при откате транзакции может возникнуть ситуация, что мне надо восстановить поле, которое после меня уже кто-то изменил... Буду рад любым идеям :-)
I wish NotesDatabase..FilePath would consistently return a path relative to the Notes Data folder, whenever Notes Data is on a database's path.
Currently it returns an absolute path not only for databases outside Notes Data (which is o.k. of course), but also for any local database replicas, even when they have Notes Data on their path. This behaviour requires unnecessary fiddling with case distinctions to ensure that a piece of code making use of NotesDatabase..FilePath functions equally on a server and locally.
We use the "Employee ID" field for the users. During registration it would be nice if we could populate that instead of going back to manually input. If you are registering one user it is not that big of a deal but when registering multiple users it becomes cumbersome. Under the registration window there is already an "Other" tab, it would be nice if they allowed adding different fields within the person document to be populated during registration. :P help us admins out!!
Add an extra optional boolean parameter "RemovePermanently" to the Remove (doc, viewentry) and RemoveAll (doccollection, viewentrycollection).
Defaults to False and optional to not break existing code.
a) I hardly ever see RemovePermanently in code. Odd.. since Soft Deletions IMHO should be used mainly for user mistakes. Adding it as a parameter, code completion would show the option to developer, resulting in the developer questioning "Is it worth to keep a softdeletion of this dummy doc??"
b) There is no RemoveAllPermanently...
You know... The performance penalty of having many soft deleted documents is huge!
How can a user easily see which communities another member is a part of? This is a useful indication of the topics people are interested in or more importantly experts in.
it is shown in the business card but should be clearer on profile page.
It would be useful if organisation level tags could be implemented and say highlighted red with user defined tags in blue. Could prevent tag confusion. It would also be useful to be able to have the ability to append description to tags.
For example wherever a users status is shown I should be able to recommend, notify or comment on that status. the display should be consistent eg in top updates section on 2.5 you cant comment you have to go through to the profile page. The ability to notify other users about a status or blog post would also be useful. expanding the recommenfdation engine to more items could also be used to form the basis of some sort of social currency/community equity for users e.g. Aden has 100 items recommended by others.
It would be nice if in the admin client the server console could be open in a new window and/or could be visible/hidden on the side like the sidebar.
It would also be useful to be able to open multiple server consoles so that an administrator would be able to see or work with 2+ server consoles at one time.
some users may be interested in skipping some emails from being synchronized with traveler... for example to exclude some special emails based on the subject, or only to sync emails meeting special conditions. For example in my case when I'm at the office I'm interested in receiving emails coming from a personal forum... but when I'm out of the office I don't want these emails to be sync (they make me loose time).
You have several users that have a very old replica of a Notes™ database and have not replicated it with the server in over 30 days. When they do replicate, old documents that have long since been deleted from the server's replica return.
In Lotus Notes, you are unable to overlay the calendar for a person who's name contains an apostrophe. For example, in the Notes calendar, click Show Calendars (My Calendars) and select the user's calendar as the calendar type to add. Add a user name that contains an apostrophe. You will see that the name is never added to the navigator.
IBM Lotus Notes Client Basic 8.5.1 Fix Pack 4 for W32/ Type: Incremental Installer / Release Date: 04 August 2010. See 'More info' link above for additional information.
IBM Lotus Domino Server 8.5.1 Fix Pack 4 for W64/ Type: Incremental Installer / Release Date: 4 August 2010. See 'More info' link above for additional information.
IBM Lotus Domino Server 8.5.1 Fix Pack 4 for AIX/ Type: Incremental Installer / Release Date: 4 August 2010. See 'More info' link above for additional information.
IBM Lotus Domino Server 8.5.1 Fix Pack 4 for AIX64/ Type: Incremental Installer / Release Date: 4 August 2010. See 'More info' link above for additional information.
IBM Lotus Domino Server 8.5.1 Fix Pack 4 for Solaris/ Type: Incremental Installer / Release Date: 4 August 2010. See 'More info' link above for additional information.
IBM Lotus Domino Server 8.5.1 Fix Pack 4 for Linux/ Type: Incremental Installer / Release Date: 4 August 2010. See 'More info' link above for additional information.
IBM Lotus Domino Server 8.5.1 Fix Pack 4 for zLinux/ Type: Incremental Installer / Release Date: 4 August 2010. See 'More info' link above for additional information.
To forward a message to someone whose email provider can read only plain text, you can use InternetStyle Forward. Select the email and then click Forward InternetStyle Forward above the message list. This option sends the message in plain text, so Internet mail providers (which sometimes can ...
At a recent call of the Lotus Technical Information and Education community, Ed Brill and Art Fontaine talked about future opportunities for Lotus Notes and Domino developers and administrators.
Using Lotus Domino Italian Language Pack 7.0.3, a new password does not become effective even though it changed the HTTP password using the "Enter Password" button of the Person document in the Domino directory.
Here are descriptions for the icons in Notes Mail, Calendar, and To Do. To see these descriptions when you hover over icons, follow these instructions: In standard Notes
Click File Preferences (Macintosh OS X users: Click Lotus Notes Preferences), click Basic Notes Client Configuration, ...
You are copying a message containing an image into a new calendar entry by right-clicking on the message from the Inbox view and selecting Copy Into New - Calendar Entry. The message will paste successfully into the new calendar entry, but when the "Send" button is clicked to send the calendar entry, the Notes client will crash.