ISO 8601 is an international unique format on dates and time. In the purpose for easily handling of dates, i.e. import and exports, this format should be supported directly in LotusScript etc.
LotusScript functions like DateValue and CDat should be possible to handle a ISO 8601 formated string representing the date and time.
LotusScript Format function should be extended with parameters for ISO 8601 formats (multiple).
ISO 8601 is an international unique format on dates and time. In the purpose for easily handling of dates, i.e. import and exports, this format should be supported directly in LotusScript etc.
LotusScript functions like DateValue and CDat should be possible to handle a ISO 8601 formated string representing the date and time.
LotusScript Format function should be extended with parameters for ISO 8601 formats (multiple).
The server names listed on the server monitor tab in the admin client should be hotspots that switch to that server. This makes servers only one click away instead of having to first click on the domain bookmark in the left margin.
Lotus Notes Applications for team mail or team workflows does not have a "primary" person who should work for this. A group of people should reply or take an action for a request. We need unread marks per application - anyone have read that note, will be the answer.
Currently you have to make a script to mark a document read/unread - it will change the document. If it will work like unread marks, you will not change the note - it will be stored in an unread mark table on the server.
Lotus Notes Applications for team mail or team workflows does not have a "primary" person who should work for this. A group of people should reply or take an action for a request. We need unread marks per application - anyone have read that note, will be the answer.
Currently you have to make a script to mark a document read/unread - it will change the document. If it will work like unread marks, you will not change the note - it will be stored in an unread mark table on the server.
Or something like an other idea: (it is not able to link that post with the other - "too many entries")
currently i'm not able to link an idea with subjects starting with "r"..."s"...."w".... - the option item ends wit "o..". expand the option to link ideas or use an other technic - it will be also better to handle with some filters or search options.
IBM is hosting an Open Mic conference call with Lotus Development and Support Engineers to discuss XPages & Domino Designer on Wednesday, August 18th, 2010.
This document provides download information for Notes/Domino 8.0.2 Fix Packs, including Passport Advantage part numbers, eAssembly part numbers, and Fix Central Fix IDs.
IBM is hosting an Open Mic conference call with Lotus Development and Support Engineers to discuss Lotus Notes 8.5.1 Upgrade & Deployment Best Practices on Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010.
Lotus Support Engineers hosted an Open Mic conference call onJul 29, 2010 to discuss the topic "DAOS - An Overview" . This document contains questions and answers and the slide presentation from the Open Mic call
Lotus Support Engineers hosted an Open Mic conference call on Jun 17, 2010 to discuss "Transaction Logging - Deep Dive". This document contains questions and answers and the slide presentation from the Open Mic call
Smart Upgrade is not aware that a Standard only hotfix that does not combine core changes has been applied to a Lotus Notes client. The reason is that the hotfix is only Java related.