This is a LotusScript function to loop through columns and view entries and create a csv file for the whole view's contents. The first line output is the column headings (this assumes no commas). Subsequent lines are output for each NotesViewEntry.
При создании лог-репорта (топ 25) отчт формируется с одной строкой, в которой написано "Unable to run report, check the domino MessageTrack Store", где ремонтировать надо?
А какую информацию необходимо получить, по сути настройки сервера хранятся либо в notes.ini либо в документе сервера. Насчет IBM Lotus Notes SQL Driver, глючная весчь, но работает. Она вытягивает по представлениям из полей документа данные. Нужно знать...
После неожиданного краха клиента Lotus Notes 8.5.1 процесс nsd.exe грузит процессор на 90%. Причём запускается от имени SYSTEM и снять этот процесс с правами пользователя нельзя. Поиск в интернете привёл к следующим способам отключения диагностики: 1. Запуск в пакетном файле nsd -detach (видимо при старте системы) 2. Добавить в notes.ini строчку APIDevloper = 1 (непонятно какой, кстати, у меня 3 notes.ini, в %systemroot%, %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Lotus\Notes\Data, %userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Lotus\Notes\Data) 3. Отключить службу HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Lotus Notes Diagnostics в реестре.
Теперь вопрос: какие последствия для работы клиента Лотус это повлечёт и какой из вариантов отключения предпочтительней?
Здравствуйте, уважаемые. Ситуация следующая: Поставил триальный Lotus Notes 8.5 на Ubuntu 10.04 Установился без ошибок, при первом запуске попросил добавить пару библиотек, что и было сделано. Запускается, выдает все окна типа "Контакты", "Календарь" и т.д. НО, при попытке создать, например, контакт открывает новую вкладку, в которой вообще ничего не видно и собственно в ней ни одной активной кнопки. Кто сталкивался, подскажите, плз..
Не могу вызвать вебсервис с авторизацией. На вебсервере Domino включена авторизация. Вызов делаю из Notes, вебсервис лежит в базе на Domino
... Dim swsdl As String sWSDL = "http://server/db.nsf/test?wsdl" Dim client As Variant Set Client =CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient30") Call Client.mssoapinit (sWSDL) Ругается тут
По видимому необходимо в url передавать username и password. Думается как то так "http://server/db.nsf/test?wsdl &username=user&password=pass & Login ". Это верный путь? Не подскажете формат url для авторизации на вебсервере Domino?
Столкнулся с проблемкой. Создаю Reminder с помощью LotusScript. Когда вручную меняю даты Reminder-а, во View он все равно остается с той же датой с которой он был создан.
NEW COURSE - LEARN XPAGE DEVELOPMENT! Learn how to develop XPages with TLCC's new course, Developing XPages using Domino Designer 8.5. Learn XPages at your own pace and at your place. An expert instructor is a click away if you need help. Not just a collection of sample exercises, Developing XPages Using Domino Designer 8.5 is a complete and comprehensive course that will give you a thorough understanding of this exciting new technology in Domino.
Anybody who has used Flex 4 might, like me, have been stopped in their tracks by how different the UI of the default Flex components are. For example, here are some common components from each.
As you can see Flex 3 did a good job of removing the need to add your own style. You just add the components and you're done. This to me was a massive bonus and one of things I've always loved about Flex. This has all changed in Flex 4 though. Here's a snippet from the article on making the transition from Flex 3 to 4 from which I stole the above screenshot:
This is 100% on purpose. Skinning in Flex 3 is rather time consuming and clunky. Couple that with the fact that the mx components donÔÇÖt look half bad and we've all ended up with a lot of apps that looked basically the same. Adobe REALLY wants us to take advantage of the new skinning capabilities in Spark, so they made sure the default wouldnÔÇÖt pass client muster.
This to me is a bit like the controversial "bus plug" scheme here in Gedling. The council spent 11 million on a new road to bypass an old one that got too congested. Instead of just letting the new road do its job and relieve the old road of some traffic they plugged the old one so you can't use it. It's perverse and means most of our regular journeys are now 2 miles longer than they need be.
So, Adobe are forcing us to work their way. The only thing with that is that you need to learn how to work their way, which takes time (a good starting point is to read the article I mentioned earlier). For me, I just don't have the time to learn all this new stuff and so I'm going about it the slow way; picking bits up here and there as I go. Although I am using Flash Builder 4 I'm doing so with the old Halo theme applied to my projects (using the Themes pane in the Project Properties box) and using a heavy mix of Spark (new) and MX (old) components.
If at some point it all clicks and I agree with the others I've heard say this is the best thing ever then I'll let you know. For now though I kind of wish it was like before. That said, Flash Builder 4 is a much better IDE and worth upgrading even if you just developer Flex 3-based apps in it.
My favourite tech books are O'Reilly. My favourite O'Reilly books are the Nutshell ones -- exactly what you want to know and nothing more. No nonsense and none of the author trying to be funny.
Within minutes it proved useful as it fell open on the page about sending SMTP mail, which happened to be on my to-do list. Turns out sending HTML-based emails via SMTP with ASP.NET is so, so blissfully easy when you come at it from a Domino background.
There have been a couple of tips to speed up the loading of Notes 8.x clients that have been blogged about. The first one (by numerous people - Andrew Pollack was the first one I saw) is changing the vmarg.Xmx value in the file. The second one (by Denny Russell) is to edit the registry to have it preload some of the Notes files. It would be really nice to be able to centrally manage these thru a policy so I could roll them out to my whole environment so everyone could take advantage of these things.
I love how with SmartUpgrade and the Desktop Settings policy, we can automatically upgrade the client and their mail template. For those of us who use server-base mail archiving, it would be great to also upgrade the archive mail template as well.
Our customer would like to see some indication on the datepicker in the calendar miniview in case there is at least one appointment on a date. On various phone's we see a little triangle in case a date has an appointment of some kind. It's missed this in the miniview on the Notes clients.
The templates distributed via IBM on OpenNTF do not seem to have an public product plan.
If there would be a release plan, it would be nice to know what will be in the upcoming release.
For the requests it would be nice to know which one will be integrated in the product and in which release. This also concerns bug fixes.
For now it is just a pain in the ass to deploy a template in the organization and as soon a bug turns up you cannot answer the customer when an expected fix will be available except to jump in the design yourself.
Organise a series of webinars , Meetings , Spotlights in Newsletters , recorded presentations from Business Partners. This should not be a product sales pitch but should provide value in the area that the SME is involved in ( and may hence add indirect value add for product feature)
There are a lot of applications on the market for the Iphone. I.E Runkeeper tracks my runs etc etc. It would be interesting to explore if any application could be developed for seminars and ILUGS to get more feedback from the community.
Rate business solutions, interact on line via Skype , feedback evaluations etc etc .. Persistant chats in Planet Lotus relating to specific subjects , technologies etc etc
If a database replicates after being isolated for a long time, it can bring back documents that were deleted if the deletion stub has been purged. There should be a setting that prevents replication of a replica that has not replicated within the purge interval. Example:
Someone with a local replica of a database (especially names.nsf) switches location documents for the first time in ages and replicates it after months or years of inactivity. In some cases, thousands of deleted documents get re-introduced into the database. To clean this up is a nightmare since you can't just restore the database from a backup. The resurrected documents must be found and deleted so a deletion stub is created and replicated.
We've implemented a couple of improvements
for full text search. We use the tool NCT
Search to do these multi database
searches. Thanks to NCT for providing this. The biggest functional change is that
you can now search the blog entries, home page ...
Lotus Support Engineers hosted an Open Mic conference call on May 13, 2010 to discuss "How to collect the debug data once for good. What matters? How to interpret the logs?". This document contains questions and answers and the slide presentation from the call.
Tivoli Directory Integrator is licensed as a free utility when utilized in conjunction with Lotus Notes and Domino. The following webcasts and presentation slides provide information on the developer and administrator perspective on utilizing TDI in your environment. Developer ...