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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 337 от 2010-05-19
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Можно ли как-то в sametime управлять списком контактов на стороне сервера, то есть, добавлять и удалять сразу для всех пользователей сервера sametime в контакт-лист каких-либо пользователей или группы?
Предыстория: В связи с корпоративной политикой вся почта на Lotus сервере. В качестве клиента выбран Outlook 2003+DAMO 8.0.2 по причине наличия очень удобного плагина, которого для лотус клиента нет.
1) Периодически ломаются русские символы и приходят к получателю в неизвестных науке кодировках. Пытался использовать различные кодировки от KOI8-R до UTF-8.
2) Если даже кодировка не ломается то пропадают некоторые буквы, слоги, а то и слова.......... (с таким сталкиваюсь впервые)
3) Нужно изменить формат поля "From", а именно, убрать лишние кавычки.

Моя благодарность не будет знать границ! (В разумных пределах)
1. C/C++ API Toolkit, Java API
2. ничего
3. ничего

Best Regards
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Tips. Советы

Marie Scott and Tom Duff are hosting a 'Consultant in your Pocket Session' about Tivoli Directory Integrator on Wednesday, May 19th at 10 AM CDT. Register to attend.

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Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower85.

Patrick Kwinten has set up a blog template to show the full entry in RSS. But. It doesn't seem to be working as it should. He's hoping you have some suggestions as to what's wrong.

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TLCC is offering special prices on their most popular Notes and Domino technical training courses, including the XPages course. These prices are good until June 11th. TLCC's courses are taken using the Notes client at your own office and/or home, at your own pace, with n instructor only a click away.

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Palmi Lord has posted Part 2 in his series on moving Notes data to the PDF format and then moving PDFs into Notes.

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Like having a team of consultants by your side -- ones who have all the answers and never make mistakes -- THE VIEW gives you immediate access to field-tested instruction, guidance, and best practices from the brightest Lotus professionals around.

See the new instruction, advice, and best practices added to THE VIEW this week.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: mail notify send link
in stead of starting Notes and opening my mail box it would be nice to be able to forward a link to collegues of the document I am currently reading from the wiki.

Author: daniele grillo
Tags: lotus foundations small business
Ibm don't have the tools for capture the Small Business Company into the world.
Lotus Foundations is a killer system if IBM sold well ..but If IBM would sell this product must:
 - Execute local marketing
 - Create a simple portal for purchare the license and obtain support ( local if possible)
 - be smarted

Author: daniele grillo
Tags: lotus foundations antivirus client
Antivirus database are Karsperky in Lotus Foundations...
why do not you think an additional client add.on karsperky?

We've updated the pages on the home page with the overview of (cleared) apps and information about how to ...
Author: David Hablewitz
Tags: images
When you get an HTML message that requires clicking on Show Images, if you click on it while it is displayed in the preview pane, you must still click on it again if you open the message.  This extra click is redundant.  I think that once the images have been displayed in either the preview pane or with the message open, they should display in both places.

Here is a video of eight new project releases that have been contributed to OpenNTF over the last three ...
Author: David Bly
Tags: designer agent trigger
Maybe this already exists and I just don't know how to do it.  I would like a user to be able to initiate an action, such as clicking a button, and the action executes under the credentials of the server or admin.  For instance, user clicks button in application to create a calendar entry in a public calendar, but access to the calendar itself should be read-only for users.  The only way I know of right to do that is to create a scheduled agent that runs under server or admin creds and the agent creates the calendar entry.  But I don't want to have to schedule that action.  I want it to be immediate.  But on-demand actions run under creds of the current user.

We've put a carousel component on the OpenNTF home page that highlights some of the popular OpenNTF ...
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Статьи и Документация

*** Scenario ***** I was attempting to restore a message from trash folder. As
From your BlackBerry: 1. Go into your BlackBerry messages 2. Press the BlackBerry menu button and select Options then select Email Reconciliation 3. Select Handheld 4. Press the escape key then save.
Notes native encryption is not supported by BlackBerry Enterprise server version 4.0 or earlier. Server: This issue has been addressed in the BlackBerry Enterprise server software version 4.1 running on Domino 7.0. Notes native encryption is supported and enabled by default. The following ...
This document explains how to determine the actual disk space saved after DAOS has been enabled.
When the Primary DNS server configured on the OS is not responding, Domino will send a DNS request to the secondary asking for an A record instead of a MX record.
When a user uses "Open each document in its own window" and then uses the "Next Main" and "Previous Main" toolbar option to open the next or previous document, the view do not refresh automatically. This behavior was reported under SPR: DPAT73NQRC
The error "Selected design element is configured to hide from Notes R4.6 or later clients" occurs when clicking on mailto links within HTML mail on Lotus Notes 8.5 German language pack.
table class"lotusTable lotusInfoTable" tr th h4 Table of Contents h4thtrtrtd Introduction Conceptual Overview Frequently Asked Questions Configuring SPNEGO in a mixed server environment Configuring SPNEGO on a server that accepts Web traffic from mixed sources Configuring ...
body a name"top" a The following describes the static state of the various calendar entry types. Since most of the fields are the same for each entry type, a complete listing of available fields is provided on a separate page Only the fields that are unique to a particular entry are ...
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