Выяснил причину ошибки - кривые руки админов лотуса материнской компании в шаблоне design from master template.
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Буду ждать, когда сами на нее наткнутся, своей работы - выше крыши.
Выяснил причину ошибки - кривые руки админов лотуса материнской компании в шаблоне design from master template.
Заявлять им бесполезно.
Буду ждать, когда сами на нее наткнутся, своей работы - выше крыши.
Добрый день уважаемые программисты Lotus. Помогите создать Script (кнопку в форме): В базе карточек нужно при нажатии на кнопку найти карточку из другой базы и перенести некоторые поля (чтоб заново не набирать) Искать по ключу(поле числовое) в другой базе, если найдёт это значение - прикрепить соответствующие поля из этой формы Dim session As New NotesSession Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace Dim db As NotesDatabase 'База даних (текущая база) Dim MessagesDB As NotesDatabase ''База данных (другая)
Dim viewSprava As NotesView 'первая вью Dim viewDoc As NotesView 'вторая вью ............????
Интересная ситуация - с клиента не удается подключиться к серверу Domino
предположительно проблема на уровне NRPC-соединения, но как проверить не знаю.
с рабочей станции tracert к серверу - ip-опередяет правльный, с помью утилитки notesPing проверил - порт на сервере отвечает с другими серверами данный клиент работает нормально а тот сервер отвечает всем другим клиентам нормально
последнее что на рабочей станции пишет tracert:
"проверка наличия прав на работу с сервером" - т.е. вроде соединения устанавливается (хотя на сервере в логах ничего нету) а затем
"Удаленная система не отвечает"
словно начав соединяться - почему-то отклбчается. Хотя к другим серверам данный клиент коннектиться нормально.
Интересно а как можно запусить отладку NRPC-соединения.
Until now, in order to create a Flex application you would use Flex Builder. Now that version 4 of Flex is out you'll soon be building Flex apps with Flash Builder. The name change is to "streamline product choice" or something. Personally I don't like the use of the word Flash in the app's name as I still like to kid myself that Flex is nothing to do with Flash. Yeah, right.
Either way it's exciting to see so many new features available to play with. I've ordered my upgrade already and plan on giving it some more attention once it arrives. Once I do I'll be bound to filter through what I learn.
For now, if you're interested in what's new then read here or here or here or here.
The field called Colours is a multi-item field with the colours of the rainbow in it.
Now, if you enter "Blue" in to the "replace this" field and "Gold" in to the "replace with" field you get the following list returned, as expected:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Gold, Indigo, Violet
But, what if you leave the "replace this" field empty? I'd have expected the list to remain unchanged. Nope. Every item in the lists gets replaced with an empty "" string.
Is this "expected behaviour" and just me being stupid or is it a well-known bug I never got to hear about?
STRUGGLING WITH EXPORTING NOTES DATA TO SPREADSHEETS? NO MORE! Try IntelliPRINT, The world's leading Reporting, Dashboards, and Analysis solution for Notes & Domino
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When using multiple archiving crierias via policy, user will see multiple entries under the archive section in his/her mailfile. I suggest, that one can name the title of the archive in the policy, regardless of the name of the criteria (and the count of them)
Author: Patrick Kwinten Tags:templatesibm Idea: A lot of templates provided by IBM have become outdated through the years.
If IBM would canalize thoughts or ideas to improve these and upcoming templates via IdeaJam I believe in the end we may assume these templates will just become better.
Yellow developers (and admins)... It's time for you to help with some feedback. Lately a number of new projects entered OpenNTF. We've been looking for a long time to build a collaborative development environment and now we're actually making it a ...
When someone posts a question in the forum, search the corresponding product wikis for related articles that might answer it. Suggest links right as the forum post is created.
Answers posted in the forums can be great candidates for wiki articles. Make it easy to
create wiki articles from answered forum posts. For example, provide a button in the forum post that
opens a new wiki article in the corresponding wiki.
Currently, you can not create a link directly to a frameset using the client "Copy as >>" like you can to views, documents, and databases. With the increased uses of framesets, this would be helpful.
I'd also like to be able to set this programmatically via LotusScript in the AppendDocLink method of the NotesRichTextItem.
Reward people for posting answers to forum questions in a manner similar to (or integrated with) the developerWorks Autho Achievement Recognition Program.
Even better, users could vote on forum answers, helping readers when there are multiple answers, and authors getting a certain number of votes get recognition for their contribution to the forums.
To make the Notes client as cool and sexy to use as a growing number of applications (including Web browsers), provide a series of out of the box skins/themes/personas for the Notes client along with a tool that allows customization. Something like this may make Notes appear more modern to a greater extend than the many new features that could be added.
In Designer prior to 8.5, in the design elements list e.g. forms, views, you can sort a column e.g. name, last modified person, and type a few letters to do a 'starts with' search(I remeber it's actually a smarter 'contains' search in the default name column) . In the new eclipse base designer, this feature disappears. It's very useful and I hope it can be brought back.
Ferry Kranenburg has contributed a Domino
Designer extension to search source code in the full NSF/NTF. Here is the
here the documentation
and here the direct
download link. Ferry writes in the documentation that
it has taken him only ...
You have an agent that detaches files from incoming messages using either LotusScript or Java. On certain MIME messages certain attachments are not able to be detached. They can however be detached within the Notes client.
When using the ISpy task on a Lotus Domino server, you receive a message stating that the ISpy50.nsf folder is full and therefore no mail can be delivered. The mail is held in the mail.box file. Why does this happen?
When "Snap to" ("Automatically move pointer to the default button in a dialog box") is enabled for Mouse Properties, in Lotus Notes, the mouse pointer moves to the top of the client instead of the default button in the dialog box. This occurs when using the spell checker.
This article is the first in a three-part series and introduces the new Open Document Format (ODF) Document Object Model (DOM) for Java™ along with the ODF Toolkit Union open source community, whose mission is to simplify the programmatic manipulation of documents and their data.
A user expands his Folder structure in the mail database in Lotus Notes. Occasionally after various operations, the folder tree collapses on its own. The number of folders or the number of folder strings within the database does not change the problem from not occurring. This problem only occurs within the Notes standard client. The issue has been seen after the user accesses the archiving menu: 1. Expand folders 2. Go to Actions > Archive
Opening an attachment in the Discussion Database fails from a browser. Opening the same attachment from the same Dicussion Database document succeeds from the Notes Client.