Встала задача выбора Linux для сервера сервера Lotus Domino 7.2 или 7.3.
Подскажите, какие Linux лучше использовать, нужно что-бы:
- дистрибутив Linux был бесплатный, ставился на компьютер с характеристиками: 2x DualCore Intel Xeon 5160, 3000 MHz , 4GB, поддерживался RAID ( стоит на сервере IBM ServeRAID 8k/8k-l Controller). Более-менее популярный дистрибутив Linux, что бы если что можно было с вопросами в форумы обращаться.
- Что бы сервера Lotus Domino 7.2 или 7.3 стабильно работал на данном дистрибутиве Linux.
Еще не нашел дистрибутивов Lotus Domino 7.2 или 7.3 под Linux? На сайте IBM только 8.5 версия.
If you often send a particular type of e-mail (like a newsletter, a weekly status report, or response to a certain type of request, etc), you can use stationery to save that information and re-use it
INTEGRA FOR NOTES - THE AWARD WINNING LOTUS NOTES TO MICROSOFT OFFICE & LOTUS SYMPHONY INTEGRATION SOLUTION Integra generates Notes data to Microsoft Word, Excel, and Lotus Symphony, allowing end users to analyse and present data using Graphs, Pivot Tables, Filters, etc. Supports Mail Merge and Labels. No installation required, on the end user's workstation.
Through the optional use of Integra's event driven model, it provides a depth of access to data & computational capability, which is unique in the industry.
Don't know about you but I like to have at least one "pet project" on the go at any given time. Something for me to mess about on when I get bored during the day (yeah, right) or late at night when all the kids are in bed.
For a few days now I'd not had a project and was getting a bit restless. Then I had a brainwave - how about a Flex version of the good ol' Notes Workspace.
After a day or two's worth of spare time spent I had come up with a working prototype:
Have a play and see what you think. Try the following features:
Drag and drop icons
Double click icon to open the database
Right click workspace to add a new icon
Right click workspace to change background
Right click icon to remove it
Note that the icons you see are the actual Icons for the database; loaded via the /$icon URL. Change the icon in Designer and it updates in the Flex version (well, when the cache updates).
Note that you need "reader" access to the DB to see the icon!
A good customer of mine is moving away from Lotus Notes (client) on their desktops but keeping the Domino server and migrating the Notes apps to the web. One of the options I've suggested to them is using a Flex framework to ease the migration.
To ease the transition for the user I had the idea of providing some familiarity in the new environment. Whether they want a reminder of the Notes client or not I don't know, but it seemed like an interesting challenge and has been a fun learning experience so far.
Whether I'd actually suggest its use or not I don't know. I just thought it might make a nice portal.
Taking it Further
The glaring omission in this prototype is that you can't add your own icons. For now it loads a pre-defined list of icons from the backend DB. For it to work the user really needs to be able to add their own and remove the ones they don't want. It also needs to remember these icons and their positions.
And what about the open/add database dialog? This is something I'll add before I consider this "finished". But should there be a pre-defined list of web-enabled/migrated applications to choose from or should it just browse all files on the server? Should it allow the user to browse to other servers?
Some other considerations:
Stacking icons for replicas -- does that apply on the web.
Unread count. Can this be done on the web and/or does it apply still?
Is the option to show server name applicable?
Would it be worth adding tabs with custom colours - ala Notes.
Mutli-select and move.
Keyboard navigation?
Might be nice to be able to click to select and (re)move.
At first I thought this would be simple then, the more I thought about it, the more complex it became. That's good though, right? A pet project should know no end after all.
Taking it much further I guess you could even provide a tool to let the user migrate their existing Notes workspace to the new Flex one.
For now it's just something nice to mess about with. Maybe one day you'll be able to visit it and reminisce of the good old days...
Yi BJ Guo has contributed another plugin
to OpenNTF. This plugin shows how to extend Lotus Domino Designer to check
for valid references for XPages and custom controls. Here is the link to the project,
here the documentation
and here the ...
Allow setting of archive settings on multiple databases at once. Its easy enough to do through policies with mail files, but not so easy for non-mail applications.
The XPages
Mobile Controls project contains
now documentation and some code about how to do a specialized login page
for smartphone apps. It leverages the login page and redirect application
from Lotus iNotes. You can read the documentation
here and ...
For tracking/trending purposes, it is often useful to be able to look at 'aging' of ideas. For example, how long have ideas been in progress, how long did it take for ideas to go from open to complete (or rejected) etc. The modified on date does not appear to be exposed anywhere, but it is stored in the DB. If this could be included in the export, it would allow people to do this type of analysis on the export file.
It would be very nice to have possibility for a user to upload his/her avatar image. This image should appear next to each user idea/comments like microbloggin in facebook or connections.
In case of Domino integration avatar can be taken from names.nsf db
in case of connections integration avatar can be taken from profile module
When creating a new View, you can choose one of which will be produced inheritance. Exactly the same wants and the Form / Subform, since we have a very long time to configure all options again:
Action Bar and its properties;
basic properties of Form;
Window Title formula;
code Form events;
some common elements on the Form.
By default, inherit design Form / Subform from the Form, which is labeled as Default database form.
I would like to have a design element that is marked as Default database outline, so that when you create a new Outline you do not configure all the properties again, and to inherit them.
Much better if it was related to CSS as suggested here.
I would like to have a design element that is marked as Default database outline, so that when you create a new Outline you do not configure all the properties again, and to inherit them.
Much better if it was related to CSS as suggested here.
I would like to have a design element that is marked as Default database outline, so that when you create a new Outline you do not configure all the properties again, and to inherit them.
Much better if it was related to CSS as suggested here.
Basic options for Outline Entry:
Content: Type (Named Element / View), Frame (every time point manually!);
I would like to set the CSS-styles, or be able to create / change the Theme for PickList, DialogBox, and so on.
At a minimum, establish:
- the background color of dialogs;
- the background color of buttons (OK, Cancel, and so on);
- color labels of these buttons.
It is not enough support to select multiple roles to delete by holding down Ctrl. It would be nice if to select the roles supported by the Shift key + mouse left-click and Ctrl+A.
If selecting multiple roles, then do inaccessible button Rename.
In the dialog displays a different address extra (not used and therefore hinders) information, such: servers (hardly anyone would dream of sending e-mail to the server), various system groups, which is desirable that the user does not see, database "Administration Requests" and so on.
I propose in these Views to display:
- Persons, only if the card is filled with e-mail or the path to the mail database;
- Groups, only if the Group type indicated Mail only or Multi-purpose.
In the dialog displays a different address extra (not used and therefore hinders) information, such: servers (hardly anyone would dream of sending e-mail to the server), various system groups, which is desirable that the user does not see, database "Administration Requests" and so on.
I propose in these Views to display:
Persons, only if the card is filled with e-mail or the path to the mail database;
Groups, only if the Group type indicated Mail only or Multi-purpose.
Currently, program documents can only run programs. They can't execute server commends, like 'route *' or 'tell router quit', etc. Of course, they can run a program that executes a command, and while it's not actually documented anywhere that I can find, it is pretty well-known that you can run a server command from a program document by setting it up to run nserver.exe, with a command line of -C followed by (in quotes) the command you want to run. But it is not as well-known as I thought it was! I've recently run into several very experienced server admins who had no idea you could do this!
I believe that this can be fixed without any back-end changes. Some simple changes in the Domino Directory template can take care of it.
The program document UI should simply provide a radio button so that the administrator can select "Run Program" or "Run Server Command". If the adminsitrator chooses the latter, then the program name and command line fields are hidden, and a single field labeled "Server command" is exposed. Behind the scenes, a query save script or translation formula will fill in the correct (platform-specific) program name and construct the correct command line by pre-pending the -C to the command the administrator specified.
Add an equivalent methode to NotesDocument class in LotusScript to add values to an already existing item.
notesDocument.AppendItemValue has the problem to add new items with an other sequence number. In general, ReplaceItemValue is favored over AppendItemValue. If an item of the same name already exists in a document, AppendItemValue creates a second item of the same name, and the duplicate items are not accessible except through a work-around. If you are creating a new document, AppendItemValue is safe.
New methode "GetItemText" in NotesDocument class (Lotusscript) to get item text value.
Currently you have to initalize a NotesItem object to use GetItemText. It should be able to use GetItemText like GetItemValue from NotesDocument object.
The Quickr Domino Media Galleries Template
Is designed to show Quickr developers how to to add media gallery functionality
into a Quickr Place by dynamically building XML to pass into a media gallery. Here is the project,
here the documentation
and ...
Lotus Developers and Support Engineers hosted an Open Mic conference call on March 11, 2010, to discuss configuration and fine-tuning with Domino Configuration Tuner (DCT). This document contains questions and answers, the replay of the call, and performance recommendations for compacting databases.
You experience a server hang with a repeating DbMarkCorrupt message and then the error messages "insufficient memory" or "Maximum memory segments that notes can support has been exceeded". Fixup does not fixup a database with folder operations problems. As fixup ends, it tries to reorganize the folders and finds the same error then marks the database corrupt again.