Long, long ago, in the Dark Ages, when PCs were new - like in 1983 - computer manuals were different. They were actually printed on paper, generally using the Courier typeface, and included strange sections on "irrelevant" subjects but... you can read this for yourself.
From the Sametime and Web 2.0 products perspective, like the Notes one, 2010 is to a greater or lesser extent a year of reflection, given that both Sametime and Connections have recently had major releases delivered.
Sametime Sametime 8.5, has the instant meetings and Unified Communications features seen last year. Futures in Sametime include more in-house and cloud convergence. More mobile capability was promised, with Nokia and Blackberry being mentioned specifically. Sametime functionality is also expected to be embedded within other Lotus products -- and partner products -- to enrich the collaborative opportunities.
Of particular interest was the hint about real time translation --not only of Sametime chats but potentially even phone calls handled by Sametime!
We should see some of this in late 2010.
Connections Connections 2.5 pushed forward in 2009 with the 2.5 release, and work now, for a release expected towards the end of 2010. Lotus is concentrating on making the social analytics we've already mentioned a reality, to help manage information overload and provide recommendations of what's of most interest.
As I go about learning to develop with ASP.NET I can't help thinking what I think about every time I start learning a new programming language or skill -- does my head have the space for all the new information?!
While I'm sure the amount of knowledge currently stored in my head doesn't even come close to pushing the limits of the human brain I do sometimes feel a bit over-whelmed when I consider how much knowledge I need to retain in order to do my daily job.
Does adding yet another skill to my tool belt mean I'll be just a little less able at one of those I already use?
Or, just as worrying, does learning something new mean something else is forgotten. Gotten rid of to make space. I remember reading that Einstein used to try and forget the phone numbers of people he no longer called, so that space was freed-up for something else.
Perhaps we each have our own amount of RAM that can be used. Perhaps this decreases with age. Perhaps I should consider stopping trying to learn more than I really need to and concentrate on getting better at the ones I do know.
Anybody ever think like this or, as I expect, am I just weird?
What Happen when you send a Mail with notes client?
1) your mail will be saved on your mail database.
2) another copy of your mail will be copied in the mail.box
this will use the twice network band to send a mail.
Similiar thing happen when you use a local replica, only this happen when you replicate.
I suggest to save the sent mail only in the Mail database and put a sorta of mail send request in another DB ( I.E. mailreq.box ) .
This DB will be processed from a task (i.e. mailreq, not the router) who copy it in the mail.box is some condition are respected.
The mailreq can check somet thing before pick the mail from the DB and put it in the mail.box, this will allow some other very requested feature:
1) set a max mail size policy per DB
2) allow user to select alternative sender address, the mailreq will check if the address are valid.
3) add an outbox folder so user can see if the server have accepted his mail.
4) allow an user/db to send only to certain address.
5) do not send the full message if the message are rejected but only a reply with an error message.
6) retarded delivey , the request have to be processed only after a certain date/time
7) policy routing if a message have certain caracteristic will be postponed o blocked or routed through another server
i.e. if #recpient * Size > 50MB the message will pass in low prioroty if > 500MB will be rejected.
8) archive sent mail, run agent before a mail was sent ......
<other ideas here>
P.S. 1 : i have suggested a specific task mailreq so the routing process will not be affected from possible trouble like attempt to open damaged database or other thing
P.S. 2: a similiar thing can be done with the SMTP task who can receive the mail put them in a smtp.box and put a mailreq in the mailreq.box so mailreq can do other thing
I suggest to save the sent mail only in the Mail database and put a sorta of mail send request in another DB ( I.E. mailreq.box ) .
This DB will be processed from a task (i.e. mailreq, not the router) who copy it in the mail.box is some condition are respected.
The mailreq can check somet thing before pick the mail from the DB and put it in the mail.box, this will allow some other very requested feature:
1) set a max mail size policy per DB
2) allow user to select alternative sender address, the mailreq will check if the address are valid.
3) add an outbox folder so user can see if the server have accepted his mail.
4) allow an user/db to send only to certain address.
5) do not send the full message if the message are rejected but only a reply with an error message.
6) retarded delivey , the request have to be processed only after a certain date/time
7) policy routing if a message have certain caracteristic will be postponed o blocked or routed through another server
i.e. if #recpient * Size > 50MB the message will pass in low prioroty if > 500MB will be rejected.
8) archive sent mail, run agent before a mail was sent ......
<other ideas here>
P.S. 1 : i have suggested a specific task mailreq so the routing process will not be affected from possible trouble like attempt to open damaged database or other thing
P.S. 2: a similiar thing can be done with the SMTP task who can receive the mail put them in a smtp.box and put a mailreq in the mailreq.box so mailreq can do other thing
Hiroyuki Okamoto has contributed a 3d history viewer for IBM Lotus Notes. You can download this plugin from here. You can start 3D History Thumbnail Viewer by pressing History toolbar button or by selecting menu Tools - History. Left key: move ...
In the world of e-forms, IBM® Lotus® Forms and PDF forms are the most two popular products. A Lotus Forms project can be categorized as two distinct tasks: migrating from existing e-forms and creating e-forms from scratch. We have found in our experience with IBM Software Services for Lotus that most forms projects involve migrating from PDF forms to Lotus Forms.
You sent a meeting invitation to an invitee that has Autoprocessing enabled in their calendar preferences. The meeting gets added to the invitee's calendar, but you never receive an accept/deline notice. On the Domino console you see the following error: Autoresponse to invite fails with error "Router: Error autoprocessing message ABCD1234 to John Doe/Org: No schedule list entry is available for this object".
After upgrading users' Lotus Notes mail file design using the mail7.nft application template, you notice an extreme number of transactions during the initial database open event when that newly upgraded mail file is opened by the user.
In Notes 8.5.1, Navigator design elements containing a hotspot with @Command([ToolsRunMacro]) produce the error "Entry not found in index". SPR# DPOL7XRGK8.
While installing Lotus Notes 8.5, "You must install a Windows service pack that contains a newer version of the Windows Installer service" error is displayed
Using a mouse wheel to scroll through a view quickly while the Notes preview pane is open intermittently results in the following errors: "'Opening preview' has encountered a problem"; "CLFNM0257E: An error occurred trying to get a previewer from COR. Please contact your administrator"';"CLFNM0257E: An error occurred trying to get a previewer from Widget is disposed".
After upgrading your Notes client you notice the replication schedule was changed from the default 24-hour interval (8:00 AM - 7:59 AM) to a one-minute interval (7:59 AM to 8:00 AM).Although it appears that you can correct the issue by manually changing the values, the next time you restart Notes the schedule reverts back to 7:59 AM to 8:00 AM.