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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 312 от 2010-03-22
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Был создан DAV (DB2 Access View) для доступа из DB2 к базе в Lotus Notes, средствами SQL
Одно из полей в форме лотуса имеет тип Date/Time,
соответствующее ему поле в DAV – тип DATE
Галку "Normalize to GMT for time zone conversions" сняли.

Server Domino 8.1.0
DB2 9.1.0

При просмотре DAV со стороны DB2, было обнаружено, у некоторых (не всех !) строк (лотусовых документов) дата увеличилась на 1 сутки. Более того, такой перескок мог появлятся не сразу после создания документа в лотусе. Или же после пересоздания DAV проблема временно исчезала, но, затем вновь, появлялась.

Т.е. если в лотусе есть документ с датой 17.03.2010
в DB2 на сутки вперед: 18.03.2010

Изменили тип в DB2 на TIMESTAMP– не помогло в DB2: 18.03.2010 0:00:00.000000
Изменили на varchar. Думал если будет поле текстовым то это убережет от всегих бажных конверсий – на помогло, все равно в лотусе 17.03.2010,
а в DB2 2010-03-18-

|#^#]>Вот что нагуглил|#^#]>
db2 access views (DAV):
Date/Time fields don't convert to db2 date fields correctly. If the Domino field has a time component then the resulting date in db2 is 1 day ahead. You have to make sure the field is @date(fieldname) in it's translation formula for db2 to tie to the field correctly. It converts the time based on the current GMT area to GMT based time

Т.е выходит, что если в лотусе поле DATE/TIME без времени (толко дата) , то все OK
а если там еще есть время, то будет +1 день.

Но применения собаки @date() в нашем случае ограничено – придется менять лотусовые формы вставлять @date в свойства полей

может кто знает как еще это можно обойти
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Tips. Советы

While Microsoft has stopped offering its platform aimed at small and medium-sized business, new versions of Lotus Foundations will now include DB2 Express-C. Lotus Foundations is aimed at organizations with up to 500 employees.

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Chris Harris had some problems after upgrading his servers from Domino 7.0.2 to and Xpages wouldn't load. He searched through the logs, and tried a number of things, before he stumbled on the fix.

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Julian Buss wanted to see how hard it would be to implement an iCalendar feed into a Notes application. He says it was easy, and he's posted his code so you can try it out.

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Marie Scott was just trying to follow the directions for applying the hotfix. Unfortunately, not only was the file path incorrect, the file didn't exist.

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Learn how to develop XPages with TLCC's new course, Developing XPages using Domino Designer 8.5. Learn XPages at your own pace and at your place. An expert instructor is a click away if you need help. Not just a collection of sample exercises, Developing XPages Using Domino Designer 8.5 is a complete and comprehensive course that will give you a thorough understanding of this exciting new technology in Domino.

Click here for more information and to try a complimentary demo course!

For those of you not in to Twitter or who don't follow Jeff Atwood (codinghorror), creator of StackOverflow.com, you might find his tweet from today annoying/amusing, depending on how much of a Notes-head you are:

websites with page extensions ending in .nsf are like little "abandon all hope ye who enter here" signs

Personally I found it kind of funny (because it's true), although I did reply and ask him to substantiate it with some examples. I'll let you know if he does.

Wonder if he knows what file type NSF is...

Click here to post a response

By Joe Dolittle

Reader Sabrina Beatrice Giorgina wrote in to us:

I'm a Notes user at work and I have a new Google phone. But I can't figure out how to sync my calendar at work to the one on the phone.

As it turns out, there isn't a direct way to make this happen (yet), but it is doable. We looked and haven't found any Android/Notes synchronization apps.

But here's how you can make it work. The solution takes into account the fact that the Nexus is, essentially, an extension of the Google applications.

So, when you sync the Android phone, you're syncing it to Google's mail, calendar, and so forth. The question then becomes this: can you sync Google's apps with Notes?

The answer to that is yes. You'll need to use a commercial program, CompanionLink for Google. Here's how the company describes the product:

CompanionLink for Google synchronizes Lotus Notes contacts, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, calendar events, tasks, and alarms and reminders with a user's Google account. Complete two-way synchronization ensures that any change to data in Google will synchronize back with Lotus Notes. In addition to contact and calendar data, CompanionLink for Google also synchronizes multiple Google calendars with Lotus Notes categories.

The good news is that this isn't an expensive solution. You can get CompanionLink for Google for under $30.

Product availability and resources
Learn more about CompanionLink for Google.

Joe is a ZATZ associate editor. Prior to this job, he was customer support manager for the FileFlex database engine.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: Form Window Title formula calculated CFD
I wanted to make a universal formula and put it in the Shared Computed For Display (CFD) Field $hf_WindowTitle (inherit to all databases), and that it was calculated at the opening of the Form. Code:
    "(Deleted document)");
"New document")
$hf_WindowTitleDoc - CFD-field that contains a formula for a specific form.
The sequence of fields: Form -> $hf_WindowTitleDoc -> $hf_WindowTitle.

This design does not work, because now in the Window Title formula you can use the field values only saved document or a static constant values.
Please, make a calculation WindowTitle-formula after miscalculation fields on the form, for example it could be done somewhere in between QueryOpen and PostOpen. Values CFD-fields appear in the document on PostOpen, but the document on the screen is not visible, ie to implement this dynamic Window Title can be without problems.

Thank you.

Author: Oliver Regelmann
Tags: mail deletion
When a mail is opened for reading and the user deletes it via the DEL key or the button, the next message in his Inbox gets opened. This raises some issues:
- he might sent a return receipt he didn't want to (yet)
- confidential information could be displayed in a moment when it shouldn't
Instead he should be brought back to the Inbox / the folder from where he opened that mail.

Author: Michael Tassati
Tags: quickr - access - mail - connector
when send mail and you use quickr connector to save attachments in Lotus QuickR, you have to define a teamplace or "entry" - all people with "entry" access or teamplace access have access to the files. it is not possible to set "only mail recepients" have access or a methode to restrict the access with quickr connector

Author: Michael Tassati
Tags: mail - html5 - import - css - picture - DOM5 - HTML 5 - XHTML 5 - HTML 4
use html5 (or html 4) standard to import html in notes mail rich text (and other rich text items). currently it is html 2 (or lower).
let us use DIV, CSS, DOM5 and so on to format mails.
It would also help, if it is possible to import HTML4/HTML5 file to rich-text with correct format conversion to Notes style

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: window
The Notes client provides the ability to open a document in a new window, so why not Domino Designer.  When using multiple monitors it would sometimes be a distinct advantage to be able to open two code modules on different monitors to visually compare the code .  I can often work much faster when I have the full use of my monitors rather than having vto scroll through the code in two windows on a single monitor.

The Notes/Domino C API toolkit allows you to extend the server by writing applications called server addin tasks to perform various jobs like archiving, billing, logging, etc... Although very powerful, using the C API to write your tasks presents many ...
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After upgrading, the customer is seeing multiple KVOOP Processes' on AIX
Server xxxxxxx crashed during normal operations. NSD and console output
Steps to Reproduce 1. Login to the iNotes database via Web Browser and send one
Steps to Reproduce 1. Access this database via Web Browser, and enable Full-text
Use this release-specific upgrade matrix when upgrading a Notes client deployment on the Citrix platform.
If you have several identical program documents for different servers in your domain, you can replace them all by one single program document specifying an asterisk "" in the field "Server to run on". This can greatly reduce the number of program documents in larger installations (see the ...
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