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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Some servers missing from Server - Monitoring view of the Domino Administrator client

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 233 от 2009-09-18
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Можно ли в Lotus Script переопределять реализацию функций в зависимости от комбинации параметров? Как в Java. Т.е. для одного параметра одна реализация, для другого типа параметра - другая, а для двух параметров - третья реализация.
Статья русскоязычная - |#^#]>Основы производительности для разработчиков IBM Lotus Notes|#^#]>
Большинство её я конечно попытаюсь реализовать в анализаторе, но всё что там описано реализовать не удастся, по этому читаем очень внимательно - там много чего важного озвучено.

Есть клиент 8.5 с интегрированным ST, но при установке пункт настройки был пропущен. Как теперь можно указать к какому серверу он должен стучаться? Может в notes.ini какую строку прописать? В настройках Экспресс-сообщений почти все закрыто администратором (хотя я не помню чтобы что-то запрещал для редактирования)
Где можно найти совместимость продуктов Lotus? Например - уживутся ли на одном сервере ST и Quickr/WebSphere/Traveler?
Если в почте перейти в раздел Задачи и там случайно удалить задачу, то куда пропадае документ данной задачи??? Т.е. почта удаляется в корзину, а можно как-то возобновить задачу, если ее удалил???
Добрый день!
Нарисовалась такая проблема. Есть сервер Домино 7.0.2, почта ходит из через клиента и через веб. Также она ходит если настроить outlook на один из ящиков Domino. Однако, вся почта отправленная с outlook (настроенного на ящик Домино) на внешние адреса, например на mail.ru, летит в нежелательную почту. При этом, если отправить с того же outlooka на ящик из Domino Directory письмо правильно ложится во входящие.
Подскажите, где копать?
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Tips. Советы

Eric Mack's customer has used Domino for years and trusts the built-in security. But, now that a Domino server has been moved into the cloud, jitters have set in. Eric needs to answer his customer's question on the security of the data on that server and would like your input.

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Dan Lynch is preparing to move to 8.5 with DAOS. He's testing the Transaction Logging and isn't impressed with the time it takes to recover a database. So, he'd like to know your opinion on whether it's worthwhile to continue.

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Gregg Eldred has posted a list of items to check if iNotes and Internet Explorer aren't cooperating. He's also included several links to other articles in case you're still having problems getting things to work.

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Erik Brooks announces the return of the Fix List database. Currently, 8.5.1 is slated to have 82 fixes. Fixes for version 8.5.2 are already being collected.

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A while ago I showed a simple "fancy search box" in Flex. In response Mark Barton suggested I create a custom component based on it, which I've since done and present for you here now.

As a recap here's what it looks like and what it does (type in the boxes and watch):

To add one of the SearchFields to your Flex app you just have to type this in:

<cs:SearchField search="doMyCustomSearch(event)"/>

As simple as that! All you need to do is tie the "search" event to your own function, which might look something like this:

import net.codestore.flex.SearchEvent; private function doMyCustomSearch(event:SearchEvent):void{ Alert.show("This would search for "+event.query);

Check it out - I wrote my own custom event! I almost feel like a real programmer ;o)

The search event happens a set amount of time after the user stops typing in the input field. By default this is 200ms but you can override that by adding a delay to the object, like so:

<cs:SearchField search="doMyCustomSearch(event)" delay="1000"/>

There are other options too. Here's the code for the second search box in the above demo:

<cs:SearchField width="220" hint="Search For.." delay="50"  search="doSearch2(event)" backgroundImage="@Embed(source='resources/zoom.png')"/>

Well, almost. You need to tell Flex where the SearchField class lives by defining the "cs" namespace (cs= codestore ;-). You can see how that's done in the code download.

Using The Component In Your Own Projects

I don't want to blow my own trumpet too much, but I think this is a really useful component to have. I've used it in four different applications already!

Because I created the component as a shared component I only maintain one "code stream". Any changes I make to it are inherited in all the apps that use it. How did I do that?

Creating A Shared Components Area

First you need to do is create a Flex Project Library from the File menu:



In the dialog that appears call it something like "MySharedComponent" and press Finish.

Now, assuming you want, you can start by adding my SearchField component. First, download this Flex Archive file (Zip) and leave it zipped up on your disk somewhere.

Now, find your new component project in the Flex Navigator pane, right click it and choose Import. In the next dialog choose "Archive File" and press Next.

Use the Browse button to find the Zip you just saved and then choose the files to import, as below:


Click Finish and you're done. You now have all the code you need. Feel free to take a look round and see how easy it was for me to create custom settings and events for the component.

All you need to do is tell the component project what files to include when compiling, right click it and make sure they're all ticked in the build path area, as below:


Adding the Component to An Existing Project

Now, let's say you want to add the search field to a project you're working on. Right click that project in the Navigator pane and click properties.

Add the new component library to the Flex Build Path, as below:


Next time you open a file from the project you'll see the SearchField component listed in the Components pane when in design mode. Or you can add the following code to your Applications root MXML:

<mx:Application xmlns:cs="net.codestore.flex.*"> 

Then you can add it by hand in the MXML code.


One known issue is that it doesn't work very well on anything other than a dark backgrounds, as the "hint" text colour is black.

There are probably other shortcomings but, for now, it works well and I've been using without problems in a few applications.

If nothing else it's a good demo in how to create not only shared component libraries but also your own component and how to add events and properties to it. I've enjoyed creating it. Hope you enjoy using/learning from it!

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Installing and deploying this XPages example allows you to examine documents behind a view and modify selected ones. Use this example as a template for your own testing, then modify or extend it for your Domino 8.5 applications.

The Custom Content Assembler is a pilot application available on Lotus Labs that enables users to search for content and assemble into documents. This article provides a basic description and links to further information.

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Apparently Ian Irving figured this method out once before then forgot how to do it. This time he's written up his isValidateURL and isValidateEmailAddress Regular Expression (or regexp ) routines and posted them so he can find them again.

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Bernd Hort got a strange error message when he tried to open a database. Not realizing anything had changed, he started investigating. The investigation uncovered some things and confused others.

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Tap here to learn more about this set of 73 administrative utilities for Lotus Notes & Domino.

Many companies have e-mail retention policies but not everyone abides by them. An aide to the mayor of Boston routinely deleted his mail while employees of one agency were told to delete mail due to lack of storage space, all of which has led to problems.

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Today a courier's van pulled up outside and the driver removed a laptop-sized box. Alas it wasn't my new laptop but the port replicator for it. I nearly bought it as part of the Lenovo order for the RRP of ~£192. Luckily I looked on eBay and got a brand new one with free delivery for 75! Goes to show it's always worth looking about for the extras.

Talking of saving money, I thought I'd check my order status on lenovo.com. When I was there I noticed a huge advert on the homepage advertising a three day 10% sale on all laptops! Doh.

The quandary now is whether to cancel my order and start over, thereby saving ~140 quid. Trouble is it would delay my order by a week.

The question has to be would I pay an extra 140 pounds to have it delivered a week earlier. The answer has to be no and this, in turn, solves the dilemma. Better get on the phone tomorrow....

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Our kids have all got books for recording the date they first did things, such as "situp unaided", crawl, walk, say "mama" etc etc.

I've never seen the space to record what Felix did for the first time this morning though. He used a mouse! Ahhhh, that's ma boy!

Well, I say mouse. It was my laptop's touchpad, but the principle's the same, I guess.

This is something of a godsend for me as it means I don't have to come to his aide every ten minutes when the Youtube Scooby Doo video he's watching is "broken daddy, broken". He can now use the mouse to choose the next one and click to play it.

What next, his first line of code...

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Phil Randolph
Tags: answer answerer authors email follow comments
I am 'following' the answers to a question and noticed that in the email generated when a new answer is submitted pertaining to that question, there is no indication in the email who the 'answerer" is. 
Also noticed that the text after the salutation to me assumes I've 'commented' on the answer and that's why I'm getting this email, when in reality I've just asked to 'follow' the question/answers.
It also refers to viewing the 'comment' rather than the question or answers in the url link paragraph near the end.
And just noticed - even the subject of the email comes in as "New IQJam Comment"
Just some things I've noticed... 

Author: Phil Randolph
Tags: embedded questions
Has any thought been given to doing a similar construct in IQJam as there is in IdeaJam to allow easy embedding of a question on an blog or other web site?  This seems to have been a great boon for IdeaJam and wondered if it had been considered for IQJam.

Peter Presnell blogged about another discussion template next generation prototype showing some advanced ...
Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: forms xpages
Forms probably carry a lot of baggage due to the need to be backward compatable - and this design element goes all the way back to Notes 1.0.  So why not develop a new XForm design element that combines the power of the Form as a Notes Rich client design element with some of the ideas in Xpages that would be applicable.
Automatically tied to a single datasource (A Notes document)
Notes Rich client controls that support read-only, disable, visble, and styles
Custom control as an alternative to subforms
Panel control that replaces layers, can float, by placed by %
Repeater control that can loop through elements in lists
Embedded HTML frames
Supports LotusScript, creating a default class to hold all the events on the form
Full DXL compatability allowing souyrce to be edited either visually or as code

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: voting
Provide a way for a collection of ideas already submitted to be grouped into a collection and then ask voters to vote a 2nd time (revote).
This idea came from something I was trying to do with ideas posted in the OpenNTF ideajam for Discusion Nextgen...  I would like to take related ideas and then poll the community for their views on just these items.  i.e. which of THESE are most important.  It also helps if the voting is open for the same time for each item as a bias isnt given to those ideas posted for the longest period of time.
e.g. Imagine if we could take the top 20 ideas for Xpages and thgen ask everyone to votes just on these items to get a sense of which ones really are the most important.  Assuming IBM were the ones interested enough to actually conduct such a poll.
Lotus Live: We could conduct a 2nd poll after ideas closed but just take the "top 100, or 50, or 25" ideas for a 2nd vote for the same period of time.

Author: Jerh O'Connor
Tags: hackday knowledge sharing
OK this is a stream of consucious thing but here goes. If I've a wee team put togther for hackday and we're brainstorming, hacking, coding, and so on and I've a question I'll ask - pop up my head prairie dog style and ask, shout w/o moving my head, ping, ST, mail - whatever. For example - what the fastest way to get an iWidget developed? Can I add a dojo widgets using WPF? Might get no answer or might get an answer that sends me off in a new direction - Hey, you don't wanna do dojo in WPF you wanna hand code it!
The more folks involved in the team and the more diverse the backgrounds the more answer and more varied answers I get. So how about I extend that wee team mentioned above to the wider Hackday audience or at least those hackday hackers who have expressed an interest in listening to such queries/comments? The whole community benefits and new idea, sub-ideas, future ideas, relationships even develop.
For implementation I was thinking of some form of modified twitter with a throttle to prevent noise etc. Input appreciated.

Author: Joseph Hoetzl
Tags: preformatted code example sample code
I would imagine in tech arenas, that code would be frequently posted.  I think it would be good to have a <pre></pre> or <code> type formatter available.  Perhaps also integrate Mr. Robichaux ls2html into the works?

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: xpages panels fieldset
In designing Xpage forms I find myself often wanting to use a Panel control as a way of laying out and grouping common fields into one logical unit.  Visually I often want to display them as a fieldset.  To do this (it seems) I must manually add the HTML inside each xsp:panel.  It would be a nice feature to add a legend property to the panel control which (if specified) would effectively create the <fieldset><legend> tags automatically for me reducing the amount of HTML I must manually build to create a form.

Andre Guirard from IBM has recently been elected by the OpenNTF committers to be another OpenNTF Apache committer. As such he can add entries to the Apache catalog. He just published his first project as committer to OpenNTF - the LotusScript Gold ...
Author: Lotus Domino Designer
Tags: domino designer webviews views ajax
As of now if we open the categorized view in lotus notes, the look and feel and the categorization option also toooooo bad.
There should be some mechanism in designer such that if u open categorized view, then it should be opened in the ajaz formatted view. Which is very convinient and fast.(Categorization without loading the entire page.)

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: xpage validation
Validation on Xpages is driving me crazy.  With Notes classic I would typically do validations with @If(@isDocbeingSaved;....) as a way of deferring validations until the document is being commited.  With Xpages the Validators seem to kick in with every full or partial refresh.  Rather than moving all my validation to JS or SSJS I would like a simple option to request valioation only be done at the time of a submit or save.

Author: Nicolas ADMENT
Tags: resource reservation
In a resource reservation database you can enable an agent "Purge Documents" which removes reservations older than 2 days.
I would like to have an agent for cleaning old reservations with a number of day retention defined by resource.
Easy to do, but should be in standard.

Author: jacqueline altrogge
Tags: Architect Process Version
I want to start each process version, the architect should be launched from the process database.

Based on feedback from several people I've updated the rich client discussion prototype. As previously it uses the Java Views on the 'home page' for a consistent look & feel with the Notes PIM applications. The second page comes up when you open a ...
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Статьи и Документация

Newly added servers or servers over a WAN connection do not appear in the Server -> Monitoring view of the Domino Administrator client.
Download speeds are significantly slower when accessing a Domino Web server (Windows) in a high latency environment
List of router commands available in Domino.
Domino log or console shows "Router: Journaling was unable to get Public Key".
В данном техническом описании рассматриваются самые важные и наиболее серьезные факторы, влияющие на производительность приложений IBM Lotus Notes и Domino.
In IBM® Lotus® Quickr™ versions earlier than 8.1.1, the public APIs supported only document-related services. Lotus Quickr 8.1.1 now has REST-based services for wiki and blog content, to enable creating, viewing, updating, and deleting wiki and blog content inside Lotus Quickr. This article focuses on the REST-style wiki and blog content service APIs, their usage, and how they can be leveraged to build custom solutions.
The Resource & Reservations (R&R) database is running on a clustered Lotus Domino server with the RnRMgr task running on two of the clustermates. If one server goes down and the RnRMgr is stopped and restarted on the second server, the RnRMgr task goes into a wait state and does not begin processing until the first server comes back up.
This document explains the possible issues and considerations when changing a Lotus Notes/Lotus Domino server's IP address.
If you quit or exit Lotus Notes normally, sometimes the nnotesmm.exe or ntaskldr.exe files are left in memory. This prevents Notes from launching on the next attempt with an associated error message. Why does this happen?
Is it possible to use a policy to add database icons to the Lotus Notes workspace or bookmark?
In Lotus Notes, when you try to open your manager's calendar (you only have access to view calendar entries), you experience very slow performance.
When you install a Lotus Domino server on AIX, the following error occurs: "Fatal Error extracting filegroup."
A Lotus Domino server on a Linux platform crashes on the ObjStoreReadDir() task during startup.
This document lists each new Lotus Notes 8.x feature and whether each requires the Notes 8.x Standard configuration (Eclipse-based interface as opposed to the Lotus Notes 8 "Basic Configuration"), a Lotus Notes 8.x mail template (MAIL8.ntf), or a Lotus Domino 8.x server.
This cookbook provides a recommended approach to upgrade from IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 6.5.x to 8.0.2. The framework of the cookbook is based on a presentation given at Lotusphere 2009 by David Bel
This document details how to collect a Java dump or heapdump for Lotus Expeditor issues.
A user creates a repeating meeting directly in the Lotus Notes calendar and adds a room reservation that ends in 2013. The user leaves the company and the administrator wants to delete all instances of the reservation at one time. However, every entry must be deleted one at a time.
Errors occur when you connect to a Lotus Domino database using the Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio 1.1 along with WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) 5.1.
В этой статье вы узнаете, как с помощью IBM Workplace Forms V2.7 Integrator для WebSphere Portal V6.0 Document Manager интегрировать возможности Workplace Forms с вашим серверным приложением на WebSphere Portal и получить максимальные преимущества от обеих систем.
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