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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 229 от 2009-09-09
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Столкнулся с необходимостью работать с Lotus в фоновом режиме.
Пользователю нужно находясь в документе Word дергать информацию из базы Lotus.

Начинается с того, что не могу достучаться к уже запущенному клиенту smile.gif
Set session = CreateObject("Lotus.NotesSession")
Call session.Initialize

Работает, но не годится, так как требуется каждый раз вводить пароль.
Через GetObject достучаться до клиента не получается, никак не пойму что указать в параметрах.

Далее, после инициализации сессии

Set db = session.GetDatabase("", "Путь к базе")
Set view = db.GetView("Имя вьюшки")

Set doc = view.GetDocumentByKey("ИмяЗакладки")
выдает ошибку
Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument()
Нормально, но мне не это надо, мне надо по ключу.
И далее из полученного документа нужно получить значение поля:
Selection.TypeText (CStr(doc.GetItemValue("Name")))
опять посылает меня.

Никак не могу найти ничего в помощь, куда тыкнуться?
Раз в 2-3 дня при попытке запустить агент происходит сбой:

05.09.2009 19:27:02 AMgr: Start executing agent 'AWF.Loop.RequestExecutor.Mail' in 'mechel\edms\0_Service\AWF_EC.nsf' by Executive '3'
05.09.2009 19:27:02 AMgr: 'Lotus Notes Development/MechelSG' is the agent signer of agent 'AWF.Loop.RequestExecutor.Mail' in 'mechel\edms\0_Service\AWF_EC.nsf'
05.09.2009 19:27:02 AMgr: 'Agent 'AWF.Loop.RequestExecutor.Mail' in 'mechel\edms\0_Service\AWF_EC.nsf' will run on behalf of 'Lotus Notes Development/MechelSG'
05.09.2009 19:27:03 AMgr: Agent ('AWF.Loop.RequestExecutor.Mail' in 'mechel\edms\0_Service\AWF_EC.nsf') printing: Calling module/proc:F4A94A8 \ INITIALIZE error #151 on line #8
Cannot find external name: CLUSTERSERVER
05.09.2009 19:27:03 AMgr: Agent ('AWF.Loop.RequestExecutor.Mail' in 'mechel\edms\0_Service\AWF_EC.nsf') error message: Calling module/proc:F4A94A8 \ INITIALIZE error #151 on line #8
Cannot find external name: CLUSTERSERVER
05.09.2009 19:28:00 Process C:\Lotus\Domino\namgr.EXE (7180/0x1C0C) has terminated abnormally

В результате у Agent Manager перестает исполняться одна нить, база перестает обслуживаться Agent Manager, один раз было замечено прикращение работы маршрутизатора. Для восстановления функционирования сервера Domino требует полный перезапуск компьютера.

Агент работает постоянно. На других серверах таких проблем нет
Дано: набор клиентов Lotus Notes в диапазоне версий от 6.5.3 до 8.5
Требуется: антиспам решение способное просканировать и почистить базы пользователей по технологии сходной с работой утилиты-оповещалки nnotify...
По возможности из свободных...

ЗЫ Прошу прощения за идиотский вопрос, но раз наши "отвественные" не способны нормально решить задачу антиспама - хоть так - на уровне конкретных пользователей...

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Tips. Советы

By David Gewirtz

It appears our fascination with hacking Sametime hasn't abated. After we ran last week's Fun with Sametime and Skype article, reader Janna Roosje asks:

I don't care about using Skype. I like my regular phone. But I really love Trillian because I can IM to all different kinds of IM clients. Except Sametime. What can I do to add Sametime to Trillian?

Fortunately, programmers will be programmers and there was someone out there who also wanted to create a link between Sametime and Trillian. We're not big Trillian users here (IM is a big distraction when you're a writer), but we did find STPlugin, a Sametime plugin for Trillian.

See the link below and let us know what you think. It seems pretty full-featured. The only thing it lacks, apparently, is Sametime's private messaging capabilities. So watch what you say, and enjoy.

Product availability and resources
Download STPlugin.

For more than 20 years, David Gewirtz, the author of Where Have All The Emails Gone? and The Flexible Enterprise, has analyzed current, historical, and emerging issues relating to technology, competitiveness, and policy. David is the Editor-in-Chief of the ZATZ magazines, is the Cyberterrorism Advisor for the International Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals, and is a member of the instructional faculty at the University of California, Berkeley extension. He can be reached at david@zatz.com and you can follow him at http://www.twitter.com/DavidGewirtz.

Convert Lotus Notes documents to PDF for sharing, archiving or web printing.

  • 1-step PDF: As easy as clicking a Lotus Notes toolbar icon
  • Archive email folders or views as a self-contained PDF
  • Convert any document collection into a PDF file
  • Produce print-quality output from Web applications
  • Client side or Server side conversion
  • Doesn't require any DLL files
  • LotusScript API for developers

Ready to learn more?

Thomas Duff has posted information on a low-risk vulnerability in the 8.0.1 version of the Lotus Domino Web Access client. He includes links to the report, hotfix and more.

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On this page, Luis Suarez provides a link to the OpenNTF site so you can download a copy of the bookmark viewer and a short video showing how it works.

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Keith Brooks has posted a set of links to plugins, templates, and other additions to Quickr. These are things you might find useful but don't ship with the product.

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Integra generates Notes data to Microsoft Word, Excel, and Lotus Symphony, allowing end users to analyse and present data using Graphs, Pivot Tables, Filters, etc. Supports Mail Merge and Labels. No software required for install, and no maintenance on the end user's workstation.

Through the optional use of Integra's event driven model, it provides a depth of access to data & computational capability, which is unique in the industry.

A FREE Integra for Notes evaluation is available from www.integra4notes.com/download.

This is a new whitepaper, available for download, from developerWorks. It was written with the idea of helping LotusScript developers make the jump to Java.

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Using Widgets in Notes/Domino 8.0.1 and higher lets you easily roll out applications to users. Just follow these four quick steps.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Jan Schulz
Tags: keyboard shortcuts db
Make it possible to add keyboard shortcuts to the view, db and document context.

  • shortcut in document, which advances the document in the approval workflow
  • view/DB: shortcut, which will launch an agent, which does something with the current document
[Examples added]

Author: Jan Schulz
Tags: keyboard shortcuts db
Make it possible to add keyboard shortcuts to the view, db and document context.
  • shortcut in document, which advances the document in the approval workflow
  • view/DB: shortcut, which will launch an agent, which does something with the current document
[Examples added]

Author: Jan Schulz
Tags: bug profile ideajam.net
When I try to configure my email subscription (my ideas and comments on ideas I've commented on -> want them both at "yes"), I can't save the profile: I get a login dialog (again) and afterwards my profile changes are not saved.
BTW: what is the right way to report bugs like this? Couldn't find a link on the page...
(feel free to delete this idea if it is inappropriate)

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: view json dxl readviewentries
how often do you need the full yadayada when using the ?readviewentries?
it would be nice to be able to specify the option that you want the output without the timestamp, position, toplevelentries ... info

Peter Presnell blogged yesterday about another alternative for a rich client user interface of the discussion template. This version uses 'classic' Notes application development features so that this application could be used in Notes 6, 7 and 8 basic. He ...
Author: Tom Oneil
Tags: designer agents
Can we list the "Run On" server in the agents' designer view?

Author: Charles Robinson
Tags: SPR PMR support
Currently you have no way of knowing when or if an SPR gets fixed. IBM has all the contact information for the person who submitted the report, so they should automatically e-mail that person when the SPR is fixed.
This may be offered via Premium Support. I contend that customers should not have to pay for the privilege of debugging IBM's software. Adding this would cost IBM virtually nothing while increasing customer participation and satisfaction.

We want to put together a video for OpenNTF. It will not be too detailed for now, something along the lines of Lotus Knows and as simple/to the point as this great production from Bruce Elgort. So something 30/40 seconds long, we will do other more ...
Author: Karthikeyan S
Tags: Out of Office
Some companies have half day leave options, So It would be nice if the out of office setting has time component as well for the leaving and returning dates similar to out look. So the user can select 09-Sep-2009 2:00 PM to 10-Sep-2009 2 PM.

Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: outline entries formatting text
the options for the outline are a bit restricted.
for example: you can not set the text to bold for selected levels without changing it also for normal entries

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: xpages editor
One of the biggest reasons I have for NOT using Xpages for some applications is the rich text editor.  One of the first extensions of XPages specifically for the Notes client should be the option to embed the Notes client rich text editor as a rich client control.  Not only is it a more powerfull editor but it eliminates issues with fidelity between web-based rick text control and the Notes client control.

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: forms controls
Xpages has this, so why not Forms....  The ability with a single click to mark a field on a Form as read only.  This would reduce the complexity of so many forms eliminating many computed-for-display/computed-when-composed fields plus solve a long standing issue with RichText fields.

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Статьи и Документация

In this article, we give an overview of the IBM® LotusLive offerings and describe their unique features. In subsequent articles in this series, we examine each offering in more detail.
Learn how the SMTP protocol and SMTP authentication process works to secure your IBM Lotus Domino 8 server from spam.
This white paper is a guide for personalizing the content and layout of the mail messages generated by IBM Lotus Connections 2.5.
The Using IBM Lotus Notes 8 Mail, Calendar and Contacts guided tour is an interactive set of animated demonstrations and activities designed to familiarize you with the Lotus Notes mail, calendar and
Domino 8.0.1 server can crash every 80 minutes.
Databases are left with .TMP extensions after running Compact -c.
For a Dialog List where the choices are in Chinese, the alias value is not saved to the field. The actual choice value is the one saved.
You notice an increase in the time it takes to open a form containing several subforms, when some of these subforms load script libraries.
If a calendar entry contains non-ASCII characters, line breaks do not appear when the entry displays in the Calendar view. This issue has been fixed in Notes 8.0.2.
The LotusScript NotesViewEntryCollection class does not work as expected when applied to a categorized view. When iterating through the NotesViewEntryCollection, you will observe that not all of the expected documents are accessed and that some documents might be accessed more than once. In other cases, the expected document(s) are not included in the collection at all.
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