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An IBM Mashup Center plug-in to convert HTML to XML
Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 221 от 2009-08-21
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java рассылка:выпускархивлентаблогсайт Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008comp.soft.prog.lotuscodesrore
Форумы.Свежи темы и обсужденият.е. поле с новыми данными и есть поле со старыми как их сравнить? "мама мыла раму" новые "мама раму мыла" старые как спарсить...пните что бы полетел... Доброго времени суток. После переустановки системы перестали открываться документы в клиенте Lotus по полученной ссылке в outlook. Подскажите как быть. Просто раньше не сталкивался с такой проблемой. Всем привет... Построили сложную систему (ну почти построили)... Теперь удручает:
Безусловно, все зависит от того, как делать... но когда платформа не очень быстрая с суперустаревшим языком + падает при выделении памяти для сложения массивов, например.... Задавал уже этот вопрос в разделе по программированию, однако не нашел ответа, так что надеюсь на помощь администраторов. Итак, в базе Lotus 7 имеется несколько Shared-private-on-first-use папок и представлений. Папки используются для поиска документов. Проблема в том, что для простых пользователей не удается найденные документы поместить в папку: выдается сообщение типа "Cannot move document to shared, private on first use folder". В представлениях не работает поиск по представлению: "Cannot search shared, private on first use view" (точно сообщение не помню, могу уточнить, если требуется). Пользователи являются авторами, имеют права на создание, копирование и репликацию документов, а также на создание частных папок и представлений. Документы, с которыми работают вышеперечисленные папки и представления, доступны этим пользователям только для чтения (вдруг важно). Подскажите пожалуйста, какие еще права надо для них проверить? Доброго времени суток. После переустановки системы перестали открываться документы в клиенте Lotus по полученной ссылке в outlook. Подскажите как быть. Просто раньше не сталкивался с такой проблемой. Вводные: Есть банк на 3500 сотрудников. Версия Lotus 6.5.* Сменился собственник и банк переименовался. Было лотусиное имя вида FName MName LName/Bank1/CC Приспичило руководству чтоб имена были FName MName LName/Bank2/CC Зарегистрировал новый cert.id вида /Bank2/CC и сделал кросс-сертификацию между /Bank1/CC и /Bank2/CC Пытаюсь перетянуть пользователя FName MName LName/Bank1/CC на /Bank2/CC как сказано в хелпе админовском, т.е. через Rename в админ клиенте. Все Ок, админ запрос создается с Action'ом "Move Person's Name in Hierarchy", но почему-то не отрабатывает, хотя с консоли сервера давалась команда te adminp process all неоднократно. Может между корневыми сертификатами двигать юзеров нельзя? Прошу помощи, бо руководство клятое, заколебало уже. Всем привет! Помогите пожалуйста решить следующую проблему: Задача состоит в том, чтобы экспортировать форму из базы, дабы получить все ее поля, их типы и т.д. Используя DXLExporter и метод Export - все работает, НО только на локальных базах. В большинстве случаев (95 %) при открытии базы на сервере, форму экспортирует не так как надо (см. пример dxl внизу), а именно не видно полей. Как ни странно на некоторых базах этого сервера экспортирует нормально, но их 1-2 шт. Заранее благодарен за помощь.
Изменить настройку почтовый клиент по умолчанию. Изменить настройку почтовый клиент по умолчанию. Будут ли рассылаться письма от пользователя при использовании почтовых правил другим, если у пользователя выключен компьютер? Интересные темы: Список форумов: Tips. СоветыJake Howlett provides the code, and some reference links, to help you upload files from Flex to a Domino server. Jake includes a small demo program to show how it works. Read | Permalink Patrick Picard was trouble-shooting a problem when he crashed the application server. He found it was easy to replicate the crash, so he's posted the steps in case you need some excitement. Read | Permalink Pastovenskyi Dmytro is stumped and would like some help. He has an agent in a database to create a document in a mail database. And, while it works, it opens an old-style DOS window he'd like to get rid of. Read | Permalink In this podcast Chris Miller and Mary Beth Raven discuss the design enhancements in Notes 8.5.1. The podcast runs about 20 minutes. Read | Permalink If you're working with Domino and Flex, sooner or later you're going to want to upload a file to the server. But, how? Well, it's not simple (that is, it's nothing much like the way you're used to doing things) but it's not particularly hard either. Although you do have to do it all using script, rather than just plonking a file upload control on a form and letting the browser handle the rest. In Flex you upload (and download for that matter) files using the FileReference class, which you create like this: private var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference(); The FileReference object has, amongst others, the following two methods: browse and upload, which let you browse for files and upload a file, respectively. Unlike browsing for files using the HTML control, with Flex we can specify what type of files to upload, using a FileFilter, like so: var fileFilter:FileFilter = new FileFilter("CSV Files", "*.csv"); Once we have a filter (or more than one if you like) we can browse for those file types like so: fileRef.browse( [ fileFilter ] ); At which point the user would see a standard file browsing dialog for their OS. Client-Side ValidationWhen the "file selected" event fires we can then do client-side testing of the file size. if (fileRef.size > 10240) { Alert.show("That file is too big! Must be less than 10kb"); } Try doing that in a browser! Doing the UploadHere comes the clever part. To POST the file to the server we use the upload method of the FileReference object. Like so: var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest( basePath+"Demos.Flex.Upload?CreateDocument" ); fileRef.upload(request, "%%File.1"); Notice the second parameter passed to the upload method! Look familiar? What this does is tell the server what "field name" to expect the file to be POSTed to. In our case we're using "%%File.1" which is a special name you need to use if you want to add your own file upload controls to forms. Note that for this to work you need to make a change to the server's Notes.ini file, as described in the last link. A Simple DemoHere's a simple demo of a Flex app which actually uploads files to this Domino server. Once uploaded you should see a "open document" link appear at the bottom which will let you open the actual document in the browser, to prove the file is there. Have a play. Source Code?If you want to see all the code involved (there's not that much) then just right-click the Flex app above and choose "view source". Domino developers know that errors can and do occur during application development and testing as well as during production. This JavaScript traps errors in Domino applications -- providing two advantages over the browser's built-in error-handling method.
Theo Heselmans recently found a new Section Border style in Notes 8. He shows how to use it, in case you didn't already know. Read | Permalink EASY DOMINO ACCESS: REMOVE PASSWORDS, END LOGIN PROMPTS, REDUCE PASSWORD MANAGEMENT PistolStar's Password Power provides browser-based single sign-on to Lotus Domino, Sametime and Quickr with the enhanced security of the Kerberos or NTLM authentication protocol.
Download white paper to learn more: "Leverage Active Directory with Kerberos to Eliminate HTTP Password" Mary Beth Raven continues with her posts on new stuff coming in 8.5.1 this time with new features for iNotes users. Read | Permalink Brian M Moore wanted to create a script to fix an entry in a data field, which worked until he got to dates. Then things got more complicated. He's posted his code in PDF format, just in case you need the same kind of function. Read | Permalink Patrick Picard wants to give his help desk people the ability to run FixUp on databases so he doesn't have to. He tried some stuff on his test server but it didn't work as it seemed it should. So, what is the use of the "restricted system administrators"? Read | Permalink NEW! LEARN NOTES AND DOMINO 8 AT YOUR PLACE AND PACE! Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower8
Еще советы: Смотри советы на сайтах: Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишутNotes Client / Mail: Lotus Knows: Split Screens for Multiple Tabs = Increased Productivity! Перевод [RU] Author: Enzo Frati Tags: notes symphony view display productivity Idea: Ability to view your tab'd aplications within your Notes client on separate screens.
This would be particularly useful for integrated apps like Symphony with its doc and spreadsheet tools.
Essentially allowing you to view both apps on a single (or dual) screen without having to flip back and forth between tabs.
Similar concept to opening a browser tab in a New Window, this would be an application tab in a new window. Domino Administrator / Admin Tools: Gestion plus fine de la règle "Envoyer une copie à" / More detailed management of the "Send a copy to" Перевод [RU] Author: Jean-Yves REMY Tags: management Send a copy to policy Idea: Il existe des règles disponibles dans le fichier courrier. Parmi ces règles, il existe une règle permettant de faire suivre entièrement ou partiellement un message vers une adresse mail spécifique.
Je pense que la mise en place de contrôle via une politique serait intéressant dans le but de limiter les transferts soit : - uniquement vers un ou plusieurs domaines domino - vers un ou plusieurs domaines domino et vers internet - du mail entier - aucun transfert (existe déjà dans le document de configuration) ********Google Translate********
There are rules available in the mail. Among these rules, there is a rule to be followed completely or partly a message to a specific email address. I think the establishment of control through a policy would be interesting in order to limit transfers from the following: - Only to one or more areas domino - To one or more areas and to domino internet - The entire mail - No transfer (already exists in the document configuration) Domino Administrator / Other: Show in names.nsf whether a document has restricted access Перевод [RU] Author: Gaby Spaszewski Tags: directory Idea: In our names.nsf we have several groups and resources were we have to restrict the access to a limited number of users (e.g. users from a branch in Hamburg may not see the rooms and resources documents of the branch in Munich and vice versa. All our 9000 users work centrally with this names.nsf so a selective replication formula is not an option). We do this by unchecking the box 'All readers and above' in the document properties under 'who can see this document' and manually selecting the users and servers who should see the document. This poses two problems: 1. It is not transparent within the names.nsf that the access to these documents has been restricted. It would be very helpful if an icon would be shown in front of the documents that have restricted access so you can identify them easily. I know that we could either change an existing view or add a new one using the $Readers field but we do not change the template for the names.nsf at all. 2. There should be an easier way to maintain these access restrictions: an additional option in the Administrator client would be nice and an easy way to view with one click the restrictions you have set. Author: Paul Withers Tags: Dojo XPages Idea: The Blog template for R8 has an Editor2 dojo widget, that has plugins for adding links, pictures, viewing as HTML etc., using dojo widgets stored as File Resources in the database template.
XPages uses dojo widgets, using dojo files installed on the server.
It would be great if you could use this Editor2 widget (possibly determining visibility of the various plugins) in XPages.
Exporting the file resources and putting them on the server doesn't work - presumably because of incompatibility on dojo versions. Creating your own version means you need to deploy not only your Domino template, but the dojo files as well. Notes Client / Core/Frameworks (Incl. sidebar, rich text editor): Store most used languages at the top in the language tagging listbox. Перевод [RU] Author: Anders Fredriksson Tags: language tags Idea: When language-tagging text while composing text, it would be nice to have the most used languages in the top of the list box. Now i have to scroll down every time (or type a letter)
In non US countries, we switch between native language and english/french/german etc.
/Anders Author: Jan Schulz Tags: UI Ideajam voting Idea: I mean the green-with-black-border popup, which is shown after each voting. I greatly clashes with the rest of the UI and looks like from Notes4 when the rest is from notes8+ :-)
A better UI might be a white one with dropshadow and rounded, orange borders (like the "Post my idea" buttons), but someone might have a better eye for design than me :-). Author: Ranjun Chauhan Tags: network profile Idea: Today invting people to join your personal network does not mean anything. Allow people to communicate with in mails or other unique features that make creating a network much more valuable. Notes Client / Contacts: Create a very nice "My Contacts" widget (like linkedin widget) Перевод [RU] Author: Johan Koopman Tags: widgets Idea: I have an idea for a Plug In for the Sidebar in Lotus Notes The request is around Lotus Notes My Contact Database. Usecase: If I get an email I would like to add the sender to My Contact Database Now I have to Copy the address data , (all contact details); Open the My Contact Database and Copy / Paste field by field the information.. ==> this is quite a bit of work What if I could have a Sidebar PlugIn in Notes where I would have an automatic 'grabber' and can drag and drop the address information in the My Contacts sidebar plug in! What if I could search in the My Contacts data base (and view business cards); I change contact address data and were the data is automatically indexed when updated What if I could sent an email/chat directly from the sidebar plug in to the contact or what if I could Schedule a meeting from the sidebar plug in and forward a business card. That would be handy :-) Author: Peng Zhang Tags: sametime Idea: An form always need to be generated in the web page. Now, to simpify the form developing effort, we can let sametime to send forms. An form sender can customize the form, then send to who need to fill these forms. The receivers won't get a chat window, but they get a form window, based on the look of sametime. They fill in the form and click submit. All the inputs are sent back to the sametime form server. The result will be collected and sent to the form sender. Author: Manfred Schibler Tags: IMAP notes client Idea: Redesign the IMAP Account integration for the Lotus Notes Client.
In many cases it it usefull to integrated other Mail Accounts from other Mail provider to the mailbox. Today it should be a must, that a mail client supports standard mail protocols as well as possible.
Similar to other Mail Clients (ex Thunderbird) it should be possible to integrated other IMAP Accounts to the Mailbox.
The current IMAP Integration solution is not up to date.
Author: Ove Størholt Tags: Android Traveler Notes Idea: I'd like a Traveler client for the Google Android platform!
Several Android phones have already hit the marked and there are more to come. The platform is gaining popularity!
Some of these phones comes with pre-installed access to MS Exchange. So far I haven't had the chance to test if this could work with Traveler.
But I know that we all would be very happy using a native Android client! :-)
Vote yes!
Regards from Ove Author: Christopher Boote Tags: restore Idea: Add an option at the user mailbox level to make Restored documents Unread Author: Maarten Raeymaekers Tags: newsletter mailmerge Idea: A plain and simple HTML newsletter / mailmerge application template, included for free with Domino would really make a difference. Author: SUMA SHASTRY Tags: search multiple databases Idea: Currently, Lotus notes has search facility depending on a single database. i.e if you want to search the mail/content having a word, you would have to first open the database (nsf file) and then search. It would be good if we have a search enabled for all the databases you would have on your workspace/disk. We do have some products who could do the search based on mail files. How ever, it would be good to incorporate this search in Lotus Notes itself. Sametime / IM/Chat Client: Lotus Sametime needs to enable sending attachments simultaniously to multiple people Перевод [RU] Author: SUMA SHASTRY Tags: sametime attachment multiple Idea: Same time "announcements" option is used to send a single message to multiple people. Enabling "Send attachments" via announcements as well as multi person chat will make it easy to share the same attachment with multiple people at one shot. Connections / : I wish a "files" connector / plug-in (similar to the Quickr one) for Connections Перевод [RU] Author: Mario Costa Tags: files Idea: That's pretty much it. A Lotus Connections Connector that allow me to access (download, upload, view) my files collections in connections without the need to open the browser and navigate through the pages. Author: Julian Lim Tags: lotus notes clients marketing home lotus users Idea: How about building and releasing a Notes Mail Client aimed at the home user that just does Mail (ie. POP or IMAP)? Give it the old "cc Mail" skin (some people might cringe at this) or just something that is quick and snappy? Everyone at home uses Outlook or a SaaS offering of some sort (gmail etc) these days, but where is that IBM/Lotus alternative? Email is a commodity these days, but it is the starting point, and people like what they are familiar with at home. IMHO, if Notes mail is to survive in the corporate space, it needs to start investing at home and get back to the grass root level ... Author: David Bailey Tags: voting Idea: I am participating in the Lotus Knows Jam. It would be nice to be able to reinforce comments by voting for them. Idea Jam / Other: Create a view in the database for action (idea, vote, comment) by Person Перевод [RU] Author: Michele McConomy Tags: action ideas votes comments person Idea: It would be a nice enhancement to the views to include a view in the database of individuals by their action ( by ideas, votes, comments). This should be viewed all within the same line rather than expanding to see all details below. This would increase efficiencies related to reporting on individual actions. Notes Client / Mail: Give an option to create custom action to perform in Notes QuickRule dialog Перевод [RU] Author: SUMA SHASTRY Tags: notes Idea: In the Lotus Notes Quick Rule Dialog, currently only 3 preset actions can be performed. This idea is to provide an option to the user to create his/her own custom action. Author: John Lindsay Tags: Mail attachment Idea: When sending out e-mails with attachments it may be that only some of the people may need to see the attachments. I would like to propose that as well as "To", "cc" and "Bcc" there is a further send option called (say) FYI. This would only send the body of the e-mail, not the whole thing.
Where I see this working for us is when something like an Action is closed out and part of the Close-out means that there is supporting documentation then the Supporting DOcuments are only sent to those that need it but other personnel are notified that the Action is closed.
Obvious benefit would be the reduction in the Volume of traffic sent out if there is a large distribution list. Еще записи: Интересные блоги специалистов: Статьи и ДокументацияLearn how to build a plug-in for the IBM Mashup Center that can convert HTML into XML, opening the door for some simple data extraction from HTML pages using the Feed Mashup Editor. MIME to CD conversion on Domino does not convert Macintosh created attachments. What is required to properly uninstall and remove 1/2 of a Lotus Domino partitioned installation on a Solaris host? Error: 'Archive Profile Document for database mail\xxx.nsf is problematic and must be deleted' Перевод [RU] During Lotus Domino server based archive, prohibiting private archive criteria will damage the archive profile document. Third-party tools sometimes require the use of an .MSI to deploy the installation of a Fix Pack in Lotus Notes 8.0.2.x or 8.5.x. This technote describes the steps necessary to first create a .MSI file and then describes how to run it. Silent install of Notes 8.0 Standard configuration client does not install Sametime component Перевод [RU] When you attempt to run the Notes 8.0 install silently (setup.exe /s /v"/qb+"), Notes will install as expected, but the Sametime component is not installed (as it should be by default). An issue can occur where when any message is opened, even a new memo, the letterhead will appear blacked out, with only the TO, CC, BCC, and SUBJECT fields visible. In Notes/Domino 8.0.2 and 8.5, folders that contain documents in an archive database are removed when that folder is deleted from the corresponding mail file. Note that the documents themselves are not deleted. They still appear in the All Documents view of the archive database. This list features the most requested documents as well as those identified as valuable in helping answer your questions related to Lotus Domino. The list will be updated periodically to reflect new trends and issues. Достижение максимальной экономии благодаря использованию DAOS в IBM Lotus Notes и Lotus Domino 8.5 Перевод [RU] В этой статье обсуждаются различные функции IBMВ® Lotus Notes® и IBM Lotus® Domino® 8.5, которые можно использовать для сокращения общих затрат на серверную систему хранения данных для Lotus Domino. Также почитатай: Найти документацию можно на сайтах:
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