Кто-нибудь пробовал устанавливать Fix Pack 1 на руссифицированный Lotus Notes 8.5? Fix Pack 1 вроде только в английской версии есть. Установиться ли он на русский Lotus Notes 8.5?
Появилась такая проблема: после смены сертификата некоторые базы пользователи не могут открыть, пишет, что они не имеют доступа к базе. В ACL прописаны их старые ФИО. Почему не во всех базах ФИО заменились на новые?
Меня интересует возможность доступа к файлам, расположенным на сервере Domino Directory посредством скрипта. Во всех примерах использования NotesStream.Open я видел ссылки лишь на локальный диск вида: "c:\notes\xml\database.xml".
Может ли LotusScript обращаться к каталогам и файлам DD и каким образом прописывается путь к оным? (например: "\DominoServer1\LDAP\AllDB" ?? )
Понимаю, вопрос может выглядеть глупо, но не обессудьте, новичек жуткий ))
|#^#]>DAOS Backup and Restore|#^#]> Собственно думаю написать русскую адаптивную статью о том как правильно бекапить DAOS, наподобие той где я писал про |#^#]>DAOS|#^#]> и вот по статье задумался что всё что нужно это не бекапить Daoscat.nsf and daos.cfg и правильно применить команду tell daosmgr resync force
сам лично до практики бекапирования не доходил, работает, не падает и файлов у меня там просто дофига...
Уклон хочу сделать как это сделать без стороннего ПО
DAOS Backup and Restore Собственно думаю написать русскую адаптивную статью о том как правильно бекапить DAOS, наподобие той где я писал про DAOS и вот по статье задумался что всё что нужно это не бекапить Daoscat.nsf and daos.cfg и правильно применить команду tell daosmgr resync force
сам лично до практики бекапирования не доходил, работает, не падает и файлов у меня там просто дофига...
Уклон хочу сделать как это сделать без стороннего ПО
Добрый день!! Есть желание обновить сервер Domino 8.0.2 до версии 8.5. Что нового в 8.5 стоит ли обновлять и главное как это правильно сделать. Гуглил ничего подходящего не нашёл, может у кого есть литература по этой теме. Заранее спасибо!!!
Tom O'Neil was looking through some slides from a presentation on performance tips when he came across an interesting comment. He decided to look further, and test his ideas, before posting his code to wrap Evaluate strings in a class.
This is the official "end of life" list for version 7.0.x of Notes, Domino, and Enterprise Integrator. Now is an excellent time to talk to the boss about upgrading.
Mike Sobczak has databases distributed across a number of servers meaning that sometimes people have trouble connecting to the database they need. In trying to understand the problem Mike ran across an interesting Technote.
Daniel Nashed says the Server Availability Index (SAI) may not always report correct information. It seems, if your server is really, really fast, the formula used to calculate availability can be thrown off. A new approach is available under Domino 8.5.
PISTOLSTAR: LOTUS NOTES AUTHENTICATION THAT BREAKS THE STATUS QUO Password Power's complete integration with the Microsoft Active Directory password enables Notes client access, ends time-consuming Notes ID password recovery and addresses known issues with Notes 8.5:
Passwords are encrypted in volatile memory - not stored on user's hard drive
Notes roaming capabilities are fully functional - not limited
Password checking is honored - no decreased security or failed compliance
All Notes ID file copies are synched automatically with Active Directory password - no remembering old passwords or restoring ID files
Stephan H Wissel provides a flow-chart of how document locking works under Domino. Since he needed to lock web documents, he had to write code to make it work. He provides some sample code to help you out.
Driving home last night I saw a bus. On the side of the bus was a list of places it went to. Two of the places were Mansfield and Chesterfield.
Thinking I'd give Karen a glimpse in to the inner workings of my mind I told about how, driving between home and university I used to notice the link between the three major places on route -- Mansfield, Chesterfield and Manchester. All three places having a part of their name in common with both the others. Hey, it was a boring drive!
Skip forward a few years and I've left uni and have my first job in, of all places, Ipswich. Driving to and from there each week, along the A14, again, I noticed something in the place names I saw signposted along the way, which were:
Wattisham, Needham Market, Ditchingham, Banham.
It seems the folk down there went from wondering what ham was to needing a market to sell it to ditching it and then banning it completely in their short-lived affair with the meat.
Normally this is the kind of thing you'd notice and keep to yourself, but, me being me, I used to tell anybody who'd listen. Surprisingly most people find it quite funny (told in the right way that is), although they could just be entertaining me. Karen even suggested I write in to tell Chris Evans, because "he loves stuff like that".
Here's the route you'd have to take to visit all four places.
If you've used Google Chrome you'll have seen the field on the default homepage for searching your history, which looks like this:
On the left is what you see by default. On the right is what you see when you're typing in the field. Notice the default grey text not only vanishes but the text becomes black.
Chrome isn't the only place you see this kind of interface for searching. It's becoming the norm and something users are used to seeing. So, how do we do it?
HTML Version
Here's an HTML version I quickly knocked together:
To see the code behind it download and/or view source of this HTML file. Nothing too complicated! It's a nice and simple way to add some fancy niceness to your applications.
Flex Version
HTML is all very well, but what about if you want to do it in Flex
Although Flex has lots of parallels with HTML I found myself having to stop and think about how I'd achieve the same effect in Flex. I got there without too much re-thinking though, and here's the result:
Notice I've used a Canvas. Elements inside a Canvas are stacked on top of each other in the order they get added. You then position them all absolutely within the Canvas using the X and Y properties of each element. The positions are relative to the top-left of the Canvas itself rather than its parent container! Positioning elements and general page layout in Flex is soooo easy.
Because the Image is the last element inside the canvas it appears on top of the input. Because the Label is the first element it is below the input field. We see it at first because the input field has a background alpha of 0 (transparent). When the input receives focus the background is set to opaque, thus hiding the label. Et voila! A Flex TextInput element with a background image and default text in grey, which is removed on focus (this last sentence is for Google ;-)
DCT is a great tool and I know that there is a need to centralize the process of pushing updates to DCT users.
I would like to ask for a possibility to integrate my own settings, test them in my environment and then export the setting and submit them to the DCT team for further testing and integration in an update.
The LotusSphere Europe conventions were excellent, and seemed muchj less sales focussed than the Orlando events
IBM needs to realise that the growing markets are not only in the US, and that the new EU member states are where the next revenue stream is coming from
A conference in Prague, where there are many fibne venues that can hold 5,000+ people would get a lot of attention from eastern Europe, and show them that IBM wants to operate in their countries
iNotes Ultralite is designed to page emails and the order seem to be first one first.
Most emails of interest especially when you are on the go are the new ones that you have not read yet. Currently, you'll have to click and click and click... an icon (that get's you to the next page) to get to where you want to be.
In an environment where you cannot expect good bandwidth, this is time consuming or nearly impossible if you have a huge inbox.
I've posted three new widgets in the Widget
Library project. Widget
for Dictionary.com
for Google Reader
for CDC Travel Health Map I will post three more widgets tomorrow
and we have some more good ones in the pipeline, but we/IBM ...
Currently, Idea Jam does not offer an easy view to see ideas within subcategories. It would be nice as a category is selected, when reaching the other screen a subfilter on subcategories would be available for those categories who have subcateogies within them.
When people come to ideajam, it would be great to have a feature that describes some of the themes beyond just tagging. In using ideajam ourselves, we have found people do not naturally select the most appropriate tags themselves. It would be a nice feature to have a page that would look through idea content and associate like / similar words to come up with broader themes and topics so that the broader audience could see top of mind themes and topics of the broader crowd. This concept is applied in online graphical dictionaries. http://www.visuwords.com/?word=knowledge
To be able to see the main theme and subsets such as the example here...would be outstanding for users to understand the major themes and concepts within ideajam, using a feature that is very visual and interesting.
Here are three more widgets:
Widget for Person Finder
Widget for TripAdvisor Business Travel Center
Widget for Lenovo machine Warranty Lookup Next week we'd like to post some other nice samples. We/IBM have three that are very close to be done but ...
This is a discussion of issues related to backup and restore when using DAOS on the Domino server. Various backup and restore scenarios are discussed, along with suggestions for best practices.
The Domino router does not acknowledge that a user has been renamed. The update has not been replicated to the server and a delivery failure is sent to the sender of the message.
This technote comprises the readme for IBM Lotus Domino server release 8.5 Interim Fix 5 (DominoServer_85IF5), which includes fixes for the following four SPRs: SPR #JPAI7MFS69 SPR #JCHS7NNM56 SPR #NEKO7NSNFR SPR #MKIN7PRNX3 A Hotfix is currently available for most operating systems and can be downloaded from the IBM Fix Central web site (http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/). See below for additional details. Please note the difference between IF4 and IF5: IF5 corrects an issue introduced in IF4 rela
In Lotus Domino 8.5, you will see the IMAP task crash your Domino Server in certain instances. This issue has been reported to Quality Engineering as SPR #JCHS7NNM56. A fix for the issue is included in Domino 8.5 Interim Fix 3 (85IF3), which is available for download from IBM Fix Central.
After upgrade Lotus Domino server to 8.0.x or 8.5, you may encounter performance problems when opening a view which selection formula contains non-ascii characters. The same performance downgrade has also be seen when server do CD/MIME conversion while the content contain non-ascii charactors. Comparing with Domino R6/R7, Domino server takes more time and more CPU when processing non-ascii contents. The problems have been reported as SPR # YPHG7QPCTQ and SPR # ZBZO7K2HAP.
Научитесь использовать IBM® DB2® для хранения данных IBM Lotus® Domino®. В данной статье на примере описаны четыре возможных сценария применения функций интеграции Lotus Domino и DB2 в простых приложениях Lotus Domino.
Accessing an encrypted DAOS object fails when Domino reads one encrypted object and writes another in such a way that the read and write actions overlap in the same user call (for example, Read A, Write B, Read A , Write B).
When indexing a file system in Lotus Domino, the index task runs for some time but does not complete and ultimately fails with an error message: No index files are available.
IBM Lotus Domino 7.0.4 Fix Pack 1 is a scheduled Fix Pack containing a limited number of low-risk, high-impact fixes. This document contains information on how to download Fix Pack
An attachment in a message received from an Internet user cannot be edited using Notes. The Edit option in the right-click menu and also in the dialog box when you double click the attachment is grayed out.