Других серверов у меня уже и не осталось, как только вышел первый пак так сразу всё добро и перевел. Но один сервер разительно отличается от остальных - всё в нем круто(8 ядер, 6 гиг) кроме дисковой подсистемы - один винт. И вот помню читал статейку о том, что есть фичи ускоряющие сервер. Так как на сервер стоит DAOS то должен быть включен транзакшен лог. А когда всё это добро на одном диске получается весьма забавно. Я не хочу сказать что медленно - колекцию из 50 000 доков агент умудряется обработать за 1 секунду, но явная тормознутость начинает присутсоввать. Один из явных моментов, когда своим клиентом 6.5 делаешь рефреш дизайна базы 8.5 как-то долго он задумывается. В общем нашел я старую статью |#^#]>IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 server performance, part 1: IBM Lotus Notes performance|#^#]> и вспомнил о том, что транзакшен они тоже переделали: ини файл Create_R85_Log=1 Applies to Lotus Domino 8.5 servers. Set it to create the Lotus Domino transaction log in Lotus Domino 8.5 format. Почитайте статью там расписано не только как ускорить сервер, но и как ускорить инотес и кластер
Implementing DAOS (Domino Attachment and Object Service) on your Domino servers can save lots of disk space but leave you backing up the wrong thing. This Technote explains the changes made to the NSFs and what you need to do to get useful backups for later restores.
Marie L Scott has been day-dreaming about ways to improve Lotusphere. She's posted a few of her ideas, not all of which may be serious, and asks what you might like to change or add.
CAN LOTUS QUICKR REPLACE DOMINO.DOC? IT DEPENDS... Download the new "5 perspectives for Domino.doc migration" whitepaper, register for the webinar, or benchmark yourself against other Domino.doc users to find out what's right for you.
Fabio Pignatti says DominoPoint Day 2009, set for October 30 in Milan, Italy, has opened a call for papers and sponsors. This event is sponsored by the Italian Lotus community.
In this latest installment of our venerable series, The DominoPower Interview, I had the opportunity to interview one of the Lotus community's favorite sons and two-time DominoPower author, Bruce Elgort.
David: We've known you around the Lotus world forever, but what's your actual background? Tell us about yourself.
Bruce: I started with Notes back in 1993 when I was asked to create a "paperless" office for Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Notes was (and still is) the perfect solution for creating mission-critical applications for enterprises.
In 2001 I helped co-found OpenNTF, the Open Source community for Notes/Domino. In 2007 I retired from OpenNTF to start Elguji Software, LLC -- the makers of the award winning IdeaJam idea managment software.
Julian Robichaux and I host a podcast which can be found at http://takingnotespodcast.com. We are approaching show number 100! I also co-host another podcast called "The 1352 Report" with Carl Tyler, Jess Stratton and Sean Burgess. I even have a dog named "Domino Designer". [See Figure A. --Ed.]
Domino Designer's no dog. Well, actually, yes. Yes, he is. Click picture for a larger image.
David: Seriously? You named a dog "Domino Designer"? Let me guess...at night, you call him "Eclipse". Tell the truth: beer was involved, wasn't it?
Constraints would simplify and unify development of Lotus Notes applications greatly. A similar idea: http://ideajam.net/IdeaJam/P/ij.nsf/0/0D708646C4F5F4DC862573B400591EF5
Integrity constraints would simplify and unify development of Lotus Notes applications greatly. A similar idea: http://ideajam.net/IdeaJam/P/ij.nsf/0/0D708646C4F5F4DC862573B400591EF5
Lotus Notes/Domino lacks for support for referential integrity. For example, if you delete a parent document, its children documents will reference nonexistent parent document.
This document contains updates to the Lotus Domino 8.5 Administrator Help content that appear in the infocenter version of the help but not in the database (.NSF) version.
When configuring an IBM Lotus Domino server on System i (i5/OS, iSeries) using the CFGDOMSVR command, you receive the message "Maximum number of servers exceeded."
A LotusScript agent that sets the CreateMailDb property of the NotesRegistration Class to False runs without error, but an Administration request to create the mail file is not issued as expected, and the Mail File field in the Person document is not populated.