В домене Lotus несколько серверов. Для региональных серверов созданы документы Connection. Они должны инициировать репликацию с центральным сервером каждые 2 часа. Replication type: Pull Push.
Но региональные сервера не только не подчиняются документам Connection, они еще друг с другом реплицируются, когда хотят.
Я и тут новичок, и в системе Lotus, хотя ряд представлений уже имею. Облазил интернет в поисках решения, так и не нашел пока ничего интересного.
Итак, у меня стоит такая интересная задача, нужно разработать Lotus-приложение, которое самостоятельно по заполнению формы создает учетную запись в системе Lotus Domino Active Directory, т.е. создает пользователя, ключ, почту и т.п. - и все это происходит в рамках скрипта LotusScript.
Фактически при поступление в организацию нового сотрудника стоит ряд задач как по обеспечению его физическим рабочим местом, так и виртуальным. Виртуальное рабочее место - в частности Lotus Notes, соответственно, аккаунт в системе Lotus. Обычно создание аккаунта ложится на плечи администратора системы Lotus, однако хотелось бы облегчить задачу, к тому же важна возможность экспортировать данные о новом сотруднике вовне (в форме XML), для чего дполонительно планируется ввести в оборот специальную "общую" базу сотрудников.
Я вижу это так, что вызвав действие "Добавить нового сотрудника" обычный человек (с доступам к соотв. приложению), скажем, из отдела кадров, может указать там ФИО, телефон, ..., нажать кнопочку "Добавить" и регистрация происходит автоматически - т.е. посредством LotusScript, который:
1. Заносит документ о сотруднике в централизованную Lotus-базу (это легко и понятно). 2. Рассылает уведомления на Lotus-почту компетентным лицам, ответственным за процедуру размещения сотрудника (банально, LotusScript). 3. Экспортирует данные о сотруднике в XML-представление (это тоже понятно, применяем стандартные классы LotusScript по работе с XSLT и прочее). 4. Создает учетную запись в системе Domino AD, таким образом новый сотрудник получает доступ к документам и базам Lotus, получает почтовый аккаунт в системе почты Lotus, фактически становится полноправным пользователем Lotus организации.
Вот пункт 4 вызывает вопрос чисто по технической части. Я читал документацию по классу NotesAdministrationProcess, но нашел там только методы модификации данных о пользователе (RenameNotesUser), возможность удалить пользователя (DeleteUser) - что тоже очень хорошо, конечно, и в системе понадобится. Но вот метода создания так и не обнаружил.
Возможно, я что-то просмотрел, может быть, я вообще не туда смотрю (т.к. плохо знаком с системой в общем).
Буду благодарен за любые подсказки и указания, даже ваш намек поможет мне разобраться самостоятельно =)
Здравствуйте. При автоматическом обновлении NOtes 7 до версии 8.5 возникает ошибка. пишет что не может получить доступ к nnotes.dll. Хотя ничего кроме лотуса не запущено. Как можно решить проблему не прибегая к удалею старого клиента и установке нового?
Подскажите, пожалуйста. Возможно ли изменить отображение в виде треугольничка сортировки, если в опцияx столбца включено Click on column header to sort... Можно как-то сделать, чтобы при нажатии на треугольничек сортировки, выделялось название самого столбца или жирным шрифтом или другим цветом или ^ сделать яркого цвета. Если можно, то как?
Paul Calhoun offers a list of five oddities that surface when moving design items to XPages from Forms and four things that needed to be done frequently. They're simple tasks, but you should be aware of them.
The title of this wiki pretty much says it all. There are two tables, one for a single meeting the other for a repeat meeting, and columns detailing how difference systems handle things.
EASY DOMINO ACCESS: REMOVE PASSWORDS, END LOGIN PROMPTS, REDUCE PASSWORD MANAGEMENT PistolStar's Password Power provides browser-based single sign-on to Lotus Domino, Sametime and Quickr with the enhanced security of the Kerberos or NTLM authentication protocol.
Full support available for NTLM authentication protocol in non-Active Directory environments
Seamlessly integrate Microsoft Active Directory and the Kerberos authentication protocol
Leverage Active Directory password policies to unify Lotus applications
Christopher Byrne is tired of hearing how "seamlessly" Notes can be moved to other mail/document systems. He's set up a news web site to provide case studies of the benefits derived from Lotus Notes/Domino applications that can't easily be moved to another system.
Hmmm, nice cup of tea. I'm sat here catching up with "personal admin" after ten days in Portugal and enjoying what I've missed during that time -- a cup of PG Tips.
We could have bought some out there but I just couldn't bring myself to part with the cash. Like everything else out there tea bags were just way too expensive. A box of 40 costing about 4 Euros. Same went for anything branded and "British" that had to be imported in. A box of 24 Weetabix was about 6 Euros. In one shop I saw a loaf of sliced bread for 4 Euros.
Maybe it's because we went to The Algarve, which I've never been to before, but it did seem even more expensive than any other Euro member country I've holidayed in recently.
I think what really drove home how expensive it all was is the cost of the Euro. At the moment it costs more or less a Pound Sterling for a Euro. Not only is this more than it's ever cost but it makes it a lot easier to look at the price of something and work out it's equivalent cost "back home". Tea bags at 4 Euros being 4 quid and about four times what I'd expect to pay at home.
The holiday itself was nice and something I needed to do, if not just to give my typing fingers a rest then to get away from the stress of work for a while and unwind.
That said, I just wish we'd gone to Greece instead. We always go to Greece. The only reason we didn't this year is because the flight time is at least an hour more than to Portugal and we had two kids with us.
The thing I love about Greece is the food. It's all amazing. I can't say the same for Portugal. I only had one meal that I thought was anything other than average.
All in all, I just wasn't that impressed with The Algarve, despite the fact everybody seems to love it so much.
Anyway, enough whinging. Whether I enjoyed it or not doesn't really matter now I'm a dad. It's all about the little ones and they loved it. Here are the photos.
Keith Brooks just applied Fix Pack 1 to his 8.5 client. While the final message says the upgrade completed, he got a couple of earlier messages saying something didn't work. He's wondering if you know what's going on.
We've been getting a number of reader questions about using Lotus Notes Traveler, many of which are very basic and quite easy to solve. In this article, we've aggregated the questions and give you some helpful answers. You'll slap yourself on the forehead and say, "But, of course. I knew that!" And, well, our own Joe Dolittle goes a little off the bend.
I love it when you don't know how to code something, so, before you cheat and use Google, you try what your instinct tells you ought to work and, low and behold, it does.
This doesn't happen with Notes as much as it does when I'm learning some other "new" technology. To me it's a sign of how good that technology is. If things work in a way that makes sense then it can't be bad.
It happens quite a lot with Flex, which I find very intuitive, but yesterday it happened with MySQL. Here's what happened:
I have a SQL table, called Hitlog, that records every hit on a document -- what time it was opened and by what user. It looks lie this:
What I needed to do was find out not only how many times a document had been read but also by how many people.
From the table above we can see that the document with the ID beginning in 857 has been read 7 times. Not by 7 different people though. Only 4 people have read it. Deandre read it 4 times herself. Maybe she's the author and is trying to make it appear more popular!?
What I needed to do was display on the document itself the following text:
This document has been read 7 times, by 4 different people.
I knew this was possible. I just wasn't sure how.
What's The SQL
It's simple to get the total number of reads, using SQL, like so:
SELECT count(*) FROM hitlog WHERE DocID="8574F37... ...04B0B3C"
This would simply return 7.
It's also simple to get a list of the people who've read it:
SELECT DISTINCT Username FROM hitlog WHERE DocID="8574F37... ...04B0B3C"
Which would return four rows -- one for each person.
What I wanted was a count of the number of these rows though. Also, what I really wanted to do was get both numbers returned from a single SQL statement.
What I didn't know you could do and what I tried as an intuitive solution was the following:
SELECT count(*), count(DISTINCT Username) FROM hitlog WHERE DocID="8574F37... ...04B0B3C"
Et voila, it worked and I got that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you work something out yourself.
Add some user defineable custom fields to the IdeaJam profile page. 2-3 above the Social Networking fields and 5 below those fields. It would allow customers to add data to the profiles without messsing with the source code.
When I try to promote an idea, I get a green box (better than red anyway :-)) telling me that "You are not allowed to do that!OK". I tried every way to access the question and promote it, no luck...
What's blocking me??
Ah, I just found out that it works in IE, but not in FF3.5.2 ...
When I try to promote an idea, I get a green box (better than red anyway :-)) telling me that "You are not allowed to do that!OK". I tried every way to access the question and promote it, no luck...
What's blocking me??
Ah, I just found out that it works in IE, but not in FF3.5.2 ... Regards,
There is a new
project on OpenNTF to initiate
IM chats from selected text in Notes documents. Li Juan Gao from the IBM
development lab in China has implemented it. As always it can be installed
easily via drag and drop from the catalog. This Eclipse ...
There is a new
project on OpenNTF showing how
to do custom toolbars and drag and drop in Notes. Wen Long WL Feng from
the IBM development lab in China has implemented it. As always it can be
installed easily via drag and drop from the catalog. This ...
The Administration Process (AdminP) has two ways to create a new replica: 1) An Accelerated Create Replica request using the Lotus Domino backup APIs. 2) Creating a replication stub then initializing the stub using the Replicator. When will the Accelerated Create Replica method be used? Can we control it?
A network or power outage occurs while you are downloading a large Lotus Notes message via POP3. When you reconnect to the server, you are unable to complete the download of that message or start the download over.
Alloy™ by IBM® and SAP® 1.0 combines the strengths of IBM Lotus Notes® and IBM Lotus® Domino® and SAP enterprise resource planning (ERP) modules, providing access to the SAP workflows and data directly from Lotus Notes. This article provides a high-level architectural overview of Alloy, in-depth explanations of all the reporting management features supported in release 1.0, and troubleshooting tips for some common issues.
When starting LDAP or probe information in the events4.nsf database in Domino, you see the error "LDAP Schema: Form name '.project' in the names.nsf design is not a valid LDAP ObjectClass name because it includes illegal character(s)".
Here is a three-part series of articles devoted solely to Notes and Domino performance. You'll find all of these articles posted on devWorks. Part 1: Lotus Notes Performance Part 2: iNotes Perform
You want to see the users logged into your web site, or to view the current configuration for SSL and enter into the Domino "tell http show users" or "tell http show security" but these commands return nothing.
In Lotus Notes/Domino, you cannot receive inbound SMTP mail from specific external domains with Excel files attached to the message. Network packets are being dropped using a Cisco ASA firewall.