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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 75 от 2008-09-12

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 75 от 2008-09-12
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

1. Есть сервак и есть две реплики одна на ноуте другая на локальной станции,есть и на сервере база соотвественно.Так вот такая петрушка происходит что на сервере хранятся доки за последние 10 дней, в репликах разное кол-во документов но периодически происходит следующее что одна из реплик не реплицирует новые документы, хотя в серверной реплике они есть.Потом через какое то время все становится в норму.Очистка истории особо не помогает т.е. на два три раза репликации ок, потом опять за старое.

2. Известно что в 6.5.4 пропадали записи из notes.ini правда это было на AS 400 ( на других система не встречал), а тут увидел на 8.0.1 так же пропали записи из notes.ini причем записи типа ports и portorder, кто нить с этим встречался?
blink.gifПодскажите пожалуйста возникла такая проблема :
Стоят три сервера Domino в трех соответствующих доменах!!!
Все три сервера взаимодействуют между собой!
1 Сервер главный в домене 1
2 сервер подчиненный в домене 2
3 сервер подчиненный в домене 3

на первом сервере присутствуют адресные книги все пользователе трех доменов 1 2 3
на втором сервере присутствуют адресные книги всех трех доменов 1 2 3
на третьем сервере присутствуют адресные книги только только пользователей данного
домена в следствии репликации адресные книги не приходят на 3 сервер!!!

как можно вернуть записи адресов, в базу на третий сервер и вследсьвии чего это могло было произойти(пропажа адресных книг на 3 сервере 3 домена двух других доменов)

за ранее благодарен!
Имеется вьюшка с тремя ( на данный момент ) кнопками-экшенами: одна - обновление вьюшки ( опишу позднее ), вторая - открытие поисковой формы, третья - вывод в excel.

Проблема в следующем:
в поисковой форме есть опция для выбора критерия объединения результатов. От этого зависит, какой столбец во вьюшке будет первым.
после заполнения необходимых полей для поиска и нажатия соответствующей кнопки выполняется следующий код ( привожу только значимый )

Set myView = DB.getView("myView")

findstr="SELECT @contains(Form;"blablabla")"

myView.SelectionFormula = findstr

While myView.ColumnCount>0
Call myView.RemoveColumn(myView.ColumnCount)


If obedin(0)="blablablabla" Then ' при разных значениях - разный порядок столбцов
Call createcolumn1
Call createcolumn2
Call createcolumnN
End If

sub createcolumnN
Set new_column=myView.CreateColumn()
end sub

Call myView.Refresh
Call w.ReloadWindow
Call UIFindDoc.Close

Собственно, возникают непонятки: столбцы могут не поменять своего названия ( почему, не знаю ), хотя инфа в столбцах соответствует заданным формулам. вьюшка автоматом не обновляется ( следствие - первя кнопка-экшен для ручного обновления ). какое свойство нужно установить для колонки, чтобы была возможность "Categorize" и значок треугольника ( сворачивать-разворачивать ) ?
Здравствуйте. Я к сожалению в Lotus-е полный ноль. Поэтому не пинайте сильно за не грамотно подобранные слова, а направите на путь истинный. ПО: Сервер Lotus Domino 6.5, клиент Lotus Notes 6.5.3. На базе всего этого Босс-Референт 3.хх. Пользователи работают в системе (Босс-Референт) Web интерфейс. Как я понял, пользователь открывает с помощью браузера базу nnn.nsf хранящуюся на сервере содержащую внутри себя как сами данные, так и элементы управления, которая является частью системы Босс-референт.
1. Часто каким-то загадочным для меня образом теряется пароль на доступ. Т.е. Пользователь пытается получить доступ к базе, а ему в ответ что–то типа «неверно введен логин и пароль» и именно это , а не «у вас нет прав на выполнение этой операции»(т.е. как я понимаю до доступа к базе дело и не доходит). Лечится так, меняешь в Person документе у пользователя пароль на интернет доступ и через несколько минут он свободно заходит с этим паролем, но на следующий день опять все повторяется, хотя логин и пароль введен верно. Причем это происходит не со всеми и постоянно, и нельзя сказать, что с одними и теми-же учетными записями, а так что и закономерность выявить не получается. Может это важно, вначале пользователям была установлена настройка «сменить пароль при первом входе», после смены пароли при входе почти не один из пользователей не смог войти ни с новым не со старым паролем, а дальше то что я описал ранее. Что предпринять? Может это сбой в работе какой нибудь из служб, есть ли где нибудь лог позволяющий отследить и выявить описанную выше ошибку?
2. Функционал Босс-Референт позволяет загружать пользователям файлы на сервер. Файлы размером 2mb и более загружаются через раз. Причем дела обстоят примерно так, с одним и тем же файлом можно мучится минут 20 сбой, сбой и сбой при загрузке, но после нескольких без успешных попыток он залетает на сервер секунд за 40. Такое впечатление как будто установлен таймаут на загрузку и при большой нагрузке на сеть имеем проблему. Что предпринять? Есть ли лог позволяющий отследить и выявить данный сбой?
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Tips. Советы

Remember this time last year I ran the Robin Hood Half Marathon and was 4 minutes off my target time of 100 minutes? Well, this Sunday I'm running the "race" again in the 2008 Nottingham half marathon. This time I'm hoping to smash the 100 minute barrier.

My ultimate goal is to run a half marathon when I am 36 (in less than 3 years) in the same time I ran one when I was 18 -- 1hr 27mins. To be as fit again as I was at half the age would be a massive boost to my confidence. Maybe a ten year break from sport and life of hedonism isn't irreversible after all. We'll see. The hard part won't be the actual training as much as it will be finding the time to do it.

This year I hope not to make the same mistake as last year and start where it tells you to if you plan to run a sub 1hr 40min race. It soon became obvious that everybody in front just wanted to start as close to the start line as possible, regardless of the time they thought they'd achieve. This left Tim and I having to pick our way through the crowds and never able to achieve our own pace. People!

So, wish me luck this Sunday morning while you have your lie-in and read the paper!

If you want to help motivate me then I told my friend Shaun I'd see if I can raise some money for his son, George, again. If you want to help then you can do so here. Don't worry I won't mention it again or pressure you in any way. What with this being the year of the "credit crunch".

Click here to post a response

When updating or fixing a document in a Lotus Notes database, there are a few things to consider. First, ensure that you have the proper system access. Then, run this agent to easily update or fix the document.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Stephan H. Wissel
Tags: development legacy
Notes applications often get transferred between generations of developers. The session sheds a light on practices what you can do on the receiving end of such a transfer. Armed with insight and tools you can get on top of any historic application understanding what it does and how to improve it. Topics covered: Gathering evidence, assessing complexity, planning improvements, quick wins with your users.

Author: George Paglia
Tags: CLcopy scheduled agents

The CL Copy command is great!!!  Could we please have an optional parameter that automatically turns off all scheduled agents when the copy is made?  Sometimes they take off as soon as the database has completed it's copy, sending email alerts out to our users.

Author: Bill Malchisky
Tags: lotusphere ls08 ls09 lotusphere2009 lotusphere2008
Many of last year's suggestions still hold merit and may get buried by other ideas. Example: provide a CLP Discount, cross-index the Product Showcase catalog, help Mr. Ben Langhinrichs, etc. We posted them for a reason. IBM should review and strongly reexamine for inclusion, as they are quite relevant. Thank you, for your consideration.

Author: Bill Malchisky
Tags: development admin administration best-practices lotusphere2009 ls09
As an Admin, many times learning what could be a problem inside the Directory can be time demanding, and if you need a developer to code the fix rather than your manually editing documents, well, we know that they are busy too. This session will present to Admins with utility views and agents, plus how they can code these very simple utility programs to view and datamine replicas safely---while staying within their firm's rules. See how easy it is to solve problems, troubleshoot admin issues, or update values much faster than doing it manually or otherwise. Delegates will receive a DB template with code examples geared towards making the admin job easier, while reducing escalated tech support calls.
I have provided such ideas for tens of companies over the past several years, and the admins there are surprised at what can be found just in their Directory when taking cross-sections. Or how much time senior admins can save by not having to show the junior admins how to code basic change agents or searching for erroneous values manually.

Author: Bill Malchisky
Tags: location document saving tabs
I know this is a niche situation, but for power users here that have responsibilities in multiple domains, when you switch location documents to another Domino domain and then go back, you lose the tabs previously opened before switching.  So, have Notes track open tabs for each domain as part of bookmarks or desktop6.ndk. Thus, when you go from your production domain to your client's or development domain, you can switch back and have all your tabs visible when you return.
Otherwise, it can be a real productivity impediment to keep switching if you need to help clients and then come back and try to recall all of the work you were involved with previously--similar to the idea of saving workspace state preference setting, but expanding it to other location documents.  Note: this implies that switching location documents also switches ID files (which is located in the location document's Advanced->Basics->User ID to switch to, field)

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: column
Whenevr a view is defined to have a heading with more than 1 line it would be nice to be able to specify the vertical alignment of the column titles.  Currenty view titles default to a "top" vertical alignment.  In many applications I would prefer to see column heading aligned to the "bottom".

Author: Keith Brooks
Tags: Sametime LDAP
The answer may surprise you. Find out why this critical decision has pros and cons which need to be addressed, preferably, BEFORE you roll out Sametime. Can you reverse the decision? How will this affect Quickr, Connections or your server performance? For admins primarily, but developers looking at LDAP projects should keep some of this in mind as well.

Author: Keith Brooks
Tags: Sametime LDAP Integration Connections Quickr
Domino lover? Great! How do you feel about Quickr, Sametime and Connections? The Triple Crown running on top of Lotus Domino?  Find out why this critical decision has pros and cons which need to be addressed, preferably, BEFORE you roll out the Triple Crown. Can you reverse the decision? How will this affect functionality or your server performance? For administrators primarily, but developers looking at these products should attend to fully understand how they interact with Lotus Domino.
Edited 9/11 - Changed the Title and description in light of new info from Lotus PMs. Was "Do You really need LDAP for Sametime integration"
Original Description: The answer may surprise you. Find out why this critical decision has pros and cons which need to be addressed, preferably, BEFORE you roll out Sametime. Can you reverse the decision? How will this affect Quickr, Connections or your server performance? For admins primarily, but developers looking at LDAP projects should keep some of this in mind as well.

Author: Stephan H. Wissel
Tags: Lotusphere best-practices
With a little understanding of web standards, the Domino HTTP tasks and some @formula fully functional applications can be build. The less code is required for web application the less code needs to be maintained. The presentation provides the building blocks to create low maintenance high performance web applications that look good, work well and can be raplidly created.

Author: Jack Ratcliff
Tags: JavaScript UI/UX ExtJS Ajax
This session would be an introduction on how to get started in using Ext.nd, a customized Domino version of the Ext JS JavaScript framework (http://extjs.com).  We would cover what Ext.nd has to offer and then walk through how to setup your Domino environment so you could use Ext.nd in your own applications.  We also have a sample Notes application that we would then show how to Web-enable using Ext.nd. 
To see a demo of Ext.nd in action look here: http://openntf.org/extnd/demo.nsf

Author: Jack Ratcliff
Tags: JavaScript framework UI/UX Ajax Dojo ExtJS
There are many JavaScript frameworks to choose from but in this session we'll be walking through two of the most popular, Dojo and Ext JS.  We'll take a sample Notes application and Web enable it twice.  Once with Dojomino, a customized version of Dojo for Domino and then a second time with Ext.nd, a customized version of Ext JS for Domino.  The goal isn't to prove one is better than the other but to show how the same functionality can be achieved with two different frameworks. 

Author: Thomas Lang
Tags: lotusphere2009 bp infrastructure
Together with Henning Kunz (we're both from www.domblog.de), I'd like to present something about managing Notes clients. It's a updated and optimized session from what we held at ILUG 2008.
The Notes client can be installed in various ways. Starting at a pure CD installation answering the questions of the installwizards ending up in a fully customized installation distributing the clientparts as a bundle of registry keys files and scripts or as a customzied MSI package. There are a lot of different needs to support the Notes client in companies. Like supporting a travelling salesmen using a mobile Notes client, never showing up at a companies location and supporting an office worker, having his Notes client in a session on a big multilanguage terminalserver farm. After discussing the most common requirements the session will dive into detail about the client components and on howto distribute which parts to which places to satisfy which requirements. Expect some tips and tricks to create leanest client installations. Covered Topics:
  • What is an implementation standard and what is it good for?
  • Fully automated deployments must base on standardize installations
  • User support depends badly on standardized installations
  • Tips and tricks
  • Lean Client
  • Centrally stored client templates
  • Single client supporting multiple languages
  • Lean terminalserver installation
  • All about roaming

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Статьи и Документация

When you run a Java agent or Java code on a Lotus Domino server, a crash occurs with a PANIC error message. What does this mean?
Can you use multiple Internet addresses for a single database located on the server?
An enhancement request was submitted to provide the ability for users to install the Sametime plugin for the Notes 8 client (Standard Configuration), but leave it disabled and not visible until they choose to activate the plugin. A new ini parameter is now available starting in Notes 802 to provide this functionality.
A Lotus Domino server on AIX crashes on the IMAP or router task with a reference to the module "_DoThrow" in the diagnostic files.
When a customer attempts to delete a Calendar entry in Domino Web Access, the Domino server crashes.
Currently it is not possible to control the amount of network bandwith used by the Notes Smart Upgrade process. An enhancement request for this new functionality has been reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# LWCS764HNR.
In Lotus Notes, the server denies authentication when it finds a nested group that resides in the primary Lotus Domino directory. The Domino Administrator Online Help says authentication is allowed if all of the groups are located in the same directory. Why does this happen?
You attempt to register a user from Active Directory to the Lotus Domino directory using the Active Directory Syncronization tool and receive error messages.
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