Место проведения: Москва, гостиница Олимпик Пента Ренессанс, Олимпийский пр-т, 18/1. Ближайшая станция метро: "Проспект Мира"
25 сентября в Москве пройдет 11-ый Ежегодный Lotus Форум IBM.
В программе Форума более 25 презентаций, посвященных решениям для повышения эффективности организации бизнес-процессов и роста производительности работы сотрудников в коллективе.
Выступления на Форуме будут проходить в рамках параллельных сессий, посвященных стратегии развития программного обеспечения, технологическим новинкам, внедрению проектов и решений. Темы докладов позволят участникам:
* более глубоко и детально проследить стратегию и планы развития программного обеспечения IBM Lotus * узнать о технологических новинках и конкурентных преимуществах решений IBM * убедиться на примерах и понять почему уже много лет IBM Lotus Notes/Domino и IBM WebSphere Portal удерживают лидирующие позиции * услышать мнение экспертов и ознакомиться с опытом внедрения компаний, которые используют решения на базе ПО IBM Lotus для организации эффективной работы проектных групп, создания единого информационного пространства, управления электронными документами, дистанционного обучения и решения многих других задач увидеть решения от бизнес-партнеров, успешно работающие в различных отраслях
Создал Organization Policy - Архивирование почтовых баз. Все настроил и вроде, как показалось на первый spukzl заработало, но не тут то было. Политика применилась не ко всем почтовым базам, и не применяется к новым почтовым базам (новые...
Создал Organization Policy - Архивирование почтовых баз. Все настроил и вроде, как показалось на первый взгляд заработало, но не тут то было. Политика применилась не ко всем почтовым базам, и не применяется к новым почтовым базам (новые...
1. Создать запрос на перемещение: Domino Admin -> people & Groups -> Tools -> People -> Rename ->Request Move to new Certifier предварительно выделив группу сотрудников (она должны быть в одной OU) ...
Рисунки не уверен что можно будет. а текст в колонтитул добавляетсья через на 6й закладке (предпоследняя). Для печати бланков с многими страницами и рисунками в колонтитулас советую использовать MS Word
Добрый день
Подскажите если еонечно такое возможно: На печатную форму поместить Верхний и Нижний Колонтитул.
если конечно такео возможно, колонтитул Рисунки.
Добрый день
Подскажите если еонечно такое возможно: На печатную форму поместить Верхний и Нижний Колонтитул.
если конечно такео возможно, колонтитул Рисунки.
Рисунки не уверен что можно будет. а текст в колонтитул добавляетсья через на 6й закладке (предпоследняя). Для печати бланков с многими страницами и рисунками в колонтитулас советую использовать MS Word
Есть проблема. При старте службы Lotus Domino Server сервер уходит в пик, и начинает жутко тормозить при работе . Стоит Win 2003 64-bit, 702 FP2 (обычный). 4Гб оперативки. Есть подозрения что проблема именно во взоимодействии Лотусни с виндой, винда отгрызает кучу мозгов и Лотусам не хватает. Нужно оперативно решить проблему, хочу получить советы знающих людей.
Есть такая штука Lotus Approach подключается к любым базам (практически ко всем популярным к dbf и nsf точно) и гоняет данные во всех направлениях. быстро и просто.
The other week I delivered an Ext-based application to a customer. Shortly after they were in touch to say that it was slow. Although an application that relies on >500KB of JavaScript is never going to be super-fast it shouldn't be taking 10 seconds to open each new tab within the application, which is what they were experiencing.
Delays in the region of 10s to open a page make an application almost useless as most users just won't wait that long for stuff to happen. Needless to say I set about trying to work out why it was happening.
From the off the problem appeared to be "their side". Performance on the server I'd been developing was as good as you'd expect from an Ext-based application. Resisting the temptation to simply say "Works fine here!" (hey, I'm a pro, I'd never say that to a paying customer) I got the customer to log the browser-server transactions, so I could take a closer look. Not having access to their servers meant I couldn't debug it directly.
To record the HTTP transaction log I had them install the free Basic Edition of HttpWatch. All they had to do then was start recording, open the application, open a new form, open a new document, edit the document, save the document etc and then stop recording. The result is a .HWL file which I can then open in my version of HttpWatch's "Studio". I can then see all headers, response code and the amount of time taken for all transactions involved.
On opening the the HWL file it was almost immediately obvious there was a problem. Here's a view of the transactions involved:
Notice the Result column. This shows the HTTP status code returned. A code of 200 means everything was "ok". This is "ok" but not what we'd expect to see for all transactions. Especially on subsequent requests for the same resource. What we'd expect is a code of 304 which tells the browser it hasn't changed and it can use the local cached copy instead. Because this isn't happening the cache is never used and so it runs unacceptably slowly.
Why is it doing this though?
Drilling down in to each individual transaction I noticed something common to them all. For each GET request the server was returning a Cache-Control header of no-cache.
While we expect this for certain URLs, such as those ending in ?OpenAgent or ?OpenForm, we certainly wouldn't expect it of requests for files ending in CSS, JS or GIF. The image above shows a request for a JS file which is 500KB in size. You definitely want something like that cached browser-side!
What could be causing this?
As far as I know the only way for this to happen would be if a developer or administrator had previously added a Web Site Rule to the server's directory which looked something like this:
The effect of applying this rule, which I verified by testing on my own server (following a restart), is that the server tells the browser not to cache anything from it.
While I imagine this might have solved whatever problems the developer was having with caching at the time it has - in turn - created other problems, as they're finding now.
It should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway -- never ever use a system-wide configuration change like this as a quick fix to a problem you're having. If you do then you at least need to be mindful of any adverse effects on other applications.
My advise to the customer was that the only real solution was to remove the rule. Although, as I warned them, this could then "break" any systems that have been developed with it in place.
An alternative would be to add subsequent Rules which tell the browser to using caching if the URL ends in *.js etc and hope that it trumps the Rule already in place.
One of the things I've always wanted to reproduce in Notes is Ruby's time_ago_in_words function. You've probably seen it in use, even if you didn't realise. Ever seen a website where the creation date of entries on it are shown not as a date but as a description of how long ago it was in words. Example include:
This was posted less than a minute ago.
This entry was created about 2 hours ago.
There are more examples if you follow the link I posted above. You get the idea though, right?
What I love about it is the way (as a user) you get an instant idea of when it happened. It seems a much better way for the human mind to get an idea of the timescales involved. While displaying a normal date works it just isn't as easy for the user to digest.
You can see an example of the principle in use on Digg.com. See this search for page. Notice each result has the time is was "made popular" next to it in (red) human-readable text.
Not wanting to procrastinate any longer I finally got round to porting the code to LotusScript. You can see the original Ruby code/logic in the link above if you click "show source".
Dim d As New DateHelper Print DEXT.Document.Since(0) + " was "+ d.TimeSince(DEXT.Document.Since(0), True) + " ago"
In this case the code is from a WQS agent of a Form which has a DateTime field on it called "Since". You can see an example of it in use here.
Do us a favour and test the logic out would you? I know it doesn't handle future dates yet but how well do you think it handle past dates?
Putting It To Use
How useful is this function to us Notes developers? We're used to using Views to show documents. This method can't be used in Views though as they wouldn't be able to index. It's only really useful if you're using a WQO Agent to display a set of documents.
As an example, take the calendar view in the DEXT demo. This whole "view" is generated on the fly by a LotusScript WQO agent. Notice now that the time the entry was added is show below the title in "words".
Get the steps to trap the path of an uploaded attachment in your Notes Domino environment using the Domino file upload control field, JavaScript and HTML.
This session would cover the various components of compliance in Domino and the tools available to accomplish the goals. It would cover the buzzword bingo of compliance and the many tools and what they actually provide, including journaling, archiving, records management, governance tools, e-mail tagging, etc. It would go beyond e-mail into applications and social software, including Quickr and Connections.
Here's my proposed LS09 BP topic: Getting Things Done with Lotus Notes - Maximizing Personal Productivity. This session will focus on the best practices of using Lotus Notes productively.
With David Allen's recent comments about Lotus Notes at the Office 2.0 Conference, I've decided to revisit this topic for 2009. Millions of extremely smart people are using Lotus Notes productively every day. This session would look at some of the best practices of information and knowledge organization as well as how to effectively manage projects and actions with Lotus Notes.
Last year, I proposed a session on Maximizing Personal productivity with Lotus Notes, but with so many excellent developer and admin tracks last year, this topic was considered outside of the scope of interest for Lotusphere, which has historically been more administrator and developer oriented. Still, it seems to me that even developers and admins (and the people they serve) need to be productive.
Again, I'm not sure if Lotusphere is the proper venue for a session that is not specifically focused on admin/dev topics. If there are enough votes to make this interesting, I'll rework my proposal and maybe even talk to David Allen to see if he'd want to co-present this with me. Right now, I'm curious to see if there's sufficient interest to warrant further development of this session topic for Lotusphere 2009.
Cast your vote now and we'll soon find out!
Note: This session, if approved, would focus on best practices for using Lotus Notes that do not require any third party applications. The goal is to present best practices that can be applied right away with any version of Lotus notes. I would plan to mention some of the add-on tools that people are using to increase their productivity with Notes (.e.g. OpenNTF Mail Experience or eProductivity) but the primary focus will be to show people how to get more done with what the version of Notes that they already have installed on their computer.
Option to synchronize contacts should be available in either the scriptable setup (ie: rep.contacts=1 in text file) or better yet, via a desktop policy.
Currently, on version 8.0.2 of Lotus Notes, it is enabled on a client by client basis. For some reason, some of the clients have it disabled (the option is not available) on the replicator page. In this case you have to enable it in the contacts preferences in names.nsf then enable it on the replicator page.
For this reason, a synchronize contacts desktop policy is preferred?
PS: If anyone has a creative solution for this or know if it's enabled in 8.5; don't be shy......share. ;)
If you've ever wanted to get more performance and scale out your applications come to this session. While there's no magic bullet, a combination of small changes can come together to make a huge difference. The same is true for problems however. A few poor choices can turn even the best hardware into a poor performer. Instead of dry, generalized tips we'll go through specific recommendations made to clients that have resulted in up to a four fold decrease in the number of servers required.
One of the reasons that using the "big 3" hotels is so important is that the busses stop running to the outlying hotels after some totally rediculous time like 9 pm. Most of the important "networking" is just getting started by then! :)
I would suggest that each conference hotel have one bus that runs every 30 minutes from the Dolphin to the other hotels (like CB, PO, ALS) starting at 9:30 pm and going until midnight. At most that's three extra busses on rotation, and it would make the cheaper hotels more attractive for lodging.
A few folks have suggested space for unconference sessions. Let them organize the unconference on the fly. IBM would just provide the space....and coffee.
Many development techniques which you wouldn't think twice about when using them in a smaller environment can have dramatic effects when your application is rolled out over hundreds of servers...
I've been working as a developer for the messaging & groupware architecture team of an organisation with 130K+ Notes seats and almost 500 servers for the past 2 1/2 years and I've experienced in this time that quite a few of my standard techniques, simply don't work when developing for large scale deployment.
I would like to make this session a mixture of tips/best practices for both developers and admins who work or might start to work in organisations with really big Domino domains using both my own experiences as well as those of my colleagues in the architecture team. Any ideas from the community for tips are of course also more than welcome.
To elaborate on the kind of tips I'm thinking of:
Update documents when possible instead of deleting and creating new ones. Only save when something really has changed
Best practices in writing agents that divide their workload over multiple runs because they have to update too many documents to be able to finish in the allowed time for a single run
Using replication formula's to deploy applications which contain their documents within their cluster over an entire domain
Mechanisms to run agents in applications that are deployed on the entire domain on specific servers on specific days based on a profile
Many development techniques which you wouldn't think twice about when using them in a smaller environment can have dramatic effects when your application is rolled out over hundreds of servers...
Working as a developer for the messaging & groupware architecture team of an organisation with 130K+ Notes seats and almost 500 servers for the past 2 1/2 years, I've experienced in this time that quite a few of my standard techniques, simply don't work when developing for large scale deployment.
I would like to make this session a mixture of tips/best practices for both developers and admins who work or might start to work in organisations with really big Domino domains using both my own experiences as well as those of my colleagues in the architecture team. Any ideas from the community for tips are of course also more than welcome.
To elaborate on the kind of tips I'm thinking of:
Update documents when possible instead of deleting and creating new ones. Only save when something really has changed
Best practices in writing agents that divide their workload over multiple runs because they have to update too many documents to be able to finish in the allowed time for a single run
Using replication formula's to deploy applications which contain their documents within their cluster over an entire domain
Mechanisms to run agents in applications that are deployed on the entire domain on specific servers on specific days based on a profile
All accompanied by code examples where applicable and real-life stories of what happens when you don't follow these tips.
We have a user that brought this up. Basically if there could be comment field in the mail view to help organize a bunch of emails in a folder. For instance to right click on an email and add a comment and that shows up in the Mail view by subject and can be sortable. The user doesn't want to create tons of folders for every different area.
I'm debating whether to submit this to Show-n-Tell or Best Practices. It's my "Mission Impossible: From Single Domino Server to Linux Cluster In Less than 60 Minutes" session from ILUG. And yeah, I managed to do all this in an hour at ILUG, with some prompting and prodding from Gabriella. :-)
Clustering and platform independence are two of Domino’s strong points. Have you been concerned that clustering is difficult to implement or maintain, or that configuring and supporting Domino on Linux means hours of research? In this session you will learn how to take a lonely Windows server and give it a cluster mate running on Linux, then we will walk you through replacing the Windows server with a second Linux server. We will include tips, tricks and pointers to help make clustering work smoothly, ease your move from Windows to Linux, and help you get started with Linux administration.
The Domino 6.x router is crashing, hanging, or attempting to deliver a message to a specific user's mail file who has more than 15K worth of data in the Block Sender rule.
This article introduces the IBM®-developed iWidget specification used in various IBM products such as IBM Lotus® Connections 2.0. It describes different aspects of the specification through a practical example, which shows how to implement an iWidget that acts as a wrapper for a Google gadget.