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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов thursday, 26 june 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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thursday, 26 june 2003

02:24 U.S. House approves $30 billion security blanket © The Register
09:13 Flat-rate Internet comes to Ireland © The Register
09:18 AT&T lets phone fraud victims off the hook © The Register
09:57 SuSE wins HP server gig © The Register
10:22 Yahoo! variant! of! Microsoft! support! worm! spreading! rapidly! © The Register
11:24 'PCI Express for embedded' spec. nears completion © The Register
11:36 Peeping Tom uses hi-tech camera to look up skirts © The Register
11:54 SanDisk to sue Infineon over patent infringement allegations © The Register
12:47 Legal costs widen RIM Q2 loss © The Register
14:14 Intel to move Centrino to 802.11a/b next month © The Register
16:25 RIAA to begin preparing lawsuits against file 'sharers' who offer music online © CDR-Info
16:25 BTC signed agreement to bundle ROXIO's digital media software © CDR-Info
16:48 The RIAA boycott is on © The Register
17:47 Aussies back Open Source attack © The Register
18:25 TDK to Release MPEG-4 multimedia streaming solution © CDR-Info
18:25 BenQ expects less shipments of slim-type optical storage drives in August © CDR-Info
18:25 Zoran-Oak proposed Merger Hart-Scott-Rodino waiting period expires © CDR-Info
18:25 Philips says not mulling legal action Vs Taiwan MediaTek © CDR-Info
18:25 Malaysia plans to cut disc prices to curb piracy © CDR-Info
18:25 Philips announces 4x DVD+R/+RW drive shipments to HP © CDR-Info
20:33 Judges deny Sun's must-carry Java bid © The Register

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