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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов tuesday, 24 june 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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tuesday, 24 june 2003

09:51 Orange joins anti-Voda alliance © The Register
10:18 Oftel orders BT to cut Voda charges © The Register
11:08 UK to ban drivers using handhelds © The Register
11:17 Friends Reunited gives third reference © The Register
11:35 e-Envoy's Office loses bearings with Project True North © The Register
11:53 MS worker 'ran' $17m software racket © The Register
12:28 DNS creator considers the Internet's next 20 years © The Register
12:42 Netpayments cuts staff and goes virtual © The Register
12:47 Apple officially announces the new-generation Power Mac G5 on latest IBM PowerPC G5 processors © Digit-Life
13:15 Sony introduces new PCGA-DDRW1 external DVD±RW drive © Digit-Life
13:22 Toshiba updates 'desktop replacement' notebook line © The Register
13:49 Kazaa unveils P2P software upgrade © The Register
13:56 AMD cuts Q2 sales forecast by $100m © The Register
14:27 IBM revs Unix workstation © The Register
14:50 Managed security sales grow like Topsy © The Register
14:52 VIA 'to sell off' mobo division © The Register
14:54 Sony Ericsson withdraws from US CDMA sector © The Register
15:07 Baseball legend goes up for sale on the Net © The Register
15:53 Joe Public blames banks for credit card fraud © The Register
15:53 Apple accused of cheating over G5 benchmarks © The Register
17:06 Olympus officially releases E-1 SLR camera © Digit-Life
17:14 Shuttle ST61G XPC: a new cubic barebone © Digit-Life
18:25 B’s Recorder Gold 7 available by July 18th © CDR-Info
18:25 Recordable DVD PUH production increased in 3Q © CDR-Info
18:52 SiS655FX officially announced © Digit-Life
18:54 NEC VersaPro VA30S/AE: a corporate notebook on 3.06GHz Pentium 4M © Digit-Life
19:22 HP wants to service your storage . . . bad © The Register
21:13 Palm's loss narrows on flat sales © The Register
22:25 DPS announced Que!007 portable DVD burner and digital theater device © CDR-Info

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