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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов monday, 23 june 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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monday, 23 june 2003

04:39 Branded pigeons invade Wimbledon © The Register
08:23 Penguin on the Desktop © The Register
08:26 Nano-technology - more investor folly? © The Register
08:33 From the Booby Hatch © The Register
09:17 Mobile operators unveil Simpay © The Register
09:44 OpenOffice for the Mac goes gold © The Register
10:10 Win a copy of 'Red Hat Linux 9 for Dummies' © The Register
10:10 AMD Athlon 64 4300+ to ship Q3 2004 © The Register
10:11 SCO staff join Linux protests © The Register
10:13 C&W claims IBM price gouging © The Register
10:13 ATI launches Radeon IGP 9100 chipsets © The Register
10:58 Microsoft rebrands Pocket PC as Windows Mobile © The Register
11:21 Intel powers more TOP500 supercomputers © The Register
11:49 TSMC accused of violating 45-year-old chemistry patent © The Register
11:49 More details on AMD Athlon 64 with dual-channel memory support © Digit-Life
12:33 Microsoft appeals French piracy fine © The Register
12:34 Wireless deregulation lobby arrives in UK © The Register
12:54 House bill would cast FBI as copyright Pinkertons © The Register
13:04 Fortnight worm exploits antique Windows vuln © The Register
13:07 Lik-Sang founder speaks out on Nintendo court case © The Register
13:46 Intel launches 3.2GHz P4 - h'ware sites launch reviews © The Register
13:46 Intel launches 3.2GHz - h'ware sites launch reviews © The Register
14:17 3DCenter.org news: aTuner © Digit-Life
14:19 Shuttle ships AN35N mobo series on NVIDIA nForce2 © Digit-Life
14:29 HWZ review: Shuttle XPC SB61G2 © Digit-Life
14:30 Zalman ZM-2HC1 HDD cooling system: details © Digit-Life
14:46 Albatron Gigi GeForce FX 5600 graphics card series being tested in our lab © Digit-Life
14:48 Hard Tecs 4U news: Intel Pentium 4 3.2 GHz Review © Digit-Life
15:03 HP introduces officially four news PDAs: iPAQ h2210, h1940, h5150 and h5550 © Digit-Life
15:05 HWZ review: Lite-On 52x32x52x Internal CD-RW © Digit-Life
15:08 Pocket PC makers line up to support Windows Mobile 2003 © The Register
15:10 Intel cancels production of 1.90GHz Pentium 4-M, 1.80GHz Celeron, etc. © Digit-Life
15:12 Toshiba e740 Pocket PC Review @ Tweaknews.net © Digit-Life
15:18 A candidate for our Hardware Museum: GF MX400 graphics card with WLCSP memory chips © Digit-Life
15:35 ATI and NVIDIA to offer new GPUs closer to year-end © Digit-Life
15:38 Photo of the day: ASUS V9950 graphics card on GeForce FX 5900 © Digit-Life
15:42 One in five US firms have sacked workers for email abuse © The Register
17:06 EU backs biometric passports © The Register
18:01 Apple recodes OS X Finder for 'user-centric' computing © The Register
18:25 SecuROM offers software pre-release protection © CDR-Info
18:25 Maxell DVD-R ID code leaked by many Asian media manufacturers © CDR-Info
18:25 Sony announces portable DVD±RW drive © CDR-Info
18:25 Pioneer considers selling video content unit to Dentsu © CDR-Info
18:31 Intel announces 3.2GHz Pentium 4 processor © Digit-Life
18:46 Apple launches 2GHz, 64-bit Power Mac G5 © The Register
18:57 Veritas goes virtual with server software © The Register
21:35 Supreme Court backs library porn filters © The Register

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