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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов wednesday, 25 june 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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wednesday, 25 june 2003

09:24 Dixons to create 2,200 jobs © The Register
09:29 Sony to demo Cell by March 2004 © The Register
09:36 Smallest nation goes wireless - totally © The Register
09:51 So why has Linux failed to live up to expectations? © The Register
09:57 Oracle hints there's more to come © The Register
10:03 IBM hunts for Euro ISVs © The Register
10:13 Linux: The FUD thickens © The Register
10:21 Apple denies fiddling G5, Xeon tests © The Register
10:36 Bosses and workers split over flexi-working © The Register
10:38 Intersil ships universal Wi-Fi chip © The Register
10:42 Claim your business grants now © The Register
10:45 Novell ports network service to Linux © The Register
11:51 PC, CE giants propose digital interoperability scheme © The Register
12:46 Techno cops needed to catch cyber criminals - Blunkett © The Register
13:28 ATI Q3 turns loss to profit © The Register
13:28 ATI Q3 sales grow 22.2 per cent © The Register
14:11 Motorola hurries release of 0.13µ G4 © The Register
14:57 Hitachi preps 250GB Serial ATA drive © The Register
15:14 We're UnitedLinux - are you Ready? © The Register
15:33 IBM lowers entry point with Express © The Register
15:51 Microsoft declares war on spam © The Register
16:10 Intel launches 2.5, 2.6GHz Celerons © The Register
16:27 VIA cancels Pentium 4 mobo production © Digit-Life
16:28 HWZ review: PrimeFilm PF3600 PRO Film Scanner © Digit-Life
16:30 Dell Precision M60 mobile workstation on Intel Centrino and NVIDIA Quadro FX Go700 © Digit-Life
16:31 Tiscali buys C&W's French Net ops © The Register
16:36 OCZ Technology ships PC2100/PC2700 memory modules for AMD Opteron © Digit-Life
16:37 Plextor PX-504A DVD+R/RW CD-R/RW Review @ Bjorn3d © Digit-Life
16:42 Maxtor's new 300Gb Ultra ATA/133 drives already available © Digit-Life
16:46 New J2EE Patterns at 30 per cent off © The Register
17:20 iRiver announces new MP3 player, iHP-100 © Digit-Life
18:25 Teac Japan announces DVD Video recording kit © CDR-Info
18:25 I/O Magic launches new CD Duplicator © CDR-Info
18:25 17 leading companies form working group to simplify sharing of digital content among consumer electronics, PCs and mobile device © CDR-Info
18:25 Pioneer introduces world's first DVD Recorders with TiVo(R) service © CDR-Info
19:19 'FAUX News' parody site draws FOX News lawyers © The Register
20:58 Motorola to make Orange brand handsets © The Register
21:10 Line'em up! RIAA to sue thousands © The Register
21:30 Linux: it's the Desktop, Stupid! © The Register
22:01 Dell gives Itanium a second chance © The Register

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