USA: Mayor de Blasio praises New Yorkers response to 'mail bombs'
USA: Mayor de Blasio praises New Yorkers response to 'mail bombs' 2018-10-27 07:16 New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio praised New Yorker's resilience and vigilance in the wake of a mail-bombing campaign targeting critics of US President Donald Trump. Speaking alongside representatives from the city's police department and bomb squad, de Blasio said it had been a «really difficult week» for the city, but «New Yorkers showed so much heart» to face down «fear» and «terrorism». Earlier on Friday, the US Department of Justice announced that Cesar Sayoc had been detained in connection with the mail-bombing campaign. The suspect's fingerprint were allegedly found on one of the packages. So far, 14 parcels containing 'pipe-bomb' devices have been recovered. Brazil: Bolsonaro's opponents out in force in Sao Paolo 2018-10-27 07:51 for love, it will be historical, because it is for love, it is not for weapons, it's not for aggressiveness, it's not for warlike discourse. Brazil will be characterized by the uprising of love, we will turn, in the speech of love, in the action of love, I do believe.» SOT, Beatriz Teixeira, protester (Portuguese): «We fight for peace, we fight for love, we are on the street to vote for the teacher.» Supporters of Workers' Party (PT) presidential candidate Fernando Haddad rallied in central Sao Paolo on Friday. People gathered in front of the National Theatre, chanting and holding colourful umbrellas and banners. «We are here for the restoration of democracy, for the end of torture. It's time to move forward», said renowned actor Pascoal Ferreira da Conceicao. The second round of the election in Brazil will take place on Sunday. Haddad faces the right-wind candidate Jair Bolsonaro, who's leading in the polls. Агитпроп. Эфир от 27.10.2018 2018-10-27 08:27 Националист с развязанными руками. Выход Трампа из договора о ракетах малой и средней дальности позволит США возобновить гонку вооружений. Но кого они видят главным соперником? И почему общественное мнение не взбудоражено угрозой ядерной войны? USA: Trump attacks media while calling for unity after mail bomb scare 2018-10-27 08:52 US President Donald Trump condemned the media at a rally in Charlotte, Friday, claiming their «deep hostility and negative attacks» had served to «drive people apart and to undermine healthy debate.» Speaking after a mail-bombing scare targetting several of his critics, Trump said he would do everything in his power to halt political violence in the US. «We must unify as a nation in peace, love and harmony,» he stated. However, he turned his attention to the press, saying «the media has a major role to play whether they want to or not.» He cited what he sees as an «effort by the media in recent hours to use the sinister actions of one individual to score political points against me and the Republican Party,» in reference to the arrest of an alleged staunch supporter of his in connection with the mail-bombing campaign. В Московском драматическом театре под руководством Армена Джигарханяна — премьера 2018-10-27 10:34 В Московском драматическом театре под руководством Армена Джигарханяна — премьера. Спектакль «Мольер» по пьесе Михаила Булгакова «Кабала святош» поставил режиссер Сергей Виноградов. Главная тема постановки — взаимоотношения художника и власти. Honduras: Clashes erupt at protest against Pres. Hernandez over migrant caravan 2018-10-27 11:10 Police deployed water cannon and tear gas against protesters who had one again taken to the streets of Tegucigalpa on Friday, to demand the resignation of Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez over the mass exodus of Hondurans in a caravan headed for the United States. Protesters had earlier marched on the capital with banners and flags before clashes erupted between demonstrators and police. «Juan Orlando has only prescribed us poverty and misery. That is why the people of Honduras flee, they flee because there is only misery and repression here,» said Fabricio Sandoval, a member of the Liberal Party of Honduras. The caravan of over 1,500 migrants, who are fleeing poverty and violence in Honduras, travelled north through Guatemala, and are at present in Mexico from where they hope to reach the States. President Hernandez has offered to help repatriate those Honduran migrants who wish to return home Итальянское застолье, опера и мультфильмы: выходные в Москве 2018-10-27 11:28 В осенней Москве проходит масса интересных мероприятий. Можно отправиться на концерт в парк, заглянуть на театральную постановку в библиотеку или присоединиться к настоящему итальянскому застолью. Фармацевты требуют заблокировать онлайн-продажу лекарств 2018-10-27 12:08 Фармацевты требуют от Роскомнадзора навести порядок с Интернет-магазинами, которые торгуют лекарствами. В России пока запрещена онлайн продажа препаратов. При этом есть лазейка, которой пользуются недобросовестные предприниматели, заставляя и потребителей нарушать закон. Подробнее — в сюжете телеканала Москва 24. Brazil: Supporters welcome Haddad in Salvador ahead of key vote 2018-10-27 12:10 Workers' Party (PT) presidential candidate Fernando Haddad received a warm welcome from thousands of his supporters who had flooded the streets of Salvador on Friday. Haddad’s supporters cheered on the candidate as they marched through the streets with flags and banners. Salvador is the capital city of Brazil’s north-eastern state of Bahia where Haddad is leading the polls and where he had also won the first round of elections. The second round of the election in Brazil takes place on Sunday. Haddad faces the right-wind candidate Jair Bolsonaro, who is leading in the polls. «Национальный интерес». Выпуск от 27 октября 2018 года 2018-10-27 12:23 Отправимся в Первоуральск на фестиваль цыганской культуры и погрузимся в грузинскую культуру на Урале. Вести. Эфир от 27.10.2018 (11:00) 2018-10-27 12:26 Восстановлено движение транспорта по федеральной трассе Джубга — Сочи, но режим ЧС продолжает действовать. В Стамбуле Лидеры России, Турции, Германии и Франции собираются на сирийский саммит. Европарламент, испугавшись данных о загрязнении планеты, прописал полный запрет. Совет ФИФА официально признал чемпионат мира по футболу в России лучшим в истории. Bahrain: US will protect itself and its interests in Khashoggi affair — Mattis 2018-10-27 12:57 US Defence Secretary James Mattis addressed the ongoing investigations into the death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, at a security summit in the Bahraini capital of Manama on Saturday. Mattis stated, «we will maintain our 'twin imperatives', as stated by Secretary of State (Mike) Pompeo, of protecting America and our interests and holding accountable those responsible for this murder.» «With our collective interests in peace and unwavering respect for human rights in mind, the murder of Jamal Khashoggi in a diplomatic facility must concern us all,» Mattis said. «Failure of any nation to adhere to international norms and the rule of law undermines regional stability at a time when it is needed most.» Khashoggi went to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2 but was never seen again. Turkish authorities allege that he was the victim of premediated and political murder. The Saudi government provided conflicting accounts of the journalist's fate before eventually admitting he died inside its property during a «rogue operation» gone awry, conducted without the knowledge of senior Saudi royals. Mattis also spoke about the Trump administration's continued support for a political resolution to the conflict in Syria and urged an end to the fighting in Yemen. Итоги: уйти нельзя остаться 2018-10-27 13:11 Уйти нельзя остаться: чем грозит выход США из договора о ракетах средней и меньшей дальности? Чего ожидать от встречи Трампа и Путина в Париже в ноябре? Караван идет: миграционные теории заговора накануне промежуточных выборов в США. Гость студии — политолог Владислав Иноземцев. Судьба идентичности: кто и зачем тянет Молдавию в Румынию 2018-10-27 14:16 Кто переписал историю и объявил Молдову вымышленным государством, а молдавский язык искусственным, и как молдаване борются за свой культурный код? Андрей Медведев с гостями студии смотрят и обсуждают документальный фильм Ольги Курлаевой «Румынская уния». Turkey: Merkel and Macron touch down in Istanbul ahead of four-way summit on Syria 2018-10-27 14:32 German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emanuel Macron arrived in Istanbul on Saturday ahead of a four-way summit on Syria. Both officials joined by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will discuss the settlement of the ongoing Syrian conflict as well as the return of Syrian refugees. The four leaders are also expected to extensively discuss the ceasefire, as well as the effective implementation of a political settlement in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254, which was established in December 2015. Болтон: встреча Трампа и Путина в Париже будет короткой 2018-10-27 14:39 Советник президента США по национальной безопасности Джон Болтон в пятницу подтвердил, что готовится встреча президентов США и России в Париже 11 ноября в ходе мероприятий, посвященных столетию окончания Первой мировой войны. Однако, по его словам, эта встреча «будет короткой», то есть речь не идет о полноценном саммите. На пресс-конференции в Тбилиси Болтон также подтвердил, что передал Владимиру Путину приглашение от Дональда Трампа посетить Вашингтон. Однако неясно, когда может состояться подобный визит. Turkey: Putin arrives at Istanbul's Vahdettin Mansion ahead of Syria summit 2018-10-27 14:40 Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived at Istanbul's Vahdettin Mansion on Saturday ahead of a four-way summit on Syria. Putin will meet with the leaders of Turkey, Germany and France to discuss the settlement of the ongoing Syrian conflict as well as the return of Syrian refugees. The four leaders are also expected to extensively discuss the ceasefire, as well as the effective implementation of a political settlement in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254, which was established in December 2015. The implementation of the Russian-Turkish agreement on the creation of a demilitarised zone in the rebel-held Syrian province of Idlib will also be on the agenda. Vladimir Putin is going to hold bilateral meetings with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. State of Palestine: Israeli airstrikes hit targets in Gaza amid rocket fire 2018-10-27 14:42 A building in the Gaza Strip was destroyed in an Israeli strike in the early hours of Saturday, amid scores of such strikes across the territory in retaliation for rocket fire on Israel. The structure was levelled while nearby residential buildings and an Indonesian-funded hospital were partially damaged too. Emergency personnel were present at the site to help clear away the rubble and put out fires caused by the attack. A total of 80 strikes were carried out in retaliation for Palestinian rocket attacks on southern Israel, according to the country's military. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad meanwhile issued a statement saying it had launched the rocket attacks in response for the killing of Palestinian protesters by Israeli forces during border protests on Friday. No casualties were reported as part of the Israeli or Palestinian strikes. Путин и Меркель прибыли в Стамбул 2018-10-27 14:59 Президент России Владимир Путин прилетел в столицу Турции. Врио главы Забайкалья определил приоритеты 2018-10-27 15:00 Своевременная выплата социальных пособий и заработной платы, отопительный сезон, нацпроекты и госпрограммы — такие приоритеты определил временно исполняющий обязанности главы Забайкалья по прибытию на новое место работы. Александра Осипова официально представили подчиненным, после чего он провел первую рабочую встречу с полпредом президента в Сибирском федеральном округе Сергеем Меняйло. Turkey: Merkel and Macron arrive at venue for Istanbul summit on Syria 2018-10-27 15:00 German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron arrived at the Vahdettin Mansion in Istanbul on Saturday, ahead of a four-way summit on the conflict in Syria. At the summit the two leaders will be joined by Russian President Vladimir Putin as well as their host, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The summit, which is the first of its kind, takes place after Russia and Turkey reached a deal on September 17 to create a demilitarised buffer zone around the region of Idlib, which is home to 3.5 million people, in an attempt to prevent further fighting in the last major militant-held bastion in the country. The four leaders are expected to extensively discuss the ceasefire, as well as an effective implementation of a political settlement in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254, which was established in December 2015. Муфтий Крыма переизбран. Имущество меджлиса могут национализировать 2018-10-27 15:02 Курултай крымских татар переизбрал муфтия мусульман Крыма. Им вновь стал хаджи Эмирали Аблаев. Кроме того, может быть принято решение о национализации имущества фонда «Крым», учредителем которого является бывший глава меджлиса крымско-татарского народа (запрещена в РФ) Мустафа Джемилев. State of Palestine: Israeli strikes target Islamic Jihad arms facilities in N. Gaza — IDF 2018-10-27 15:19 Footage released by the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) on Saturday shows what they say were airstrikes carried out against alleged Islamic Jihad weapons manufacturing facilities in northern Gaza. A total of 80 strikes were carried out on targets in Gaza in retaliation for Palestinian rocket attacks on southern Israel, according to the country's military. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad meanwhile issued a statement saying it had launched the rocket attacks in response to the killing of Palestinian protesters by Israeli forces during border protests on Friday. No casualties were reported as part of the Israeli or Palestinian strikes. Журнал The New Times и Евгения Альбац оштрафованы на 22 млн рублей 2018-10-27 15:29 Суд в Москве оштрафовал издание The New Times и его главного редактора Евгению Альбац на 22 миллиона 250 тысяч рублей, признав их виновными в несвоевременной подаче в Роскомнадзор данных о зарубежном финансировании. Адвокат The New Times Вадим Прохоров оценил решение суда фактически как принудительную ликвидацию издания. По словам Евгении Альбац, дело, по которому выписан многомиллионный штраф, долгое время находилось в прокуратуре, но было возвращено в суд, а затем рассмотрено буквально за несколько часов. Причем рассматривала его та же судья, что и возвращала в прокуратуру из-за недоработок. Такую скорость судебного разбирательства Альбац связывает с интервью с Алексеем Навальным, которое вышло в ее программе на радиостанции «Эхо Москвы» накануне и, вероятно, вызвало недовольство в Кремле. Горбунов арестован, ему грозит 15 лет 2018-10-27 15:39 Бывший первый заместитель прокурора Башкортостана заключен под стражу до 26 декабря, такое решение вынес Басманный суд Москвы в субботу. China: Huya app helps man reunite homeless with their families 2018-10-27 15:56 Yanqiu Cai, a 33-year-old online celebrity in China, has been using a livestreaming app from Huya to reunite homeless people with their families, footage filmed in Jiangmen City on Friday shows. Having dubbed himself the 'ox chasing a dream' Yanqiu Cai has managed to reunite 57 homeless people with their families since July 2016 through livestreaming. «While live-streaming, followers use the Internet to help the homelss find their families, looking for clues and helping them return home,» remarked Yanqiu Cai who broadcasts up to ten hours of live footage every day. Yanqiu Cai started the cause to pay tribute to the memory of his own brother whom he lost after he disappeared for three days. Now using his car as his home base and caravan, Yanqiu Cai has travelled over 90,000 km in various Chinese provinces including Yunnan, Jiangxi and Guangdong amassing as many as 376,000 followers who support him with their comments and donations. Turkey: Putin and Merkel meet at Syria summit in Istanbul 2018-10-27 16:16 Russian President Vladimir Putin met his German counterpart Angela Merkel at the four-way summit on Syria in Istanbul on Saturday. The summit, which is the first of its kind, takes place after Russia and Turkey reached a deal on September 17 to create a demilitarised buffer zone around the region of Idlib, which is home to 3.5 million people, in an attempt to prevent further fighting in the last major militant-held bastion in the country. The Russian president, German chancellor, French President Emmanuel Macron and host Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan are expected to extensively discuss the ceasefire, as well as an effective implementation of a political settlement in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254, which was established in December 2015. «Дороги к свободе»: Зачем России «выборы» на Донбассе? 2018-10-27 16:41 В программе «Дороги к свободе» Виталий Портников обсуждает «выборы» на Донбассе с политологом Дмитрием Снегиревым и журналистом Андреем Дихтяренко Wall Street Journal повторила призыв российского МИДа 2018-10-27 16:45 На необходимость восстановления мирной жизни и катастрофическую ситуацию в сирийской Ракке обратило внимание американское издание The Wall Street Journal. State of Palestine: Flares, explosions light up Gaza following Israeli strikes 2018-10-27 16:48 Flares and explosions could be seen in the Gaza Strip on Friday night as the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) launched airstrikes against alleged militant targets. According to the IDF, the airstrikes were carried out against alleged Islamic Jihad weapons manufacturing facilities in northern Gaza. A total of 80 strikes were carried out on targets in Gaza in retaliation to Palestinian rocket attacks on southern Israel, according to the country's military. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad meanwhile issued a statement saying it had launched the rocket attacks in response to the killing of Palestinian protesters by Israeli forces during border protests on Friday. No casualties were reported as part of the Israeli or Palestinian strikes. Трамп назвал свою победу на выборах худшим, что случалось с Россией 2018-10-27 17:17 Президент США Дональд Трамп заявил, что его победа на выборах в 2016 году стала худшим, что когда-либо случалось с Россией. Это утверждение прозвучало на предвыборном митинге в Северной Каролине. Трансляцию вел канал NBC News. «Худшее, что когда-либо случалось с Россией, – это моя победа на выборах, – сказал Трамп. – Но поладить с Россией, с Китаем, с, скажу честно, КНДР, Южной Корей и Японией и со всеми остальными – это хорошая, а не плохая идея». Turkey: 'The world is watching' — Erdogan kicks off Syria summit 2018-10-27 17:22 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan opened the four-way summit on Syria in Istanbul's Vahdettin Mansion on Saturday, by emphasing the importance of the event, commenting that the world was watching. The summit, which is the first of its kind, takes place after Russia and Turkey reached a deal on September 17 to create a demilitarised buffer zone around the region of Idlib, which is home to 3.5 million people, in an attempt to prevent further fighting in the last major militant-held bastion in the country. The Russian president, German chancellor, French President Emmanuel Macron and host Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan are expected to extensively discuss the ceasefire, as well as an effective implementation of a political settlement in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254, which was established in December 2015. Turkey: Leaders pose for group photo ahead of Syria summit in Istanbul 2018-10-27 17:25 The Russian, German, French and Turkish leaders posed for a group photograph at the four-way summit on Syria in Istanbul on Saturday. Vladimir Putin, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel and Recep Tayyip Erdogan are taking part in the summit, which will focus on the settlement of the ongoing Syrian conflict as well as on the return of Syrian refugees. The four leaders are also expected to extensively discuss the ceasefire, as well as the effective implementation of a political settlement in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254, which was established in December 2015. The implementation of the Russian-Turkish agreement on the creation of a demilitarised zone in the rebel-held Syrian province of Idlib will also be on the agenda. Turkey: Putin and Erdogan meet at Syria summit in Istanbul 2018-10-27 17:39 Russian President Vladimir Putin met his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the four-way summit on Syria in Istanbul on Saturday. The summit, which is the first of its kind, takes place after Russia and Turkey reached a deal on September 17 to create a demilitarised buffer zone around the region of Idlib, which is home to 3.5 million people, in an attempt to prevent further fighting in the last major militant-held bastion in the country. The Russian president, German chancellor, French President Emmanuel Macron and host Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan are expected to extensively discuss the ceasefire, as well as an effective implementation of a political settlement in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254, which was established in December 2015. Turkey: Leaders hold talks at four-way summit on Syria in Istanbul 2018-10-27 17:49 The leaders of Russia, Germany, France and Turkey held talks at the four-party summit on Syria in Istanbul on Saturday. Vladimir Putin, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel and Recep Tayyip Erdogan are taking part in the summit, which will focus on the settlement of the ongoing Syrian conflict as well as on the return of Syrian refugees. The four leaders are also expected to extensively discuss the ceasefire, as well as the effective implementation of a political settlement in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254, which was established in December 2015. The implementation of the Russian-Turkish agreement on the creation of a demilitarised zone in the rebel-held Syrian province of Idlib will also be on the agenda. На могиле скрипача Дмитрия Когана открыли памятник 2018-10-27 17:56 На могиле скрипача Дмитрия Когана на Троекуровском кладбище в Москве открыли памятник. Автор проекта — самарский скульптор Карэн Саркисов. А в Самаре открыли мемориальную доску Дмитрия Когана, она разместилась на здании филармонии, где музыкант несколько лет работал художественным руководителем. Переговоры в Стамбуле продолжились после небольшой паузы 2018-10-27 18:16 Саммит глав России, Турции, Германии и Франции по сирийскому урегулированию продолжился в Стамбуле после краткой паузы. События недели: признания Исмаилова и тайна жены киллера 2018-10-27 18:27 22 октября в Архангельской области бойцы спецназа взяли штурмом плавучий сад наркоторговцев. 23 октября беглый олигарх Тельман Исмаилов обратился с письмом к российским властям. 24 октября стало известно о возбуждении уголовного дела в отношении бывшего главы управления МВД по Калининградской области. Программа «Дежурная часть» от 27 октября 2018 года 2018-10-27 19:15 Правда ли, что судья из Воронежской области устроил аварию, а затем поджег свой автомобиль? Под арест отправлена почти вся верхушка мэрии Сочи. Как саратовский полковник боролся за худобу в своих рядах? Бывший зампрокурор Башкирии пытался спастись бегством. В Таганроге под следствием оказался офицер загадочной организации. USA: Eight dead in Pittsburgh synagogue shooting 2018-10-27 19:54 At least eight people were killed with twelve others injured when a shooter opened fire on the congregation of a Pittsburgh synagogue in Pennsylvania on Saturday. Police arrived at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill, reportedly responding to several calls made by attendees of the synagogue. The shooter, who was reportedly armed with an AR-15-style rifle and multiple handguns, is now in custody. Pittsburgh Public Safety Department tweeted on Saturday morning that there was an active shooter in the area and asked people to avoid the synagogue. Courtesy: Daniel Kovalik USA: People are mourning, situation is very sombre — local on Pittsburgh shooting 2018-10-27 20:18 Daniel Kovalik, a local from Pittsburgh, where a deadly shooting claimed the lives of eight people on Saturday, spoke from the scene about how the events are unfolding. Kovalik said that there are «a lot of people in mourning, a lot of parishioners with the heads in their hands, people are just trying to figure out what has happened here, you know it's a very sombre situation.» He also added that he had never seen such an enormous police presence in the area before, stressing that it’s now largely closed off. Kovalik added that he comes to the neighborhood often, adding that «it's probably the most vibrant community here in Pittsburgh.» At least eight people were killed with twelve others injured including three police officers when a shooter opened fire in a Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill. The shooter, who was reportedly armed with an AR-15-style rifle and multiple handguns, is now in custody. Courtesy: Daniel Kovalik Turkey: 'Russia keeps right to help Syria if terrorists continue provocations in Idlib' — Putin 2018-10-27 20:29 Vladimir Putin, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel and Recep Tayyip Erdogan are taking part in the summit, which will focus on the settlement of the ongoing Syrian conflict as well as on the return of Syrian refugees. The four leaders are also expected to extensively discuss the ceasefire, as well as the effective implementation of a political settlement in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254, which was established in December 2015. The implementation of the Russian-Turkish agreement on the creation of a demilitarised zone in the rebel-held Syrian province of Idlib will also be on the agenda. Итог исторического саммита: решение сирийского вопроса возможно только дипломатическим путем 2018-10-27 20:57 Завершился невиданный ранее саммит по Сирии России, Франции, Турции и Германии. После переговоров лидеры стран вышли к прессе. Turkey: 'Russian air defence forces shot down 50 aircraft near Khmeimim Air Base' — Putin 2018-10-27 21:18 Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took part in a Q&A session during the Syria summit in Istanbul on Saturday. The summit, which is the first of its kind, takes place after Russia and Turkey reached a deal on September 17 to create a demilitarised buffer zone around the region of Idlib, which is home to 3.5 million people, in an attempt to prevent further fighting in the last major militant-held bastion in the country. Turkey: Idlib is the 'priority' of Istanbul summit — Macron 2018-10-27 21:19 *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* French President Emmanuel Macron said that the Syria summit’s priority is the situation in Idlib, speaking from Istanbul on Friday. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is hosting Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel for a summit focused on the Syrian conflict. Germany: Activists occupy railway and mine to save Hambach forest 2018-10-27 21:32 An estimated 4,000 climate activists took over the tracks that supply energy company RWE’s power plants with coal from the Hambach mine on Saturday, while another group of 40 occupied a digger, as they called for an immediate coal phase-out. Activists from all over Germany and from nearby countries joined in the protest, gathering first in a camp near the German city of Dueren. Protesters have been occupying the remaining area of the Hambach Forest since 2012, in an effort to block RWE's planned expansion of its open-pit coal mine. RWE, who own the forest, plan to fell the remaining trees in October. Iran: Rouhani praises friendship with EU and Russia, calls for united front against US 2018-10-27 21:46 Iran should work with its «friends» like Russia and the EU and it should should unite against the «enemy» of the US, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said in an address to the Iranian Parliament in Tehran on Saturday. «If this time last year, we had stated that the US would stand against the great Iranian nation and Europe would stand with Iran and against America, the overwhelming majority of us would have said that this was pure optimism,» stressed Rouhani. The remarks came following the opposition of many countries including the EU and Russia against the US decision to leave the Iran nuclear deal [JCPOA] in May, with Washington re-imposing sanctions on Iran. The next round of sanctions are expected in November when the US is planning to introduce provisional measures on Iran’s oil industry. Turkey: Merkel says the UN will monitor political process in Syria 2018-10-27 22:10 German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Syria must become a homeland for the refugees returning once again, speaking at the Syria summit hosted by Turkey in Istanbul on Friday. Merkel stressed that the United Nations and the international community will monitor the return of refugees in Syria and that the political process of «free and transparent» elections will get underway. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is hosting Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel for a summit focused on the Syrian conflict. Taiwan: Thousands attend gay pride parade ahead of referendum vote 2018-10-27 22:21 The capital of Taiwan was flooded with people during the Pride parade walk on Saturday, ahead of a crucial referendum on same sex marriage. Authorities estimated that around 13,000 people participated in the event in Taipei, with people from all over the world gathering to make it the biggest Pride parade in Asia. Taiwan's top court legalised gay marriage last May and told the Taiwanese government the decision must be put into practice within two years. Next month, a referendum on same sex marriage will be held. If passed, Taiwan will become the first Asian country to legalise same sex marriage. Norway: NATO drills draw protests in Oslo 2018-10-27 22:54 Hundreds of Norwegians flooded Oslo's streets on Saturday, protesting against the NATO-led military exercises Trident Juncture 18 and calling for dialogue with Russia. People marched holding banners reading 'Neighbours as friends — not enemies. Peace and dialogue go to Russia' and 'Stop NATO's war exercise in Norway'. The protest was called for by around 27 different peace organisations. «The Trident Juncture I think is a very unnecessary provocation towards Russia, although they say it's not meant to be but I think that's what it is,» said one of the protesters, Sya Hewerut. Another protester, Kristine Mollo-Christensen, agreed adding: «This is a threat to the Norwegian people, and we don't like this aggression towards Russia. We are for diplomatic talks rather than these kind of war exercises, war games that they are doing.» Trident Juncture 18 are NATO-led military exercises which are being held in Norway from October 25 to November 2018. The exercises are the largest of their kind in Norway and involves around 50,000 participants. Turkey: Erdogan hosts dinner for Putin, Merkel, and Macron after Syria summit 2018-10-27 23:09 Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel dined together in Istanbul’s Vahdettin Mansion on Saturday, as the four-way Syria summit between Turkey, Russia, France and Germany drew to a close. The summit, which is the first of its kind, followed a deal reached by Russia and Turkey on September 17 to create a demilitarised buffer zone around the Syrian region of Idlib. The deal was struck in an attempt to prevent further fighting in the last major militant-held bastion in the country; a region home to some 3.5 million people. Israel: 'Heartbroken and appalled' — Netanyahu on Pittsburgh synagogue shooting 2018-10-27 23:22 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said from Tel Aviv on Saturday that he was «heartbroken and appalled» by the shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue in the US state of Pennsylvania in which ten people were killed. He added that, «The entire people of Israel grieve with the families of the dead. We stand together with the Jewish community of Pittsburgh. We stand together with the American people in the face of this horrendous anti-Semitic brutality. And we all pray for the speedy recovery of the wounded.» The gunman now identified as Robert Bowers entered the Tree of Life Synagogue in the American city of Pittsburgh on Saturday morning, where he opened fire on a congregation, killing ten and injuring a further six, including four police officers. Bowers has been taken into custody. Turkey: Erdogan discusses Khashoggi case at four-way summit 2018-10-27 23:37 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan discussed the death of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi during the Syria summit that he hosted in Istanbul on Saturday. Erdogan stressed that there have been «certain exchanges» between the intelligence services of the countries on the case, adding that «we started digging up the details.» Khashoggi went to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2 to prepare documents for his upcoming marriage, but has not been seen since. His fiancee claims to have waited outside for 11 hours but says he did not return. Turkish officials claimed he was murdered inside while Saudi officials previously maintained that Khashoggi had left the consulate. They later reversed their position after an internal investigation, and now claim Khashoggi died as a result of a fight inside the consulate. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is hosting Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel for a summit focused on the Syrian conflict. Afghanistan: Six killed by suicide car bomb in Wardak province 2018-10-27 23:53 At least six people were killed and dozens were wounded when a suicide car bomb targeted a bus carrying police officers and civilians in the central Afgani city of Maidan Wardak on Saturday. The attack, claimed to be by the Taliban, targeted a vehicle that was carrying people to their place of work near the Maidan Wardak military base. According to Wardak police chief Mohammad Wais Samimi, the attack occurred «about two kilometres far from the gate of the base.» He said that a total of 24 civilians, including two militants, were wounded and six others were killed. According to Samimi the injured were transferred to hospital with the help of the base’s personnel. Brazil: Supporters of frontrunner Bolsonaro rally on eve of election 2018-10-28 00:29 Supporters of far-right presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro rallied in front of Paulo Machado de Carvalho stadium in Sao Paulo on Saturday. Bolsonaro, the leader of the Social Liberal Party (PSL), won 46 percent of the vote in the first round on October 7, with Fernando Haddad of the leftist Workers' Party (PT) coming a distant second with 30 percent. The two will face off again in the second round of the election on Sunday. Mexico: Police abandon blockade of migrant caravan 2018-10-28 00:44 Mexican police abandoned a blockade allowing thousands of Central American migrants to continue their journey towards the United States on Thursday. After leaving Arriaga, the migrant caravan reached a Mexican Federal Police checkpoint where they were informed about the government's recent offer of asylum. Outgoing Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto launched a programme on Friday which promised shelter, medical attention, schooling and jobs to migrants who agree to stay in the southern Mexico states of Chiapas and Oaxaca. The group rejected the plan on Friday night in Arriaga, but have said they open to negotiations with the government, but not if their intention is to stop the caravan. Consequently, the federal authorities withdrew their blockade and allowed more than 4,000 migrants to move towards the city of San Pedro Tanpanatepec. Spain: Catalan's mark one-year anniversary of UDI 2018-10-28 01:17 Supporters of Catalan nationalism marked the one-year anniversary since the unilateral declaration of independence in Barcelona on Saturday. Protesters burned symbols of Spanish unity, including pictures of King Felipe VI and copies of the Spanish constitution. Catalans have demanded that the Spanish Prime Minister confirm the result of last year's referendum and the official proclamation of independence. Last year, Madrid imposed direct rule on Catalonia after it declared independence following a referendum. Efforts to split from Spain have since stalled, despite the election of a regional government in favour of secession. Spain: Anger on capital's streets at poor living standards 2018-10-28 01:47 Thousands of protesters from across Spain took to the streets in Madrid on Saturday, to protest against poor living standards. Political parties, unions and pressure groups joined the rally, under the slogan 'If we move forward, we change everything'. Protesters carried flags and banners in support of a publicly-funded pension scheme and public education system. State of Palestine: Shattered legs, unbroken dreams! Boxer fights for future 2018-10-28 02:03 Ahmed Abumarahil's dream of representing Palestine as its boxing champion was brought to a swift end when he was shot in the legs during the 'Great March of Return' demonstrations. The young boxer spoke about how he refuses to let his injury hold him back in Gaza on Saturday. The 21-year-old, who went by the nickname Cassius Clay or Muhammad Ali, was injured three times at protests along the Israeli-Palestinian border, fighting for the rights of Palestinians to return to their families' pre-1948 homes. The first injury came when a rubber-coated bullet hit his abdomen on April. A month later a tear gas canister burnt his hands, but he suffered his worst injury in June when bullets shattered both of his legs. «My dream was to be boxing champion, being the champion of the Palestinian team and raising the Palestine flag abroad,» Ahmed said. He hopes that his recovery will allow him to «stand on my legs and walk again to go back and achieve my first dream, which is being the first champion in Palestine.» Ahmed's trainer Osama Ayoob has refused to give up on his young prodigy, wheeling him all the way to the boxing ring for training. «Every Palestinian player represents the Palestinian people and the occupation is always an obstacle in their way, an obstacle for every Palestinian doing sports,» Ayoob explained. USA: Sanders rallies progressives before crucial mid-terms 2018-10-28 02:55 Senator Bernie Sanders gave a speech at a Berkeley high school on Saturday, in support of Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Lee. Sanders urged people to turnout and vote in the forthcoming mid-term elections, calling it «an imperative». He also condemned the deadly shooting on Saturday morning at a synagogue in Pennsylvania and called for changes to existing gun laws. USA: Trump condemns 'horrible' Pittsburgh synagogue shooting 2018-10-28 03:29 US President Donald Trump labelled the «horrible» Pittsburgh synagogue shooting as «an anti-Semitic crime» on Saturday. He made the remarks as he arrived in Murphysboro for a mid-term election rally. «What happened today is a horrible, horrible thing,» Trump told reporters. «It looks definitely like it's an anti-Semitic crime and that's something you wouldn't believe could still be going on.» The US president also said he had spoken to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf and the Mayor of Pittsburgh Bill Peduto about the incident. Eleven people were killed in a gun attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue on Saturday morning. The gunman opened fire as the the Tree of Life synagogue held a service. The suspect, identified as Robert Bowers, was injured and is now in police custody. Israel: Opposition grows to controversial 'Cultural Loyalty' bill 2018-10-28 03:48 Over a thousand people demonstrated in Tel Aviv on Saturday against the controversial 'cultural loyalty' bill. Opponents believe the proposed legislation represents censorship. Activists called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to halt the legislative initiative, after the 'Cultural Loyalty' bill was approved by the Israeli Parliament Ministerial Committee on October 23. The bill seeks to cancel state funding to cultural works or institutions that harm or disrespect the symbols of the State of Israel, or refer to Independence Day as a day of mourning, or incite to violence or terrorism, among other things. USA: Candlelit vigil for Pittsburgh synagogue shooting victims 2018-10-28 05:17 Victims of a gun attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue were remembered at a candlelit vigil close to the White House on Saturday evening. The group sang traditional Jewish melodies while holding candles. Speeches were given by members of the Jewish community in Washington D.C., including one person who used to attend the Tree of Life synagogue where the mass shooting took place. Eleven people were killed in a gun attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue on Saturday morning. The suspect, identified as Robert Bowers, was injured and is now in police custody. Brazil: Haddad's supporters up the ante before Sunday's vote 2018-10-28 05:40 Supporters of leftist presidential candidate Fernando Haddad filled the streets of the old town in Sao Paulo on Saturday. The leader of the Worker's Party scored 44 percent in the latest polls, lagging behind frontrunner Jair Bolsonaro's 56 percent. The Social Liberal Party candidate came top in the first round on October 7. The two will face off again in the second round of the election on Sunday. В Грузии проходят президентские выборы 2018-10-28 06:09 Президента выбирают в Грузии. Это будут последние прямые выборы главы государства. 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