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USA: Hundreds join Amber Rose's LA SlutWalk in bid to end rape culture

USA: Hundreds join Amber Rose's LA SlutWalk in bid to end rape culture
2018-10-07 05:53
Hundreds of protesters joined the so-called SlutWalk in Los Angeles on Saturday in opposition to rape culture, which includes victim blaming and slut shaming sexual assault victims. Dressed in provocative outfits, women and men of all ages took to the streets to participate in the annual festival, organised by model Amber Rose. They were met by several groups of counter-protesters, including alleged sex workers, who disrupted the march arguing that Amber Rose had not invited their collective to participate. «Sex workers weren't included in this march. Amber Rose was a stripper and that's how she got started and a lot of people started this protest. But she turned her back on us and didn't include us in this rally,» explained one of the counter-protesters.

В Грузии запретили пластиковые пакеты
2018-10-07 06:00
В Грузии запрещается использование полиэтиленовых пакетов. На первом этапе запрет уже коснулся тех изделий, чья плотность менее 15 микрон. Среди них, например, одноразовые пакеты. Полностью же полиэтиленовые пакеты выйдут из потребления весной следующего года.

USA: Nearly 200 arrested on Capitol Hill during Kavanaugh confirmation
2018-10-07 06:09
At least 164 protesters were arrested during furious protests on the steps of the Capitol in Washington DC on Saturday after Judge Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice by the US Senate. The mass arrests occurred while Kavanaugh was being confirmed to the court in a narrow 50:48 vote. «The Supreme Court should be the most fit people in the land, the most fit lawyers, the best, the brightest, not people who hide their financial dealings, not people who lie under oath, and certainly not people who assault women and then lie about it and try to cover it up. I'm here for that, I'm here for the truth,» said one of the protesters. The confirmation follows weeks of controversy and debate after Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault by Christine Blasey Ford, a research psychiatrist, who alleged Kavanaugh assaulted her at a high school party in 1982. The vote comes as a major win for US President Donald Trump who continued to express his full support for Kavanaugh despite Ford's accusations.

USA: 'Shameless' Dems an 'angry mob' — Trump following Kavanaugh win
2018-10-07 07:21
US President Donald Trump celebrated the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh as America's next Supreme Court justice while speaking at a rally in Topeka, Kansas on Saturday. «Just a few hours ago the US Senate confirmed Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court. And I proudly signed the Judge's commission aboard Air Force One just before landing,» Trump said to cheers. The President also thanked the Republican senators who, as he described, refused «to back down in the face of the Democrats' shameless campaign of political and personal destruction.» Commenting on protests, including the one held on the steps of the US Capitol while Kavanaugh was being confirmed, Trump accused Democrats of becoming an «angry mob.» «You don't hand matches to an arsonist, and you don't give power to an angry left-wing mob, and that's what they've become,» the President noted.

«Оно вам надо!»: Наезд на Трампа, бывший символ демократической России и Нобелевская неделя
2018-10-07 08:04
Газета «Нью-Йорк Таймс» обвинила американского президента в налоговых махинациях. Осеннее обострение в Кремле. Путин теперь считает шпионаж и проституцию — важнейшими в мире профессиями. Нобелевская неделя. Почему Олег Сенцов не стал лауреатом премии мира.

«Мы устали»: ингуши требуют вернуть свою территорию и убрать Евкурова
2018-10-07 09:54
Парламент республики проведет повторное голосование по договору с Чечней.

Israel: Golan Druze rally in support of Assad
2018-10-07 11:51
Druze people in the town of Majdal Shams in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights took part in a rally on Saturday, to celebrate the progress of the Syrian Civil war and profess their support for President Bashar al-Assad. Carrying both Syrian flags and the traditional five-coloured Druze flag, the small crowd of Arab Druze gathered near the ceasefire line, where they used megaphones to shout across to Syrian soldiers on the other side of the security fence. The Syrian side of the Golan heights had been under militant control since 2014, but was retaken by government forces in August.

Китайцы задержали главу Интерпола за коррупцию
2018-10-07 11:53
Пропавший в Китае президент Интерпола подозревается в коррупции, об этом сообщает местная, а также парижская пресса.

«Песня с историей»: В краю магнолий
2018-10-07 12:10
Сегодня мы вернемся в 1982 год. Именно тогда вся страна узнала про удивительный край, в котором всегда цветут магнолии и живет любовь. В тоже время лидер Советского Союза Андропов приглашает в страну маленькую американскую девочку Саманту Смит, которая отважилась написать ему письмо и стала известной на весь мир, а Валентина Толкунова призналась всем, что ее сердце не камень. По инициативе секретаря центрального комитета Горбачева была принята продовольственная программа, а Алла Пугачева не смогла повернуть время на старинных часах. На космодроме Байконур запустили космический корабль Союз-Т5, а весь советский народ мечтал попасть в край магнолий.

В Ингушетии проведут повторное голосование по вопросу границы с Чечней
2018-10-07 12:25
В тоже время депутаты от «Единой России» и «КПРФ» заявляют, что первое голосование было легитимным и пересмотр решения невозможен.

В Латвии победило «Согласие»
2018-10-07 13:00
В Латвии на выборах в парламент победила партия «Согласие», отстаивающая права русскоязычного населения. Она набрала почти 20% голосов.

Iran: Death toll rises to 7 as floods in northern Iran continue
2018-10-07 13:00
Heavy rain and flash floods have claimed the lives of at least seven people in the northern Iranian provinces of Mazandaran and Gilan, footage filmed on Sunday shows. Footage from Mazandaran province shows massive flows of water running over roads and streets, cars being washed away, people struggling to walk, and traffic being disrupted. The floods were caused by a heavy rainfall that have reportedly lasted for several days. One person is reported to have been killed by a lightning strike.

В Кремле стартует осенняя серия спектаклей театра классического балета
2018-10-07 13:02
В Государственном Кремлевском дворце стартует осенняя серия спектаклей театра классического балета под руководством Наталии Касаткиной и Владимира Василева. Откроется сезон 13 октября постановкой «Ромео и Джульетта» на музыку Сергея Прокофьева. Критики называют этот спектакль одной из самых удачных интерпретация знаменитого балета. Ну а закончится цикл 3 декабря балетом «Щелкунчик».

Китай из отходов получает доходы
2018-10-07 13:15
Поднебесная вынуждена решать приземленную проблему. Мусор там производят почти полтора миллиарда человек. А до января 2018 года Китай фактически был всемирной свалкой, без ограничений импортируя отходы из других стран. Так что вопрос стоит остро. Все, что нельзя переработать, китайцы жгут.

Власти Ингушетии опровергли информацию о повторном по границе с Чечней
2018-10-07 13:25
О возможности нового голосования в парламенте ранее заявил местный депутат, однако представитель главы республики, а также вице-спикер парламента сказали, что голосования не будет.

Дороги, мост, больница: Олег Кожемяко наводит порядок в Приморье
2018-10-07 13:30
В Приморье наводит порядок новый врио губернатора Олег Кожемяко. Во время рабочей поездки в Лазовской район края он потребовал от местного руководства привести в порядок дороги, отремонтировать мост и обновить больницу, а о проделанной работе отчитаться перед людьми.

Владимир Путин празднует день рождения
2018-10-07 13:39
7 октября у Владимира Путина день рождения. Ему исполняется 66 лет. Этот день он нередко проводит на льду с товарищами из Ночной хоккейной лиги. Но сегодня, как заявил пресс-секретарь Дмитрий Песков, президент будет в кругу друзей и близких. На праздничный огонек заглянет и бывший премьер-министр Италии Сильвио Берлускони. Он уже отписался в соцсетях, что вылетает. Подарки Путину обычно дарят самые разные — от дорогих картин до хрустальных крокодилов. Но один из самых приятных преподнес в прошлом году глава Туркмении — щенка алабая по кличке Верный.

«Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Алексей Смирнов
2018-10-07 13:47
Почти 80 ролей в кино и ни одной романтической. Актер Алексей Смирнов всегда был смешным в кадре. Режиссеры видели лишь одну его грань. Алексей привык: над ним посмеиваются с детства. Крупный, высокий, далекий от любых стандартов красоты. Девушки обращают на таких внимание в последнюю очередь. Даже после того, как на экран вышла «Операция Ы», он не стал увереннее в себе. Толпы поклонниц Смирнова не преследовали. Актер проживет холостяком до самой смерти. В последние годы жизнь Алексея Смирнова обросла легендами. В прессе писали, что он был настолько одинок, что даже собирался взять ребенка из детского дома. Что из слухов о любимом актере правда, а что — лишь выдумка журналистов? Почему он так и не женился? И хотел ли вообще создать семью? Сегодня будем разбираться вместе с родными и друзьями Алексея Смирнова.

«Московские сезоны» гремят на весь мир
2018-10-07 13:53
Яркость, разнообразие и успех у публики «Московских сезонов» отметили эксперты Международной ассоциации фестивалей. Впервые столица получила эту престижную премию. И дважды попала в десятку лучших городов, где стоит побывать туристам. Американский телеканал зовет в «Московскую осень», британцы рекомендуют «Путешествие в Рождество».

Собянин рассказал об энергетике комфорта и росте тарифов
2018-10-07 13:54
Москва без лишних трат вошла в пятерку самых освещенных городов планеты, научилась экономить газ и полностью отказалась от мазута — все эти достижения обсуждали в рамках Российской энергетической недели. Беречь деньги и ресурсы помогают новые технологии. О новом отопительном сезоне, тарифах и энергетике комфорта рассказал мэр Москвы Сергей Собянин.

North Korea: Pompeo meets Kim Jong-Un for denuclearisation talks
2018-10-07 13:55
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un in Pyongyang on Sunday. Footage shows Pompeo and the North Korean leader walking together, followed by interpreters. According to reports, Pompeo met Kim Jong-un in the hopes of rekindling talks on denuclearisation and set up a second summit between US President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader.

Germany: Neo-Nazis clash with police at far-right concert
2018-10-07 14:18
Neo-nazis clashed with police officers while attending a far-right rock concert on the market square of Apolda on Saturday night. The police were reportedly provoked by protesters who hurled stones and bottles at them, injuring eight officers. The police then responded and used batons and pepper spray to control the crowd. Neo-Nazis were seen washing their faces in a fountain, with some struggling to open their eyes due to the pepper spray, while others were arguing with police officers. The concert reportedly lasted for only an hour before the Neo-Nazis were escorted away by police.

Сенат США утвердил Бретта Кавано на пост в Верховный суд
2018-10-07 14:37
Сенат США провел финальное голосование по кандидатуре Бретта Кавано, выдвинутого президентом Дональдом Трампом на пост члена Верховного суда США. За Кавано проголосовали 50 сенаторов, против – 48. Несколько женщин выдвигали против Кавано обвинения в сексуальных домогательствах.

Brazil: Polls open in Rio for 2018 general election
2018-10-07 14:45
Long queues were seen forming outside polling stations in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday, as Brazilians cast their vote in the first round of the 2018 general election . According to latest polls, right-wing frontrunner Jair Bolsonaro is projected to get 36.7 percent of the vote, while Fernando Haddad of the Workers Party is expected to hold second place with 24 percent. Some 147 million Brazilians will head to the polls where they're expected to vote for the president, 27 state governors, two-thirds of Brazil's 81 senators, 513 seats in the chamber of deputies and over 1,000 state legislators. If no candidate secures an outright majority, the election will go to a run-off scheduled for October 28.

Turkey: Turkish officials claimg missing journalist murdered in Saudi consulate
2018-10-07 15:24
Missing Washington Post writer Jamal Khashoggi was reportedly murdered while visiting the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, according to reports citing anonymous Turkish officials on Sunday. Khashoggi went to the consulate on Tuesday to prepare documents for a forthcoming marriage. His fiancé claimed she waited outside for him for 11 hours, but he did not return. Turkish officials claim to have evidence of his murder. According to reports, an official at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul denied any wrong doing and strongly condemned the allegations. Meanwhile, a Saudi security delegation has arrived in Istanbul to assist in the investigation. Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was a strong critic of his country's regime, and fled Saudi Arabia in 2017. H

South Korea: Pompeo stops in Seoul after North Korea visit
2018-10-07 16:09
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in Seoul on Sunday. Footage shows Pompeo and the South Korean leader posing for a photo-op. Pompeo stopped in Seoul following his visit to North korea, where he met with North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un in Pyongyang, reportedly with the hopes of rekindling talks on denuclearisation and to set up a second summit between US President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader. Mandatory Credit to: US Department of State

Правозащитники: принудительное кормление в тюрьмах — пытка
2018-10-07 16:23
Так представители «Amnesty International» прокомментировали письмо Олега Сенцова. Украинский режиссер рассказал, что ему пришлось прекратить голодовку, так как руководство колонии угрожало ему принудительным питанием.

State of Palestine: Two Israelis killed in West Bank shooting
2018-10-07 16:24
Two Israelis have been killed and a third got injured at the Barkan Industrial Park near the illegal settlement of Ariel in occupied West Bank on Sunday, according to Israeli authorities. Military and police forces were seen around the illegal settlement, after a Palestinian allegedly opened fire inside the Barkan industrial zone and shot three Israeli settlers. Local media identified the alleged shooter as a 23-year-old Palestinian man and the victims as a man and a woman in their 30's. According to the Israeli Defence Ministry, the police and army have been deployed in search of the suspect.

Israel: Sara Netanyahu goes on trial for fraud
2018-10-07 16:34
Sara Netanyahu, the wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, arrived at Jerusalem Magistrate's Court for her trial on charges fraud on Sunday. Sara Netanyahu is accused of misusing $100,000 (€86,700) of public funds to order restaurant meals to her residence, hiding the fact of having a home cook, thus violating the law in 2010-2013. If convicted, Sara Netanyahu, who is denying any wrongdoing, might face up to five years in prison.

Spain: Thousands march for Spanish unity in Barcelona
2018-10-07 16:41
Around 2000 people demonstrated for Spanish unity and against Catalan independence in Barcelona on Sunday. The demonstration was organised by the Espana Ciudadana (Citizen Spain) organisation and saw the participation of Ciudadanos (Citizens) party leader Albert Rivera. Demonstrators marched in the centre of Barcelona chanting slogans such as «I am Catalan and Spanish,» These streets are ours as well» and «Puigdemon to jail.» «Europe is our future and the opponent of Europe is called nationalism,» Rivera said while addressing the crowd in Barcelona's Placa Sant Jaume. The government of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez is in the midst of scandals regarding its ministers and the secession pressure reignited by the October 1 anniversary of the Catalan referendum.

Беглов займется питерским ЖКХ и Красным бором
2018-10-07 18:13
Президент продолжил обновление губернаторского корпуса. Ушедший в Объединенную судостроительную корпорацию Полтавченко официально передал обязанности губернатора Александру Беглову.

Отношения с Россией: Индия не поддалась на угрозы США
2018-10-07 18:15
4 октября президент России прибыл с официальным визитом в Нью-Дели. Лидеры Владимир Путин и Нарендра Моди говорили о разном, но самым важным символом доверия и готовности сотрудничать без оглядки на США стал контракт о поставках в Индию систем С-400 «Триумф».

США и КНДР создадут денуклеаризационную группу
2018-10-07 18:16
Госсекретарь США Майк Помпео заявил о достижении важных договоренностей по итогам своей встречи с лидером КНДР Ким Чен Ыном. Так, стороны намерены в ближайшее время создать совместную рабочую группу для обсуждения плана денуклеаризации КНДР, а также возможности нового двустороннего саммита.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Polls open for 2018 general election
2018-10-07 18:21
«I expect a great victory, that will enable important jobs for the Republic of Srpska. When I get re-elected, and this will happen tonight, I will be the president of all the citizens of Republic of Srpska.» Voting began in Bosnia and Herzegovina on Sunday, as polling stations opened for the 2018 general elections. Footage shows the President of the Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik voting in his hometown of Laktasi in the north of the country. Dodik is a candidate for the national presidency and appeared confident of the results, saying «I expect a great victory, that will allow for important work to be done for the Republic of Srpska.» Dodik is a controversial figure who has attempted to downplay the 1995 Srebrenica massacre and who has denied that Serbian actions in the Bosnian War constituted genocide. Bosnia and Herzegovina has a presidency made up of three members drawn from the country`s different ethnic groups, one Serb representative is chosen by the voters of the Republic Srpska and the voters of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina elect the Bosniak and Croat representatives. Voters are also electing representatives to the 42 member national House of Representatives, as well as to the two state level parliaments of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska.

Iran: Ancient Persian bas-relief unveiled in Tehran after 80 years abroad
2018-10-07 18:33
A Persian bas-relief dating back to 500 BC was unveiled at Tehran's National Museum of Iran on Sunday, one month after a New York City court ordered it to be returned to Iran after more than 80 years out of the country. The relic was being sold at an auction in New York City for $2.5 million (€ 2.1 million) and was returned to Iran after a New York Supreme Court judge ordered it to be returned to Iran in July. The artefact was delivered to Iranian officials on September 4. Following its exposition at the National Museum of Iran, the artefact is expected to be returned back to its original place in Persepolis, central Iran. «This event is an important event, that a historical piece belonging to Iran's culture and Iran's history was sent back to its real and right place. And certainly it is a remarkable and cultural happening for Iranians,» museum visitor Sara Kariman said. The relief was excavated between 1933 and 1934 and reported stolen from Persepolis in 1936. It was reported stolen a second time in 2011 from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. According to experts cited by local media, it was made sometime between 510 and 330 BC. Persepolis was the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire (ca. 550-330 BC). It is situated 60 km (37 miles) northeast of the city of Shiraz. The earliest remains of Persepolis date back to 515 BC.

Poland: 'Hands off our children' — Hundreds demand justice for Catholic Church sexual abuse victims
2018-10-07 18:57
Hundreds of protesters marched through Warsaw demanding investigation of paedophilia cases of Catholic Church clerics, Sunday. Protesters carried banners reading «Hands off our children», as well as a map of the country on which places of the alleged abuses are marked. «Do not be fooled that they will show us some kind of a numbers now. We need a deep research as in Germany, in the United States. You know that it did not last for a month, it did not last for two weeks,» claimed Artur Nowak, a protest organiser. Protesters also demanded a detailed investigation that would provide concrete statistics on the number of abuses.

Вести недели. Эфир от 07.10.2018. Приключения Трампов: Дональд нажил нового врага, Меланию едва не раздавил слон
2018-10-07 18:57
В США громко звучит нечто похожее на мыльную оперу. За чем там все следят?

Brazil: Front-runner Bolsonaro casts vote in presidential elections
2018-10-07 19:02
Presidential front-runner Jair Bolsonaro of the far-right Social Liberal Party cast his vote in the Brazilian general election in Rio on Sunday. It was Bolsonaro's first public appearance since he was hospitalised after being stabbed by a left-wing activist during a campaign rally on September 6. According to the latest polling, Bolsonaro is projected to win 40 percent of the vote on Sunday, with the candidate for the left-wing Workers` Party, Fernando Haddad, in second place with 25 percent. In the likely event that no candidate wins an outright majority in the first round of voting, a runoff poll between the two top candidates is scheduled for October 28.

Russia: Dagestanis side with Khabib in post-fight brawl blunder
2018-10-07 19:16
Citizens of Makhachkala commented on Khabib Nurmagomedov's win over Conor McGregor at UFC 229 in Las Vegas on Sunday. «I am very happy and proud of my fellow countryman Khabib. He pleased the whole of Dagestan. He performed well,» a Makhachkala resident said. The citizens also commented on the fight which started moments after the game, when Khabib jumped out of the Octagon and lashed out at one of McGregor's teammates. «I think he was holding up decently. Of course, patience is not limitless. He could not hold back all emotions when he was provoked to such actions,» on citizen said. «After the fight, he had [strong] emotions. He did not hold back after. That person probably also said something to him. Therefore, I understand [Khabib], « a Nurmagomedov fan said. Khabib defeated Conor McGregor by rear submission in the fourth round. Nurmagomedov managed to preserve his undefeated record, now at 27-0, by forcing McGregor to tap out due to rear naked choke in the fourth round.

Turkey: Khashoggi murdered inside Saudi consulate, claims Turkish-Arab Media Association
2018-10-07 20:18
SOT, Journalist (Turkish): «On what grounds are you telling us that he has been killed? Which source?» SOT, Turan Kislakci, Head of Turkish-Arab Media Association (Turkish): «Of course the authorities told us that he's been killed. They have also asked us to inform his fiancee but unfortunately she has been informed by the media.» SOT, Journalist (Turkish): «Where has that happened? Here in the consulate?» SOT, Turan Kislakci, Head of Turkish-Arab Media Association (Turkish): «Yes, the information indicates that it has happened here, that he has been killed in the consulate building. The details will be shared in the coming days.» SOT, Journalist (Turkish): «Is it confirmed?» SOT, Turan Kislakci, Head of Turkish-Arab Media Association (Turkish): «Yes, it is crystal clear. It is confirmed.» SOT, Journalist (Turkish): «What was the reason for him being killed?» SOT, Turan Kislakci, Head of Turkish-Arab Media Association (Turkish): «Let me tell you this, even IS hasn't attempted an act this. This is an IS type of act. I hope the whole world will take action against this. The world's conscience can not handle this. You killed a guest who came in to your home in a barbaric war. This is not something acceptable.» *JUMP CUT AT SOURCE* SOT, Journalist (Turkish): «Is the body still inside the building?» SOT, Turan Kislakci, Head of Turkish-Arab Media Association (Turkish): «We have no information about that. We know that it is not here. That is why we have asked for camera recordings. The consul has called Reuters and showed all rooms inside the building to say that the inside is clean. But since the beginning we have been asking for CCTV footage, they have claimed that the cameras have not been working that day. Even this shows and proves everything.» «It is crystal clear» that missing Washington Post writer Jamal Khashoggi was murdered while visiting the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, claimed Head of the Turkish-Arab Media Association Turan Kislakci in Istanbul on Sunday. «The information indicates that it has happened here, that he has been killed in the consulate building. The details will be shared in the coming days,» said Kislakci during an interview in front of the Saudi consulate. Kislakci condemned the reported killing by saying that «even IS hasn't attempted an act this. This is an IS type of act. I hope the whole world will take action against this.» Kislakci said there was no information of the body's whereabouts, adding that the Saudi consulate had claimed cameras were not working on Tuesday when asked to provide CCTV recordings. Khashoggi went to the consulate on Tuesday to prepare documents for a forthcoming marriage. His fiancée claimed she waited outside for him for 11 hours, but he did not return. Turkish officials claim to have evidence of his murder. According to the official Saudi news agency, an official at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul denied any wrong doing and strongly condemned the allegations. Meanwhile, a Saudi security delegation has arrived in Istanbul to assist in the investigation. A Saudi national, Khashoggi was a strong critic of his country's regime, and fled Saudi Arabia in 2017.

Brazil: Workers' Party candidate Haddad votes in presidential elections
2018-10-07 20:27
For us [the Workers` Party] it is good because it is the time we have to show the population, clarify the difference between the candidates is like water and wine. It is another Brazil, a Brazil that we dream of for the Brazilian people. A democratic Brazil with social justice, social inclusion, as Lula says, the people eating three times a day, with education, science, technology, as we were experiencing under Lula and Dilma [Former Brazilian presidents from the Workers` party]. The Workers' Party (PT) candidate Fernando Haddad cast his vote in the Brazilian general election at a school in Sao Paulo on Sunday. According to the latest polling, Haddad is projected to come second in with 25 percent of the vote, 15 points behind the front-runner Jair Bolsonaro of the far-right Social Liberal Party. In the likely event that no candidate wins an outright majority in the first round of voting, a runoff poll between the two top candidates is scheduled for October 28. Haddad was initially only the running mate of former President Lula da Silva (PT), but was promoted to the top of the ticket after Lula's candidacy was barred by the courts.

Партию «Согласие» в Латвии поддержали 20% избирателей
2018-10-07 20:31
Первое место на выборах в Сейм Латвии получила партия «Согласие», которая отстаивает права русскоязычного населения. Ее поддержали почти двадцать процентов избирателей. «Согласие» выступает за добрососедские отношения с Россией и этническое разнообразие.

Ожог гражданской войны: события октября 1993-го ранят до сих пор
2018-10-07 20:38
Траурный митинг и шествие в память о жертвах октября 1993 года прошли в Москве 4 октября. Эта годовщина явно нелюбимая в нашей истории. Никаких речей и официальных мероприятий. До сих пор слишком больно.

200-летие Грозного: фестиваль культуры и спорта и массовая свадьба
2018-10-07 20:54
5 октября столице Чеченской Республики городу Грозный исполнилось 200 лет. Телеграммой горожан поздравил президент Путин.

«Новости США за 60 секунд»: 7 октября 2018 года
2018-10-07 21:21
Сеул: США и Северная Корея договорились о проведении второго саммита. Кавано приведен к присяге в качестве члена Верховного суда. В Колумбусе, штат Огайо, не будут отмечать День Колумба.

France: Interpol chief's last message before disappearance was knife emoji — wife
2018-10-07 21:30
The wife of missing Interpol President Meng Hongwei, Grace Meng, gave a statement in the city of Lyon, France on Sunday. She also revealed that the last message she had received from her husband prior to his disappearance was an image of a knife, which she claims was his way of warning her he was in danger. Meng Hongwei was reported missing to the French police by his wife on October 4, after sending his final message on September 25 during a trip to China. Grace Meng read her statement with her back to the cameras due to her fear for her own safety and that of her two children. In her statement she thanked the French government for its support and said that the disappearance was a matter for «international law and international public opinion.» China's chief anti-corruption body, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, announced that Meng Hongwei was under investigation for unspecified illegal conduct on Sunday.

Spain: Barcelonans say goodbye to immense soprano Caballe
2018-10-07 21:58
Admirers gathered in front of Barcelona's Gran Teatre del Liceu opera house on Sunday to pay their condolences to legendary opera singer Montserrat Caballe, who passed away the day before. Dozens of people gathered at the Tanatorio de les Corts funeral home, where Caballe's private funeral took place. «It's a loss from which we will not recover, you already know that a figure like Montserrat Caballe is unrepeatable. She had a perfect voice and was the great lady of opera, and it is a great loss for Spanish culture and for all music lovers,» Spanish Culture Minister Jose Guirao told reporters in front of the funeral home. Caballe died aged 85 at St Pau hospital in Barcelona on Saturday, after reportedly being admitted there last month following repeated health problems.

Turkey: Erdogan expresses 'positive expectations' for Khashoggi being alive
2018-10-07 22:09
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters in Ankara on Sunday that he was still hopeful about the fate of missing journalist Jamal Khashoggi, amid reports that the journalist may have been killed while visiting the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. «It is also extremely saddening that this incident took place in our country. I knew Mr. Jamal for a long time; therefore my expectations are still positive,» the Turkish president told reporters. «There is a security investigation on the issue; there is an intelligence investigation on the issue. Specifically all the entries and exits in and out of Istanbul's airports are under investigation,» Erdogan said. Khashoggi went to the consulate on Tuesday to prepare documents for a forthcoming marriage. His fiancée claimed she waited outside for him for 11 hours, but he did not return. Turkish officials claim to have evidence of his murder. According to the official Saudi news agency, an official at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul denied any wrong doing and strongly condemned the allegations. Meanwhile, a Saudi security delegation has arrived in Istanbul to assist in the investigation. Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was a strong critic of his country's regime, and fled Saudi Arabia in 2017.

Brazil: Former President Dilma Rousseff votes in general election
2018-10-07 22:17
Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff (PT) cast her vote in the general election in her hometown of Belo Horizonte on Sunday. Rousseff warned against the dangers represented by the far-right presidential front-runner Jair Balsonaro, saying that «today's agenda is whether we will follow the democratic path, or the fascist, authoritarian path.» According to the latest polling, Bolsonaro is projected to win 40 percent of the vote on Sunday, with the candidate for the left-wing Workers' Party, Fernando Haddad, in second place with 25 percent. In the likely event that no candidate wins an outright majority in the first round of voting, a runoff poll between the two top candidates is scheduled for October 28. Rousseff succeeded President Lula da Silva in 2011 but was impeached due to allegations of corruption in August 2016. She is running as a candidate for a senate seat representing Brazil's second most populous state, Minas Gerais.

Володин: ПАСЕ оторвалось от реальности
2018-10-07 22:18
ПАСЕ оторвалось от реальности. Доклад ассамблеи по изменению регламента относительно национальных делегаций «не ликвидирует ортодоксальных подходов и норм». Об этом заявил спикер Госдумы Вячеслав Володин в Анталье на встрече со своим турецким коллегой.

«Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым»: Историческая правда в конъюнктурных политических целях
2018-10-07 23:00
Американский сенат признал голодомор 1932-1933 годов геноцидом украинского народа. Голод в этот период свирепствовал в разных регионах СССР, значит не было целенаправленного уничтожения именно украинцев. Но в США этот факт предпочли не заметить.

Глава Интерпола подал в отставку
2018-10-07 23:15
Глава Интерпола Мэн Хунвэй направил в организацию прошение об отставке. Документ уже вступил в силу. При этом, до сих пор неизвестно его место нахождения.

UK: Vigil at Ecuadorian embassy on WikiLeaks 12th birthday
2018-10-07 23:20
WikiLeaks supporters gathered outside the Ecuadorian embassy in London on Sunday, to mark the 12th birthday of the publishing company and demand freedom for its founder Julian Assange. Supporters shared birthday cake and sang songs outside the Embassy, where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been living since 2012. Assange has since been granted Ecuadorian citizenship. His communication with the outside world was cut off in March 2018.

Germany: 19 members join newly-established 'Jews in the AfD' wing
2018-10-08 01:10
Jewish members of the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD) formed an official 'Jews in the AfD' wing, which was presented at a press conference in Wiesbaden near Frankfurt on Sunday. The group, which currently has 19 members, named Vera Kosova, who came to Germany from the former Soviet Union as a child, as its chairperson. Wolfgang Fuhl, the group's deputy chairperson, gave a strong response to criticism the JAfD has received from the Central Council of Jews in Germany and placed the blame at Chancellor Angela Merkel's feet, saying: «Merkel has managed to so divide the Jews in Germany, that a comparison to animals would be put out by a Jewish official about other Jews.» Fuhl also cited the AfD's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel as evidence of the party's pro-Israeli position.

Brazil: Rio goes wild after Bolsonaro's first-round general election victory
2018-10-08 04:30
Thousands of supporters gathered in front of the house of the presidential front-runner Jair Bolsonaro in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday to celebrate his first-round victory in the general elections. «We're feeling renewed, renewing faith and optimism. We believe in a better Brazil,» said one of his fans. The far-right politician from the Social Liberal Party secured a victory in the first-round, winning 46.93 percent of votes, with 99 percent of all votes counted at the time of writing. It means Bolsonaro fell just short of the majority required to win outright. Fernando Haddad from the leftist Workers' Party, who came second, won 28.9 percent of votes, followed by the Democratic Labour Party’s Ciro Gomes with 12.5 percent. The second round of the election will take place on 28 October between Bolsonaro and Haddad.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Serb leader Dodik wins seat in Bosnia's presidency
2018-10-08 04:35
President of the Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik claimed victory in the race to fill the Serb seat in Bosnia's three-member presidency, during a press conference in the Bosnian town of Banja Luka on Sunday. Speaking to reporters, Dodik announced that he won 56 percent of the 85-percent-counted-votes. «As a Serbian member of the presidency, I will stand up for the position of Republika Srpska. My motto will be: Republika Srpska above all. The Republic, which will deal with the protection of the constitutional order and its constitutional position in Bosnia and Herzegovina,» Dodik said. Dodik is a controversial figure who has attempted to downplay the 1995 Srebrenica massacre and who has denied that Serbian actions in the Bosnian War constituted genocide. Bosnia and Herzegovina has a presidency made up of three members drawn from the country's different ethnic groups, one Serb representative is chosen by the voters of the Republic Srpska while the voters of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina elect the Bosniak and Croat representatives.

Canada: Thousands march in Montreal against incoming CAQ govt.
2018-10-08 05:29
Thousands of anti-racism demonstrators took to streets of Montreal on Sunday to denounce the newly-elected Coalition Avenir Quebec (CAQ) government, especially for its immigration and religious expression policies. Demonstrators marched through the streets of Quebec's capital, holding banners and chanting slogans such as «Legault has got to go» and «Francois, Quebec belongs to me.» The protest took place after the CAQ won a majority in last week's provincial election and the party's leader Francois Legault confirmed the plan to reduce immigration numbers and to ban religious symbols for some public servants, including judges, prosecutors, police officers and teachers.

Bolivia: Morales inaugurates $170m potassium chloride plant in salt flats
2018-10-08 05:50
Bolivian President Evo Morales opened a new $170m (€148m) potassium chloride manufacturing plant in the vast salt flats of Salar de Uyuni on Sunday. «We can now rub shoulders with the world's powers, it is the pride of the Bolivians,» Morales said at the event. «Bolivia is no longer a dwarf country and is no longer a beggar country as before.» Bolivia is said to have the world's largest lithium reserves, something which Morales is keen to exploit.

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