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Андрей Ищенко пытается стать <<красным губернатором>> Приморья

Андрей Ищенко пытается стать «красным губернатором» Приморья
2018-09-30 02:56
Кандидат КПРФ в губернаторы Приморья Андрей Ищенко уверенно побеждал во втором туре выборов, когда в последний момент при подсчете внезапно появилось множество голосов за главу региона Андрея Тарасенко. Сторонники Ищенко вышли на протесты во Владивостоке.

«Специальный репортаж»: Фабрика идей
2018-09-30 05:25
Фабрика идей, которые призваны «поженить» науку и бизнес. Примерно так организаторы характеризуют новый конкурс Росатома. Он проходит в госкорпорации впервые, и уже отобраны лучшие из 700 заявок. Причем, большинство из них с мирным атомом на прямую не связаны. Первые результаты готовятся подвести в октябре. Что это за идеи? И как они могут изменить нашу жизнь?

Iran: Video emerges of close encounter between Iranian speedboats and US aircraft carrier
2018-09-30 06:18
Iranian TV has broadcast footage showing a close encounter between speedboats belonging to the Revolutionary Guard and the USS Theodore Roosevelt in the Strait of Hormuz on March 21. In the video, speedboats are seen closing in on the US aircraft carrier. The Strait of Hormuz is considered to be one of the world's most important strategic chokepoints, given that 20% of globally traded petroleum passes through the narrow channel each year. The US 5th Fleet is currently deployed in the Persian Gulf with carriers, ships, strike aircraft, sailors and marines.

«Оно вам надо?»: Президентская ярмарка тщеславия и ракеты Российской Империи
2018-09-30 06:50
Как Дональд Трамп и Петр Порошенко на Генассамблею ООН ходили и чем все это обернулось. Зачем Кремль ставит в Сирии комплекс противовоздушной обороны С-300. Хороший бренд модным брендом не испортишь. Зачем Michael Kors купил Versace.

USA: Former graduate's pro-gun rally draws counter-protest at Kent State
2018-09-30 07:00
After going viral for bringing a rifle to her school upon graduating, Kaitlin Bennett has advocated for students to openly carry weapons on campus at Kent State University, Ohio, on Saturday. Bennett is a grassroots director at Liberty Hangouts, an organisation which promotes Libertarian principles. During the event, hundreds of student and anti-fascist protesters clashed with the rally's attendees and police, leading to injuries and multiple arrests. Graduate student Caitlin Noussias returned to Kent State University to protest the event, claiming that «it's poor taste» to bring guns to a campus where unarmed protesters were killed by National Guardsman in the Kent State Shootings of May 4, 1970. Skylar, a senior year student at Kent State University and member of Liberty Hangouts, said those protesting the event were misinformed. The event was merely supporting the right to bear arms and had no links to neo-Nazism or white supremacy. When speaking to the press, Kaitlin Bennett accused protesters of being «delusional» and not knowing what they were protesting.

USA: Trump rants at 'horrible radical group of Democrats' for derailing Kavanaugh
2018-09-30 07:31
US President Donald Trump criticised the Democratic Party for their rejecting his candidate to the Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh, at a political rally in Wheeling, West Virginia on Saturday. «You see what's going on,» Trump told the crowd. «You see this horrible, horrible radical group of Democrats. You see it happening right now. And they're determined to take back power by using any means necessary. You see the meanness. The nastiness. They don't care who they hurt, who they have to run over.» The president once again endorsed his nominee for the US's top court, saying that «A vote to confirm judge Kavanaugh is a vote to confirm one of the most accomplished legal minds of our time.» Towards the end of this mid-term election campaign speech, Trump claimed that former president Obama was close to war with North Korea. «The single biggest problem this country has is North Korea. And he said, he was very close to go into war. But fortunately his time was up.»«

Македонцы голосуют за переименование страны
2018-09-30 08:21
Если жители страны одобрят переименование в «Северную Македонию», это снизит напряженность в отношениях с соседней Грецией и откроет Македонии дорогу в НАТО и ЕС. Россия была категорически против переименования, не согласны с ним и многие македонцы: они считают, что смена названия — победа Греции.

Вести-Рязань. События недели от 30.09.2018 (08:40)
2018-09-30 08:40

Вести-Москва. Эфир от 30.09.2018
2018-09-30 08:45

Macedonia: Vote for name-change underway in Strumica
2018-09-30 09:54
Macedonian citizens headed to the polls to vote in a referendum on their country’s name change, as footage filmed in Strumica on Sunday shows. Voters will decide whether to change the country's name from The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia (FYROM) to North Macedonia, as suggested in the agreement between Athens and Skopje, which has sparked protests in both countries. The dispute had prevented the country's accession to the EU and NATO, which is why voters are being asked «Do you support EU and NATO membership by accepting the agreement between Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Greece?».

В беспорядках в столице Каталонии пострадало больше 20 человек
2018-09-30 09:55
Службы безопасности Барселоны устанавливают личности организаторов беспорядков в центре города, где пострадали свыше 20 человек. Стычки начались после того, как стражи порядка не смогли развести две параллельно проходящих демонстрации.

Референдум в Македонии: открылись избирательные участки
2018-09-30 09:55
На референдум вынесен вопрос о переименовании республики в Северную Македонию, но по факту жителям придется ответить сразу на три вопроса в одном, в том числе о членстве в ЕС и НАТО. Ранее приглашение Македонии в альянс блокировала Греция. Голосование не имеет юридической силы, а носит консультативный характер: окончательное решение остается за парламентом.

«Облюбование Москвы». Коломенское. Часть первая
2018-09-30 10:06
Освящение в 1532 году на Коломенской горе шатровой церкви небывалой высоты и красоты было воспринято современниками как чудо. Храм Вознесения был дерзновенным штурмом неба, христианским преодолением Вавилона. Богословие Вознесения стало в Коломенском архитектурным чертежом.

Вести. Эфир от 30.09.2018 (11:00)
2018-09-30 11:00
Россияне – лучшие в Европе: побили все рекорды на чемпионате профессий. «Были жестоки, потом влюбились в друг в друга», – Дональд Трамп рассказал о своих отношениях с Ким Чен Ыном. Индонезию снова трясет, жертв цунами – больше 800. Станет ли Македония северной? В стране начался скандальный референдум.

Libya: Aftermath of fresh clashes in Tripoli
2018-09-30 11:03
Renewed fighting between rival armed groups has left a trail of destruction in Tripoli’s al-Khalatat neighbourhood on Saturday. Despite a UN-backed ceasefire, fighting ensued on Thursday with nine people reported dead and at least 13 injured. A burnt-out tank is the starkest reminder of the latest clashes. Bullet holes litter partially collapsed buildings in this now deserted district of the city. Earlier this month, rival armed groups linked to UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) reached a truce after deadly clashes concentrated in Tarhouna, south-east of Tripoli.

Вести-Калуга. События недели. Эфир от 30.09.2018
2018-09-30 11:15
Семь пишем, три – в уме: почему в калужском микрорайоне «Веснушки» из 7 домов возведено лишь 4. И что делать дольщикам? Зима негаданно нагрянет: как область готовилась к отопительному сезону, и где по-прежнему холодные дома? Поправки президента прошли без поправок: депутаты Госдумы во втором чтении приняли законопроект об изменении пенсионного законодательства. Яркое пробуждение: калужане посетили «Живой завтрак» с «Бригадой У». Чем запомнился праздник бодрящего кофе и лёгкой музыки в этом году?

Вести-Рязань. Эфир от 30.09.2018 (11:20)
2018-09-30 11:20

Indonesia: Rescue work continues in Palu after earthquake, tsunami kills hundreds
2018-09-30 11:23
The death toll following an earthquake and tsunami on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi rose to 832, the country's disaster mitigation agency reported on Sunday. Footage filmed in the city of Palu shows the extent of the damage from the disaster as well as rescuers continuing to search for people trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings. A powerful 7.5 magnitude earthquake hit Sulawesi on Friday, triggering a tsunami with waves as high as 1.5 metres (5 ft.).

Glorious beards face-off at world championships in Virginia
2018-09-30 11:30
Beard and Moustache championship competitor no. 2: «Absolutely, absolutely.» The Great American Beard & Moustache Championship kicked off in Richmond, Virginia, on Saturday, attracting hordes of facial hair fanatics from all over the world. The charity contest occurs every two years and offers its participants the chance to show off their goatees, moustaches and beards. This year's event includes moustache, partial beard and full beard categories as well as an artistic competition, which is open not only for men, but also for women who are encouraged to create facial hair of any material, limited only by their imagination.

Сотрудников колоний обяжут ходить с видеорегистраторами
2018-09-30 11:32
Этот законопроект на следующей неделе внесут на рассмотрение в Госдуму. Сегодня регистраторы применяются так сказать «по возможности». А так быть не должно, считают депутаты. Поводом послужили пытки заключенных в Ярославле. В июле в Сети попало видео, на котором сотрудники первой колонии избивают заключенного Евгения Макарова. Позже о таких случаях стали сообщать во многих регионах страны.

Macedonia: Strumica residents react to name-change referendum
2018-09-30 11:56
As Macedonians headed to the polls to vote in Sunday's referendum on their country’s name change, residents of Strumica expressed their views on the deciding votes. While most expressed hope regarding the outcome and the turnout of the referendum, others seemed resolute that the results would not cause a major shift in the country. Voters will decide whether to change the country's name from The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia (FYROM) to North Macedonia, as suggested in the agreement between Athens and Skopje, which has sparked protests in both countries. The dispute had prevented the country's accession to the EU and NATO, which is why voters are being asked «Do you support EU and NATO membership by accepting the agreement between Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Greece?».

Macedonia: PM Zaev votes on new country name in hometown Strumica
2018-09-30 12:23
Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev cast his ballot in his home town of Strumica on Sunday, in the referendum on whether to change the country's name to North Macdeonia. Speaking to the press, Zaev called on his countrymen to vote. He said he was confident that the majority of voters would be in favour of the change, adding that «more than 80 percent of our citizens are in favour of the European Union and NATO.» Voters will decide whether to change the country's name from The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia (FYROM) to North Macedonia, as suggested in the agreement between Athens and Skopje, which has sparked protests in both countries. The dispute had prevented the country's accession to the EU and NATO, which is why voters are being asked «Do you support EU and NATO membership by accepting the agreement between Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Greece?».

Пострадавшим от паводков жителям Приморья помогут с ремонтом
2018-09-30 12:30
Жителям Приморья, пострадавшим от паводков, выделят стройматериалы из резервного фонда края. Об этом распорядился временно исполняющий обязанности губернатора Олег Кожемяко. Он побывал в Уссурийске и встретился с горожанами.

«Порги и Бесс» — 83 года
2018-09-30 12:40
83 года назад состоялась премьера одной из самых значимых опер США — «Порги и Бесс». История отношений между обитателями трущоб — чернокожим калекой Порги и Бесс — девушкой, стремящейся вырваться из порочного круга насилия и наркотиков — завоевала любовь публики по всему миру.

США не исключили возможности морской блокады России
2018-09-30 12:42
По информации американских СМИ, глава МВД США Райан Зинке назвал морскую блокаду в числе допустимых, по его мнению, методов для ограничения роли России на рынке энергоносителей.

Russia: 'He doesn't seem familiar to me' — Chepiga's former military commander on Boshirov
2018-09-30 13:30
Alexander Borzhko, Anatoliy Chepiga's former commander in Far-Eastern Higher Combined Armed Command Academy (Russian): «Yes, of course, I do. We have Special Forces, they serve in the Main Intelligence Directorate, it is not a secret, but on positions that correspond to our training programmes.» Alexander Borzhko, the former teacher of GRU colonel Anatoliy Chepiga, expressed disbelief that his graduate and Salisbury poisoning suspect Ruslan Boshirov are one and the same person, during an interview in Blagoveshchensk on Saturday. Borzhko, who was a commander at the Far-Eastern Higher Combined Armed Command Academy, where Chepiga studied, said: «We teach how to fight in mountains, in the field and at sea, how to carry out other military operations, but not how to poison people in cafes, to plot something, smear door handles with poison and so on.» «To me it seems to be, as I said, a kind of schizophrenia,» he added. Borzhko admitted that some of the academy's graduates serve in the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU). However, he pointed out that they take positions «that correspond to our training programmes.» Borzhko also remarked that the reports claiming that locals in Chepiga's home village of Berezovka recognised him on CCTV images from Salisbury seem to be «journalistic fakery.» «It was all made up. Why don't they tell us at least one name of those residents of Berezovka who have said this?» he said.

Сербские войска привели в боеготовность
2018-09-30 13:31
В столице частично признанной Республики Косово Приштине в субботу прошла массовая демонстрация, участники которой выступили против возможного соглашения между властями Косова и Сербии об обмене территорией.

Собянин рассказал, на что идут деньги от фестивалей и ярмарок
2018-09-30 13:34
Золотая осень пришла в каждый столичный микрорайон. Фестиваль фермерских продуктов — это не просто ярмарка, а настоящий гастрономический праздник. О том, как подобные мероприятия влияют на развитие бизнеса и на что идут полученные средства, рассказал Сергей Собянин.

Губернатор Подмосковья рассказал о мусоре, Urban Group и лишних новостройках
2018-09-30 13:41
Горячие точки на карте Подмосковья: как решить транспортные проблемы в новых жилых микрорайонах, когда достроят дома печально известной компании Urban Group и как справиться с мусорными свалками? Об этом и не только рассказал губернатор Подмосковья Андрей Воробьев.

Илон Маск покинет пост главы совета директоров Tesla
2018-09-30 13:44
Илон Маск покинет пост главы совета директоров в Tesla. Комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржам США подала против него судебный иск. Маска подозревают в манипулировании курсом акций через личный Twitter. Однако, вопрос был урегулирован в досудебном порядке. Илон Маск останется руководителем компании, но при этом не сможет занимать пост председателя совета директоров минимум три года. Кроме того, ему выписан штраф в 20 миллионов долларов. Столько же государству должна выплатить и его компания.

Step into a wacky realm of cartoons in Seoul cafe
2018-09-30 14:23
Patrons were plunged into an Alice-in-Wonderland-world of cartoons and contours when then walked through the front door of the YND239-20 cafe in Seoul's Mapu-gu district on Sunday. Outfitted with black and white designs, the tiny cafe looks just like a scene from a cartoon or comic strip, designed to immerse its clients in a 2D getaway from the boring 3D world outside. Named after its address in an unassuming brick building in the South Korean capital, the tiny cafe with its limited seating has drawn crowds from all across the world. YND239-20 cafe opened a year and half ago to display its hand-drawn designs, from its walls and floors down to its cups and plates.

Indonesia: Quake, tsunami devastate Sulawesi island
2018-09-30 14:57
Mpanau Village on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi was left in a state of devastation on Sunday, following a major earthquake and tsunami which claimed the lives of hundreds of people. The Indonesian military have reportedly joined the rescue efforts, searching for people trapped in the rubble of collapsed buildings. According to the country's disaster mitigation agency, the death toll from the disaster has risen to 832, with numbers expected to rise. A powerful 7.5 magnitude earthquake hit Sulawesi on Friday, triggering a tsunami with waves as high as 1.5 metres (5 ft.).

Японские шедевры в Пушкинском музее: уникальная выставка
2018-09-30 17:07
В Государственном музее имени Пушкина завершается первая часть уникальной выставки японского искусства «Шедевры живописи и гравюры эпохи Эдо». Зрителям, в рамках этой же выставки представят новые экспонаты.

Путин пожелал Додику удачи
2018-09-30 18:07
В воскресенье в Сочи президент России Владимир Путин принял президента Республики Сербской Милорада Додика.

Горловка погрузится в траур по погибшим детям
2018-09-30 18:08
Однодневный траур объявят в понедельник в городе Горловка в Донбассе в связи с гибелью трех детей, подорвавшихся на мине.

В Москве представили сокровища эпохи Эдо
2018-09-30 18:15
Холодная погода не испугала ценителей японского искусства. Сотни человек сегодня стояли в очереди у входа в Пушкинский музей, чтобы посмотреть сокровища эпохи Эдо. По словам организаторов выставки, такой масштабной экспозиции не было даже на родине экспонатов.

С «воровскими послами» Константинополя мало контактируют даже раскольники
2018-09-30 18:17
Националисты из «Правого сектора» (запрещен в РФ) захватили Свято-Троицкий храм в поселке Богородчаны Ивано-Франковской области. Храм относится ведению Украинской Православной Церкви Московского Патриархата.

Мюнхенский сговор уничтожил всю систему евробезопасности
2018-09-30 18:29
30 сентября 1938 года — дата начала Второй мировой войны. 80 лет назад Гитлер подписал с Англией, Францией и Италией документ, который благословил фашистскую Германию оттяпать у Чехословакии сначала часть ее территории.

Iraq: Kurds cast ballots in provincial parliamentary elections
2018-09-30 18:31
Residents of Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan arrived at polling stations on Sunday to vote in the 2018 provincial parliamentary elections. Just over three million people are eligible to cast their ballots to choose their MPs from among hundreds running for the 111 seats. According to Aram Najmaddin, Director of the Erbil Office of the Independent High Electoral and Referendum Commission (IHERC), the vote has so far not met with any hurdles or impediments. The elections come a year after Kurdistan’s unsuccessful bid to gain independence from Iraq.

Оппозиционеры уезжают ради чувства мнимого изгнания
2018-09-30 18:47
Небольшой приморский городок Будва в Черногории стал прибежищем российских интеллектуалов, тех кто примеривают на себя роль гонимых и непонятых. Это амплуа всегда было сладким.

«Свобода в клубах»: Герои и трикстеры
2018-09-30 19:00
Герой настоящего времени — так называлась конференция издательства НЛО. Маргиналы, трикстеры, кое-что о блогерах и Интернет-сообществах. Обсуждают филологи Татьяна Венедиктова и Ольга Джумайло, антропологи Елена Югай и Анна Кирзюк, социологи Константин Габов и Полина Колозариди, литературовед Марк Липовецкий.

Germany: Hambach activists build barricades in defiant last stand
2018-09-30 19:23
Hundreds of demonstrators entered Hambach Forest on Sunday to help build barricades around the last of the tree houses at the site. Thousands more gathered on the outskirts of the forest in a show of solidarity with the activists occupying the land. Over 50 tree houses have been removed since police operations to evict the activists began earlier this month. Only a handful now remain. The eco-warriors have been living in treehouses in the forest since 2012 to prevent energy company RWE from expanding a lignite coal mine onto the site. RWE, who own the forest, plan to fell the remaining trees in October.

Вести недели. Эфир от 30.09.2018
2018-09-30 19:35

В Македонии заканчивается референдум о переименовании страны
2018-09-30 19:38
Македонцам предложено ответить на вопрос поддерживают ли они вступление в Евросоюз и НАТО, принимая тем самым, соглашение с Грецией.

«Новости США за 60 секунд»: 30.09.2018
2018-09-30 19:39
Трамп выразил оптимизм по поводу исхода расследования ФБР в отношении Кавано. Белый дом: дата встречи Трампа и Розенстайна пока не назначена. Корабль ВМС США прошел вблизи спорных островов в Южно-Китайском море.

Russia: ‘This time I won’t spray you with champagne' Hamilton quips with Putin
2018-09-30 20:02
Lewis Hamilton, racing driver: “This time I won't spray you with champagne. It was not me last time, it was someone else.” Vladimir Putin, Russian President (Russian): “It is ok. You are doing well.” Russian President Vladimir Putin attended the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Sochi on Sunday. After the race the Russian leader held a short conversation with victorious British driver Lewis Hamilton. Hamilton promised Putin he wouldn't spray him with champagne on the podium this time around, after appearing to have done so during a previous victory at the Russian Grand Prix. Hamilton was true to his word, only starting the traditional champagne celebrations when Putin was well out of range.

UN: Syria a victim of conflicts fought for oil — Austrian FM tells UNGA
2018-09-30 20:16
tragedy of our time, I speak of Yemen, Austria is ready to increase its humanitarian commitment.» Syria is the victim of instability created by oil conflicts in the Middle East fought since the end of WWI, Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl said during her UN General Assembly address in New York City on Saturday. «The recent wars, imposed on the Middle East, were fought in the name of oil,» said Kneissl who had opened her keynote address in Arabic. «Now Syria is a victim of the instability created by these wars,» stated Austria’s foreign minister in her UNGA speech. She said the Middle East had been «shaped by the oil business» following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the re-drawing of the region's borders. Kneissl who alternated between Arabic, French, Spanish and English in her address criticised international authorities including the UN for losing their effectiveness in handling crises including that of Yemen and Syria, saying «we get drunk with words like reconstruction, stabilisation, and constitution.» «The populations, the children, only seek to survive,» she pointed out as she voiced Austria’s commitment to contributing to mine clearing operations in Syria and increasing its humanitarian commitment in Yemen.

Germany: Merkel criticises Trump's 'highly dangerous' attitude towards UN
2018-09-30 20:40
German Chancellor Angela Merkel criticised US President Donald Trump's attitude towards international institutions such as the United Nations during a speech in Ottobeuren on Sunday. Merkel challenged Trump's decision to «question multilateral systems that go far beyond Europe.» «Of course [the UN] is not perfect,» she said, «But I think it is highly dangerous to destroy something without having first developed something new,» she said. Merkel appeared at the event, a campaign meeting ahead of Bavaria's state elections in October, alongside CSU leader Markus Soeder. Soeder chose to focus on migration during his time on stage, calling for «more stability» in the face of Bavaria's «biggest challenge.» The Bavarian state elections will take place on October 14. Polls predict the CSU will lose their absolute majority in the southern state.

UK: Farage mocks MP data breach at Tory conference
2018-09-30 20:59
Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage poked fun at UK Prime Minister Theresa May during a rally held simultaneous to the Conservative Party's annual conference in Birmingham on Sunday. Mocking the recent data breach linked to the 2018 Tory conference app, which revealed the private data of senior party members, Farage encouraged his supporters to «ring [the prime minister and other MPs] up directly» and make them «feel the heat.» He also accused leading politicians of being «on the verge of betraying Brexit.» Around 800 people attended the Leave Means Leave rally.

Убийцам Куциака в Словакии вынесен приговор
2018-09-30 21:26
Суд Словакии вынес меру пресечения подозреваемым в убийстве репортера Яна Куциака и его невесты.

Собянин: зарубежные инвесторы все охотнее вкладывают деньги в ТиНАО
2018-09-30 21:45
Зарубежные инвесторы все охотнее вкладывают деньги в ТиНАО. Об этом своем Twitter написал Сергей Собянин. Есть предложение открыть центр подготовки специалистов Volkswagen, идут переговоры о строительстве китайского дата-центра. Около 1-го миллиарда рублей в завод вложила немецкая Wika. А это — рабочие места для жителей Новой Москвы.

«Бессрочка» продолжается в Москве
2018-09-30 22:00
Гражданские активисты разбили палаточный лагерь в московском лесу. Здесь живут и несут вахту участники акции протеста «Бессрочка». Молодые люди ежедневно проводят шествия и флешмобы в Москве, в эти выходные несколько десятков человек прошлись маршем в Замоскворечье и в парке культуры и отдыха имени Горького.

Germany: Multiple protests converge in Ottobeuren during Merkel visit
2018-09-30 22:05
Ottobeuren's historic main square was filled with protesters from opposing groups on Sunday during German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel's campaign visit to the Bavarian town. Around 150 supporters of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party gathered to protest against Merkel. Christoph Maier, who is running against Merkel's party in the upcoming Bavarian state election on behalf of the AfD, addressed the demonstrators. Another 1,000 people, split into two groups, turned up to protest against the AfD. One side demonstrated under colourful signs celebrating the town's diversity, while the other side came to protest both the AfD and CSU's presence in the town. A fourth demonstration, made up of Antifa members, tried to gain access to the square but were denied entry.

Greece: Protesters march in Thessaloniki against Macedonia name change
2018-09-30 22:43
A protest was held in the Greek port city of Thessaloniki on Sunday, against Greece's name-change deal with neighbouring Macedonia. The demonstration took place as Macedonians voted in a referendum on whether to change their country's name on the basis of the bilateral agreement. The Greek and Macedonian governments recently reached a deal on the decades-old dispute over the official naming of 'Macedonia.' If the deal is accepted by those voting in Sunday's referendum, the Balkan republic’s name would change from The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia (FYROM) to the Republic of North Macedonia, bearing a similar name to a region in Greece. The dispute had prevented the country's accession to the EU and NATO, which is why voters are being asked «Do you support EU and NATO membership by accepting the agreement between Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Greece?».

Italy: Anti-cruise ship protesters launch fireworks at luxury liner in Venice
2018-09-30 22:52
Anti-cruise ships protesters took to a number of boats in Venice on Sunday afternoon to hold a demonstration against the transit of large cruise ships through the historic city's waterways. Protesters took to several small boats and tried to block the luxury liners' transit through the Giudecca canal. The coast guard, police and Carabinieri intervened with watercraft and deployed water cannon to ensure the safe passage of the cruise ships. The 'No Grandi Navi' (No Big Ships) activists also shot fireworks in the direction of the liners. They are calling on local authorities to limit the arrival of cruise ships and to find a different port to the one located close to the historic town, in order to prevent pollution and the deterioration of the environment around Venice.

«Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым»: Морская блокада в России
2018-09-30 23:00
Политический шантаж, экономическое давление и грубая сила: так глава МИД Сергей Лавров описал инструменты, которые использует запад в решении мировых проблем.

Italy: Rally against homophobia and racism hits Milan following attacks
2018-09-30 23:54
Thousands of people gathered at the Duomo Square in Milan on Sunday to condemn racism, homophobia and intolerance as part of a 'Zero intolerance' gathering. The rally criticised the government's policies and emphasised the values of openess and antifascism. The rally was promoted by several civil groups active in Italy, including ANPI, a charitable foundation originating from the Italian resistance against the Italian Fascist regime. Among the speakers were Andrea Gardoni and Angelo Amato a gay couple from near Verona who were attacked at their home on September 13.

Конференции Трампа и Путина: сходство и различия
2018-10-01 00:00
Стан врага или придворный хор: как Дональд Трамп и Владимир Путин общаются с прессой? Ксения Туркова — о том, чем похожи и чем очень сильно отличаются друг от друга пресс-конференции двух лидеров.

India: Sand artist pays tribute to Tsunami victims through sculpture
2018-10-01 00:20
The acclaimed Indian sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik paid tribute to the victims of the Indonesia tsunami with a giant sculpture at Puri Beach, in the Indian State of Odisha, on Sunday. Pattnaik, who has won a number of international awards for his work, wants to appeal to the international community to help the victims of the tsunami and earthquake that hit the country on Friday. Visitors at Puri beach laid flowers at the sculpture.

Macedonia: Nationalists celebrate low turnout in name change vote
2018-10-01 00:44
Macedonian nationalists celebrated the result of a referendum on a proposed name change from Republic of Macedonia to Republic of North Macedonia in Skopje on Sunday. The referendum did not reach the threshold of 50 per cent, with around a third of the population voting. Of these, 91 per cent voted in favour of the name change. Athens and Skopje reached a name deal under which the former Yugoslav republic would be known as the Republic of North Macedonia, but the agreement has sparked protests in both countries. The dispute had prevented the country's accession to the EU and NATO, which is why voters are being asked «Do you support EU and NATO membership by accepting the agreement between Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Greece?».

Macedonia: PM urges parliament to pass name deal despite low turnout
2018-10-01 00:51
Macedonian Prime Minster Zoran Zaev called on parliament to «respect the democratic» of the people or face fresh elections at a press conference in Skopje after polls closed in Sunday's name change referendum. Electoral authorities said turnout was below the 50 per cent threshold needed to be valid, but despite the results, Zaev said that vote showed the democratic will of Macedonian citizens. He called on MPs to approve the name change in parliament. If that fails, Zaev threatened fresh elections. According to preliminary results, turnout was only 36,27 per cent. Out of this number 91 per cent voted YES in the referendum, accepting the name change from The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia (FYROM) to Northern Macedonia. The referendum was designed to end a long-running dispute with Greece. Athens believes its northern neighbour's name is a territorial claim on the Greek region of Macedonia. The issue had prevented the country's accession to the EU and NATO.

Spain: Separatists call on national police to leave Catalonia
2018-10-01 01:29
More than 5,000 people attended a demonstration in the separatist stronghold of Girona on Sunday to demand Spanish police forces leave Catalonia. The march began in Plaza de Octubre before marching toward the police station in Pedret. Demonstrators left ballot boxes next to a line of police representing a 'wall against violence'. On a nearby stage people recounted their experience on the day of the referendum, a year ago.

Brazil: Supporters of presidential front-runner rally in Sao Paulo
2018-10-01 02:21
Supporters of presidential front-runner Jair Bolsonaro rallied in central Sao Paulo on Sunday Thousands of people marched through the central Paulista Avenue in Sao Paulo on Sunday ahead of next week's election. The far-right candidate was released from hospital earlier on Saturday, after being stabbed by a left-wing activist during an electoral rally on September 6. Bolsonaro is leading the polls with a projected 28 percent of the vote, followed by Workers Party's candidate Fernando Haddad, who is backed by 16 percent of the electorate. If no candidate secures an outright majority, the election will go to a run-off.

Bulletproof backpack for high-school students goes on sale in US
2018-10-01 04:04
With almost 30 school shootings in the United States in 2018 alone, one entrepreneur decided to take action and create a bulletproof backpack for students. Matt Materazo, the CEO and founder of Gladiator Solutions, showed off the PakProtect at his home in Danville, California, on Sunday. The idea for the new product sprang from the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, which killed 17 people. Materazo's son asked his father whether he could do anything to help. Naturally, the response was to insert an armour plate weighing only 1lb (450g) into a backpack. Thus, PakProtect was born. After a presentation of the product, the inventor had a couple of high-school students demonstrate how the product could be used in a run, hide and fight situation involving an active shooter. Materazo is not limiting the product to school students either. He is targeting the office environment, which has experienced a number of mass shootings in recent months.

Indonesia: Emergency services make dramatic landing at tsunami site
2018-10-01 06:13
A plane carrying emergency workers were forced to land on a shortened runway at the tsunami-affected Mutiara SIS Al-Jufrie airport on Sulawesi island on Saturday. The video filmed from the cockpit shows the trail of destruction left by the natural disaster. The airport was forced to close on September 28 after large cracks formed in the runway. It reopened the following day with a reduced service. During the earthquake an air traffic controller died ensuring a Batik Air flight 6231 took-off safely. He waited until the plane was airborne before jumping from the tower. A powerful 7.5 magnitude earthquake hit Sulawesi on Friday, triggering a tsunami with waves as high as 1.5 metres (5 ft). According to the country's disaster mitigation agency, the death toll from the disaster is now at 832, with numbers expected to rise.

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