<<Настоящее время. Итоги>> с Юлией Савченко.
«Настоящее время. Итоги» с Юлией Савченко. 2018-12-08 02:40 Как США могут поддержать Украину в противостоянии с Россией? // Станет ли мир без ДРСМД ближе к войне, и готова ли Европа к отсутствию контроля над вооружениями? // Специальный гость студии — Александр Вершбоу, бывший посол США в России (2001-2005) и заместитель генсека НАТО (2012-2016). Бывший сотрудник Кремля о борьбе силовиков с рэперами 2018-12-08 04:14 Как можно объяснить гонения на рэп-исполнителей, почему на этом фоне власти заигрывают с популярными музыкантами и предлагают им сотрудничество, встанут ли рэперы на службу Кремля, Настоящему Времени рассказывает политтехнолог и бывший сотрудник администрации президента России Андрей Колядин. Если у вас нет собаки: как питомцы влияют на рейтинг президентов США 2018-12-08 05:43 Для большинства американских президентов иметь питомцев — это традиция. Ведь собаки, кошки, даже лошади в свое время работали на имидж глав Белого дома. За ними следили, их снимали, о них писали журналисты. Теперь им посвятили выставку в вашингтонском Музее новостей Закрытый показ спектакля по роману Виктора Пелевина прошел в московском Сити 2018-12-08 05:58 Режиссер Константин Богомолов решил поработать в новом жанре и освоить лофт-пространство, непривычное для театральных постановок. USA: James Fields found guilty of first-degree murder in Charlottesville car attack 2018-12-08 06:00 James Alex Fields Jr. was found guilty of first-degree murder for killing a woman by ramming his car into a crowd of counter-protesters at the 2017 white supremacist 'Unite the Right' rally in Charlottesville, Friday. It reportedly took more than seven hours for a jury to reach the decision. Fields was also convicted of five counts of aggravated malicious wounding, three counts of malicious wounding, and one count of hit-and-run. Following the announcement of the verdict, one of the persons injured in the car-ramming attack, Wednesday (Al) Bowie, said that she «could not possibly be happier about the verdict.» The 2017 Charlottesville 'Unite the Right' rally was marred after Fields drove his car into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing 32-year old Heather Heyer and injuring more than a dozen others. USA: 'Outstanding man' — Trump praises Attorney General nominee William Barr 2018-12-08 07:20 US President Donald Trump described his Attorney General nominee William Barr as an «outstanding man,» when speaking at the 2018 Project Safe Neighborhoods National Conference in Kansas City on Friday. Trump said, «I was also thrilled to announce earlier today that I am nominating, as Matt said, William Barr to take the helm as our new attorney general. He is an outstanding man.» He went on to say, «There's no one more capable or more qualified for this role, he deserves overwhelming bipartisan support. I suspect he'll probably get it.» Barr had previously served as Attorney General during the administration of President George H.W. Bush from 1991 to 1993. If the Senate confirms Barr's nomination, he would take over leadership of the Justice Department from acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker. Italy: At least six killed, 100 injured in nightclub panic 2018-12-08 07:45 At least six people were killed and 100 more injured during a nightclub stampede in the Italian town of Corinaldo on Saturday, according to media reports citing officials. Emergency services were seen at the site assisting the injured. The panic broke out after a reported use of pepper spray in a crowd of around 1,000 people. Mandatory credit: Vigil Del Fuoco Президента Грузии выбрали, но борьба в СМИ продолжается 2018-12-08 07:45 Результат состоявшихся в Грузии президентских выборов вызвал недовольство и спровоцировал многотысячный протест оппозиции. А грузинские СМИ выдают материалы на любой вкус — от нейтральных сообщений о первой женщине-президенте до гневных тирад о купленных выборах «Агитпроп»: Перемирие обернулось арестом 2018-12-08 09:58 Задержание топ-менеджера крупнейшей телекоммуникационной компании стало демонстративной пощечиной, публичным оскорблением, нанесенным США Китаю. Почему это не может остаться без последствий, и какими они могут быть. Тиллерсон и Трамп публично обменялись нелюбезностями 2018-12-08 10:01 С президентом США невозможно работать: Дональда Трампа публично раскритиковал его бывший подчиненный — экс-глава Госдепартамента Рекс Тиллерсон. Неожиданное признание он сделал в эфире телеканала CBS. Дональд Трамп ответил на критику в «Твиттере»: по его словам, Тиллерсон был «глуп как пробка» и «чертовски ленив», поэтому от него пришлось избавиться. На съезде «Единой России» ждут первых лиц страны 2018-12-08 10:06 Восемнадцатый съезд партии «Единая Россия» проходит в подмосковном Красногорске. В заключительный день работы съезда будут приняты решения по обновлению высшего и генерального советов партии. Какие еще темы на повестке? Новости культуры. Эфир от 07.12.2018 (23:00) 2018-12-08 10:06 В Кремле вручили премии Русского географического общества. Опера «Один день Ивана Денисовича» пополнила репертуар Большого театра. Интервью с режиссером Георгием Исаакяном. О концерте к 90-летию Академического Большого хора «Мастера хорового пения». Сцена на Сухаревской Московского театра О. Табакова снова открыта. Памятник Чингизу Айтматову открыли в Москве. В российский прокат вышел триллер «Дом, который построил Джек». Для бюджетников Приморья вдвое снизили ставку по ипотеке 2018-12-08 10:42 Льготная ипотека для жителей Приморья: десятки семей уже смогли купить квартиры. А в следующем году краевые власти планируют выделить на субсидии 100 миллионов рублей. Париж. Протесты «желтых жилетов» 2018-12-08 10:44 Париж 8 декабря готовится к новым массовым акциям протеста. Закрыты Лувр и Эйфелева башня. В город стягивают дополнительные силы полиции. Французские власти опасаются повторения событий прошлых выходных. France: Police search, detain protesters as 'Yellow vests' gather for Paris demo 2018-12-08 10:55 A fourth weekend of 'Yellow Vest' protests held under the banner 'All to the Elysee' are taking place in Paris on Saturday. Police were seen detaining individuals on the city streets and conducting bag and body searches as protesters gathered. The Yellow Vest movement emerged last month after French President Emmanuel Macron announced hikes in fuel prices to encourage a transition towards greener energy. The French government has now suspended the price hikes but despite this the protests continue. The march starts at the Champs Elysees. Евгений Спицын. История СССР № 159. «Итоги горбачевской политики «нового мышления» 2018-12-08 11:04 Сто пятьдесят девятая лекция из цикла Евгения Спицына «История России», посвященная итогам горбачевской политики «нового мышления». USA: Rapper Cardi B arrives in court over strip club assault charge 2018-12-08 11:06 Rapper Cardi B arrived at a New York court, Friday, for an arraignment hearing over charges related to a strip club fracas. She avoided potential arrest after having failed to show up for a hearing on Monday. Cardi B — real name Belcalis Marlenis Almanzar — has been charged with reckless endangerment and a count of assault following an alleged brawl at a strip club in New York's Flushing. The rapper threw bottles and chairs during the set-to, according to police. Her attorney said she did not cause harm to anyone. She has been ordered to avoid contact with two strip club employees allegedly involved in the incident and was released on her own recognisance. She is due again in court on January 31. «Кинофакты»: Безымянная звезда — 3 2018-12-08 11:15 О румынской пьесе «Безымянная звезда» Михаил Козаков впервые услышал еще будучи студентом. Желание перенести ее на киноэкран у будущего режиссера возникло сразу, но тогда он и не догадывался, что на воплощение этой мечты в жизнь у него уйдет больше двадцати лет. Свою режиссерскую карьеру Казаков начинал с телеспектаклей, которые пользовались большим успехом и у зрителей, и у начальства. За двенадцать лет Козакову удалось зарекомендовать себя в качестве крепкого теле-режиссера и получить карт-бланш от Гостелерадио на постановку любой пьесы на свое усмотрение. Казаков тут же предложил «Безымянную звезду». Начались репетиции, которые вскоре пришлось остановить после того, как руководство Гостелерадио посетило одну из них. Казакова моментально обвинили в антисоветчине. Вольский: инцидент произошел в территориальных водах РФ, которые были таковыми до 2014 года 2018-12-08 11:43 Первый заместитель руководителя департамента береговой охраны Пограничной службы ФСБ России Алексей Вольский рассказал журналистам о происшествии в Керченком проливе, о факте нарушения украинскими военными кораблями границы России и их последующему задержанию. Italy: Five teenagers, mother killed in nightclub stampede — officials 2018-12-08 11:45 Three teenage girls, two boys and a mother accompanying her daughter died in a nightclub stampede in the Italian town of Corinaldo on Saturday. Emergency operations were ongoing as rescue personnel assisted the injured. The panic broke out after pepper spray was reportedly used in a crowd of around 1,000 people who were attending a performance by rapper Sfera Ebbasta in Lanterna Azzurra nightclub. Mandatory credit: Vigil Del Fuoco «Национальное измерение»: Выпуск от 08 декабря 2018 года 2018-12-08 12:21 Уральские езиды: кто они? Отмечаем еврейскую Хануку. Музыкальная душа аварского народа. France: Police tear-gas, detain 'Yellow Vest' protesters as clashes erupt in Paris 2018-12-08 12:27 Police and protesters clashed near the Champs Elysees area of Paris on Saturday, with security forces deploying tear gas and detaining several demonstrators. This is the fourth weekend of 'Yellow Vest' protests, held under the banner 'All to the Elysee.' The police are reportedly preventing protesters from leaving designated areas. The Yellow Vest movement emerged last month after French President Emmanuel Macron announced hikes in fuel taxes to encourage a transition towards greener energy. The French government have now suspended the prices hikes but protests continue nevertheless. Число задержанных в Париже возросло до 317 2018-12-08 12:42 Уже более 300 человек задержали полицейские в Париже перед началом очередной акции протеста движения «желтых жилетов». Ранее сообщалось, что более 120 человек задержаны и 32 помещены под стражу за участие в организованной подготовке к насильственным действиям или нанесению ущерба. ФСБ сообщила подробности украинских провокаций 2018-12-08 12:51 Первый замруководителя департамента береговой охраны Пограничной службы Федеральной службы безопасности России вице-адмирал Алексей Вольский на брифинге в МИА «Россия сегодня» в субботу рассказал подробности провокации, организованной кораблями ВМС Украины в Керченском проливе. Iran: Rouhani warns US against consequences of its 'economic terrorism' 2018-12-08 12:51 Once Tehran’s capabilities to fight drug trafficking and terrorism are compromised due to re-imposed sanctions, the US and its partners will not be safe from a “deluge of drugs, asylum seekers, bombs and terrorists,» said Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, speaking at a conference in Tehran on Saturday. «By weakening Iran through sanctions, many [governments] will not be safe,» said Rouhani while addressing delegates at the second Speaker’s Conference with a focus on ‘The Challenges of Terrorism and Inter-regional Connectivity.’ «It is better for those who do not believe our words to take a look at a geography map,» added the Iranian president who warned against the consequences of what he described as «economic terrorism» levelled against the Islamic Republic. Parliament speakers of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, China, and Russia are attending the conference taking place in Tehran on December 7 and 8. «Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Николай Трофимов 2018-12-08 13:00 Олег Басилашвили делил с Николаем Трофимовым гримерку в ленинградском БДТ много лет. Но даже он не может рассказать о своем соседе много. Почему Николай Трофимов так мало рассказывал о себе? Что он пытался скрыть от коллег и зрителей? Почему даже те, кто проработал с ним рядом много лет, почти ничего о нем не знают? Ответы на эти вопросы съемочная группа будет искать в Санкт-Петербурге и Севастополе. «Вести в субботу» побывали на премьере очень необычной оперы 2018-12-08 13:03 В Москве состоялась премьера очень необычной оперы. Основана она на «Одном дне Ивана Денисовича» — повести, которая в свое время перевернула советскую литературу и вознесла на небосклон русской словесности и вольнодумства Александра Исаевича Солженицына. Игра по-крупному: США обвиняют Huawei в шпионаже 2018-12-08 13:12 Слушания по делу финансового директора китайской компании Huawei отложили до понедельника. Обвинение настаивает: Мэн Ваньчжоу нельзя выпускать под залог, потому что в Штатах ждут ее экстрадиции. USA: Baby Jesus put in cage as part of nativity scene highlighting immigration crises 2018-12-08 13:12 A church in Dedham, Massachusetts, has put baby Jesus inside a black metal cage as part of a nativity scene aimed at creating a message about immigration, as seen on Friday. The Saint Susanna Parish church wants the nativity scene to shine a light on ongoing global refugee and immigration crises. Shielded by a screen of glass, the nativity scene features a sign with the message 'peace on earth?.' «The idea of the nativity scene was to mirror in the nativity what is happening in the world,» said Reverend Steve Josoma, head pastor at the parish. «So we put a fence there to illustrate the separation of peoples and we put a little barrier around Jesus to show the separation of families which is taking place at our border,» he explained. The scene has led to an outcry from some conservatives in the US but locally only a few people in the church’s community say it has crossed a line, said Reverend Stephen Josoma. «This kind of went national and it went viral and unfortunately some of that went on a lot of conservative networks who have been inundated with calls, a lot of them very angry, and a lot of them think its politicising,» he said. «I think people here are ok with that, I have only heard from like one or two here who thought it was crossing a political line,» he added. Корреспондент ВГТРК в прямом эфире попал под слезоточивый газ 2018-12-08 13:16 В Париже набирает оборот акция протеста. Чтобы не допустить повторения массовых беспорядков полиция оцепила центральные районы и вывела на улицы бронетехнику. Служба безопасности задержала около 300 человек, готовивших провокации. Корреспондент ВГТРК Николай Соколов находится в центре событий. Вместе с демонстрантами он попал в эпицентр газовой атаки — полиция распылила слезоточивый газ. Из-за военного положения украинцы едут в Донбасс 2018-12-08 13:20 После введения военного положения на Украине в самопровозглашенные республики Донбасса стали переезжать все больше украинцев. Что еще изменилось на линии соприкосновения? «Специальный репортаж»: Пророк на экспорт 2018-12-08 13:56 В Европе, несмотря на скепсис и часто неприятие России, бешеную популярность завоевывают русские имена. В дизайне и моде — спрос на постперестроечный стиль и кириллицу. Russia: Ukraine's 'main provocative attacks' aimed at Kerch bridge — FSB 2018-12-08 14:03 *SCRIPT TO FOLLOW* Canada: Huawei’s Meng Wanzhou bail hearing to resume on Dec. 10 2018-12-08 14:11 The Supreme Court of British Columbia in Vancouver decided on Friday to continue bail hearings on Monday for Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou. Forty-six-year-old Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of Huawei's founder, was arrested in Canada on December 1 on US fraud charges, one of which relates to the alleged use of a shell company to circumvent sanctions against Iran. Meng Wanzhou allegedly used a tech company known as Skycom to sell computer equipment despite US embargos on the Islamic republic. The US maintains that the company was one and the same as Huawei while Wanzhou is alleged to have presented it as a separate entity. The top executive who was arrested at Washington's request could face a jail sentence if extradited to the US. China has claimed her innocence and is demanding her release. Reporters who were denied access to court proceedings, set up camp outside the court building, interviewing attendees who were exiting after the five-hour bail hearing. Маленькая Италия и благотворительная ярмарка: выходные в Москве 2018-12-08 14:18 Сказочный мир Пиноккио, итальянская опера и самое настоящее джелато. В Манеже открывается большая выставка, посвященная Италии. Ну, а тех, кто уже хочет закупиться новогодними подарками и при этом сделать доброе дело, ждут в Гостином дворе. В формате дискуссий: «Единая Россия» собралась на XVIII съезд 2018-12-08 14:41 XVIII съезд «Единой России» в субботу работает в формате дискуссионных площадок. Также пройдет совместное заседание высшего и генерального советов партии, ожидается ротация их членов. Пограничные катера Украины угрожали России применением оружия 2018-12-08 14:56 Пограничные катера Украины с августа угрожали России применением оружия. В радиоэфире они заявляли, что откроют огонь на поражение в случае приближения к ним на расстояние менее трех с половиной километров. Об этом сообщил первый заместитель руководителя департамента береговой охраны Пограничной службы ФСБ России вице-адмирал Алексей Вольский. Подробнее — на телеканале Москва 24. «Церковь и мир»: Какую автокефалию готовит Константинополь для украинской церкви? 2018-12-08 15:40 В украинских и греческих СМИ появился проект устава Единой поместной церкви на Украине. Многие сразу заговорили о том, что патриарх Варфоломей обманул президента Порошенко. Так «Фанимани»: Почему россияне не любят отдавать долги 2018-12-08 15:42 Почему россияне не любят отдавать долги? Что будет, если не платить налоги? Из чего складывается стоимость поездок на такси и кто делит между собой эти деньги? Что ждать работникам от новогодних корпоративов? Самые интересные события недели из мира денег и экономики — в программе «Фанимани». Belgium: At least 70 arrested in violent ‘Yellow vest’ protests in Brussels 2018-12-08 16:00 Police arrested as many as 70 ‘Yellow vest’ protesters who had marched on Belgian capital streets on Saturday. Security forces deployed tear gas against protesters who tried to gain access to blockaded areas housing European institutions, including the offices of the European Commission and the European Parliament. Some appeared to stage a kneel-down protest whereby they re-enacted the mass student arrest in Mantes-la-Jolie, where as many as 150 students, some as young as 12 years old, were arrested. Protesters seemed to have been inspired by similar 'yellow vest' protests upsetting cities across France in recent weeks. The Yellow Vest movement emerged last month after French President Emmanuel Macron announced controversial hikes in fuel prices to encourage a transition towards greener energy. The French government have now suspended the prices hikes but the protests have nevertheless continued. France: Violence continues in fourth week of 'Yellow Vest' protests 2018-12-08 16:22 Police and protesters continue to clash on the Champs Elysees of Paris on Saturday, with security forces deploying tear gas and detaining several demonstrators. This is the fourth weekend of 'Yellow Vest' protests, held under the banner 'All to the Elysee.' The police are reportedly preventing protesters from leaving designated areas. The Yellow Vest movement emerged last month after French President Emmanuel Macron announced hikes in fuel taxes to encourage a transition towards greener energy. The French government have now suspended the prices hikes but protests continue nevertheless. Один из украинских провокаторов оказался любителем пыток из СБУ 2018-12-08 16:23 В ФСБ обратился житель Донецка, который опознал в задержанном после инцидента в Черном море сотруднике Службы безопасности Украины человека, пытавшего его в Бердянске. Iran: State Duma Chairman calls for cooperation in anti-terrorism efforts 2018-12-08 16:36 Russian State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin visited Tehran on Saturday to take part in the second conference on terrorism along with top officials from Afghanistan, Iran, China and Turkey. Footage shows the meeting between Volodin and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. Volodin called on countries to create a combined list of terrorist organisations, and noted that it's highly important to cooperate to prevent the spreading of terrorist ideology. During the conference, Volodin reportedly said that the countries involved need to have a common understanding of terrorism in order to make up the combined list of terrorist organisations, and urged the deprivation of their financial base, which consists of drug trafficking and international crime. В Париже начались столкновения демонстрантов с полицией, задержаны более 500 человек 2018-12-08 16:43 В центре Парижа на Елисейских полях и соседних улицах начались столкновения между полицией и участниками демонстрации так называемых «желтых жилетов». На кадрах видеотрансляции и на видео, размещенных в социальных сетях, видно, что полиция применяет слезоточивый газ. Агрессивно настроенных участников акции протеста задерживают, отбирая у них бейсбольные биты и другое снаряжение. Malaysia: Thousands of Muslims protest against UN's ICERD 2018-12-08 16:53 Thousands of Muslims held a rally in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, demanding protection of their rights against the backdrop of increasing racial tensions in the multi-ethnic country, reports suggest. What was reportedly meant to be a protest against the government's intentions to ratify a UN convention against racial discrimination, turned out to be a peaceful rally organised by several Muslim groups calling for the protection of the position of Muslims in the country. The protesters marched in the Malaysian capital, wearing white outfit, praying, and chanting against UN's International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). The Muslim Malay majority of the country has been raising concerns about what they interpret as the new government being 'more representative of minorities', such as the sizeable ethnic Chinese and Indian communities. France: 'Yellow vest' protesters explain their motives ahead of Saturday rallies 2018-12-08 17:04 As 'Yellow vest' protesters gathered on Champs Elysees Avenue of Paris in preparation of Saturday's mass rally 'All to the Elysee', some offered their thoughts and motives behind the nation-wide protests. «Our policy is not right. Our deputies don't represent us. We don't like the minimum wage. We are already at the minimum,» said one protester. «Yellow vests are here in support of an idea. The whole nation is one. The whole of France is here. There is no difference between us. They are imposing taxes, taxes, taxes. And it can't be like that anymore,» another protester said. Friday protests later took a violent turn as police clashed with protesters, deploying tear gas and arresting several in the process. The Yellow Vest movement emerged last month after French President Emmanuel Macron announced hikes in fuel taxes to encourage a transition towards greener energy. The French government have now suspended the prices hikes but protests continue nevertheless. Памятники предателям — путь к капитуляции! 2018-12-08 17:10 «В разгар информационной войны с Западом власти России зачем-то празднуют столетие Солженицына. Объяснить этот факт соображениями рационального порядка — невозможно. В дни, когда нации требуется концентрация воли, сила духа и мобилизация, нам с необыкновенным упорством подсовывают ветхое чучело как символ победы над Империей.» Путин созвонился с девочкой, мечту которой исполнил 2018-12-08 17:10 Президент России Владимир Путин поговорил по телефону с девочкой Вероникой, мечту которой — увидеть мир кино изнутри — он помог исполнить. Записки о заветных желаниях тяжелобольных детей находились в конвертах на стенде проекта «Мечтай со мной», который глава государства осмотрел в числе прочих стендов благотворительных проектов на форуме добровольцев в Москве 5 декабря. Путин — единороссам: лидерство — не в том, чтобы обещать манну небесную 2018-12-08 17:15 Президент России Владимир Путин призвал членов партии «Единая Россия» не допускать хамства, пренебрежения к людям, что опускает партию «ниже плинтуса». «Дороги к свободе»: Украина: военное положение 2018-12-08 17:35 Какими будут последствия введения военного положения в Украине? Почему решение о его введении привело к дискуссии между президентом и парламентариями? Виталий Портников беседует с депутатом Верховной Рады Украины Андреем Тетеруком и политологом, профессором Киево-Могилянской академии Алексеем Гаранем. ФСБ: украинские моряки – не пленные, между РФ и Украиной нет войны 2018-12-08 17:48 В ФСБ России заявляют, что украинские военные корабли, которые 25 ноября были захвачены российскими пограничниками в Чёрном море, нарушили правила судоходства по Керченскому проливу, которые действуют уже 20 лет. На брифинге в Москве представители ФСБ в субботу заявили, что украинские моряки, в частности, не предупредили заранее, что собираются пройти через пролив. Кроме того, артиллерийские орудия украинских военных катеров, как утверждается, были расчехлены и готовы к бою. В ФСБ заявили, что закрыли в день инцидента Керченский пролив для прохода судов из-за опасений, что украинские корабли осуществят провокацию против Керченского моста. Вячеслав Володин встретился с президентом Ирана 2018-12-08 18:10 Безопасность в регионе, борьба с терроризмом и укрепление сотрудничества стали центральными темами конференции спикеров парламентов Афганистана, Китая, Ирана, Пакистана, России и Турции. Делегацию нашей страны на встрече в Тегеране возглавил председатель Госдумы Вячеслав Володин. Во время визита в Иран он также провел ряд двусторонних встреч. France: Cars set ablaze as 'Yellow Vest' protests continue 2018-12-08 18:16 Police and protesters continue to clash on the Champs Elysees of Paris on Saturday, with security forces deploying tear gas and detaining several demonstrators. Several cars were set on fire during the protests, with fires pouring black smoke into the streets. This is the fourth weekend of 'Yellow Vest' protests, held under the banner 'All to the Elysee.' The police are reportedly preventing protesters from leaving designated areas. The Yellow Vest movement emerged last month after French President Emmanuel Macron announced hikes in fuel taxes to encourage a transition towards greener energy. The French government have now suspended the prices hikes but protests continue nevertheless. Russia: ‘We may fall behind forever’ — Putin 2018-12-08 18:26 Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that in case the country's officials do not «find out what we should do and how, we may fall behind forever,» during the Edinaya Rossiya (United Russia) party annual convention in Moscow on Saturday. The comments came after Putin cautioned that the world is transforming «forcefully and dynamically.» The Edinaya Rossiya (United Russia) 18th party convention was held in Moscow on December 8. Spain: Vegan activists carrying dead animals hold Animal Rights Day rally 2018-12-08 18:45 About a hundred animal rights activists from Igualdad Animal (Animal Equality) gathered in Madrid's Puerta del Sol to mark International Animal Rights Day on Saturday. Activists held the bodies of dead animals standing in the capital's square, while others showed photographs taken by the organisation during their investigations on industrial farming facilities. «Across the world, millions of people are raising our voices against these abuses, pushed by solidarity, compassion and empathy» said Igualdad Animal co-founder Javier Moreno, adding «These are the engines which drive us to protect the planet and those who live in it.» События недели: негодное жилье для сирот и смерть верблюда 2018-12-08 18:49 3 декабря стало известно о гибели футболиста столичного клуба «Локомотив» Алексея Ломакина. 4 декабря в Челябинске ученого осудили за кражу метеорита. 5 декабря в Иркутской области попали в ДТП корабли пустыни. 6 декабря полицейские поймали подозреваемого в серии нападений на женщин. Italy: Migrants attend Bergamo's 'Academy for Integration' 2018-12-08 18:52 A group of migrants attended the 'Academy for Integration' scheme in Bergamo on Friday where they took part in classes and cleaning work and sat down together for a meal. The academy is a pilot project aimed at the active integration of asylum seekers, focused on language and civic and professional training, according to the organisers. After one year at the facility in northern Italy, the voluntary participants can take advantage of an internship and possibly an employment contract at a company in the Bergamo area. Those taking part do so on a voluntary basis. «We don't enslave or militarise anyone. It's not our style. Let's try to offer, also through some rules and timing, a better integration,» said Roberto Trussardi, director of the Bergamo branch of the Catholic Church's Caritas organisation. The 'Academy for Integration' is promoted by the Municipality of Bergamo, the Ruah cooperative, the Catholic Church and Confindustria Bergamo (the national chamber of commerce). The project is reportedly among those that apply for national funding to help with the integration of migrants. There are currently 30 asylum seekers taking part in the project, with that number set to increase to 60. «We tell them 'You'll learn Italian, we’ll tell you how we are, since you live in our county, you have to know how we are; not just that we have to know how you are,» said Christophe Sanchez, the academy’s director. Yarthe, an asylum seeker from Gambia said, «I really appreciate being in the academy because the academy is teaching me a lot Participants follow a strict schedule, waking up at 6.30 am, before cleaning their accommodation. Following that are three hours of Italian lessons, one hour of professional training, including use of tools, safety and first aid; then in the afternoon they clean parks and streets, and carry out maintenance of cycle paths. After dinner, until 22.00, they do individual or group study. The programme runs from Monday to Saturday. Poland: Protesters call for action on climate change outside UN summit 2018-12-08 19:09 terrifying, it's a peaceful protest, it's a protest for the earth. We are part of the earth citizens so it doesn't make sense that their presence [is] a lot here.» Around one thousand environmental activists took to the streets of Katowice on Saturday, as the UN climate conference summit is taking place in the city. Protesters demanded the participants of the climate summit take quick action to fight global warming. «What we need now in the world is decisive action, meanwhile politicians for very long have pretended that they do not hear the voice of people,» said Pawel Szypulski, one of the protesters. World leaders at the COP24 hope to adopt a roadmap and put into practice the 2015 Paris climate agreement to slow climate change. The UN Climate Change Conference will run in Katowice until Friday, December 14. Sweden: Gov’t official calls for reopening of Sanaa airport as Yemen peace talks continue 2018-12-08 19:27 Representatives of the warring sides of the Yemen conflict met at the Johannesberg Golf Club in Rimbo on Saturday, on the third day of the UN-sponsored peace talks. The agenda of the meeting, which reportedly saw the participation of UN Special Envoy Martin Griffiths, included — among other things — the establishment of a political framework and the reopening of Sanaa airport. Yemen's Nasser Organisation Assistant Secretary and government member Rana Ghanem spoke to journalists outside the club, hoping that the participants of the talks «will feel a high responsibility and feel the misery of others.» «Four years of war are enough,» she added Fighting between Saudi-led coalition forces and Houthi fighters flared up again around Hodeidah in November, despite the United Nations pushing for a resumption of peace talks. September's UN-sponsored peace talks in Geneva failed after the Houthi delegation failed to show up for the consultations. The Rimbo peace talks kicked off on Thursday and will conclude next Thursday, December 13. Программа «Дежурная часть» от 08 декабря 2018 года 2018-12-08 19:33 В Москве задержаны высокопоставленные офицеры МВД России, вымогавшие крупную взятку? Пациенты саратовской больницы пожаловались на плохое питание. Башкирские водители уличили инспектора ГИБДД в пьянстве на посту. Новая серия фотографий тюремной жизни Вячеслава Цеповяза. Контрафакт детям не игрушка. Belgium: 'Yellow vest' protesters clash with police in Brussels 2018-12-08 19:57 'Yellow vest' protests turned violent as demonstrators marched on the streets of the Belgian capital on Saturday. Police fired tear gas and water cannons at protesters who tried to gain access to blockaded areas housing European institutions, including the offices of the European Commission and the European Parliament. Around a hundred protesters were reportedly detained so far. Protesters seemed to have been inspired by similar 'yellow vest' protests upsetting cities across France in recent weeks. The Yellow Vest movement emerged last month after French President Emmanuel Macron announced controversial hikes in fuel prices to encourage a transition towards greener energy. The French government have now suspended the prices hikes but the protests have nevertheless continued. France: Clashes between 'Yellow Vests' and police continue as night falls in Paris 2018-12-08 20:08 Police and protesters continue to clash on the Champs Elysees of Paris on Saturday, with security forces deploying tear gas and water cannons. Vehicles and trash piles were set on fire during the protests, and several shops were targeted by the protesters. This is the fourth weekend of 'Yellow Vest' protests, held under the banner 'All to the Elysee.' The police are reportedly preventing protesters from leaving designated areas. The Yellow Vest movement emerged last month after French President Emmanuel Macron announced hikes in fuel taxes to encourage a transition towards greener energy. The French government have now suspended the prices hikes but protests continue nevertheless. Italy: Thousands gather to show their support for Salvini in Rome 2018-12-08 20:23 Tens of thousands of Italy's right-wing party League's supporters filled one of the main squares in Rome on Saturday, in a rally held by Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini. «We want to see this Europe reborn, rise again, smile, work» said Salvini to a cheering crowd, and warned against «true racists» who want to handle Africa «as an Indian reservation to pillage». One of the main concerns of League's supporters is migration, with Salvini vowing to drastically slow the arrival of African migrants into Italy since taking office. France: Armoured vehicles deployed on Parisian streets as 'Yellow Vests' protests continue 2018-12-08 20:50 Clashes between the «Yellow Vests» and police continued in Paris on Saturday afternoon, with more than 700 people reportedly arrested and security forces deploying tear gas on protesters. Demonstrators responded by launching back tear gas and cars were set alight, while police armoured vehicles rolled through the streets to restore order. This is the fourth week of «Yellow vests» protests, which turned into the worst urban rioting in decades in the French capital. The Yellow Vest movement emerged last month after French President Emmanuel Macron announced hikes in fuel taxes to encourage a transition towards greener energy. The French government have now suspended the prices hikes but protests continue nevertheless. France: Mayhem in Lyon as 15,000 Yellow Vests hit the streets 2018-12-08 21:08 Yellow Vest protesters and riot police clashed in central Lyon on Saturday, resulting in several arrests, as thousands of people took to the streets. The riot police deployed tear gas, and were filmed overpowering protesters and dragging at least one of them on the ground, as they faced off with some of the 15,000 protesters — as reported by the media — in Lyon. The Yellow Vest movement emerged last month after French President Emmanuel Macron announced hikes in fuel taxes to encourage a transition towards greener energy. The French government have now suspended the prices hikes but protests continue nevertheless. Italy: Thousands protest against high speed rail construction in Turin 2018-12-08 21:22 Demonstrators gathered in Turin on Saturday to protest against the high-speed train connection between France and Italy. The so-called 'No TAV' activists called for the government to stop the infrastructure project, which they say would cause extensive damages to Susa valley. «We are against the TAV because as inhabitants of the Susa Valley we would find ourselves involved in an environmental disaster. The tunnel would bring huge problems, especially for materials and rocks that are extracted,” said Mauro Rolando, one of the protesters. 'No TAV,' the group behind the demonstration, is a movement set up to counter the construction of various high-speed railway lines in Italy and France. The name comes from the Italian acronym for Treno Alta Velocita (high speed train). The movement questions the usefulness, cost, and safety of the project and its actualisation, which they believe is being driven by European construction lobbies. Belgium: Le Pen, Bannon speak out against UN migration pact in Brussels 2018-12-08 22:15 President of the French far-right National Rally party Marine Le Pen and former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon took part in a meeting against the UN Global Compact for Migration in Brussels on Saturday. «There is no leader of any political movement in Europe, the United States or Latin America that doesn't agree. We are talking about a great human tragedy in Sub-Saharan Africa, in Central America,» Bannon stated. Le Pen urged French President Emmanuel Macron not to sign the compact, saying «the French president's immigrationism is so irrepressible that he forgets his constitutional duties.» The non-legally binding Global Compact for Migration which covers international migration in all aspects was concluded in July and is expected to be adopted by UN member states in December. *PARTNER CONTENT* Protesters detained and injured during 'Yellow Vest' demo in Paris 2018-12-08 23:19 A special unit of the French Police, the Brigade Anti-Criminalite (BAC), dressed as protesters, tried to mingle in the crowd to detain ‘Yellow Vests' in Paris on Saturday. Police pepper sprayed a Redfish cameraman while he was filming the detention. A protester was seen bleeding heavily on the face as police fired rubber bullets at demonstrators. This is the fourth week of 'Yellow Vest' protests, which turned into the worst urban rioting in decades in the French capital. The 'Yellow Vest' movement emerged last month after French President Emmanuel Macron announced hikes in fuel taxes to encourage a transition towards greener energy. The French government have now suspended the prices hikes but protests continue nevertheless. France: Almost 1,000 arrests as 'Yellow Vests' protests continue 2018-12-08 23:33 Police and protesters continued to clash in central Paris on Saturday, with the French capital still locked down after the «Yellow Vests» protest turned violent. Security forces fired teargas grenades and deployed armoured vehicles to control the crowds, while at least 135 people were injured. By the early evening, nearly 1,000 were held in custody. This is the fourth week of «Yellow vests» protests, which turned into the worst urban rioting in decades in the French capital. The Yellow Vest movement emerged last month after French President Emmanuel Macron announced hikes in fuel taxes to encourage a transition towards greener energy. The French government have now suspended the prices hikes but protests continue nevertheless. Russia: Prominent Russian human rights activist Alekseeva dies aged 91 *ARCHIVE* 2018-12-09 00:50 A prominent Russian human rights activist Lyudmila Alekseeva passed away aged 91 in Moscow, Saturday. Alekseeva was one of the founders and the chairman of the Moscow Helsinki Group and a member of the Presidential Council on the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights. Lyudmila Alekseeva was born in Evpatoria in 1927. She participated in the Soviet dissident movement and had to immigrate to USA in 1997 where she hosted several radio programs about human rights. She returned to Russia in 1993. From 2002 Lyudmila Alekseeva worked for the Presidential Commission on Human Rights, which was later transformed into the Presidential Council on the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights. In 2012 and 2013 she was nominated for the Nobel Prize. In 2017 Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded Lyudmila Alekseeva with the National Award for Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Human Rights. Sweden: Houthi delegate urges to address Yemen's humanitarian crisis as peace talks enter third day 2018-12-09 01:33 Houthi delegate Abdul-Majid al-Hanash stressed the importance of addressing Yemen's worsening humanitarian crisis during a press conference in Rimbo on Saturday, as the UN-backed Yemen peace talks entered their third day. Hanash said that «the shelling has been ongoing for four years now. More than 100,000 children are facing famine and could die at any moment.» He called on the international community and the UN to address the humanitarian concerns, adding that «in the end it's all about dialogue.» The UN-backed Yemen peace talks, aimed at putting an end to the country's four-year-old conflict, are expected to run until December 13. According to UN Envoy Martin Griffiths, the key issues to be discussed during the Rimbo peace talks on Yemen are further confidence-building measures, including an agreement on the exchange of prisoners, and the reopening of the Sanaa airport, among others. France: At least 135 injured as Paris anti-gov. protests rage on 2018-12-09 03:34 At least 135 people were injured, including 17 police officers, in Paris on Saturday, after the 'Yellow Vests' protest turned violent. According to the French Interior Ministry, more than 1,00 people were put in custody following Saturday protest. This is the fourth week of 'Yellow Vests' protests, which turned into the worst urban rioting in decades in the French capital. The Yellow Vest movement emerged last month after French President Emmanuel Macron announced hikes in fuel taxes to encourage a transition towards greener energy. The French government have now suspended the prices hikes but protests continue nevertheless. Вести-Калуга. События недели. Эфир от 09.12.2018 2018-12-09 10:04 |
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