USA: Mattis pays respects to George H.W. Bush's 'unwavering service to our nation'
USA: Mattis pays respects to George H.W. Bush's 'unwavering service to our nation' 2018-12-02 06:40 United States Secretary of Defense James Mattis paid his respects to former US President George H.W. Bush while speaking at the 2018 Reagan National Defense Forum in Simi Valley, California on Saturday. The former President was 94 years old when he passed away on Friday. «He always put others first, whether it was his family, his shipmates at sea, his -- his country, he always put others first. So we join President Bush's family, all of us in Department of Defense, and I'm sure all of you, in remembering his unwavering service to our nation,» Mattis said. George H.W. Bush succeeded Ronald Reagan to become the 41st US President in 1988 after beating his Democratic opponent Michael Dukakis, overseeing pivotal historic moments during his four-year-tenure such as the collapse of the Soviet Bloc and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Mandatory credit: U.S. Department of Defense «Оно вам надо?»: Грабли для Путина, InSight на Марсе и грузинский президент с французским паспортом 2018-12-02 06:59 Как Трамп на G20 прививал российскому президенту приличные манеры. Марс – это не только шоколадный батончик. Что делает на поверхности красной планеты американский робот. Зачем миллиардер Иванишвили посадил на трон своего человека? Путин рассказал журналистам о встрече с Трампом и военном положении на Украине 2018-12-02 09:49 В Буэнос-Айресе завершился саммит «Большой двадцатки». По итогам согласована и подписана декларация. У президента России Владимира Путина был очень плотный график: в рамках саммита президент провел ряд двусторонних встреч и пообщался с журналистами. Итоги саммита G20: договорились договариваться 2018-12-02 10:00 В Буэнос-Айресе завершился саммит «группы двадцати». Владимир Путин принял участие в общих заседаниях, провел ряд двусторонних встреч и пообщался с журналистами, где-то даже без переводчика. Какие вопросы интересовали мировые СМИ и мировых лидеров? Париж в огне: уличная война продолжается 2018-12-02 10:09 Париж по-прежнему в огне. В массовых акциях, направленных против реформ президента Макрона, ранены больше сотни человек. В ходе беспорядков пострадала и спецкор ВГТРК в Париже. Путин и Трамп кратко пообщались в кулуарах G20 2018-12-02 13:26 У президента США было несколько неформальных бесед с мировыми лидерами в кулуарах саммита «Большой двадцатки» в том числе и с президентом Путиным, заявили в Белом доме. Вести-Калуга. События недели. Эфир от 02.12.2018 2018-12-02 13:34 Учтут все: и стаж, и возраст. Как изменятся выплаты и чего ещё ждать калужанам от принятых поправок в пенсионном законодательстве? Пришла зима, а с ней проблемы. Уборка снега по-калужски. Почему жители областного центра не ценят старания коммунальщиков? За парту не посадят, но отвечать придётся. Инструкторов автошкол обяжут сдавать экзамены на профпригодность. К борьбе с терроризмом всегда готовы. Силовые подразделения области провели учения на территории атомного предприятия. State of Palestine: PM Hamdallah turns on Bethlehem Christmas lights 2018-12-02 14:08 Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah lit the Christmas tree outside the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem on Saturday., marking the start of Christmas celebrations. Thousands attended the festivities in the traditional birthplace of Jesus, which included a firework display and a re-enactment of the nativity, as seen in footage filmed on Saturday. The Advisor to the Palestinian President for Christian Affairs, Ziad Al-Bandak, who also attended the festivities, used the occasion to call for a peaceful solution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine. «From Bethlehem, we always call for a message of peace and love, because in the end this occupation must go away and the world must consider a good balance towards a just solution for the Palestinian people,» he said. Large numbers of foreign ambassadors, members of the Christian clergy, and thousands of tourists and pilgrims attended the celebrations. Мэр Москвы рассказал, что случилось с канатной дорогой 2018-12-02 14:13 Московские хорды — северо-западная и северо-восточная — теперь связаны друг с другом, их соединила новая эстакада. Об итогах дорожного строительства в этом году, долгожданном запуске канатной дороги и внезапной кибератаке рассказал мэр Москвы Сергей Собянин. «Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Николай Крючков 2018-12-02 14:14 Песню из фильма «Небесный тихоход» и сегодня знают в нашей стране почти все. А в 1945 году «Первым делом самолеты» пели на каждом углу. Популярности актера Николая Крючкова можно было только позавидовать — «Трактористы», «Свинарка и пастух», «Небесный тихоход»... Уже этих трех фильмов хватит, чтобы стать в СССР суперзвездой. Но славы недостаточно, чтобы быть счастливым в браке. Во время съемок в «Небесном тихоходе» Крючков расстался с женой и нашел новую любовь. Но счастье опять ускользнет от артиста. Его третья жена погибнет у него на глазах. И если бы не встреча с Лидией, Николай точно бы разочаровался не только в любви, но и в самой жизни. Волшебный реестр: магов и целителей Москвы посчитают 2018-12-02 14:17 Создать реестр лжегадалок, псевдоэкстрасенсов и прочих шарлатанов, у которых на самом деле нет магических способностей, предлагают в Мосгордуме. Пока, правда, неясно, как и чем измерять силу и квалификацию колдунов. Они, между тем, осваивают новые каналы связи с клиентами. Например, телеканалы. С экрана обещают снять проклятие и почистить карму. Но на самом деле чистят кошельки. Черный день для черных кредиторов: первая победа над жилищными рейдерами 2018-12-02 14:21 Минувший четверг стал черным днем для банды черных кредиторов, которые оставили без квартир не одну сотню москвичей. Начались аресты аферистов, работавших по принципу «быстрые деньги в обмен на жилье». Они опутали столицу сетью микрозаймовых контор. Обманутых заемщиков годами выгоняли на улицу. И вот — первая победа над жилищными рейдерами. Порошенко: Украине необходимо присутствие союзников в Черном море 2018-12-02 14:29 В интервью германской прессе Петр Порошенко заявил, что Украине нужна «недвусмысленная реакция на агрессивное поведение России». Он подчеркнул также, что международное сообщество должно усилить давление на Москву. Пресс-конференция Владимира Путина по итогам саммита G20 2018-12-02 14:57 Инцидент в Черном море Владимир Путин и Дональд Трамп обсудили «на ногах». Во время пресс-конференции президент выразил сожаление, что американская сторона пока не готова к полноформатному диалогу, который уже давно назрел. Mexico: Congress boos 'dictator' Maduro as Ivanka visits for AMLO inauguration 2018-12-02 15:04 Members of Mexican congress (Spanish): «Dictator! Dictator! Dictator!» *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* Legislators in Mexican congress booed and chanted 'dictator' when Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's name was mentioned by Mexico's new President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador at an inauguration ceremony in Mexico City on Saturday. The choice to invite Maduro, as was courtesy to Latin American and Caribbean leaders, to Lopez Obrador's inauguration had not gone without criticism in the lead-up to the event — former Mexican president Felipe Calderon issued a petition in November to revoke the leader's invitation, which was signed by more than 75,000 Mexicans. Maduro reportedly attended a reception but was at not the inauguration speech. Over the past three years, more than two million Venezuelans have fled the country due to hyperinflation and a dire humanitarian crisis that many blame on Maduro's alleged economic mismanagement and corruption. Some 30,000 Venezuelan refugees had arrived in Mexico as of June this year. Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka was welcomed to the congress and thanked by Lopez Obrador. MANDATORY CREDIT: Gobierno de la Republica de Mexico Путин рассказал, как пообщался с Трампом на саммите 2018-12-02 15:23 В столице Буэнос-Айресе завершился саммит G20. Главы делегаций подписали совместную декларацию, договорились развивать торговлю и реформировать ВТО. У Владимира Путина в заключительный день саммита был плотный график, он провел ряд двусторонних встреч и пообщался с журналистами. В Грузии проходит митинг против результатов президентских выборов 2018-12-02 15:27 В центре Тбилиси проходит акция протеста объединенной оппозиции против официальных итогов президентских выборов. Митингующие обвиняют власти в давлении на избирателей и фальсификациях, а также требуют провести досрочные парламентские выборы. Итоговая декларация G20: что в приоритете 2018-12-02 15:28 В итоговом документе саммита «Группы двадцати» есть важные пункты, касающиеся проблем международной торговли, цифровой экономики, фискальной политики и целого ряда других вопросов. Само подписание декларации уже является итогом мероприятия. Путин: Аргентина серьезно настроена на укрепление отношений с Россией 2018-12-02 15:30 Одна из главных тем переговоров между Владимиром Путиным и главой Аргентины Маурисио Макри: укрепление торгово-экономического взаимодействия. По итогам встречи в присутствии президентов заключен ряд межправительственных соглашений и коммерческих контрактов В Париже могут ввести режим ЧП 2018-12-02 16:09 В Париже из-за уличных беспорядков могут ввести режим чрезвычайного положения. Об этом сообщили в правительстве страны. Накануне акции протеста против повышения цен на бензин вылились в массовые погромы. По данным МВД Франции, количество протестующих достигло 85 тысяч человек. Вести недели. Эфир от 02.12.2018. Украинские провокаторы не стали шифроваться 2018-12-02 16:33 Недавно «Вести недели» рассказывали о рейде украинских военных катеров в наши территориальные воды у Крымского моста в Черном море. Тогда же мы говорили, что провокация направлена в том числе и на срыв встречи Путин — Трамп в Аргентине. Опасения оправдались. Путин: полноформатная встреча с Трампом давно назрела, жаль, что он пока не готов 2018-12-02 16:37 У Владимира Путина в Аргентине был очень плотный график: в рамках саммита он провел ряд двусторонних переговоров. Однако встреча с президентом США Дональдом Трампом так и не состоялась, лидеры поговорили «на ногах». Путин: власти Украины сами разделили страну — на благонадежную и не очень 2018-12-02 16:37 Говоря о ситуации на Украине, Владимир Путин отметил, что Петр Порошенко ввел военное положение перед выборами президента, и именно в тех областях страны, где Порошенко не поддерживают. В Москве шесть «черных кредиторов» оказались в СИЗО 2018-12-02 16:41 Шесть человек, которых называют «черными кредиторами», оказались в СИЗО по решению суда. Их подозревают в незаконном отъеме квартир. Около 100 семей оказались на улице после того, как взяли займы в микрофинансовых организациях под залог жилья. В Бельгии проходит «Марш за климат» 2018-12-02 17:31 В Брюсселе около 20 тысяч человек приняли участие в шествии через центр города к еврокварталу. На закаленных жителей Донбасса угрозы Киева не действуют 2018-12-02 17:43 В Донбассе вдоль границы с областями, находящимися на военном положении, — обычная жизнь. Конечно, бдительность повышена, но все же до киевского сумасшествия далеко. Погромы в Париже: Макрону остается надеяться, что «Акт 4» не состоится 2018-12-02 17:43 В Париже — восстание. Повод явно несоразмерен — микроскопический рост цен на моторное топливо, а на улицах — масштабные погромы, целое войско полиции, дым, стрельба, кровь. France: Cleanup efforts underway after 'Yellow Vest' clashes 2018-12-02 18:13 Cleanup efforts were underway in Paris on Sunday, a day after fiery clashes between riot police and 'Yellow Vest' protesters. More than 400 people were reportedly arrested and 100 more injured during the demonstration. Footage shows a number of burned and vandalised vehicles, destroyed bus stops and shattered windows in the aftermath of the violent clashes. The demonstrations, which began earlier in the month, were initially called in response to French President Emmanuel Macron's announcement of fuel tax hikes but have since evolved into an expression of general anger at high costs of living, poverty and inequality in France. Kazakhstan: Expedition 58/59 crew answer questions one day before launch 2018-12-02 18:23 Roscosmos cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko joined astronauts Anne McClain from NASA and David Saint-Jacques from the Canadian Space Agency to hold a pre-flight press conference ahead of the International Space Station (ISS) Expedition 58/59, in Baikonour on Sunday. Anne McClain assured that the crew members have trust in the Soyuz rocket, which will carry them to the ISS. «We feel very confident in Roscosmos and the investigation that was conducted, and the independent investigation by NASA», she said, adding that the crew is ready to go. Answering a question on the possibility of procreation in space, Oleg Kononenko explained that so far all experiments with birds and mice still had resulted in difficulties. NASA's McClain added that «if it is going to become a two-planet species, then someday we'll have to take a look at that.» The trio will take off on the Soyuz MS-11 spacecraft from Kazakhstan's Baikonour Cosmodrome on December 3. This is the first manned mission since the Soyuz failure on October 11. France: 'Yellow Vests' capture and kick police officer before releasing him 2018-12-02 18:33 A group of angered 'Yellow Vests' protesters overpowered a police officer in Paris on Saturday, forcing him to the ground and kicking him before he was let go. 'Yellow Vests' protests have seen violence on both sides with over 110 people left injured, 20 of which are reportedly members of the security forces. The demonstrations, which began earlier in the month, were initially called in response to French President Emmanuel Macron's announcement of fuel tax hikes but have since evolved into an expression of general anger at high costs of living, poverty and inequality in France. Italy: Village sparks outrage with turnstiles and €5 entrance fee 2018-12-02 18:55 Reporter (Italian): «On the other side, why do you think it is right?» Visitor (Italian): «Because it is a service that the city offers and to pay for something that you enjoy can be a way to encourage the administration to continue organising these things» The clifftop village of Polignano a Mare in southern Italy has sparked outrage by charging visitors €5 (£4.40; $5.66) to enter. Footage filmed on Saturday shows the turnstiles through which tourists are now forced to pass in order to reach the cobbled heart of the village and the holiday decorations and stalls which line the streets within. Some visitors criticised the costs saying that the price is too high, particularly for families who aren't based in the area. The ticket price also includes a rotating selection of goods from a variety of local businesses, including coffee, pastries and wine. Although locals aren't charged under the system some of them also aren't pleased with it, with one man commenting that «it is not right for us residents, that we have to show documents to enter each time.» The ticket system is set to run for the entire Christmas period up until the Christian holiday Epiphany on January 6. Argentina: China's Xi meets with Macri as G20 summit wraps up 2018-12-02 19:50 Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Argentinian President Mauricio Macri in Buenos Aires on Saturday, after the close of the G20 summit. Xi Jinping and the Chinese First Lady Peng Liyuan attended a reception ceremony hosted by the Argentine president and his wife Juliana Awada. The G20 summit that kicked off Friday, November 30 and concluded on Saturday, December 1, focused on world trade and was the first-ever G20 summit to be hosted in South America. Bahrain: US navy chief Scott Stearney found dead in Bahrain ARCHIVE 2018-12-02 20:26 Vice Admiral Scott Stearney, who oversaw US Navy operations in the Middle East, was found dead in what defence officials have described as «an apparent suicide» in his Bahrain residence on Saturday. The Naval Criminal Investigative Service and the Bahraini Interior Ministry of Interior are presently investigating the death. However, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral John Richardson said that «no foul play is suspected.» Deputy Commander of the Fifth Fleet Rear Admiral Paul Schlise has assumed command. Stearney took up the post of US Naval Forces Central Command and the US Fifth Fleet in May, which he occupied until his death. The archive footage shows a change of command ceremony for US Naval Forces Central Command and the Fifth Fleet in Manama, during which Vice Admiral John Aquilino turned over command to Stearney. MANDATORY CREDIT: US NAVY 5TH FLEET Belgium: Thousands join Brussels climate march ahead of COP24 2018-12-02 20:54 Thousands of campaigners flocked to the streets of Brussels on Sunday to demand immediate action on climate change. According to local police, over 65,000 protesters took to the streets of the Belgian capital. They carried banners reading 'There is no planet B' while chanting slogans such as: 'We are hotter than the climate.' For one activist, Brieuc Wathelet, the government needs to act on climate change and to apply «measures that would allow the earth temperature to fall by 1.5 degrees Celsius.» Members of several climate change NGO’s and associations took part in the protest which fell on the eve of the 'COP24' United Nations Climate summit held in the Polish coal city of Katowice. Fury in a sing-a-long mood after shock draw with Wilder 2018-12-02 21:05 Despite a contentious split decision in his WBC Heavyweight Championship bout against reigning champion Deontay Wilder at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, Tyson Fury was clearly in a jovial mood at his press conference on Saturday night. Fury stood up to belt out a rendition of Don McLean's 1971 hit single 'American Pie', accompanied by his trainer Ben Davison, and called on the gathered reporters to join in. Although the Gypsy King won most of the rounds, the Bronze Bomber knocked Fury down twice. Both fighters were unable to explain how the Brit got back up from the canvas in the 12th. Fury claimed that he should have been declared the winner on points while Wilder complained that the referee started the count late when the Mancunian was on the floor after being knocked down. Both fighters leave undefeated while Wilder retains the heavyweight world champion title. The contentious decision leaves a second bout between Wilder and Fury highly likely, although no further details were unveiled. Criticism of judge Alejandro Rochin's scoring has been widespread, with many spectators and pundits questioning how he could award rounds 2, 3 and 4 to Wilder. Scores Alejandro Rochin: Fury 111 — 115 Wilder Robert Tapper: Fury 114 — 110 Wilder Phil Edwards: Fury 113-113 Wilder International waters: Maltese coast guard takes 11 migrants rescued by trawler 2018-12-02 22:10 11 migrants rescued by a Spanish trawler last week have been handed over to the Maltese coast guard on Sunday, as footage filmed off the island of Malta in the Mediterranean shows. Earlier in the day, the Spanish government said that the trawler 'Nuestra Senora de Loreto' had secured permission to dock in Malta, after being stranded at sea for a week. Malta had previously refused to accept the trawler, claiming that it had rescued the migrants in Libyan waters. 12 migrants were saved by the Spanish boat last week, with one reportedly evacuated on Friday due health reasons. Mandatory credit: Proactiva Open Arms Georgia: Thousands protest against presidential election results in Tbilisi 2018-12-02 23:15 Thousands of people rallied in Tbilisi on Sunday, denouncing the result of what they believe to be the «rigged» presidential election and calling for snap parliamentary elections. Supporters of the defeated candidate Grigol Vashadze gathered at 15:30 local time (20:30 GMT) in front of the Georgian Parliament on Rustaveli Avenue. Vashadze, who attended the rally, called the election results illegitimate, stating that opposition parties would challenge the outcome of the election in court. «If a full mobilisation is needed, we will declare it. We do not consider these elections valid, we do not recognise their results,» said Vashadze. Georgian former President and founder of the main opposition party 'United National Movement', Mikheil Saakashvili, addressed the crowd via a video call, heralding their future political victory. Salome Zurabishvili, backed by the ruling Georgian Dream party, won more than 59.52 percent of the vote in the second round of Georgia's presidential election while her contender Vashadze secured 40.48 percent of the vote. The French-born Zurabishvili is set to become the country's first female president. The runoff vote was needed after no candidate emerged as a majority winner in the first round on October 28, with Zurabishvili gathering 38.64 percent of the vote against Vashadze's 37.74 percent. Argentina: Putin ‘personally’ explained Russia's view on Kerch Strait incident to Macron and Merkel — Lavrov 2018-12-03 00:44 Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): No, of course, I was not chasing him. He didn't address me. To be honest, I even don't know whether he was here or not because I haven't seen the US delegation as a whole. US National Security Adviser John Bolton addressed the Russian President's aide on foreign policy and confirmed that they would like to restart and normalize the dialogue. We are ready for it once our colleagues feel ready.» *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov commented on the positive outcomes of the two-day G20 Summit and the hot-button issues raised by Russia at the gathering of the major economies while giving an interview with the program 'Moscow. The Kremlin. Putin' from Buenos Aires on Sunday. Speaking about current US-Russian relations, Lavrov said that «US National Security Adviser John Bolton addressed the Russian President's aide on foreign policy and confirmed that they would like to restart and normalize the dialogue. We are ready for it once our colleagues feel ready.» Lavrov also commented on the recent Kerch Strait incident, and said that Russian President Vladimir Putin «personally» explained the Russian view on the situation and how the events unfolded to French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Speaking about Russia's agenda at G20, Lavrov mentioned counter-terrorism efforts, and said that Russia «vigorously» pushed forward its project, which aims to build a data bank to save and share data about international terrorists and their movements around the world. «It aroused keen interest,» he concluded. Mandatory credit: Rossiya 1 Argentina: China and Argentina strengthen ties with new trade deals 2018-12-03 01:40 Argentine President Mauricio Macri praised his country's economic ties to China while speaking alongside his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in Buenos Aires on Sunday. The two Presidents gave statements after their ministers signed over 30 new deals involved in agriculture and investment between the two nations. «I am convinced more every day that when China’s development is greater, when China goes forward it benefits even more Argentina and the people of Argentina, the region and the world,» Macri said. Xi Jinping's visit came after the G20 summit was wrapping up in the Argentine Capital. Mandatory credit: Casa Rosada Mexico: Thousands march against new leftist president AMLO in Mexico City 2018-12-03 02:04 Thousands of demonstrators marched through the streets of Mexico City on Sunday, protesting against the new president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), who was sworn in on Saturday. The demonstrators held various banners and chanted slogans, criticising AMLO's decision to cancel the construction of a new airport in Mexico City, which had partially been built with billions already invested. They also protested against public 'consultations' that AMLO had made to implement his government actions as well as against the visit of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. «I've come here because I do not totally agree with the promises that AMLO is making, also what I've seen during this three-month transition period has been terrible,» said one of the protesters. She also claimed that AMLO is not able «to make decisions, he is not trained, he is a very arrogant person and very ignorant in the matters of economy.» «I have realized through the policies and decisions that President Lopez has taken during the transitional period that I do not agree with them,» noted another demonstrator. AMLO took office on December 1 after a five-month transition between his election and inauguration. |
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