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USA: Florence smashes through Topsail Beach with floods, winds

USA: Florence smashes through Topsail Beach with floods, winds
2018-09-16 06:10
Flash floods and strong winds caused by Hurricane Florence have battered cities on the US east coast as footage from Topsail Beach in North Carolina shows on Saturday. Structures have been toppled and cars have been left overturned or trapped in floods as heavy rain and wind keep pounding the coastal town. At least 12 people have died in hurricane-related incidents, as the category one storm leaves behind a trail of mess and destruction.

«Специальный репортаж»: Дома вкуснее
2018-09-16 06:15
Если про кавказский шашлык, дагестанский коньяк и карачаевский айран в России десятилетиями слагают легенды, то о других уникальных региональных продуктах народная молва почему-то молчит. И зря!

Russia: 1 killed as SUV crashes into local Repino supermarket
2018-09-16 06:18
An off-road vehicle crashed into a local supermarket in Repino, Saint Petersburg, on Saturday. The footage captures the first moments after the accident. The 68-year-old SUV driver lost control of the car, hitting several cars on a parking lot and a 79-year-old woman who was passing by and eventually crashed into the supermarket. The woman has reportedly died.

Второй тур выборов губернатора Приморья начался при более высокой явке избирателей
2018-09-16 06:34
За первые два часа на досрочных выборах губернатора Приморья проголосовали 5,08 % избирателей; это чуть выше, чем в единый день голосования 9 сентября. Второй тур проходит без видеонаблюдения на избирательных участках.

Сирия: в Идлиб привезли хлор, в Ракке свирепствует холера
2018-09-16 06:36
Боевики привезли в населенный пункт Басанкуль, расположенный в сирийской провинции Идлиб, несколько емкостей с хлором, готовится провокация с применением химического оружия, сообщил глава российского Центра по примирению враждующих сторон в Сирии генерал-лейтенант Владимир Савченко.

Международный конкурс теноров фонда Елены Образцовой. Итоги
2018-09-16 06:43
Международный конкурс теноров фонда Елены Образцовой завершился в Москве. Турнир певцов носил название «Хосе Каррерас Гран-при», и знаменитый испанец был председателем жюри, в составе которого были и другие мировые оперные звезды. Гран-при конкурса присудили Андрею Данилову.

Competitors puff their way to glory in Germany's slow pipe smoking contest
2018-09-16 07:10
Germany's national slow pipe smoking championship took place in the Brandenburg town of Wriezen on Saturday, with more a hundred competitors — 70 men and 30 women — from 11 different clubs partaking in this year's edition. The competition requires pipe smokers to get three grams of tobacco, two matches and a wooden pusher in addition to new unused pipes of the same make. Everyone then tries to smoke the tobacco for the longest time possible. Five-time champion Nils Nestler won the competition this year smoking for a good one hour and 45 minutes. The world record is three hours and 33 minutes.

Как война фейков повлияла на выборы в Швеции
2018-09-16 07:42
В Швеции прошли выборы, результаты которых стали неожиданными. Правящие социал-демократы получили лишь 40% голосов, и столько же набрали правоцентристы, а 18% и третье место получили ультраправые «Шведские демократы». Эксперты говорят, что количество фальшивок накануне голосования было рекордным.

Вести-Калуга. События недели. Эфир от 16.09.2018
2018-09-16 08:45
Прививка - откладывается: почему вакцина от полиомиелита стала дефицитом и когда препарат появится в регионе? Ищут где лучше: фермеры из ЮАР приглядываются к калужским нивам. Голубое топливо – в кредит: в региональном правительстве предлагают предоставлять калужанам льготные условия на подключение газа. Спортсмены бойцовских клубов Калуги взяли под контроль дворовые тренажёры: от кого защищают городской инвентарь? Второй после Дня Победы: 75 годовщину освобождения от немецко-фашистских захватчиков жители области встречают на безымянной высоте. Ароматный день рождения: какие цветы любила Наталья Гончарова и что предложили флористы гостям Натальиного дня?

«Оно вам надо?»: ураган «Флоренс», «дело Скрипалей» и божественная трагедия
2018-09-16 09:57
Улетай, туча! Как чудовищный ураган Флоренс, залетев в США, превратился в обычный тропический шторм. Ой, Вань, смотри, какие клоуны! Кремль ищет новые формы общения с миром. Зачем украинский президент отбирает у русской православной церкви 12 с половиной тысяч приходов.

Philippines: Typhoon Mangkut leaves trail of destruction
2018-09-16 10:06
Communities are counting the cost of Typhoon Mangkhut, locally known as Ompong, after it tore though northern Philippines. Blocked roads, collapsed roofs and flooding caused havoc to Aparri in the northern Cagayan province on Sunday. Residents were forced to flee to evacuation centres in winds of up 185km/h (115mph). At least 25 people have died in the strongest storm to hit the country in 2018. The typhoon made landfall at Baggao, in the north-east of the main island of Luzon, at about 01:40 local time on Saturday (17:40 GMT on Friday). It is now headed towards southern China.

«Их там есть»: российская риторика отрицания по «делу Скрипалей»
2018-09-16 10:12
«Мы в таких непонятках». Ксения Туркова — о том, как интервью Петрова и Боширова вывело российскую риторику отрицания на новый уровень.

Yemen: Saudi-led coalition forces make advances on Hodeidah highway
2018-09-16 10:21
Saudi-led coalition forces have reportedly taken control of strategic parts of the Kilo 16 highway between Hodeidah and Yemeni capital Sana'a on Saturday. Footage shows foot soldiers and tanks progressing on the road which leads to Houthi-controlled Hodeidah. According to Yemeni Giant's Brigade forces, advances on Kilo 16 have come after they seized control of Kilo 7 and 10 in the past two days, closing in on the city's Arc de Triomphe landmark. Clashes have been ongoing since UN-mediated peace talks in Geneva collapsed earlier this month, due to the absence of the Houthi delegation.

Новоазовская защита: в ДНР готовятся к нападению украинской армии
2018-09-16 10:32
Поселок в Новоазовском районе на юге Донецкой народной республики живет под постоянными обстрелами. Украинские солдаты атакуют его каждую неделю. Мы расскажем вам о том, как здесь живут люди и как ополченцы защищают свой поселок.

Вести. Эфир от 16.09.2018 (11:00)
2018-09-16 11:25
Идеальная синхронность, сложные перестроения – блестящая победа наших гимнасток в групповых упражнениях. В Приморье – второй тур выборов губернатора. Число жертв урагана «Флоренс» в США достигло 13 человек. Супертайфун «Мангхут» парализовал Гонконг.

Germany: Hambach forest sit-in stands firm as clearing op enters 4th day
2018-09-16 11:38
Police officers continued a clearing operation in Hambach Forest in the early hours of Sunday, as protesters stood their ground against treehouse settlements evictions. Dozens of activists were reportedly arrested on Saturday. Police started evacuating environmental activists from forest settlements on September 13. Hambach is currently home to dozens of activists who live in some 60 treehouses. The occupation began in 2012, when a group of activists decided to dwell in the forest to fight against the expansion of energy company RWE's open-pit coal mine, which is one of the largest in Europe. RWE plans to start felling half of the forest's remaining 200 hectares in October.

Вести-Рязань. Эфир от 16.09.2018 (11:20)
2018-09-16 12:01

Британия не сможет ввести новые санкции против России
2018-09-16 12:22
Великобритания не сможет до выхода из Евросоюза применить санкции в отношении России из-за покушения на бывшего офицера ГРУ Сергея Скрипаля и его дочь. Об этом заявил министр безопасности Великобритании Бен Уоллес. По данным The Telegraph, Уоллес сообщил, что принятую в мае так называемую "поправку Магнитского", как и сам британский закон о санкциях, нельзя применить до Брекзита. Новый закон позволит Лондону создать отдельный от Евросоюза механизм введения ограничений, который будет функционировать после выхода страны из ЕС.

«Москва и мир»: Выход Британии из ЕС и шторм «Флоренс»
2018-09-16 12:24
Повторный референдум по вопросу членства Великобритании в Евросоюзе требует провести мэр Лондона. Садик Хан пояснил, что непродуманное решение может плохо сказаться на экономике. И подчеркнул, что финальное слово должны сказать простые жители — может, они и вовсе не хотят «Брексита». Определиться с договором о выходе из ЕС нужно до конца октября. Около миллиона жителей штатов Северная и Южная Каролина остаются без электричества из-за шторма «Флоренс». Тех, кто не успел покинуть дома до удара стихии, сейчас вывозят на лодках во временные убежища. Общей паникой решили воспользоваться преступники: сообщается об аресте пяти мародеров. «Флоренс» обрушился на атлантическое побережье США еще в пятницу и постепенно начал ослабевать. Сейчас опасность от ветра значительно снизилась, он не превышает 75 километров в час. Поэтому ураган понизили до шторма. В то же время по-прежнему сохраняется угроза серьезных наводнений.

Мэр Москвы рассказал, чем нынешние выборы отличаются от предыдущих
2018-09-16 13:17
Москва сдала экзамен, но продолжит развиваться. В планах — завершение строительства транспортного каркаса, благоустройство города и модернизация здравоохранения. О том, чем эти выборы отличались от предыдущих, уникальном голосе «Зарядья» и главной фишке прошедшего Дня города рассказал мэр столицы Сергей Собянин.

В Петербурге проходит митинг против пенсионной реформы
2018-09-16 13:35
Изначально активисты планировали собраться на площади Ленина, но городские власти место проведения не согласовали.

Парки и тренажеры рядом с домом: о чем болит душа у москвича
2018-09-16 13:38
Москва будет развиваться по-новому. Центры притяжения, которые раньше были сконцентрированы в пределах Садового кольца, начнут появляться в каждом районе. Парки, спортивные комплексы, театры и музеи — в шаговой доступности во всех столичных округах. Такова главная идея Интернет-проекта «Мой район».

Daily Mail рассказала об отрыве Боширова и Петрова с проституткой и «травкой»
2018-09-16 13:56
Александр Петров и Руслан Боширов, которых Великобритания подозревает в отравлении Скрипалей, провели ночь в отеле с проституткой. По словам постоятельцев отеля, из их номера чувствовался запах канабиса и раздавались «громкие звуки интимной близости».

Кто и зачем блокирует интернет в Таджикистане
2018-09-16 14:16
В Таджикистане регулярно блокируется доступ к зарубежным и местным вебсайтам и социальным сетям. Сейчас, например, заблокированы один из самых популярных новостных порталов страны «Азия-плюс», ютуб и социальная сеть фейсбук.

В Москве задерживают противников пенсионной реформы
2018-09-16 14:20
В полицию попали не менее 10 участников, так называемого, «бессрочного протеста».

Наблюдатели зафиксировали у ДНР более 20 систем залпового огня «Град»
2018-09-16 15:34
Об этом говорится в отчете мониторинговой миссии ОБСЕ в Донбассе. «Грады» находятся на территории, не предусмотренной для хранения вооружения.

В Петербурге на акции протеста распылили слезоточивый газ
2018-09-16 16:20
Изначально митингующие планировали собраться на площади Ленина, но городские власти место проведения акции не согласовали "из-за угрозы безопасности". Несмотря на это, несколько сотен человек все равно пришли на митинг. Вскоре акция переросла в шествие.

Germany: Pussy Riot member receives treatment in Berlin hospital — reports
2018-09-16 16:41
Pussy Riot activist Pyotr Verzilov reportedly arrived at the department of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology in Berlin's Charite hospital on Sunday, to receive treatment following what activists claim was a suspected poisoning. A fellow member of the Russian protest punk rock group allegedly said that Verzilov has been doing better since his arrival. Anti-Kremlin activist Verzilov was reportedly flown from Russia to Berlin on Saturday. The World Cup final between France and Croatia at Moscow's Luzhniki Stadium on July 15 was briefly stopped as the activists invaded the pitch dressed in police uniforms. According to the Pussy Riot Facebook page, the protest's demands were the release of political prisoners, to stop of illegal arrests at political rallies, to stop detaining people for no reason and to allow political competition in the country.

Germany: 'Hambi stays!' — Hambach forest demo persists amid police clearance
2018-09-16 17:08
German police officers continued a clearing operation in Hambach Forest on Sunday, as protesters stood their ground against treehouse settlement evictions. Dozens of activists were reportedly arrested on Saturday. Police started evacuating environmental activists from forest settlements on September 13. Hambach is currently home to dozens of activists who live in some 60 treehouses. The occupation began in 2012, when a group of activists decided to dwell in the forest to fight against the expansion of energy company RWE's open-pit coal mine, which is one of the largest in Europe. RWE, who owns Hambach and is legally allowed to cut down trees to access coal, plans to start felling half of the forest's remaining 200 hectares in October.

Russia: Tanks breach river during Vostok 2018 exercises
2018-09-16 17:24
Footage released on Sunday shows Russian military vehicles cut across the Onon river near the Village of Tsugol, Zabaykalsky region, as part of the Vostok-2018 drills. A total of 115 Russian and Chinese military vehicles are reported to be involved in the exercise. The Vostok-2018 drills are being held from 11-17 September, in the Far East of Russia. According to the Ministry of Defence, around 300,000 troops, 1,000 aircraft, 36,000 armoured vehicles and 80 vessels will take part in the biggest war games since the Soviet era.

Скотланд-ярд ищет новых подозреваемых по «делу Скрипалей»
2018-09-16 17:26
По данным СМИ, в деле об отравлении в Солсбери есть еще два фигуранта.

Лондон обвинил Боширова и Петрова в издевательстве
2018-09-16 18:14
Александр Петров и Руслан Боширов сегодня в списке самых разыскиваемых людей в мире. Лондон утверждает, что это они отравили Сергея Скрипаля и его дочь Юлию.

Hong Kong: At least 100 injured as Typhoon Mangkut hits Hong Kong
2018-09-16 18:15
Typhoon Mangkut thrashed Hong Kong on Sunday, reportedly injuring at least 100 people. Footage shows trees bending over in the torrential rain and strong winds, whilst in other areas debris and glass lay scattered on the streets beneath wreaked buildings. The storm reached a speed of around 160kmh (100mph) before it began to calm. Intense rainfall is still reportedly still ongoing. Before striking Hong Kong, the storm hit the Philippines, reportedly killing at least 64 people.

State of Palestine: Palestinian teen shot after alleged stabbing attack in West Bank
2018-09-16 18:47
A Palestinian teenager was reportedly shot and injured by an Israeli civilian near the settlement of Gush Etzion in the occupied West Bank on Sunday, after the teen allegedly carried out a stabbing attack against two Israeli settlers. Seventeen-year old Khalil Yusef Ali Jabarin reportedly stabbed two Israeli settlers at a shopping mall at the Gush Etzion Junction, before being shot by an armed Israeli civilian, according to the Israeli Defence Forces. One settler later died of his injuries at Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Centre. Footage shows Israeli military patrolling the area of the alleged stabbing. According to local media, IDF forces also raided Jabarin`s hometown of Yatta, in the southern West Bank district of Hebron.

UK: Hundreds protest against anti-Semitism in Labour Party
2018-09-16 19:05
Several hundred protesters gathered in Cathedral Gardens in central Manchester on Sunday, to demonstrate against anti-Semitism, specifically within the Labour Party. Groups including the Jewish Voice for Labour called protesters to rally in the wake of allegations of anti-Semitism within Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party, which has led to the investigation of party members and calls for Corbyn's resignation. Rabbi Jonathan Guttentag explained that protesters want to voice their concerns of anti-Semitism in a mainstream party and that members of the Jewish community are feeling a sense of «anxiety» over the issue. One protester explained that she wanted to show her support for the demonstration because she is concerned about the future of the country. «The current undercurrent of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel feeling is making me feel really upset and really quite angry. And I am really quite scared for my children and my grandchildren», she said.

Netherlands: Huge plumes of smoke rise from blazing church
2018-09-16 19:22
Huge plumes of smoke were seen billowing from St. Urbanus Church in Amstelveen's Sint-Urbanuskerk on Saturday evening, as firefighters worked to contain a huge blaze. Two families that live near the church were forced to leave their homes and residents living in the near vicinity have been advised to keep their windows and doors shut. The St. Urbanus Church is located in the Bovenkerk district. The church has recently been restored.

USA: Search and rescue underway in Florence-hit Wilmington
2018-09-16 19:54
Ryan Nichols, Retired US Marine: «We had a call and just came back here to make sure you are ok, don't want to get out or anything?» Local: «No, We are good, I appreciate it.» Ryan Nichols, Retired US Marine: «Sounds good, thank you!» Local: «Thank you, buddy!» Ryan Nichols, Retired US Marine: «That's far! Right there, I don't know what they are doing!» Camera person: «They are trying to get out and can't find a way out!» Ryan Nichols, Retired US Marine: «They can't find a way out, there's no way out right here.» A search and rescue party headed out in Wilmington in North Carolina on Sunday, searching for stranded civilians caught out by flash floods that were brought on by Hurricane Florence. Retired US Marine Ryan Nichols was seen making his way through floodwaters as he checked on locals and searched for people in distress. At least 12 people have died in hurricane-related incidents, as the category one storm leaves behind a trail of destruction.

Syria: Syrians cast vote in first local elections since 2011
2018-09-16 20:21
Syrian citizens voted in the country's first local elections in seven years on Sunday, when polling stations opened for the election of the Local Administration Councils. Footage from Damascus shows citizens casting their vote in the country's first local elections since 2011. Polling stations opened at 07:00 local time (04:00 GMT) on Sunday and will close at 19:00 local time (16:00 GMT). More than 40,000 candidates are competing for 18,478 seats across all of the country's provinces, Syria's official SANA news agency reported.

Вести недели. Эфир от 16.09.2018. ВЭФ: рецепты сотрудничества и добрососедства
2018-09-16 20:25
Высокая политическая кухня российско-китайских переговоров. Рецепт взаимовыгодного сотрудничества — от Владимира Путина и Си Цзиньпина, которые только за последние четыре месяца встречаются уже в четвертый раз, — максимальное доверие.

Вести недели. Эфир от 16.09.2018. Как Ливию уничтожили ради демократиии
2018-09-16 20:40
Семь лет назад западная коалиция, поддержанная США, но силами авиации Франции и Англии добила Социалистическую Народную Ливийскую Арабскую Джамахирию. Процветавшую страну с самым быстрым ростом ВВП в странах арабского Магриба уничтожили.

Вести недели. Эфир от 16.09.2018. Книгу о Трампе по успешности сравнивают с «Гарри Поттером»
2018-09-16 20:45
В США американская демократия являет чудеса. Книга с претензией на документальность о закулисье Белого дома вышла в лидеры продаж и вновь заставила людей читать. Мишень — президент Трамп.

China: Roof lifts off as Typhoon Mangkhut thrashes Guangzhou
2018-09-16 20:48
The roof of a building in China's southern port city of Guangzhou launched into the air on Sunday, as Typhoon Mangkut made landfall on mainland China. Heavy rains combined with strong winds bent trees to the ground, posing threat to vehicles parked under them. The extreme weather conditions even swept away a street market. The typhoon has injured at least 100 people in nearby Hong Kong, according to reports. Before striking China, the storm hit the Philippines, reportedly killing at least 64 people.

Russia: NBC Protection forces participate in Vostok-2018 drills
2018-09-16 21:01
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces took part in the Vostok-2018 drills in the Far East of Russian on Sunday. NBC Protection units carried out an exercise of cleansing armoured vehicles from educational toxic agents. The Vostok-2018 drills are being held from 11-17 September, in the Far East of Russia. According to the Ministry of Defence, around 300,000 troops, 1,000 aircraft, 36,000 armoured vehicles and 80 vessels will take part in the biggest war games since the Soviet era.

Libya: Dozens of protesters call for President to step aside
2018-09-16 21:28
Dozens of protesters gathered in Algeria Square in Tripoli on Sunday, calling for improved living conditions and demanding the President and several government officials step down. Demonstrators carried banners and chanted slogans in protest against deteriorating living conditions as they called on members of the Presidential Council and State Council to leave their posts.

Вести недели. Эфир от 16.09.2018. Пауза закончилась: немецкие политики готовы вцепиться друг в друга
2018-09-16 21:32
Миграционный кризис превращает некогда дружные страны внутри ЕС во врагов. И политический сезон в Европе обещает быть очень интересным.

Hong Kong: Driver narrowly avoids fallen tree as typhoon rages on
2018-09-16 21:59
A lone man was seen single-handedly dragging a gigantic branch from his path and driving away from a tree that was torn down by the strong winds of Typhoon Mangkhut in Hong Kong on Sunday. Trees were snapped in half while violent storm surges flooded in from the coast. In other areas, trees were pushed to and fro in the torrential rain and strong winds as voices were heard screaming. Over 200 have reportedly been injured in Hong Kong and have sought medical treatment at public hospitals. The storm reached a speed of around 160kmh (100mph) before it began to calm. Intense rainfall is still reportedly ongoing. Before striking Hong Kong, the storm passed through the Philippines, reportedly killing at least 64 people. It has now reached China’s mainland.

Germany: Thousands march in Cologne in solidarity with refugees
2018-09-16 22:41
Thousands of people marched in solidarity with refugees in Cologne on Sunday. Demonstrators marched from Cologne's Cathedral to Heumarkt square, where a rally took place. The demonstration was organised by the Cityofhope Cologne organisation, under the title «Köln zeigt Haltung! Demo und Kundgebung (Cologne shows attitude! Demonstration and rally).»

Serbia: PM Brnabic attends LGBT parade amid protests
2018-09-16 23:22
Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, who is the first openly gay person to occupy the position, took part in Belgrade's LGBTQ Pride parade on Sunday, along with hundreds of participants. Several political figures attended the parade including Belgrade Mayor Zoran Radojicic, Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-government Branko Ruzic, Minister of Labour and Social Policy Zoran Djordjevic and a number of foreign embassy members. A small group of counter protesters held their own demonstration at the same time as the main parade. Standing behind a row of police, the protesters held religious icons and banners to «protest against the parade of shame». No incidents were reported to have happened between the two groups.

«Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Георгий Мартынюк
2018-09-16 23:50
В начале 1980-х годов Георгий Мартынюк находился в зените своей славы. Он отправляется на гастроли вместе со своим родным Театром на Малой Бронной. Однажды его коллега Иван Шабалтас случайно застал артиста в тамбуре поезда почти плачущим. Почему Георгий Мартынюк не смог сдержать слез? Об отчаянии актера и тяжелом испытании славой рассказали его друзья, коллеги и близкие в программе «Раскрывая тайны звезд».

Germany: Military vehicles shipped to Norway ahead of NATO exercise
2018-09-17 00:00
Loading of special military vehicles started today in the northern German port of Emden, in preparation for an upcoming NATO exercise. Footage shows a 'Boxer' armoured fighting vehicle being loaded onto a ferry in the port of Emden. More than 40,000 troops and equipment from more than 30 NATO and partner countries will be coming to Norway for the «Trident Juncture» exercise between October and November.

Germany: Merkel, Kurz support 'outer border protection' to tackle migration
2018-09-17 00:08
German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed her Austrian colleague Sebastian Kurz for a one-on-one meeting before the informal Salzburg summit next week in Berlin on Sunday. Both leaders welcomed the new proposals of the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker regarding the question of how to deal with migration, which Merkel called the «care of the outer border protection.» Merkel and Kurz also agreed on avoiding hard Brexit, which is thought to be one of the most important topics to be discussed between the two during the informal summit.

France: 'Macron isn't marching forward, he's crawling' — Le Pen launches EP election campaign
2018-09-17 00:14
Front National leader Marine Le Pen slammed French President Emmanuel Macron for his governance as president during her campaign launch for the 2019 European Parliament election in the French town of Frejus on Sunday. «It's increasingly obvious that Macron isn't solving problems, he's buying time. He doesn't have a grand vision, he's feeling his way. He's not marching forward, he's crawling», she said. Le Pen stated that according to the latest Odexa polls, Front National is running «neck and neck» with Macron's leading party La Republique en Marche! «Today, we're no longer the marginalised ones. They are. It's Mrs. Merkel who is losing more power every day. It's the stumbling Mr. Juncker. And it's Emmanuel Macron, the tightrope-walking president, who's walking over the void. It's [Alexis] Tsipras, [Jean-Luc] Melenchon's ally, who's lying down, and our friend [Matteo] Salvini who's standing up!», she said. The next European Parliament election is expected to take place on May 23-26, 2019.

Germany: Far-right protesters march against immigration in Koethen
2018-09-17 00:52
About 1,400 protesters from far-right groups gathered in Koethen to protest against immigration on Sunday. The protest was organised by the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) and anti-Islam group Pegida and was triggered by the death of a 22-year old man last week, who died of a heart attack after he was hit in the face trying to intervene in a dispute between several men from Afghanistan. Protesters carried signs reading 'We are Chemnitz, we don't want knife-men' and 'Draw borders', as seen in footage filmed on Sunday. A counter-protest organised by several left-wing groups also took place, which attracted about 700 participants. Both protests ended without any major incidents.

На губернских выборах в Приморье лидирует Андрей Тарасенко
2018-09-17 01:08
В Приморье прошел второй тур губернаторских выборов. По данным, которые были известны к полуночи по московскому времени, обработаны 99 процентов бюллетеней.

Очевидцы: в ресторане в Солсбери пострадали русские
2018-09-17 01:11
Двое посетителей, пострадавших в ресторане в английском Солсбери, предположительно, являются русскими. Об этом сообщило издание Daily Mail, ссылаясь на очевидцев.

4 шага к отказу от доллара
2018-09-17 01:16
Больше полувека американский доллар сохраняет за собой статус главной резервной валюты мира. Большинство международных торговых контрактов заключается в этой валюте. Но все чаще звучат голоса, что неплохо бы иметь альтернативу: евро, юань или рубль.

Mexico: Mexico celebrates Independence Day with extravagant military parade
2018-09-17 01:37
Mexico celebrated its yearly Independence Day Parade in Mexico City on Sunday. Members of Mexico's armed forces and police marched in the parade, which was attended by Mexican President Enrique Nieto. Mexico's Independence Day falls on the 16th of September every year, and commemorates the «Cry of Dolores» in 1810, when a priest and political leader in the small Mexican town of Dolores made a speech against Spanish colonisation and triggered the beginnings of the Mexican War of Independence.

UK: Police seal off Salisbury restaurant following 'medical incident'
2018-09-17 01:54
Police cordoned off a restaurant in Salisbury on Sunday, after two people reportedly fell ill on site. An investigation into the cause of the incident is underway in Salisbury, which has been on high alert since the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia by a nerve agent on March 4.

US: Watch dramatic rescue of trapped dogs in Florence-hit North Carolina
2018-09-17 02:17
A man was filmed rescuing dogs that were trapped in a flooded kennel in the town of Leland in storm-hit North Carolina. The man waded through storm waters to rescue the howling dogs, who he then were helped to dry land and provided with food. Despite being downgraded from a hurricane to a tropical depression, Florence has claimed the lives of 11 people so far and caused mass evacuations.

Russia: Locals grapple with deluge as floods rip through Sochi
2018-09-17 02:28
Sochi's streets were submerged beneath floodwaters on Sunday, following a heavy downpour of rain. Cascades of water were seen rushing down the streets as residents attempted to navigate their way across clearer patches of land. There are no plans yet to evacuate of civilians. According to EMERCOM, severe weather conditions are anticipated in the near future.

Brazil: Bolsonaro supporters rally outside hospital in Sao Paulo
2018-09-17 03:55
Supporters of the stabbed far-right presidential front-runner Jair Bolsonaro gathered outside his hospital in the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo with messages of support and even a giant hot air balloon depicting him sporting a grin and the V-sign. Bolsonaro, the far-right candidate for Brazil's Social Liberal Party, was attacked by a man with a knife at a rally in the city of Juiz de Fora on September 6 and suffered serious damage to his liver. Bolsonaro's son Eduardo, greeted supporters at the rally and thanked them for their support, saying: «Jair Bolsonaro is recovering well, you may have seen today that he took a walk in the ICU again, but he is still in the ICU. We ask the you continue praying.» Since the knife attack, polls show Bolsonaro's popularity has increased by two percentage points.

Haiti: New cabinet announcement fuels riots in Port-au-Prince
2018-09-17 04:06
A protest in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince turned violent on Sunday, following the ratification of Jean Henry Ceant as Prime Minister. Protesters set tyres alight, tore down fences and threw rocks at buildings in the streets of Port-au-Prince. They were protesting corruption and what they call empty promises from the new Prime Minister. The riot comes after months of civil unrest following an announcement from previous Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant that fuel prices would increase by up to 51%. Ceant, who was once a twice-unsuccessful presidential nominee, was approved by lawmakers as Prime Minister after a gruelling 15-hour parliamentary session.

USA: Civilians rescue trapped residents from flooded NC town
2018-09-17 04:58
Footage shows civilians carrying out rescue efforts in the town of Leland in Florence-ravaged North Carolina. Two men were filmed helping three elderly residents into a boat and paddling them to safety. Eighteen people have been killed as a result of the tropical depression Florence so far and hundreds remain trapped.

USA: Families, furry friends stay high and dry in flooded Leland
2018-09-17 05:53
Civilians have been filmed rescuing families and their pets in Leland, North Carolina on Sunday. Footage shows families bringing their furry friends with them onto a rescue boat. Florence, which was downgraded from a hurricane to a tropical depression, has still left much of North Carolina flooded, hundreds trapped and at least 16 people killed.

Министр иностранных дел Ирана обвинил Twitter в блокировке страниц иностранцев
2018-09-17 06:45
Американские социальные сети продолжают блокировать страницы, якобы связанные с Ираном. На этот раз — в Twitter.

USA: Farrakhan calls Florence 'judgement of God' against America
2018-09-17 06:54
The leader of the Nation of Islam has called the tropical depression Florence a punishment for 'America's sins' at an event in Washington DC commemorating the 23rd anniversary of the Million Man March. Farrakhan said that Florence, that has been wreaking havoc in North Carolina since last week, one of the four «judgements of God» that «nobody in America will escape.» Farrakhan also slammed US President Donald Trump, calling his presidency a «punishment» to the US for racial injustices.

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