США сократили прием беженцев из мусульманских стран
США сократили прием беженцев из мусульманских стран 2018-09-15 00:25 В минувший год администрация Трампа приняла рекордно низкое число беженцев за последние 40 лет. Сергей Лавров и Хайко Маас провели переговоры в Берлине 2018-09-15 01:27 В Берлине прошла церемония закрытия Перекрестного российско-германского года. Участие в ней приняли главы внешнеполитических ведомств двух стран — Сергей Лавров и Хайко Маас. Пол Манафорт признал себя виновным 2018-09-15 01:31 Бывший руководитель предвыборного штаба Дональда Трампа Пол Манафорт пошел на сделку со следствием. В суде он признал себя виновным в сговоре против США, а также в попытке воспрепятствовать правосудию. Валентина Матвиенко посетила премьеру китайской оперы «А зори здесь тихие» 2018-09-15 01:33 В театре Российской армии представили китайскую оперу «А зори здесь тихие». Сопровождал выступление Симфонический оркестр Мариинского театра. Необычная постановка была создана по заказу Национального центра исполнительских искусств КНР в честь 70-летия победы над фашизмом. Премьера состоялась три года назад в Пекине. Владимир Путин провел заседание Совета безопасности 2018-09-15 01:49 Среди тем были итоги Восточного экономического форума. Речь также шла о ситуации в Сирии, президент выразил обеспокоенность в связи с высокой концентрацией террористов и их растущей активностью в Идлибе. Украинские силовики обстреляли поселок Старомихайловка в ДНР 2018-09-15 01:50 В поселке повреждены 7 домов, люди не пострадали. В этом же районе замечены беспилотники ВСУ. В Донецке считают, что Киев намерен обострить обстановку. Chile: Solar plant in driest spot on planet pumps power round-the-clock 2018-09-15 04:05 The driest place on earth, the Atacama Desert in the Antofagasta Region in Chile, has been putting its high share of solar radiation to good use as it has become home to Cerro Dominador solar plant, the first of its kind in Latin America and one of the largest in the world, footage from Friday shows. Through the use of both photovoltaic (PV) panels and employing Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) thermal technologies, the plant is able to produce electricity for industrial purposes around-the-clock. Solar reflectors beam solar radiation to a central tower which in turns transforms the energy to heat, turning a salt-and-water mixture to 600 degrees Celsius (1112 degrees Fahrenheit) steam fuelling turbines and producing electricity. Шнобелевская премия 2018 2018-09-15 05:08 Лауреатами пародии на Нобелевскую премию в этом году стали ученые, изучившие куклу вуду, способ «самоколоноскопии» и связь между камнями в почках и американскими горками Argentina: Hollywood moment — $2.5MM worth of film equipment busted in Buenos Aires 2018-09-15 05:14 Argentinian Federal Police have seized $2.5 million (€ 2.1 million) worth of stolen Hollywood film equipment in the Palermo neighbourhood of Buenos Aires on Thursday, footage from Friday showed. Operation 'Hollywood Stolen' conducted ten raids within which «electronic groups, equipment pouches, monitors, special batteries, and microphones» were seized, according to Argentinian Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich. A close correspondence with New York police proved that the busted film equipment was stolen from Hollywood production companies in the US and smuggled to Argentina for cheap rentals. Colombia: OAS Sec-Gen. demands int'l response to Maduro 'dictatorship' 2018-09-15 06:29 The international community «cannot allow a dictatorship in Venezuela» and «has to respond,» according to Secretary General of Organisation of American States (OAS) Luis Almagro during his visit to the Colombian border city of Cucuta, which is coping with an influx of Venezuelan migrants, on Friday. Almagro blasted Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's rule saying: «The dictatorship affects the region through drug trafficking, the organised crime, the profound humanitarian crisis.» «We have never seen such an immoral government in the world,» added Almagro who said even humanitarian aid was not being allowed into the country. Almagro met and consoled Venezuelan migrants who greeted him with chants of «Freedom». The OAS Secretary General is currently touring the region to evaluate the Venezuelan migration crisis in neighbouring countries. USA: Fort Campbell dispatches soldiers to join Hurricane Florence relief 2018-09-15 07:03 As many as 200 soldiers have departed Fort Campbell military base, close to the Kentucky-Tennessee border. for Fort Bragg in North Carolina on Friday to assist with relief efforts as Hurricane Florence continues to batter the region. Soldiers assigned to the 101st Sustainment Brigade and the 101st Airborne Division, also known as «Screaming Eagles,» were deployed using heavy transport trucks and are tasked with transportation and relocation of personnel and aid during relief missions. The storm which was initially categorised as category four downgraded to category one before hitting US east coast. «Индустрия кино»: Венеция, Бондарчук и Джонни Инглиш 2018-09-15 09:03 В новом выпуске программы: главные итоги Венецианского кинофестиваля; новая точка для выпуска программы, где одновременно видна и старая, и новая, и суперновая Москва; интервью с британским комиком Роуэном Аткинсоном и актрисой Ольгой Куриленко об их новой работе «Агент Джонни Инглиш 3»; узнаем, с чем входит в новый учебный год киношкола Федора Бондарчука «Индустрия». Адвокат рассказал, почему Манафорт признал вину 2018-09-15 09:33 Бывший руководитель предвыборного штаба Дональда Трампа Пол Манафорт признал вину по двум пунктам обвинения и согласился сотрудничать со следствием. В то же время в одном из самых громких американских разбирательств появился новый фигурант. В Москве показали спектакль «Один день Ивана Денисовича» 2018-09-15 11:19 Премьера в «Театре на Покровке». Первым спектаклем в новом сезоне стала драматическая притча «Один день Ивана Денисовича» в постановке Геннадия Шапошникова. Спектакль посвятили 100-летию со дня рождения Александра Солженицына. Почему страны Центральной Азии попали в «черный список» ООН 2018-09-15 11:29 ООН выпустила ежегодный доклад о преследованиях сотрудничающих с Организацией правозащитников, в 2018 году в него попали Туркменистан и Кыргызстан. Что известно о давлении на общественников, и что с этим делают в ООН — материал Настоящего Времени. Школьница из Подмосковья нашла себе друзей по переписке среди первых лиц мира 2018-09-15 12:01 Письма от президентов, папы Римского, королевы Елизаветы и легендарных звезд — 12-летняя жительница Подмосковья нашла себе друзей по переписке среди первых лиц мира. Подробнее — в сюжете телеканала Москва 24. «Кинофакты»: «Цыган» 2018-09-15 12:10 Во время съемок фильма «Цыган» у Клары Лучко сложились по-настоящему семейные отношения с ее экранным сыном Алексеем Никульниковым. Алексею было всего восемнадцать лет. В то время он был студентом Ростовского училища искусств. И для поездки на кинопробы парню даже пришлось написать заявление об отчислении. На пробах Никульников сразу должен был играть сцену с самой Кларой Лучко. Нервничал страшно, но интуитивно выбрал правильную тактику: «максимально не мешать звезде в кадре». Лучко это оценила, и сразу же взяла шефство над молодым артистом. В грязь лицом дебютант не ударил. Никульникова, как и Михая Волонтира, зрители стали принимать за настоящего цыгана. На самом же деле парень был казаком. А добиваться смуглого цвета лица ему приходилось с помощью обыкновенной морилки. На московской сцене показали оперу на китайском языке 2018-09-15 12:12 Необычная премьера на сцене Театра Российской армии. Москвичи впервые увидели оперу о Великой Отечественной войне на китайском языке. Спектакль поставлен по мотивам знаменитой повести Бориса Васильева «А зори здесь тихие». Пользователей соцсетей возмутил банкет и модный показ в РГБ 2018-09-15 12:15 Всю неделю социальные сети негодовали из-за банкета и модного показа в Российской государственной библиотеке. Особенное возмущение вызвала фотография Ингеборге Дапкунайте. Актриса забралась на стол в читальном зале в каблуках и пальто. Подробнее — в сюжете телеканала Москва 24. Russia: Vostok 2018 drills reach Pacific Ocean 2018-09-15 13:25 Russian Aerospace forces and Pacific Ocean Fleet performed joint exercises on the beach at Bamburovo firing range in Primorsky region on Saturday. According to Deputy Pacific Ocean Fleet Commander-in-Chief Dmitry Kovalenko, «army aviation, other corps units such as artillery arm, sappers, anti-aircrafters, snipers» were also called upon for the over-the-beach landing. The Vostok-2018 drills are held from 11-17 September, in the Far East of Russia. According to the Ministry of Defence, around 300,000 troops, 1,000 aircraft, 36,000 armoured vehicles and 80 vessels will take part in the biggest war games since the Soviet era. Форсированное сближение: Абэ доволен переговорами с Путиным 2018-09-15 13:48 В Европе есть санкции, но есть и Хельсинское соглашение о нерушимости границ. В Азии вроде никаких санкций, если не считать Монголию, но у всех стран-участниц Восточного экономического форума из этого региона есть к соседям вопросы о территориях. Но как же все при этом говорят о сотрудничестве? Подкова на счастье и цирк в Сокольниках: выходные в Москве 2018-09-15 13:57 Многие столичные театры в эти выходные открывают новый сезон большими премьерами. Но тех, кто предпочитает яркие представления на свежем воздухе, ждут в Сокольниках — парк превратится в гигантскую цирковую арену. В испанской Малаге открывается выставка произведений Казимира Малевича 2018-09-15 13:57 Государственный Русский музей привез в город около 50 работ художника. Экспозиция охватывает едва ли не весь творческий путь Малевича. Появились новые данные о связи Петрова и Боширова со спецслужбами 2018-09-15 14:12 В досье Федеральной миграционной службы России на Александра Петрова, которого в Британии обвиняют в отравлении Сергея и Юлии Скрипаль, отсутствует информация о его жизни и выданных документах до 2009 года. А в файле с паспортными данными россиянина имеются штампы «сведений не давать» и «с.с.» (совершенно секретно). В России такие штампы ставят сотрудникам спецслужб и высокопоставленным чиновникам. Такую информацию публикуют международная расследовательская группа Bellingcat и издание The Insider. В Москву идут новые штаммы гриппа 2018-09-15 14:36 На столицу надвигаются сразу два новых штамма гриппа — колорадский и сингапурский. Самое время делать прививку. Полмиллиона москвичей уже прошли эту процедуру бесплатно. Более того, скоро врачи получат первую в России четырехвалентную вакцину. Что это даст в борьбе с коварным противником? Юрий Борисов: жители Дальнего Востока не должны чувствовать себя ущербными 2018-09-15 14:45 В России подходят к завершению самые масштабные с 80-х годов военные маневры «Восток-2018». В Железноводске открыли памятник Говорухину 2018-09-15 15:14 В Железноводске открыли горельеф режиссера Станислава Говорухина. Он представляет собой невысокую квадратную стелу из розового камня с изображением автографа режиссера. На ней — бронзовый образ Говорухина с трубкой в руке и задумчивым взглядом. История пастора Круйта: как сотрудничали спецслужбы Москвы и Лондона 2018-09-15 15:19 История про то, как Москва и Лондон умеют сотрудничать. Фантастика? Вовсе нет. Больше того, речь идет о сотрудничестве по линии спецслужб. State of Palestine: Funeral for 12-year-old boy killed by Israeli fire 2018-09-15 15:30 A funeral was held for 12-year-old Shadi Abul-Al in Gaza's Jabalia refugee camp, on Saturday. The boy was killed by Israeli live fire during protests at the border fence. Shadi's mother and father mourned his loss at their home before the body was carried to its final resting place. The Gazan Health Ministry said Hani Ramzi Afaneh and Mohammad Khalil Shaqoura, both 21, also died on Friday. Another 248 were injured by live bullets, rubber-coated steel rounds or tear gas. Six of those are thought to be critical. The protests were part of the Great March of Return, a series of rallies calling for Palestinians to return to their pre-1948 homes. NHK: Путин и Абэ обсудили мирный договор в частной беседе 2018-09-15 16:23 Премьер-министр Японии и президент России в частной беседе обсудили мирный договор между странами. Разговор Синдзо Абэ и Владимира Путина состоялся во время соревнований по дзюдо во Владивостоке. Об этом сообщает японский телеканал NHK. Содержание разговора телеканал не раскрывает. Уточняется, что на встрече помимо лидеров двух стран присутствовал переводчик. 12 сентября на заседании Восточного экономического форума Путин предложил Японии до конца 2018 года заключить мирный договор без предварительных условий. Позднее представитель японского правительства заявил, что страна подпишет договор только после того, как Токио получит от Москвы спорные острова. По данным NHK, что в частной беседе Абэ и Путин обсудили возможное подписание документа, основываясь на предложении российского президента. Это вызвало критику в адрес Абэ в Токио. «Вести-Калуга». Посетителям «Калужской осени» предложили привиться 2018-09-15 16:31 Не только сельхозпродукцию продегустировать, но и о здоровье подумать предложили калужанам организаторы «Калужской осени». Во время работы выставки сотрудники городской больницы №4 делали всем желающим прививки от гриппа. Каждый день на сельхозвыставке медики проводят бесплатный прием. Желающие могут пройти обследование у терапевта, измерить уровень артериального давления, а также сделать прививку от гриппа. Одним из первых такой возможностью воспользовался городской голова Калуги. Дмитрий Разумовский: «Наступила «Калужская осень», а осень - это не только урожай, это не только замечательные дни, но и близость неблагоприятных погодных условий, и как следствие, повышение уровня заболеваемости. И эта акция, которая проводится здесь четвёртой поликлиникой и министерством здравоохранения, она очень хорошая. Поэтому, рекомендую делать своевременно прививки, чтобы в осенне-зимний период не болеть». «Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Татьяна Веденеева 2018-09-15 16:33 Татьяна Веденеева. Ее обаяние и доброжелательная улыбка пленили. Она воплощала все самое светлое, что есть в череде непростых будней рядового советского гражданина. Пока шел эфир, и зритель, и диктор забывали обо всех проблемах. В этом магия голубого экрана. Но после приходилось думать и о насущном. Как Татьяна стала одним из самых популярных дикторов ЦТ? И почему сейчас она много времени проводит во Франции? Подробнее — в сюжете телеканала Москва 24. «Марш русских школ» в Риге собрал пять тысяч участников 2018-09-15 17:12 В Латвии около пяти тысяч человек вышли на шествие в защиту русских школ. Организаторы акции — «Русский союз Латвии». Они выступают против перехода школ на латышский язык обучения и называют этот процесс принудительной ассимиляцией. Сейчас в Латвии есть два типа школ — латышские и школы национальных меньшинств, где в том числе учатся русскоязычные дети. 60 процентов уроков в национальных школах преподают на латышском, 40 процентов — на национальном. В апреле президент Латвии Раймондс Вейонис утвердил изменения в законодательстве, предусматривающие перевод всех средних школ на государственный язык к 2021 году. Philippines: At least 14 killed in Typhoon Mangkhut 2018-09-15 17:23 At least fourteen people have reportedly been killed by Typhoon Mangkhut, locally known as Ompong, in the northern Philippines. Footage from Saturday shows the storm sweeping through the Philippines' main island of Luzon, where water levels have risen, and an emergency car can be seen struggling to drive along a flooded road. The estimated storm strength reached a maximum of 185km/h (115mph), and have now subsided to a category four hurricane. The hurricane is now reportedly moving towards China. State of Palestine: Funeral for 12-year-old boy killed by Israeli fire 2018-09-15 17:48 A funeral was held for 12-year-old Shadi Abul-Al in Gaza's Jabalia refugee camp, on Saturday. The boy was killed by Israeli live fire during protests at the border fence. Shadi's mother and father mourned his loss at their home before the body was carried to its final resting place. The Gazan Health Ministry said Hani Ramzi Afaneh and Mohammad Khalil Shaqoura, both 21, also died on Friday. Another 248 were injured by live bullets, rubber-coated steel rounds or tear gas. Six of those are thought to be critical. The protests were part of the Great March of Return, a series of rallies calling for Palestinians to return to their pre-1948 homes. Программа «Дежурная часть» от 15 сентября 2018 года 2018-09-15 19:30 В Петербурге судят главного бухгалтера районного отдела полиции. Как предполагаемая помощница прокурора отмечает присвоение очередного классного чина? Перекупщики атакуют театры и концертные залы. Житель Курска нашел в собственном огороде 260 золотых монет и отнес их в полицию, но оттуда клад пропал. Kazakhstan: Plane spews smoke after landing in Astana 2018-09-15 19:39 Smoke was seen billowing from an Air Astana plane after it landed at Astana airport on Saturday. The plane was travelling from Atyrau to Astana on Saturday when the left engine caught fire and started issuing smoke during the landing. According to local authorities report, no one out of the 90 passengers was injured in the event. The Kazakhstani airline Air Astana is investigating the incident. Ukraine: Murder of DPR leader committed with aid of Western intel. Services — DPR acting head 2018-09-15 20:07 Alexandr Zakharchenko's assassination was committed with the assistance of Western intelligence services, said the acting head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic Denis Pushilin during a press scrum in Donetsk on Saturday. Pushilin went on to say that the DPR intelligence's analysis of the remnants of the explosive device revealed «high technologies that were not previously used by the SBU [Security Service of Ukraine].» Pushilin also mentioned that one man was detained on suspicion of involvement in the assassination of the DPR's head Alexandr Zakharchenko, adding «he has already given testimony.» «We turned to the leadership of the Russian Federation for comprehensive assistance in the investigation,» Pushilin stressed. «Such assistance is currently being provided.» On August 31, former DPR leader Alexander Zakharchenko was killed in a blast at a cafe in central Donetsk. Eleven other people were injured. UK: Hundreds rally for Scottish independence in Glasgow 2018-09-15 20:30 Hundreds of people rallied for Scottish independence in Glasgow on Saturday, almost four years on from the country's referendum on whether to leave the UK. Titled 'This Time It's yes,' the rally in Glasgow's George Square was organised by grassroots independence organisation Hope Over Fear. Independence campaigners have reportedly called on Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon to announce plans for a second independence referendum. In 2014's referendum on Scottish independence, a 55.3 percent of Scots voted 'No,' while 44.7 percent voted in favour — with a turnout of 84.6 percent. UK: Football Lads Alliance clash with police in Sunderland 2018-09-15 20:54 Scuffles broke out between members of the right-wing Football Lads Alliance (FLA) and the police on Saturday, after the group took to the streets of Sunderland to demonstrate against the local authorities’ alleged lack of action against rape and child sexual offences. Police made at least two arrests as protesters attempted to storm police lines. The Football Lads Alliance joined a rally which was organised by Justice for Women and Children Group, which has staged earlier demonstrations in response to sexual assaults in Sunderland. Hundreds of others associated with Sunderland Unites and Stand Up To Racism North East formed counter demonstrations. Germany: Kothen residents colour in city to defy racism 2018-09-15 21:28 Journalist (German): «Do you feel safe here?» Raina, resident (German): «Yes, well, last week has been difficult but now its getting a little better.» Hundreds of Kothen's residents painted the streets with messages of peace on Saturday. The demonstration comes one day before another round of right-wing protests in the German city. People wrote messages such as 'Kotheners stand for peace and tolerance', as well as colouring in a huge mural of a flower and candle. Die Linke party member Jorg Gewinner said that he hopes that no violence will occur at the upcoming demo, adding that he is against any demonstrations whether left or right. «We have a democracy and the constitution allows the right-wingers to come, and of course we — I am in the City Council for the Die Linke party — have to be present too. But, addressing everyone — please no violence», he said. The action was organised by the local church and civil society. USA: Helicopter evacuates locals amid deadly Hurricane Florence 2018-09-15 21:49 People were airlifted to safety in Jacksonville on Saturday as the deadly Hurricane Florence continued to cause mayhem in North Carolina. Reports say that the powerful storm has so far claimed at least five lives. Footage captures a truck lying on its side in flood waters and a car making its way through a heavy downpour of rain. The storm downgraded from a category four to a category one before hitting US east coast. Switzerland: Anti-abortion rally, counter-demo descend on Bern 2018-09-15 22:02 Around 1,500 people took part in an anti-abortion rally in Bern on Saturday, while hundreds protested it in a counter-demonstration across the city. Counter-demonstrators marched through the city in opposition to the pro-life march, holding slogans such as «My body, my right, my choice.» The 'March for Life' rally took place in front of Bern's Federal Palace, and was organised by conservative Christian groups including the Swiss Evangelical Network and the Federal Democratic Union of Switzerland (EDU/UDF). France: Vegan activists stage rally outside butcher shop 2018-09-15 22:21 Local (French): «You are not going to convince me.» Vegan Impact spokesperson (French): «Well, I tried at least.» Local (French): «That’s good. Have a nice day.» Vegan Impact spokesperson (French): «Have a nice day Sir.» Around 20 protesters staged a demonstration condemning the consumption of animal products outside a butcher shop in Marseille on Saturday. People gathered in front of the Sambuc butcher shop with placards depicting slaughtered and suffering animals, reading «Imprisonment, dismemberment, all that for ending in ham!» and «A life of misery for her eggs and her meat.» A Vegan Impact movement spokesperson stressed that animals are «not meat, they are dead bodies, they are victims,» and tried to convince passing pedestrians to stop eating meat. Russia: Tanks and motorised rifle units participate in Vostok-2018 drills 2018-09-15 22:38 Russian tanks and motorised rifle units carried out coordinated exercises at the Zabaikalsky Krai's Tsugol firing range on Saturday, as part of the Vostok-2018 drills. The Vostok-2018 drills are being held from 11-17 September, in the Far East of Russia. According to the Ministry of Defence, around 300,000 troops, 1,000 aircraft, 36,000 armoured vehicles and 80 vessels will take part in the biggest war games since the Soviet era. Вести в субботу от 15 сентября 2018 года 2018-09-15 23:00 Что было за кулисами Экономического форума во Владивостоке? Что мы понимаем и не понимаем про отношения Азии с Азией? Почему судостроительный завод «Звезда» важен не только для Дальнего Востока, а для всей России: первое полномасштабное интервью с Юрием Борисовым, новым вице-премьером по «оборонке». Расследование «Вестей в субботу» в архиве Коминтерна в Москве и на месте высадки пастора Шлага. USA: Protesters rally against racism, gentrification and police violence in Brooklyn 2018-09-15 23:24 Protesters marched against racism, gentrification and police violence as part of an annual demonstration held in Brooklyn on Saturday. People held signs reading «gentrification kills» and «Black Lives Matter», as they marched through the streets. One of the protesters, Letitia Johnson, stressed that members of the public have a duty to strive for change. «We have to stop this, we are the people who must hold our elected officials, and our city agencies responsible, because they are the ones who are getting money from the developers to put this project up here», she said. Another protester, Anthony Beckford, said that protesters must ally their causes for the sake of strength in «consistency» in order to fight for a «rebuilt» future. The march was organised by The Brooklyn Anti-gentrification Network — BAN. UK: London football club goes viral with antifascist jersey 2018-09-15 23:48 The London non-league Clapton Community FC football club played their first away game against Ealing Town on Saturday, after their new away kit became a hit in Spain and England for paying tribute to the international Brigade of fighters in the Spanish Civil War. The new away kit is in the same colours as the original flag of the international brigade and also has the slogan «No Pasaran (they shall not pass)» printed on its back. «We needed an away kit different to obviously the other Clapton so we had a little kind of competition, and so our fans designed shirts and obviously round by round they kind of chose which one they wanted to go for,» Clapton CFC player Geoff Ocran said. Regarding the antifascist message, Ocran said «that's what the fans believe in, that's the ethos of the club, you know? Inclusion for all, that's always the message.» Clapton CFC turned the game around during the second half and won 2-1 against Ealing Town. According to reports, Clapton CFC have sold 2,500 kits before even playing their first match. France: Attac demo celebrates collapse of Lehman brothers 2018-09-16 00:02 We know that today, all the ingredients are there for a new crisis because these governments have done nothing to disarm the financial markets. We also know that if we do nothing, we citizens will pay for the madness of the richest and the finance [industry]. We are now launching a major citizen mobilisation campaign to take control of our finances. We have 60 actions of civil disobedience today in France. We have about a hundred shares in the world because it's an international campaign. This is just the beginning, we will not stop. This is only the first day of this international campaign.» Hundreds of demonstrators and members of the 'Attac' activist organisation held a rally outside an HSBC branch in Paris on Saturday to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. The activists can be seen pasting signs to the HSBC branch's windows, singing songs, and creating out 'dirty money'. «We celebrate in our own way the fall of Lehman Brothers 10 years ago, which cost billions of dollars and euros to governments and citizens,» said Attac spokesperson Aurelie Trouve. Trouve also noted that alternatives to the current financial system were possible, and called for «policies to fight against effective tax evasion, tax on financial transactions and the use of money from tax havens,» and added «this is just the beginning, we will not stop. This is only the first day of this international campaign.» Spain: Thousands march against bullfighting in Madrid 2018-09-16 00:13 Thousands of people marched against bullfighting in Madrid on Saturday, calling on lawmakers to push animal protection laws forward. The demonstration, called by Spain's animal rights party PACMA, started in Puerta del Sol and marched through the centre of Madrid, with a stop in front of the Congress of Deputies. Member of the European Parliament Anja Hazekamp [Party for the Animals, Netherlands] and Portuguese MP Andre Silva [People-Animals-Nature PAN Party] were in the head of the demonstration. В Саратове открылся мультимедийный исторический парк 2018-09-16 00:41 В Саратове открылся мультимедийный исторический парк «Россия — моя история». Это — уже 17 подобный музей в России, и он — один из самых крупных. Его площадь — почти 10 тысяч квадратных метров. USA: Hurricane Florence hits marine bases in North Carolina 2018-09-16 00:46 Marine Corps base camps in New River in North Carolina have sustained damage due to the strong winds and heavy rains of Hurricane Florence, footage from Saturday shows. Footage shows Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune and Marine Corps Air Station New River damaged due to flash flooding with strong winds toppling trees, causing power outage, and causing coastal storm surges. Despite downgrading from a category four to a category one storm before hitting US east coast, the storm has claimed nine lives so far. MANDATORY CREDIT: US Marine Corpse Azerbaijan: Erdogan attends military parade during Baku visit 2018-09-16 00:55 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attended a military parade in Baku on Saturday as part of his official visit to Azerbaijan. The parade commemorated the centenary since the Islamic Army of the Caucasus led by Ottoman general Nuri Pasha (Killigil) took Azerbaijan's capital city of Baku. The presidents of Azerbaijan and Turkey, Ilham Aliyev and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, reportedly, held an official one-on-one meeting focusing on bilateral relations and joint projects. Syria: Israeli missiles intercepted over Damascus airport — reports 2018-09-16 00:59 Syrian Arab Army (SAA) air defences have reportedly intercepted Israeli missiles over the Damascus International Airport, thwarting an attack, according to state news agency SANA, on Saturday. Footage filmed from the Damascus International Fair Ground shows what appears to be Syrian Air Defences responding to missiles over the Damascus International Airport. France: Ahed Tamimi celebrated at fundraising event in Paris 2018-09-16 01:11 SOT, Journalist (Arabic): «You have become a symbol of Palestinian resistance, how do you fulfil this role?» SOT, Ahed Tamimi, Palestinian Activist (Arabic): «Obviously, I have a great responsibility on my shoulders, especially that the issue is still open. Every word, every act is likely to send me back to prison, I hope to live up to this responsibility. I am proud of what I have accomplished and of the fact that I sent the message of my people to the world.» Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi attended the annual festival of daily French newspaper L'Humanite in Paris, footage from Friday showed. Tamimi, who became the face of Palestinian resistance after slapping an Israeli soldier and spending eight months in prison, was warmly received. «We need to boycott Israel, spread the truth, explain to pupils and students the reality of the Palestinian issue by organizing meetings and conferences,» said Tamimi. «I am proud of what I have accomplished and of the fact that I sent the message of my people to the world,» added Tamimi. Fete de l'Humanite literally 'Festival of Humanity' has been taking place in Paris since 1930 functioning both as a fundraiser and a political forum. 7aga В Севастополе проходит военно-исторический фестиваль 2018-09-16 01:25 В Севастополе проходит пятый крымский военно-исторический фестиваль. Более 500 участников познакомят зрителей с разными эпохами. Для гостей мероприятия развернуты семь исторических площадок. Philippines: People trapped on highways as Typhoon Mangkhut batters Malacampa 2018-09-16 01:52 Rescue operations were underway as Typhoon Mangkhut, locally known as Ompong, caused heavy flooding on Romulo highway in the city of Malacampa on Saturday. Footage shows people trapped in flash floods as emergency personnel attempted rescue. The Typhoon, which left at least five dead in the Philippines, packed the strongest winds to hit the country in 2018 and is now heading for China. Mandatory credit: Lord Rivera Aquino Iraq: Hundreds rally in support of Popular Mobilisation Forces in Basra 2018-09-16 01:55 Hundreds of demonstrators gathered to show support of the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) in Basra on Saturday. Protesters carried banners depicting political figures as they marched down the streets of Southern Iraqi city, claiming there have been attempts to attack a number of PMF headquarters. Protests in the oil-rich province of Basra began in July and have been ongoing amid economic hardships, high unemployment rates and poor municipal services in the country. Germany: Hambach sit-in persists under heavy police gaze 2018-09-16 02:16 Police officers heavily monitored a group of sit-in protesters in Hambach forest on Saturday as protesters stood their ground against tree house settlements evictions. Police started evacuating environmental activists from forest settlements on September 13. The occupation started around six years ago, when a small group of activists decided to give up electricity and running water and dwell in the forest to fight against the expansion of a nearby coal mine. Hambach is currently home to some 150 people who live in tree houses. The activists oppose the plan of the energy company RWE to extend the biggest open pit coal mine in Europe. Philippines: Chilling moment baby gets rescued from Typhoon Mangkhut floods 2018-09-16 02:54 An eight-month-old baby was among 44 individuals rescued by Philippines Red Cross (PRC) during ongoing emergency operations in the aftermath of deadly Typhoon Mangkhut, in San Fabian in the province of Pangasinan on Saturday. Locally known as Ompong, the typhoon wreaked havoc causing flash floods and landslides claiming at least five lives in Philippines, before heading to China. Mandatory Credit: Philippines Red Cross Honduras: Independence Day marred by clashes in anti-US march in Tegucigalpa 2018-09-16 03:45 Tensions ran high as an opposition demonstration denouncing US interference in Honduran affairs and its support to President Juan Orlando Hernandez turned violent with police teargassing protesters in Tegucigalpa on Saturday. Organised by leftist opposition party Liberty and Re-foundation, the demonstration saw police teargassing protesters, who in turn hurled back teargas canisters at police forces. «We are a colony of the United States of America completely dominated by the designs of the Yankee empire and unfortunately there is no economic or political independence,» said one protester. The protest coincided with the Independence Day of Honduras and Central America from the Kingdom of Spain on September 15. Catwalk 2.0: ROBOT brings bling to London Fashion Week runway 2018-09-16 04:45 London Fashion Week saw a robot take to the catwalk for the first time on Saturday. A co-creation of Silicon Valley's OhmniLabs Robotics Company and Los Angeles-based designer Honee, the Ohmni robot walked down the ramp and was joined later with live models. «I want to bring an awareness that AI, as wonderful as technology is, it can never replace human beings,» said designer Honee Persona. «This a great example of how now we can expand robotics into fashion as well,» Omnilabs spokesperson Dhana Pawar added. The London Fashion Week is takes place between 14 — 18 September. Nicaragua: Mass Independence Day protest slams Ortega in Managua 2018-09-16 05:23 Protesters took to the streets of Managua on Saturday to denounce Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega on the country's Independence Day. United under the slogan «Together we are homeland», protesters marched the eastern neighbourhoods of the capital city. «We want a free country, where there will be no dictator,» said a protester. At least two protesters were left injured by gunshots allegedly fired by motorcyclists. The protest comes amid ongoing anti-government action in Nicaragua, which had initially begun as a series of demonstrations over reforms to the welfare system, however, many protesters are now calling for an end to Ortega's government. September 15 marks the Independence Day for many Latin American countries, celebrating their independence from the rule of Spain in 1821. |
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