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Врио губернатора Алтайского края встретился с президентом Путиным

Врио губернатора Алтайского края встретился с президентом Путиным
2018-09-01 01:14
О перспективах развития Алтайского края Владимир Путин поговорил с временно исполняющим обязанности губернатора Виктором Томенко. На пост главы региона он был назначен три месяца назад. Что за это время удалось сделать, какие наметить пути решения проблем — об этом Томенко рассказал президенту.

110 дней голодовки Сенцова. Акция на крыше
2018-09-01 02:27
31 августа на крыше здания в центре Москвы прошла акция в поддержку украинского режиссера Олега Сенцова, который держит голодовку в российской колонии. Съемки Беаты Бубенец.

Задержанные по подозрению в убийстве Захарченко указали на причастность СБУ к теракту
2018-09-01 08:03
Несколько человек задержаны по подозрению в убийстве Александра Захарченко. Об этом заявил временно исполняющий обязанности главы ДНР Дмитрий Трапезников. Задержанные, по его словам, на допросе указали на причастность СБУ к преступлению.

В Москве прошел гала-концерт «Роснефть зажигает звезды»
2018-09-01 08:24
Гала-концерт «Роснефть зажигает звезды». В Москве прошел корпоративный творческий конкурс среди дочерних обществ нефтяной компании.

Russia: 18 injured as plane skids off runway at Sochi Airport
2018-09-01 10:03
At least 18 people were injured after a plane skidded off the runway and caught fire during landing at Sochi International Airport early on Saturday morning. The plane of Russia's Utair airline was travelling to Moscow from Sochi, when it skidded off the runway and ended up on a bank of a nearby river. The left engine caught fire during the crash, but with no serious consequences. All 164 passengers and the six crew members were safely evacuated and the 18 injured were immediately rushed to hospital. The fire was contained within 25 minutes and fully extinguished by 04:30 local time (01:30 GMT)

Germany: 1,800 evacuated after refinery explosion causes huge fire in Bavaria
2018-09-01 11:25
Eight people were injured after an explosion at a refinery in the Bavarian town of Ingolstadt on Saturday, caused a fire that has been raging on for hours. The refinery of the Bayernoil company exploded for causes still unknown on Friday evening and since then, a fire has been raging in the area. Eight people were injured, three of them with serious injuries. The explosion forced 1800 residents in the district of Pfaffenhofen to be evacuated. Authorities are also asking residents within a 20 km (12.5 miles) radius to close windows and doors because of the smoke.

Ukraine: 'All hope is lost' — Locals mourn murdered DPR leader Zakharchenko
2018-09-01 11:30

Георгий Полтавченко пожелал студентам бороться за научные гранты
2018-09-01 11:50
Губернатор Санкт-Петербурга Георгий Полтавченко напомнил в своем выступлении перед первым курсом первого набора «Водной Академии» СПб что им лично и городом учреждены гранты и конкурсы для лучших студентов, пожелавших заниматься наукой. Таким образом, считают эксперты «ЭкоГрада», Полтавченко обозначил задачу — сократить отток талантливой молодежи за рубеж.

«Шедевры живописи и гравюры эпохи Эдо»
2018-09-01 11:58
«Шедевры живописи и гравюры эпохи Эдо» — в Пушкинском музее готовятся к открытию выставки японского искусства. Экспозиция необычная — по сути публику ждут две самостоятельные выставки.

У нас в гостях Чрезвычайный и полномочный посол Италии
2018-09-01 12:02
Проект «Русские сезоны» в Италии — вызвал огромный интерес публики. Фестивальные мероприятия уже посетили 3 с половиной миллиона зрителей. На недавней пресс-конференции в Москве организаторы рассказали об осенней программе сезонов. В частности, в сентябре на сцене Ла Скала пройдут гастроли балета Большого театра. Фестиваль охватит многие города Италии. А завершится в Риме — большим концертом.

«Так не воюют». Жители Донецка назвали убийство Захарченко подлым
2018-09-01 12:21
Теракт, в результате которого погиб глава ДНР Александр Захарченко, организован силами специальных операций Украины — отдельного рода войск в составе вооруженных сил страны. Об этом рассказали на допросе диверсанты, подозреваемые в совершении убийства.

В Крыму проходит траурная акция, посвященная памяти Захарченко
2018-09-01 12:27
Траурная акция, посвященная памяти Александра Захарченко, проходит в Крыму. На центральной площади Симферополя появился импровизированный мемориал — крымчане несут к нему цветы.

Путин встретился в Сочи с Алиевым
2018-09-01 12:36
Владимир Путин и Ильхам Алиев довольны уровнем отношений между Москвой и Баку. С этого началась встреча в Сочи в рамках официального визита президента Азербайджана в Россию. Путин отметил рост товарооборота, а также развитие взаимодействия в сфере политики. В свою очередь, лидер Азербайджана отметил, что встречи с Путиным придают динамизм отношениям между нашими странами.

Губернатор Подмосковья приехал на открытие новой школы в Химках
2018-09-01 12:47
Первый звонок прозвенел 1 сентября в новом корпусе школы номер 31 в подмосковных Химках. В первый класс пошли 276 детей, а всего в комплексе будут учиться 11 тысяч человек. Школа оборудована по последнему слову — интерактивные карты, компьютеры. На торжественное открытие приехал губернатор Московской области Андрей Воробьев.

Интереснее жить не по календарю. Сергею Гармашу — 60 лет
2018-09-01 13:02
Родился в Херсоне, учился в театральном училище в Днепропетровске, потом в школе-студии МХАТ. С 84-го года служит в театре «Современник». 1 сентября исполняется 60 лет народному артисту России Сергею Гармашу. Отмечать круглую дату актер планирует без пышных торжеств, в кругу семьи.

Лавров: Макрон созрел для выстраивания отношений с Россией
2018-09-01 13:03
Запад выслушивает упреки даже от тех, кто раньше и голову боялся поднять и был готов кормиться отбросами. Сам Запад дробится, слабеет.

Germany: Firefighters combat blaze after refinery explosion in Bavaria
2018-09-01 13:04
Firefighters and emergency services were deployed at the refinery in the Bavarian town of Ingolstadt on Saturday, after an explosion caused a fire that has been raging on for hours, in which eight people were injured earlier in the day. The refinery of the Bayernoil company exploded for causes still unknown on Friday evening and since then, a fire has been raging in the area. Eight people were injured, three of them with serious injuries. The explosion forced 1800 residents in the district of Pfaffenhofen to be evacuated. Authorities are also asking residents within a 20 km (12.5 miles) radius to close windows and doors because of the smoke.

Russia: See aftermath of plane crash that left 18 injured at Sochi Airport
2018-09-01 13:09
At least 18 people were injured after a plane skidded off the runway and caught fire during landing at Sochi International Airport early on Saturday morning. The plane of Russia's Utair airline was travelling to Moscow from Sochi, when it skidded off the runway and ended up on a bank of a nearby river. The left engine caught fire during the crash, but with no serious consequences. All 164 passengers and the six crew members were safely evacuated and the 18 injured were immediately rushed to hospital. The fire was contained within 25 minutes and fully extinguished by 04:30 local time (01:30 GMT)

Хулиган Сергей Гармаш не ощущает себя на 60
2018-09-01 13:29
1 сентября поздравление принимает актер Сергей Гармаш — как его называют зрители, «правильный русский мужик с твердым характером».

Итоги: пенсионный горизонт россиян
2018-09-01 14:00
Пенсионный горизонт россиян: зачем Путину реформа. Их ответ Вашингтону: могут ли Россия и Китай дружить против Америки и перейдут ли экономические тяжеловесы на альтернативную доллару валюту. Джон Маккейн и конец эпохи политического компромисса. Гость эфира — экономист Владислав Иноземцев.

Приоритеты сотрудничества: Путин и Алиев подписали ряд документов
2018-09-01 14:57
Более 10 документов о расширении сотрудничества в различных областях заключили Москва и Баку по итогам официального визита в Россию президента Азербайджана Ильхама Алиева. Документы были подписаны в присутствии президентов Путина и Алиева после прошедших между ними переговоров в резиденции «Бочаров Ручей» в Сочи.

Iran: First UK minister visits Iran since US withdrawal from nuclear deal
2018-09-01 15:03
A fresh round of bilateral talks between Iran and the United Kingdom kicked off on Saturday, with a visit to Tehran from the UK Minister of State for the Middle East and North Africa, Alistair Burt. Burt is the first UK minister to visit Iran since the US withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) in May, a move that was criticised by all the other signatories, including the UK. The talks with the Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Abbas Araghchi reportedly focused on bilateral economic cooperation following the US pullout from the JCPOA, as well as seeking financial and monetary mechanisms between the two countries, that could bypass US unilateral sanctions. Burt was also expected to discuss the imprisonment of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, an Anglo-Iranian journalist that was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison for espionage.

Евгений Спицын. История СССР № 145. «Ю. В. Андропов и К. У. Черненко на вершине власти» Часть 1-я
2018-09-01 15:07
Сто сорок пятая лекция из цикла Евгения Спицына «История России», посвященная правлению Ю. В. Андропов и К. У. Черненко в 1982-1985 гг. Часть 1-я.

Russia: ‘Time does not heal’ — Beslan mothers mourn victims 14 years after tragedy
2018-09-01 15:15
Relatives of those that died in the Beslan school massacre gathered at the school in Beslan, Saturday, to commemorate the 14th anniversary of the hostage crisis. “All this is still here, the smells, the voices. Time does not heal, it’s just a phrase for those … You just learn to live with it whether you want it or not — you live,” said Nadezhda Gurieva, mother of two of the Beslan victims. Dozens of mourners came to the ruined gymnasium of school Number One, where over 1,000 people were held captive in 2004. The mourners laid flowers and lit candles in memory of the 334 people who died. On September 1, 2004, militants from the North Caucasus region seized the school and held 1,000 people captive for three days without food or water. The siege ended on September 3, leaving 334 dead, the youngest victim was only two years old.

Балтия: скандальная реклама Вильнюса и баня как плавсредство
2018-09-01 15:25
Латвия проводит самые масштабные в своей истории военные учения. В Эстонии прошли международные соревнования парашютистов. Скандальная реклама Вильнюса прославила город. Турист из Хельсинки превратил баню в плавсредство и пересек на ней Балтийское море, чтоб попариться в Таллинне.

Медведи, косули и чай на костре: Путин побывал в диких местах
2018-09-01 16:21
Минувшие выходные Владимир Путин провел в верховьях Енисея и посетил Саяно-Шушенский заповедник. Президент не первый раз выбирает Тыву для короткого отдыха. Правда, в этот раз уже ставшую традиционной рыбалку заменил подробный осмотр заповедника.

В День знаний Медведев приехал в Сколково
2018-09-01 16:23
Дмитрий Медведев в День знаний осмотрел новый кампус Сколковского института науки и технологий. Премьеру рассказали об основных направлениях работы и предстоящих исследованиях. Медведев поздравил учащихся и пожелал им успехов.

«Церковь и мир»: Нельзя уврачевать один раскол другим расколом
2018-09-01 16:29
Так прокомментировал итоги встречи патриархов в Стамбуле глава отдела внешних церковных связей Московского патриархата митрополит Волоколамский Иларион. В специальном выпуске программы «Церковь и мир» он подробно изложил результаты обсуждений относительно возможности предоставления автокефалии Украине.

«Дороги к свободе»: Крым — украинский, российский, свободный
2018-09-01 16:42
О судьбах Крыма в революционные годы и отношениях властей полуострова с Киевом Виталий Портников беседует с историком Сергеем Громенко

Ukraine: 'We will avenge' — DPR acting head following Zakharchenko's murder
2018-09-01 16:46
The acting head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) has vowed that the death of former leader Alexander Zakharchenko will be avenged, during a session of the People's Council on Saturday. Dmitry Trapeznikov was elected to the post of an acting head of the DPR following the death of DPR leader Aleksandr Zakharchenko the day before Trapeznikov said that Alexander Zakharchenko «was a man who set the vector of development of our Republic.» «I urge to continue work of that vector which was set by Alexander Vladimirovich for the sake of development of the Donetsk People's Republic and citizens of the Donetsk People's Republic.» «By joint efforts we will continue the vector that was set, we will defeat any enemy, we will avenge every drop of blood and we will win,» Zakharchenko stated. A blast had hit central Donetsk's cafe Separ at about 17:00 GMT on Friday. Forty-two-year-old Aleksandr Zakharchenko was then taken to hospital, where he died of his injuries. According to Zakharchenko's adviser Aleksandr Kazakov, the explosive device was inside the cafe and the blast occurred near the entrance. The DPR's Prosecutor General's office opened a criminal case into the 'terror attack.'

Russia: Putin says North-South Transport Corridor 'promising'
2018-09-01 17:07
Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the implementation of the North-South transport Corridor (INSTC), which he said is «one of the most promising projects,» when speaking a joint press conference alongside his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev at Sochi's Bocharov Ruchei residence on Saturday. Putin said that the transport corridor «will connect markets of Western Europe to Asian manufacturers and speed up international freight shipping from Southern Asia and Middle East through Iran to Europe.» The Russian president also noted that the «construction works on certain parts of the corridor are already underway.» In turn, Aliyev discussed regional security and the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. He expressed hope that the conflict will soon be resolved, adding that a «rapid settlement of this conflict would allow our citizens return to their historic lands and would bring us peace, stability and cooperation.» Putin and Aliyev also signed an agreement on economic cooperation. The INSTC is set to provide an alternative to traditional sea routes thorough the Suez Canal and Mediterranean Sea. It is expected to transfer about 15-20 million tonnes of cargo per year. The project was announced in 2002 when Iran, India and Russia signed an agreement on the INSTC.

Путин пошутил и осмотрел лаборатории
2018-09-01 17:22
Владимир Путин поздравил российских школьников с Днем знаний. Особые теплые слова он адресовал российским первоклассникам.

UK: Protesters fly Sadiq Khan bikini blimp over London
2018-09-01 17:23
A 29-foot-long (9 metres) balloon depicting London mayor Sadiq Khan in a yellow bikini was flown over London on Saturday by a group called 'Make London Safe Again'. A small crowd gathered at London's Parliament Square to protest Sadiq Khan's policy on street crime and to demand the repeal of the 'stop and search' ban. According to the organiser of the event Yanny Bruere, the balloon of Sadiq Khan in bikini also aims at mocking his stance on political correctness in adverts. «It's obviously in reference to Sadiq Khan banning an advert on the London tube. Which was the 'beach body ready', so we thought it would be fitting tribute to Sadiq Khan to be flown above London in a yellow bikini,» Bruere said. For the founder of 'Friends of Trump UK' Augustine Obodo this balloon serves as a «notice» to Sadiq Khan that they «prepared to vote him out». Over 58,000 pounds ($75,000) were raised by the group to create the blimp and fly it above London. In July, anti-Trump activists flew a giant balloon depicting US President Donald Trump as a baby to protest his visit to London.

Germany: 'It was extreme' — Shocked residents recount Bavaria refinery explosion
2018-09-01 17:53
Residents of the Bavarian town of Ingolstadt expressed their shock after an explosion at an oil refinery triggered a fire that lasted for hours, in which eight people were injured on Saturday. «I heard a loud bang shortly before 5 am, and my window flew right away and the blinds crashed. It was extreme. I have never lived something like this. There was an extreme bright light, and I could see the big flames. Then I checked how to get out, I was in shock,» one resident said. «This morning at 5 am there was a big bang. We were in bed and went out to the balcony and saw a big fire column. 15 minutes later there were more small explosions, then only fire and smoke. Then, the fire brigade came. We went to bed, but sleeping was impossible,» another recalled. «I thought it was a thunder. I went out and looked over to the refinery and saw that it was burning,» added another Ingolstadt local. The refinery of the Bayernoil company exploded for causes still unknown on Friday evening and since then, a fire has been raging in the area. Eight people were injured, three of them with serious injuries. The explosion forced 1800 residents in the district of Pfaffenhofen to be evacuated. Authorities are also asking residents within a 20 km (12.5 miles) radius to close windows and doors because of the smoke.

Germany: Counter protesters take to Chemnitz as anti-migrant ‘silent march’ gets underway
2018-09-01 18:16
Thousands took the streets of Chemnitz on Saturday as part of a counter-protest against the anti-migrant «silent march» taking place at the same time. According to local media, numerous police units were deployed to avoid the encounter of both protests. Under the motto «Herz statt Hetze» ('Heart instead of Hate'), protesters marched holding banners with slogans including «Fascism, never again — War, never again» and «Social anti-fascism» and chanting antifa slogans. The far-right «silent march» is organised by the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, the anti-Islam PEGIDA group and the far-right group Pro Chemnitz. Protests have been flaring up in the eastern German city, with at least six people being injured in riots on August 27, after a 35 year-old Cuban-German man was killed in a reported dispute in the early hours of August 26.

Russia: Sochi airport supervisor dies after plane rescue op. *STILLS*
2018-09-01 18:24
A supervisor at Sochi airport died during an emergency response after a plane skidded off the runway and caught fire during landing, Saturday. According to preliminary data of the Russian Investigative Committee, the airport supervisor experienced chest pain during the rescue operation. He was then rushed to the hospital where he died. Stills released on Saturday shows a damaged plane following a night crash in Sochi. The Boeing 738 plane of Russia's Utair airlines was travelling from Moscow's Vnukovo airport to Sochi, when it careered off the runway and caught fire. The left engine caught fire during the crash, but with no serious consequences. All 164 passengers and six crew members were safely evacuated and the 18 injured were immediately delivered to hospital. They do not face life threatening injuries. The fire was contained within 25 minutes and fully extinguished by 04:30 local time (01:30 GMT). An investigation into the incident has been launched.

Moldova: Protest demanding Moldova-Romania union hits Chisinau
2018-09-01 18:41
Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of the Moldovan capital of Chisinau on Saturday, demanding the reunion of Moldova with Romania. Protesters marched towards the Square of the Great National Assembly equipped with Romanian and Moldovan flags while chanting for the reunion of Moldova and Romania. The Centenary March comes after a wave of anti-government protests have shaken the Moldovan capital in August, after the court invalidated June election results that saw the opposition leader winning. After being integrated to Romania in 1918, Moldova achieved independence from Romania in 1991 following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

В Хемниц направляются тысячи протестующих
2018-09-01 18:42
Полиция города Хемниц на востоке Германии приведена в повышенную готовность из-зи акций противников миграционной политики.

Миграция: шанс или опасное соседство?
2018-09-01 18:43
В Германии прошли масштабные протесты и беспорядки против политики «открытых дверей» в отношении мигрантов. Митингующие стекались в Хемниц со всей страны, чтобы выразить свое недовольство.

Итоги недели: досрочное голосование на выборах в Екатеринбургскую думу
2018-09-01 19:12
Неделя остается до единого дня голосования. В Екатеринбурге, напомню, 9 сентября жители города будут выбирать депутатов местной Думы. Уже на этой неделе проголосовать можно было досрочно. Только за первый день этим правом воспользовались больше 1200 человек. Каждый из избирателей в обязательном порядке должен предъявить комиссии документы, подтверждающие наличие уважительных причин отсутствия в день выборов. В числе поводов голосовать досрочно — наличие туристической путевки, билетов на самолет или поезд, также справка с работы в случае дежурства. Как подчеркнул председатель избирательной комиссии Екатеринбурга Илья Захаров, предъявить документы необходимо для того, чтобы избежать возможные нарушения. Илья Захаров, председатель избирательной комиссии Екатеринбурга: «Закончится досрочное голосование 8 сентября. В будние дни и 1 сентября досрочное голосование будет с 16:00 до 20:00, а в выходные — с 10:00 до 14:00». 9 сентября в Екатеринбурге будут работать 573 участка. Во всех установлены камеры видеонаблюдения, что позволит быстро реагировать на возможные нарушения. Ожидается также присутствие большого количества наблюдателей от кандидатов и партий. Выбирать горожане будут депутатов гордумы 7-го созыва. И уже им в сентябре предстоит определить главу Екатеринбурга.

Ukraine: Kiev may launch offensive in Donbass on September 14 — DPR's Basurin
2018-09-01 19:41
Ukrainian security forces may launch an offensive in Donbass on September 14, said Deputy Defence Minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR/DNR) Eduard Bacurin on Saturday. The announcement comes following the death of Donetsk People's Republic leader Alexander Zakharchenko. Basurin said, «A Ukrainian junta, having viciously destroyed our commander-in-chief, hero of the Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Vladimirovich Zakharchenko, thought they were an invincible military power and began active preparations for the offensive.» Citing «sources in the headquarters of the combined forces and the tactical group 'Vostok'», Basurin said that September 14 was a «possible date of the offensive.» Footage shows mourners laying flowers and candles to Donetsk's cafe Separ where Zakharchenko was killed. 42-year old Zakharchenko was killed in an explosion, after the blast hit the Separ cafe at about 17:00 GMT on Friday. According to Zakharchenko's adviser Alexander Kazakov, the explosive device was inside the cafe and the blast occurred near the entrance.

Программа «Дежурная часть» от 01 сентября 2018 года
2018-09-01 19:46
Погодные условия или ошибка экипажа: следствие разбирается в причинах жесткой посадки самолета в Сочи. В Германии протестующие, которые устраивают митинги и требуют ужесточить политику в отношении мигрантов, ждут от правительства решительных шагов. В Бурятии полицейский насмерть сбил мать двоих детей. В России обсуждают легализацию овербукинга.

Germany: Anti-migrant 'silent' march disrupted by antifa activists in Chemnitz
2018-09-01 20:14
Hundreds of far-right protesters held an anti-migrant 'silent march' in Chemnitz on Saturday, following rising tensions in eastern Germany that have led to the injury of at least six people and the death of a man since last week. Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, the anti-Islam PEGIDA group and the far-right group Pro Chemnitz have called on their followers to condemn what they view as a rise of crimes committed by migrants. The march was briefly disrupted by antifa activists who shouted anti-fascist slogans and were then dispersed by police. Protests have been flaring up in the eastern German city, with at least six people being injured in riots on August 27, after a 35 year-old Cuban-German man was killed in a reported dispute in the early hours of August 26. Two male suspects from Iraq and Syria, aged 22 and 23, have since been arrested.

US: Mourners pay respects to late US senator McCain at Washington National Cathedral
2018-09-01 20:22
The funeral cortege carrying the casket of Senator John McCain arrived at the Washington National Cathedral in the US capital for a memorial service on Saturday. A military honour guard carried the casket inside the cathedral. Among the mourners were the senator's wife, Cindy McCain, and daughter, Meghan McCain. Two former presidents, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, paid tribute to McCain at the invitation-only service. The six-term Arizona senator and 2008 Republican presidential nominee passed away from brain cancer on August 25th.

Russia: US sanctions 'counter-productive' — Lavrov
2018-09-01 20:30
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the US sanctions against Russia are «counter-productive,» adding that Moscow will be open for dialogue once Washington is ready for talks with mutual respect. He made the statement during an interview on Russia-1 TV channel in Moscow. Lavrov stressed that «the constant buildup of sanctions pressure without any facts that would justify such sanctions is counter-productive and push relations into an impasse.» However, he said that «there is a way out of any impasse» before adding that «once our partners are ready to talk on the basis of mutual respect and mutual consideration of interests, we will always be open to this.» The Russian foreign minister argued that «there are a lot of politicians in the US, «including the staff of the current administration, who are fully aware of the abnormality of the current predicament, when any step is verified on the subject of how it will backfire among Russophobes.» On August 27, a fresh round of US sanctions against Russia came into effect. The sanctions were imposed in response to the alleged chemical attack in the UK targeting former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter.

Что известно о новом исполняющем обязанности главы ДНР?
2018-09-01 20:37
Последние новости о расследовании убийства Александра Захарченко в Донецке.

Poland: Nationalist protesters demand WWII reparations from Germany
2018-09-01 21:07
Polish nationalists gathered outside the German embassy in Warsaw on Saturday to demand compensation by Germany over World War II damages on the anniversary of the beginning of WWII. The picket protest was staged by members of the far-right National Radical Camp (ONR). «Let's just start claiming our reparations. As I say, in a few days we are already starting to move with the first lawsuits against the German Federal Republic,» said a lawyer with dual German-Polish citizenship Stefan Hambura. A parliamentary commission in Poland reported that the country lost more than five million citizens and over $54 billion (46.6 billion euros) worth of assets under the Nazi German occupation. According to the leader of the ruling Law and Justice party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Poland was the first country the Nazis attacked in 1939, as well as the first to resist and suffer the greatest losses.

UK: 'Mega Mosque' protests, counter-protests reignited in Worcester
2018-09-01 21:38
A proposed 'Mega Mosque' had protesters up in arms in Worcester on Saturday, where around 150 members of the far-right group English Defence League (EDL) took the streets to protest. Members of the EDL were confronted by anti-fascist groups, who organised a counter-rally. Mounted police kept the two opposing sides apart. The protests follow a thwarted attempt by the EDL to hold a rally in Worcester last month, which ended in violent clashes. Last May, the Worcester Muslim Welfare Association (WMWA) had presented potential designs for a GBP 3 million (EUR 3.35 million) mosque on Worcester's Stanley Road.

Iran: Exhibition showcases Iran's gas industry to the world
2018-09-01 21:57
The first International Iran Gas Show opened in Tehran held on Saturday, where 70 firms participate in the exhibition which aims to be a platform to showcase Iran's growing gas industry. Hamid Siadati, Managing director of Neak Valve, an industrial valve company, said they wanted to attract more investment in Iranian gas from European countries. «If we consider the per capita gas consumption in Iran, it is something approximately three times that of Europe. That is why there is much work to be done [to improve] efficiency, and I recommend all European companies to consider Iran as a very, very good potential market,» he said. The event will run from the 1st until the 4th of September.

Germany: Maas condemns Chemnitz anti-migrant protests on visit to Dachau memorial
2018-09-01 22:03
German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas visited the concentration camp memorial in Dachau on Saturday, on the anniversary of the beginning of World War II. The German foreign minister walked around the camp and placed a flower wreath on the memorial honouring the victims of the Dachau concentration camp. «It's important that places such as Dachau exist so that we're reminded of what happened here in Germany,» Maas said. He stressed the importance of the memorial being a «central theme in school and that it can be transported into the present, all the way up to Chemnitz, that every form of everyday racism or anti-Semitism will be confronted.» Commenting on the recent outbreak of anti-migrant sentiment and protests in Chemnitz, Maas said that «those who are living perhaps in Chemnitz or in other places in Germany where the far right are well organised and the upright democrats are finding it hard — these are the people that we've got to support.»

Russia: Royal Guards of Oman perform at Spasskaya Tower festival
2018-09-01 22:11
The military band of the Royal Guards of Oman performed at the 11th International Military Music Festival 'Spasskaya Tower' at Moscow's Kazansky railway station on Saturday. The performance was accompanied by the Special Arts Troupe. The Royal Guard of Oman has participated at a number of military music festivals in Germany, Australia and Scotland. The Military Music Service of the Royal Guard of Oman consists of four Military Squadrons, including an all-female band, Military Choir Group, Steel Band and Military Bands Corps. The musicians who performed at the Spasskaya Tower festival were chosen from all four Military Squadrons of the Military Music Service of the Royal Guard of Oman. The 11th International Military Music Festival 'Spasskaya Tower' runs from August 24 until September 2.

Поправки в пенсионную реформу: выступление Путина
2018-09-01 22:18
На этой неделе Владимир Путин выступил с телеобращением об изменении пенсионного законодательства. В июле Госдума приняла в первом чтении проект закона, который предполагает повышение возраста выхода на пенсию до 65 лет для мужчин и до 63 лет для женщин. Глава государства сегодня высказал свою позицию по этому вопросу.

Сирийские военные захватили боевиков из «Восточных львов»
2018-09-01 22:18
Сирийские военные захватили боевиков, которые планировали совершить серию терактов в Пальмире. В ходе допроса один из них рассказал, что боевики состоят в бандформировании «Восточные львы» численностью 500 человек, и якобы тренируют их американцы.

«Фанимани»: Запасы на зиму и цены на бензин
2018-09-01 22:30
Будут ли граждане эффективно работать за пять лет до пенсии? Вырастут ли цены на бензин? На каких машинах должны ездить россияне по мнению автопроизводителей? И что выгоднее — делать запасы на зиму самостоятельно или покупать в магазине? Самые интересные события недели из мира денег и экономики — в программе «Фанимани».

Russia: Turkey should understand Idlib is Syria — Syrian FM *EXCLUSIVE*
2018-09-01 22:37
Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem stated that Turkey should understand that Idlib province is part of the Syrian state, during an interview to RT aired on Saturday in Moscow. 'We are not willing to confront Turkey. Anyway the Turkish side should understand Idlib as well as other provinces are parts of Syrian territory, which is under the sovereignty of Syria,' he said. The Syrian Foreign Minister also mentioned the talks between Russian and Saudi Foreign Ministers Sergei Lavrov and Adel Al-Jubeir which took place in August in Moscow. Muallem expressed his content regarding «the new language used to determine Saudi Arabia's position» on Syria. On August 29 Lavrov and Jubeir met and discussed the Syrian issue, common trade, the situation in the Middle East and North Africa, the situation in the Persian Gulf and the Palestinian-Israeli settlement.

Кандидаты в мэры провели серию встреч с избирателями в Москве
2018-09-01 23:30
До голосования на выборах мэра столицы остается неделя. Кандидаты продолжают общаться с избирателями на проблемные темы и проводить мероприятия. Вадим Кумин устроил автопробег по улицам Москвы. Илья Свиридов обсудил с жителями западных районов столицы вопросы строительства дублера Кутузовского проспекта. Михаил Дегтярев провел встречу со студентами в честь Дня знаний. Выборы мэра столицы пройдут 9 сентября. Проголосовать можно будет или на своем избирательном участке. Или по месту фактического пребывания. С 8 утра и до 10 часов вечера.

В Коломенском прошел фестиваль этнической музыки
2018-09-01 23:30
Известная грузинская певица Нино Катамадзе, невероятная исполнительница фламенко Ясмин Леви и зажигательный балканец Горан Брегович выступили на этническом фестивале «Музыка наших сердец». Также спеть со сцены приехали россиянки Алсу и Зара. Собрать такой звездный состав организаторам было очень не просто, а вот услышать их мог любой желающий, кто доехал прогуляться в выходной по парку Коломенское.

«Новости США за 60 секунд»: 1.09.2018
2018-09-01 23:46
Вашингтон прощается с Джоном Маккейном. Федеральный суд защитил «мечтателей». Трамп подписал указ о пенсионных планах.

USA: Counter-protest dwarfs 15-strong Ku Klan Klan rally in Indiana
2018-09-02 01:28
White supremacists known as the 'Honourable Sacred Knights of the Ku Klux Klan' held a heavily-guarded rally in the Indiana city of Madison on Saturday. Disruption occurred when a larger group of counter-protesters approached the rally but police kept the situation under control. The reported number of KKK attendees was said to be less than 15 while the counter protest was at least twice as large.

Libya: Rocket reportedly hits Tripoli hotel despite truce
2018-09-02 01:40
At least three people were wounded after a rocket hit the Al Waddan Hotel in central Tripoli on Saturday, according to reports. The bombardment came amid clashes between the rival militias vying to take control of the city despite a newly reached truce. The rocket reportedly hit the fourth floor of the hotel, causing significant damage and forcing guests to evacuate. On Tuesday, the truce was reached between the rival militias following deadly fighting between the two groups linked to the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA), concentrated in Tarhouna, south-east of Tripoli. However, more than 15 rockets rained on the Libyan capital and its surroundings on Friday. The bombardment reportedly continued into the early hours of Saturday. The latest incident comes following joint-American, French, Italian and British condemnation of the escalating tensions which they claim will damage the region’s stability.

Germany: Chemnitz protesters display portraits of 'migrant' attack victims
2018-09-02 02:22
Far-right protesters displayed portraits of victims of attacks they claim were perpetrated by asylum seekers during a 'silent' anti-migrant march in Chemnitz on Saturday. Hundreds of far-right protesters took part in the march, which was briefly disrupted by antifa activists who shouted slogans and were then dispersed by police. Protests have been flaring up in the eastern German city, with at least six people being injured in riots on August 27, following the death of a 35-year-old Cuban-German who was killed during a reported dispute on August 26. Two male suspects from Iraq and Syria, aged 22 and 23, have since been arrested.

Syria: Explosions reportedly rock ammo depot at Damascus military airfield
2018-09-02 02:33
Several explosions went off around an ammunition depot at the Mazzeh military airfield in southwestern Damascus on Saturday night. Syrian news agency SANA reports that military sources said the explosions may have been caused by a short circuit, denying media reports of Israeli aggression.

Libya: Gaddafi supporters celebrate 1 September Revolution anniversary in Sabha
2018-09-02 02:49
Supporters of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi gathered to celebrate the 49th anniversary of the 1 September Revolution in the city of Sabha late on Thursday, with celebrations going on until the early hours of Friday morning. Gaddafi supporters marched through the city waving green flags and holding portraits of the former Libyan leader, who ruled the country from 1969 to 2011. Clashes in Tripoli over the past few days have been jointly-condemned by British, American, Italian and French authorities, who say they destabilise the region. The 1 September Revolution, which took place in 1969, saw King Idris’ monarchy overthrown by army officers led by Gaddafi, who then went on to establish his regime.

Kyrgyzstan: Erdogan meets Kyrgyz President Jeenbekov in Bishkek
2018-09-02 04:07
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held talks with his Kyrgyz counterpart Sooronbay Jeenbekov on Saturday, the first day of his official visit to Bishkek. The two leaders discussed a wide range of issues related to further deepening cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Turkey. Twelve documents have reportedly been signed between the two countries. On Sunday, Erdogan is expected to take part in the Kyrgyz-Turkish business forum, the opening of a new mosque in Bishkek and the foundation laying of a new building of the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. Erdogan will also take part in the opening ceremony of the third World Nomad Games and the summit of the heads of state of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States.

Italy: Torrential rain sees floods submerge cars in Province of Verona
2018-09-02 05:21
Wind and heavy rain caused flooding in the region of Veneto on Saturday, as shown in footage filmed in the town of Negrar, 12km (7mi) northwest of Verona. Cars were submerged by the torrents while Civil Protection workers assisted residents. Then towns of Arbizzano, Parona and Avesa were also reportedly hit by flooding.

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