USA: `Feed the hungry, clothe the naked' -- Thousands rally in DC to fight poverty
USA: ‘Feed the hungry, clothe the naked’ — Thousands rally in DC to fight poverty
2018-06-24 06:23
Thousands of people rallied in Washington DC on Saturday to raise awareness to the plight of Americans living in poverty.
The mass rally concluded a six-week-long ‘Poor People’s campaign’, in a call for a ‘moral revival.‘
Dozens of activists and prominent human rights leaders, including Reverend Jesse Jackson, spoke at the National Mall about issues including the minimum wage, affordable housing, education, healthcare and immigration.
Following the rally, the crowds marched towards the US Capitol with the likes of actor Danny Glover in tow.
USA: San Diego protests southern border immigrant separations
2018-06-24 06:54
As many as 5,000 people marched through downtown San Diego on Saturday to protest US President Donald Trump administration’s policy of separating families caught crossing the southern border illegally.
The Families Belong Together march kicked off at Civic Center Plaza at 10am and ended with a march to the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices.
San Diego Indivisible, a grassroots group, organised the protest and its leaders say is dedicated to ‘fighting the Trump agenda.’
Trump's administration has been roundly condemned for its treatment of migrants at the southern border after 2,300 migrant children were separated from their parents between mid-April and May.
Trump announced a reversal of the policy to separate children from their parents after he signed an executive order on Wednesday.
Блокада Западного Берлина: 70 лет с начала «холодной войны»
2018-06-24 07:20
В июне исполняется 70 лет первому масштабному противостоянию бывших союзников по Второй мировой войне. Блокада Западного Берлина советскими войсками стала началом той самой «холодной войны», определяющей мировую геополитику второй половины 20-го века.
Turkey: Voting underway in Turkish general elections
2018-06-24 09:27
Polls opened in Istanbul for both presidential and parliamentary elections on Sunday.
Incumbent President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called a snap election in April, bringing the original poll date forward from November 2019.
As leader and founder of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), Erdogan is seeking to become the country's first president since the April 2017 referendum approved major constitutional changes which are set to come into force in these elections.
Other candidates include Muharrem Ince from the centre-left Republican People's Party (CHP), Meral Aksener from right-wing IYI (Good) Party and Selahattin Demirtas, currently in prison, from the pro-Kurdish Democratic People's Party (HDP).
If no candidate receives an outright majority, the presidential poll will go to a second round on July 8.
The parliamentary election will see 600 MPs — selected through a party-list proportional representation system — enter the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, .
«Оно вам надо?»: Мировой футбол и политзаключенные
2018-06-24 09:52
Отвечает ли FIFA за узника совести Олега Сенцова. 100 тысяч уголовников готовы к досрочному освобождению. Один день в СИЗО теперь равен полутора дням в тюрьме. Кухонный скандал на иврите. Жена израильского премьера обвиняется в крупном ресторанном мошенничестве
USA: Two police officers shot in San Diego college area
2018-06-24 11:15
Two police officers are thought to be injured in an exchange of gunfire in Rolando Court, about one mile (1.6km) from San Diego's university on Saturday night.
One suspect has been detained, but the San Diego Police Department (SDPD) did not confirm whether this was the shooter.
Police have advised people to stay indoors and wait for further information.
Mandatory credit: A1mikesauce
В Донбассе произошел очередной конфликт сепаратистов с ОБСЕ
2018-06-24 13:35
Инцидент произошел 2 дня назад. По словам наблюдателей, они направлялись к селу Петровское под Донецком, когда заметили на дороге противотанковую мину. В этот момент к машине ОБСЕ подошел нетрезвый вооруженный мужчина и потребовал от наблюдателей покинуть район, вынудив их ехать по заминированной дороге.
Бойцы ССА сдали сирийской армии 11 населенных пунктов
2018-06-24 14:01
Формирования Сирийской свободной армии, под контролем которых находились более десяти населенных пунктов в зоне деэскалации на юге Сирии, в течение минувших суток перешли на сторону властей страны.
Turkey: Erdogan casts vote in decisive general elections
2018-06-24 14:20
Leader and founder of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the incumbent Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan cast his vote at a polling station in Ankara in Sunday's presidential and parliamentary elections.
Erdogan called a snap election in April, bringing the original poll date forward from November 2019.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan is seeking to become the country's first president since the April 2017 referendum approved major constitutional changes which are set to come into force in these elections.
Other candidates include Muharrem Ince from the centre-left Republican People's Party (CHP), Meral Aksener from right-wing IYI (Good) Party and Selahattin Demirtas, currently in prison, from the pro-Kurdish Democratic People's Party (HDP).
If no candidate receives an outright majority, the presidential poll will go to a second round on July 8.
The parliamentary election will see 600 MPs — selected through a party-list proportional representation system — enter the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.
В Москве разбираются в обстоятельствах смертельного ДТП на Кутузовском
2018-06-24 14:40
Смертельная авария на Кутузовском проспекте вновь подняла вопрос о безопасности трассы и ужесточении ответственности для стритрейсеров. Однако есть и те, кто не склонен винить погибшего водителя спорткара: он вылетел на «встречку», чтобы не сбить пешехода, которого не должно было быть на дороге.
Australia: Counter-protest outnumbers far-right rally in Melbourne
2018-06-24 15:07
A march from far right True Blue Crew (TBC) was countered by Antifa in Melbourne on Sunday.
Riot police sought were deployed to separate the two groups. At one stage, there was a brief scuffle after a demonstrator knocked the glasses off a TBC supporter.
Both sides attempted to provoke the other with insults.
In a speech, TBC's leader Kane Miller said Australians should defend the country from immigrants and refugees.
«We've earned this country and we come from the people who've fought for it, sacrificed for it and bled for it. So give them nothing,» he told a group of loyal supporters.
The larger counter-protest organised by Antifa called on Australians to say no to racism and fascism.
Germany: Building explosion injures 25
2018-06-24 15:24
German police say at least 25 people were injured after an explosion ripped apart a building in the western city of Wuppertal on Sunday.
Four people are thought to be seriously injured.
The explosion, according to police, happened at midnight. Firefighters were called to try and tackle the blaze.
The building has almost completely collapsed.
An investigation has been opened into the cause of the explosion.
Путин и Трамп могут встретиться в Вене 15 июля
2018-06-24 16:34
В столице Австрии уже готовятся к встрече лидеров США и России. В Вену уже прибыли дипломатические представители Москвы и Вашингтона.
В Якутии разбираются, куда ушли мамонты
2018-06-24 17:18
«Куда ушли мамонты», пытаются разобраться в Якутске. Палеонтологическая выставка с таким названием собрала уникальные разработки и находки республиканской Академии наук. Некоторым из них — 33 тысячи лет.
Russia: Truck roof collapses under ’Scarlet Sails’ viewers in St. Petersburg
2018-06-24 18:30
Dozens of people climbing on top of a truck to see the ‘Scarlet Sails’ fireworks display in Saint Petersburg caused the vehicle’s roof to collapse under their weight, as shown in footage filmed by an eyewitness on Saturday evening.
One woman was reportedly injured in the incident.
Police are currently searching for people who climbed on top of the truck, as well as calculating the damages the vehicle suffered
The ‘Scarlet Sails’ celebration is dedicated to young people who are graduating from school. The tradition dates back to the post-World War II era when Leningrad school students were inspired by Alexander Grin's popular 1922 children's book 'Scarlet Sails'.
The scarlet-sailed ship which navigates the Neva River symbolises hope, dreams and a bright future.
Germany: Eco-activists protest in Berlin against coal use
2018-06-24 19:31
Hundreds of people marched in Berlin around the Bundestag area on Sunday, to demand an end to the use of coal to produce electricity.
The demonstrators walked to the Berlin government district ahead of the following week's first meeting of Germany's commission on exiting coal use, which is to be held next Tuesday, 3 July.
About 22 percent of Germany's electricity comes from burning soft lignite coal, while 33 percent is generated using renewable energy.
Belgium: 'France will take no lessons from anyone' — Macron on migration issues
2018-06-24 20:37
French President Emmanuel Macron claimed that his country «will take no lessons from anyone» concerning how to deal with migrant issues, during the informal European Union meeting on migration and asylum issues, in Brussels on Sunday.
He added that in terms of migration «Europe and the European Union are going through a political crisis» stressing «we need some clear and simple ideas in order to solve this,» naming «values» as part these ideas.
«The values of Europe are respect for human and individual rights and respect for the other States and their integrity,» concluded Macron.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel emphasised the importance of cooperation in tackling both primary and secondary migration issues.
«Here it is, on the one hand, about the primary migration, consequently, the refugees, the people who came from places outside of the European Union. And secondly, there is a question of secondary migration, which means how we treat one another fairly and honestly within the EU borders,» opined Merkel.
EU leaders' current meeting is following Germany's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Christian Social Union (CSU) coalition parties' dispute over the country's Interior Minister Horst Seehofer's masterplan for migration and is aiming to facilitate the possible solution of the issue.
Вести недели. Эфир от 24.06.2018. Ситуация в ЕС: фантастика стала реальностью
2018-06-24 21:27
Это фантастика, конечно, но многое из того, что сейчас происходит, еще год назад прозвучало бы фантастически. Возможно, Ангеле Меркель еще как-то удастся избежать злой участи и даже превратиться из добычи в охотника.
«Новости США за 60 секунд»: Эфир от 24.06.2018
2018-06-24 21:34
Трамп призвал высылать нелегалов на родину без судебного рассмотрения. Власти США знают о местонахождении 2053 детей, разлученных с родителями. Кушнер: план мира между Израилем и палестинцами «почти готов».
Moldova: Thousands rally after court voids Chisinau mayoral election results
2018-06-24 21:39
Thousands of people rallied in Chisinau on Sunday to protest the nullification of the Moldovan capital’s mayoral election results that gave the victory to leader of the Dignity and Truth Platform party Andrei Nastase.
According to organisers, close to 100,000 protesters took part in the protest.
Nastase won 52.5 percent of the votes in the June 3 mayoral runoff election. However, his victory was overturned by a court just days later, allegedly on the grounds of violating Moldova’s campaigning laws.
Российские военные медики вернулись из Сирии
2018-06-24 21:45
Военнослужащие отдельного медицинского отряда специального назначения Воздушно-десантных войск России вернулись домой после успешного выполнения задач по оказанию медицинской помощи населению Сирии.
Чили после Пиночета не может надышаться воздухом протеста
2018-06-24 21:57
Со странами Латинской Америки у нас взаимный интерес еще с советских времен. Взять хотя бы Чили. Все началось в 70-х годах прошлого века, когда к власти в Сантьяго пришло правительство социалиста Сальвадора Альенде.
Фестиваль тюркоязычных народов прошел в Алма-Ате
2018-06-24 23:00
В Алма-Ате проходит большой фестиваль тюркоязычных народов. Масштабное мероприятие охватывает огромную этническую группу людей — десятки миллионов человек.
Turkey: Counting underway as Erdogan claims presidential election victory
2018-06-25 01:01
Ballots were being tallied in Istanbul on Sunday as sitting President Recep Tayyep Erdogan claimed victory in Turkey's presidential election after a preliminary vote count, however, opposition parties are yet to concede.
The country's electoral board (YSK) is yet to announce the official results of the election but the state-run Anadolu Agency reports that after counting 97 percent of votes, Erdogan is sitting on 52.62 percent while his key political opponent Muharrem Ince is estimated to trailing behind on 30.76.
It is thought the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) will exceed the 10 percent threshold needed to enter parliament.
At an estimated 11 percent, the HDP will hold 46 seats becoming the second largest opposition party in the new chamber.
Turkey: Erdogan supporters in Istanbul celebrate electoral ‘victory’
2018-06-25 01:29
Supporters of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gathered in front of his Justice and Development Party (AK) headquarters in Istanbul on Sunday after he claimed victory in the snap presidential election.
The country's electoral board (YSK) is yet to announce the official results of the election but the state-run Anadolu Agency reports that after counting 97 percent of votes, Erdogan is sitting on 52.62 percent while his key political opponent Muharrem Ince is estimated to trailing behind on 30.76.
It is thought the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) will exceed the 10 percent threshold needed to enter parliament.
At an estimated 11 percent, the HDP will hold 46 seats becoming the second largest opposition party in the new chamber.
Erdogan called a snap election in April, bringing the original poll date forward from November 2019.
USA: 'Traumatising' — Protest outside Texan detention centres for minors
2018-06-25 02:37
Protesters gathered in front of the detention facilities for immigrant minors near the Mexican border in Tornillo, TX on Sunday.
The protest was organised against US President Donald Trump’s migration policies and to demand that separated families are reunited.
I can only imagine being detained in a tent, in the heat, it got to be 110F [43°C] degrees today,» said one protester. «I can only imagine how traumatising that will be for the rest of their lives.»
Trump's administration has been roundly condemned for its treatment of migrants at the southern border after 2,300 migrant children were separated from their parents between mid-April and May.
Trump announced a reversal of the policy to separate children from their parents after he signed an executive order on Wednesday.
Protesters said that families must be reunited and that there must be a plan to avoid keeping people in jail.
USA: New Yorkers take part in stroller march against migrant detentions
2018-06-25 03:25
Protesters marched with baby strollers towards a migrant detention centre in New York City on Sunday to demonstrate against US President Donald Trump's immigration policies.
Trump's administration has been roundly condemned for its treatment of migrants at the southern border after 2,300 children were separated from their parents between mid-April and May.
The US President announced a reversal of the policy after he signed an executive order on Wednesday.
Eric Adams, the Brooklyn Borough President, explained that the city's multiculturalism makes it such a sore point for those who turned out for the protest.
«When we watch a child being snatched from a parent from Mexico, every child that is here we look at it and say 'that can't happen, not in the America that we want to be a part of',» he said.
Turkey: Erdogan's victory claims turn into wild celebrations in Ankara
2018-06-25 04:23
Incumbent Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan celebrated 'victory' in the snap presidential elections on Sunday with a speech to hundreds of thousands of his supporters in the capital of Ankara, despite official results not being announced until next Friday.
According to the election authority chief, Erdogan won the presidential election in the first round, with a reported 52.62 percent of the vote although these figures are unofficial.
His key political opponent Muharrem Ince is estimated to trailing behind on 30.76.
Erdogan spoke briefly to a crowd of supporters from the balcony of his party headquarters.
«Democracy is the real winner, our country is the winner. Every one of our 81 million citizens is a winner. I want to thank those who went to the polls today in this 'festival of democracy', which has had the highest turnout in the history of our nation,» he told the crowds.
Romania: Thousands protest Dragnea’s refusal to resign despite conviction
2018-06-25 06:09
Up to 12,000 protesters gathered in Bucharest on Sunday to voice their anger at Social Democratic Party (PSD) chairman Liviu Dragnea for his refusal to step down as party leader and as president of the lower house.
Dragnea was handed three-and-a-half years in prison on a charge of instigating the abuse of his office.
The sentence is not final and it can be appealed within 15 days. The ruling was passed on a two against one vote by three justices from the Supreme Court.