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France: Fireworks light up Nice for first time since 2016 deadly attack

France: Fireworks light up Nice for first time since 2016 deadly attack
2018-06-10 06:24
Fireworks lit the skies of the French city of Nice on Saturday, in the first celebration held at the city's port since the July 2016 terrorist attack that claimed the lives of 86 people. Security was heavy as locals flocked the port to mark the first firework celebration. Locals said that the presence of heavy police forces and security checks was reassuring, but that there was no point in thinking about the attack too much. «It reassures me more or less, but if someone wants to come back and do things he does what he wants, then I think we break our head a little too much since what happened, we pay too much attention to that,» Axel said. For Jose Vazquez, a local engineer, the security didn't affect him «I don't care I would have come anyway, even if there wasn't any of that I would have come. I hope they wont do this every time.» On 14 July 2016 attack a truck plowed into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day, killing 86 people.

China: SCO observer state leaders take part in 18th Summit in Qingdao
2018-06-10 06:32
Chinese President Xi Jinping greeted and took group photos with the leaders of the observer states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) as the 18th Summit kicked off in Qingdao on Saturday. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was amongst the leaders. The summit will focus on regional security, development, and trade amongst members of the organisation, which since expansion now accounts for almost half of the world's population, more than 20 percent of global GDP and over 60% of the Eurasian landmass. This year's two-day summit marks the 18th edition and is set to include Pakistan and India as full members after they joined at Astana 2017. The summit takes place from June 9 -10.

Трамп заявил, что США не подпишут итоговое коммюнике G7
2018-06-10 06:45
9 июня президент США Дональд Трамп сообщил, что дал распоряжение своим представителям не подписывать итоговую декларацию саммита «Большой семерки».

USA: Trump 'putting America first' in G7 summit — Pence
2018-06-10 06:50
Vice President of the United States Mike Pence addressed the 9th Annual 'Road to Majority' conservative summit held in Washington, DC on Saturday. Pence said that President Donald Trump is «putting America first» in the Canada G7 summit. According to Pence, Trump is headed for the «historic summit between the United States and North Korea» in Singapore «with his eyes wide open.» «The truth is he has been preparing for this his whole life,» Pence said about Trump. The three-day event organised by the 'Faith and Freedom Coalition' features republican, religious and conservative figures.

Воскресный проект Александра Герасимова: Как президент Путин наводил порядок в России по телевизору
2018-06-10 07:06
Лужу, паяю, примус починяю: Как президент Путин наводил порядок в России по телевизору. Вор в законе — это вам не просто уголовник: Кремль готовится к обмену политзаключенными с Украиной. Город без жевательной резинки и порнографии: Сингапур в ожидании саммита США — Северная Корея.

Canada: Anti-G7 protests hit Quebec City for third day
2018-06-10 07:15
Protests condemning the G7 Summit resumed for the third consecutive day in Quebec City on Saturday, with labour unions and environmental groups marching through the streets of Old Quebec. Protesters with flags and banners accompanied by heavy police presence marched through the streets denouncing the G7 summit and its participating leaders. No violent incidents occurred on the third day of demonstrations, as the G7 Summit drew to a close in the nearby town of La Malbaie.

Romania: Govt. supporters flood Bucharest to protest anti-corruption prosecutors
2018-06-10 07:41
Thousands of Social Democratic Party (PSD) supporters rallied in Bucharest on Saturday to decry corruption alleged «abuses» made by prosecutors against the ruling coalition. The protest aimed to counter anti-government demonstrations after Social Democrats attempted to decriminalise corruption crimes with an emergency decree last year. Following the popular outcry, the ruling party was forced to pull back the decree.

В Циндао проходит заседание глав стран ШОС
2018-06-10 07:43
Заседание Совета глав стран Шанхайской организации сотрудничества проходит в китайском Циндао. Председатель КНР Си Цзиньпин поприветствовал гостей, состоялась церемония фотографирования. Впервые в заседании участвуют лидеры Индии и Пакистана. Эти государства присоединились к ШОС в 2017 году. Россию представляет Владимир Путин.

Американским врачам-онкологам удалось вылечить рак у пациентки
2018-06-10 09:49
Американским врачам-онкологам удалось вылечить у женщины рак груди в последней стадии с использованием иммунотерапии.

В Сингапуре готовятся к историческому саммиту
2018-06-10 09:50
Местом проведения саммитом Сингапур выбран не случайно. Этому городу уже не привыкать к масштабным мероприятиям.

Выступление Владимира Путина на заседании глав стран ШОС в Циндао
2018-06-10 09:51
Заседание Совета глав стран Шанхайской организации сотрудничества проходит в китайском Циндао. Выступление Владимира Путина.

Владимир Путин: Россия не выходила из «большой восьмерки»
2018-06-10 10:22
Россия не выходила из организации «большой восьмерки» — это ее партнеры по объединению отказались приезжать на саммит в нашу страну. Об этом напомнил журналистам на пресс-конференции по итогам своего визита в Китай президент РФ Владимир Путин.

Germany: Suspected killer of 14 y/o flown to Wiesbaden from Iraq
2018-06-10 10:57
A police helicopter brought Ali Bashar to Wiesbaden precinct on Saturday, where he will face questioning over the murder and rape of 14-year-old Susanna from Mainz. The suspect in the murder of German 14-year old girl Susanna Feldman, refugee Ali B., had been arrested in northern Iraq by Kurdish security forces after fleeing Germany, according to officials. The Iraqi asylum seeker is accused of raping and killing Feldman, whose dead body was found on the outskirts of Wiesbaden last Wednesday. The defendant reportedly fled Germany together with eight family members by boarding a plane to northern Iraq, before the arrest warrant was issued. _______________________________ TRADUCCIÓN AL ESPAÑOL Alemania: Sospechoso de asesinato de la niña de 14 años trasladado a Wiesbaden desde el norte de Irak P/G Helicóptero policial con el sospechoso Ali Bashar llegando a Wiesbaden P/M Oficiales de policía acompañando a Bashar al recinto policial P/G Oficiales de policía fuera del recinto P/M Policía llevando a Bashar dentro del edificio TEXTO Un helicóptero de la policía llevó a Ali Bashar al recinto de Wiesbaden el sábado, donde enfrentará un interrogatorio por el asesinato de Susanna, de 14 años, de Mainz Según las autoridades, Ali Bashar, sospechoso del asesinato de la niña alemana de 14 años Susanna Feldman, fue arrestado en el norte de Irak por las fuerzas de seguridad kurdas tras huir de Alemania. El solicitante de asilo iraquí está acusado de violar y matar a Feldman, cuyo cadáver fue encontrado en las afueras de Wiesbaden el miércoles pasado. Según los informes, el acusado huyó de Alemania junto con ocho miembros de su familia abordando un avión hacia el norte de Irak antes de que se emitiera la orden de arresto.

Вести. Эфир от 10.06.2019 (11:00)
2018-06-10 11:00
Владимир Путин на саммите ШОС ответил на предложение Трампа вернуться в «большую восьмерку» и поздравил Овечкина с Кубком Стэнли. В этом вся соль: Роналду распробовал каравай, слушая «Подмосковные вечера» в Жуковском. 15 коробок с документами везет Трамп на встречу с Ким Чен Ыном.

China: Rouhani calls for response to 'destructive' US JCPOA withdrawal
2018-06-10 11:21
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that the absence of a response to the US's withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) would have 'destructive consequences for the global community' while speaking at the 18th Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in Qingdao on Sunday. Rouhani said Iran welcomed Russian and Chinese efforts to maintain the nuclear deal and the Iranian President warned against unilateralism as a threat to regional integration. «The United States would certainly monitor the reaction of others to its exit from the JCPOA,» Rouhani explained. The SCO summit focuses on regional security, development, and trade amongst members of the organisation, which since expansion now accounts for almost half of the world's population, more than 20 percent of global GDP and over 60% of the Eurasian landmass. This year's two-day summit marks the 18th edition and includes Pakistan and India as full members after they joined at Astana 2017. The summit takes place from June 9 -10.

Около 10 тыс. москвичей переселят в новые квартиры в 2018 году
2018-06-10 11:25
Около 10 тысяч москвичей в этом году переселят в новые квартиры в рамках программы реновации. Некоторые уже празднует новоселье.

Стоимость литра бензина в России может взлететь до 100 рублей
2018-06-10 11:30
С таким прогнозом выступили в Независимом топливном союзе. Он объединяет владельцев больше половины заправок страны. В организации отметили, что меры правительства по заморозке розничных цен могут привести к уничтожению независимых сетей. В этом случае рынок будет монополизирован, а цена в течение года вырастет больше чем в два раза. Чтобы этого не допустить, в Союзе предложили правительству либо отпустить розничные цены, либо в ручном режиме регулировать оптовые тарифы.

Ким Чен Ын прибыл в Сингапур
2018-06-10 11:50
Глава КНДР Ким Чен Ын прибыл в Сингапур — это подтвердил глава МИД страны Вивиан Балакришнан. Он также опубликовал фото встречи лидера КНДР, на котором он и Ким Чен Ын жмут друг другу руки.

Выступление Владимира Путина на пресс-конференции по итогам визита в Китай
2018-06-10 11:51
Пресс-конференция президента России Владимира Путина по итогам саммита глав стран Шанхайской организации сотрудничества в китайском Циндао.

China: SCO expansion heightens responsibility, attention, expectation — Xi
2018-06-10 12:24
Chinese President Xi Jinping said that the expansion of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) to include Pakistan and India handed its member states more responsibility to 'maintain peace and promote prosperity' during speech in Qingdao on Sunday. «This meeting is the first forum that gathers together all eight leaders from the SCO member countries after expansion, which has historical meaning,» said Xi. He added that the organisation's strength 'has grown further', drawing more attention from the international community. This year's two-day summit marks the 18th edition and is set to include Pakistan and India as full members after they joined at Astana 2017. The summit takes place from June 9 -10.

Страны G7 призвали Россию прекратить дестабилизировать ситуацию в мире
2018-06-10 12:35
«Большая семерка» и дальше будет поддерживать территориальную целостность Украины. Лидеры осудили аннексию Крыма и призвали Россию прекратить подрывать демократию в других странах.

Начальник собственной безопасности МВД Дагестана арестован в Москве
2018-06-10 12:59
Начальник собственной безопасности МВД Дагестана Магомед Хизриев, подозреваемый в попытке купить высокую должность за шесть миллионов долларов, просидит под арестом ближайшие два месяца. Какую схему придумал полковник и как работает криминальный рынок торговли вакантными креслами?

В Сингапур прибыл Ким Чен Ын: как встречали северокорейскую делегацию
2018-06-10 14:32
Встреча лидера КНДР с президентом США Дональдом Трампом запланирована на 12 июня. В ее преддверии издание Axios пишет, что глава Белого дома готов рассмотреть вопрос открытия американского посольства в Пхеньяне. Впрочем, многие аналитики по-прежнему смотрят на переговоры не без доли скепсиса.

В Казани «Забивака» довел портниху до уголовного дела
2018-06-10 14:35
Швея изготовила контрафакт для полицейских под прикрытием. Теперь женщине грозит крупный штраф. Продавать товары с символикой предстоящего чемпионата разрешено нескольким компаниям-партнерам FIFA.

«Церковь и мир». Вопросы задает Екатерина Грачева
2018-06-10 14:38
На днях патриарх Сербии назвал врагами всех тех, кто поддерживает раскольников на Украине. Речь идет об идее автокефалии, которая возникла в Киеве, а точнее — у украинского президента Петра Порошенко. Поддерживает ли кто-то на сегодняшний день эту идею за пределами Украины?

China: Xi denounces protectionism, hails globalisation at SCO signing-in
2018-06-10 14:54
Chinese President Xi Jinping said that globalisation and economic integration were 'the general trend' during a signing-in ceremony at the 18th Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in Qingdao on Sunday. The Chinese leader also stressed the SCO's opposition to 'protectionism.' «We are going to firmly maintain the authority and effectiveness of WTO as well as united, open, inclusive, fair and non-discriminatory multilateral trade,» Xi said. SCO leaders signed the Qingdao Declaration and agreements on security and economic cooperation, as well as deals on citizen exchange. This year's two-day summit marks the 18th edition and includes Pakistan and India as full members after they joined at Astana 2017. The summit takes place from June 9 -10.

Тульская область принимает фестиваль Tolstoy Weekend
2018-06-10 15:27
В Ясной Поляне проходит традиционный Tolstoy Weekend, приуроченный на этот раз к 190-летию классика. Усадьба стала сценой под открытым небом, на которой свои постановки покажут театры из разных концов света. Двери открыты не только для драматических спектаклей.

Владимир Путин рассказал журналистам об итогах саммита ШОС
2018-06-10 15:29
В китайском Циндао завершился саммит Шанхайской организации сотрудничества. Его участники подписали итоговую декларацию. Впервые в работе саммита участвовали Индия и Пакистан, вошедшие в состав ШОС в прошлом году. На пресс-конференции по итогам саммита Владимир Путин назвал структуру объединения оптимальной.

Олега Сенцова перевели из тюремной камеры в медсанчасть
2018-06-10 15:33
Украинский режиссер Олег Сенцов, объявивший в российской колонии бессрочную голодовку с требованием освободить украинских политзаключенных в России, написал, что его перевели из камеры в медсанчасть колонии.

Вести-Калуга. События недели. Эфир от 10.06.2018
2018-06-10 15:36
О футболе, пенсионном возрасте и ценах на топливо: реакция Владимира Путина на самые злободневные вопросы. Река Терепец стала чище: в рамках акции «Вода России» волонтеры вышли на уборку акватории одного из самых грязных водоёмов Калуги. Дружба, опалённая войной: ветеран из Крыма после долгих лет разлуки навестил боевого товарища в Калуге. Военный подвиг языком большого кино: студия Военфильм объявила набор актеров на роли курсантов подольских училищ.

«Погода 24»: Россия пережила еще одну ненастную неделю
2018-06-10 16:02
Июнь помнит, что он — лето? Сколько еще ждать нормальной летней погоды? Очередной фейк Украины: депутаты Верховной рады заявили, что это они создали засуху в Крыму. Почему версия Киева не выдерживает критики? Французский путешественник решил вплавь пересечь Тихий океан: за полгода Бенуа Лекомт собирается добраться от Токио до Сан-Франциско.

Дональд Трамп прибыл в Сингапур для встречи с Ким Чен Ыном
2018-06-10 16:22
Президент США Дональд Трамп прибыл в воскресенье в Сингапур - спустя несколько часов после того, как туда ​прилетел лидер Северной Кореи Ким Чен Ын. 12 июня в Сингапуре пройдет встреча двух лидеров. Трамп спустился с трапа самолета Air Force One, сел в машину и отправился в отель «Шангри-ла», не пообщавшись с журналистами. Американского президента сопровождают госсекретарь Майк Помпео и советник по национальной безопасности Джон Болтон.

Церковь и мир. Эфир от 10.06.2018
2018-06-10 16:38
На днях патриарх Сербии назвал врагами всех тех, кто поддерживает раскольников на Украине. Речь идет об идее автокефалии, которая возникла в Киеве, а точнее — у украинского президента Петра Порошенко. Поддерживает ли кто-то на сегодняшний день эту идею за пределами Украины?

Путин рассказал о разговоре с Порошенко и встрече с Трампом
2018-06-10 17:07
10 июня в китайском городе Циндао завершился двухдневный саммит Шанхайской организации сотрудничества. Во встрече участвовали лидеры России, Китая, Казахстана, Киргизии, Таджикистана, Узбекистана и впервые как новые члены организации Индии и Пакистана.

Canada: Suspect in murder of German girl 'probably' to be returned to Germany — Merkel
2018-06-10 17:13
German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated that the suspect in the murder of German 14-year old girl Susanna Feldman, refugee Ali B., «probably will be returned to Germany.» She spoke at a press conference while at the 44th Group of Seven (G7) summit in La Malbaie on Saturday. Merkel said that «with regard to the question of the heinous murder of Susanna, I would like to say that this murder shocked the whole of Germany and myself very deeply. The incomprehensible suffering that has befallen the family and the victim moves everyone and affects me, too. She went on to say that suspect «has been caught and probably will be returned to Germany.» Merkel also lauded cooperation between the German Federal Police and Kurdish security services, noting that it «has worked well.» The suspect in the murder of German 14-year old girl Susanna Feldman, refugee Ali B., had been arrested in northern Iraq by Kurdish security forces after fleeing Germany, according to officials. The Iraqi asylum seeker is accused of raping and killing Feldman, whose dead body was found on the outskirts of Wiesbaden last Wednesday. The defendant reportedly fled Germany together with eight family members by boarding a plane to northern Iraq, before the arrest warrant was issued.

Дональд Tрамп прибыл в Сингапур
2018-06-10 17:15
Президент США Дональд Трамп прибыл в Сингапур для участия в саммите с северокорейским лидером Ким Чен Ыном.

Си подарил российскому президенту его копию
2018-06-10 17:15
Президент Путин прибыл в Китай еще в 8 июня. Это его первый государственный визит в Поднебесную после переизбрания на новый срок.

США увеличили пошлины на алюминий и сталь
2018-06-10 17:44
Страны «Большой семерки» пытались договориться об условиях международной торговли по единым правилам. И уже после завершения саммита Дональд Трамп отозвал свою подпись под итоговой декларацией.

Russia: Saudi national team arrives in St. Petersburg for WC
2018-06-10 17:55
The Saudi Arabia national football team landed in St. Petersburg on Saturday, just days ahead of the start of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The team's base camp would be the training complex of FC Zenit Saint Petersburg. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018. Saudi Arabia are set to face Russia, Uruguay and Egypt in Group A, during the group stages of the tournament.

Germany: Die Linke condemns German gov.'s 'hypocrisy' towards Russia
2018-06-10 18:53
Parliamentary chairperson of Die Linke (the Left Party) Sahra Wagenknecht held a speech on the last day of the party's convention in Leipzig on Sunday. Wagenknecht condemned what she viewed as «hypocrisy» in German government's behaviour towards Russia. She argued that «the hypocrisy in the interaction with Russia is unprecedented. At the beginning of this year, four diplomats were expelled because there was an attempted murder with poison in Great Britain, which as we know today, all big secret services in the world have at their disposal, including the BND [German Secret Service].» The Die Linke chairperson went on to say that «when the US ambassador [to Germany] acts like a new colonial ruler and publicly announces that he wants to bring the right wing [parties] to power in Europe, then he is invited by Mr [German Foreign Minister] Maas for a coffee, instead of presenting him a return ticket to Washington [D.C.].» Wagenknecht also called the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) a «product of Merkel» rather than a counter programme. She also called on her fellow party members to «end these absurd debates [within the party] and rather fight together so that Gauland's AfD becomes a bird's poop in German history,» in reference to AfD leader Alexander Gualand's earlier comments that the Nazi era was a bird's poop [brief stain] in German history. The Die Linke party day took place in Leipzig from Friday to Sunday.

Russia: Iranian team trains in Moscow Region for World Cup
2018-06-10 19:33
Iran national football team was seen holding a training session ahead of the upcoming World Cup 2018 at Locomotive Base in Moscow region on Sunday. According to Iranian player Mehdi Taremi, “We are coming here to play for our country, for our people. But we will show our best and we will do our best in the pitch and we will see what will happen in the game.” The Iranian team has been living at the base since June 5, where it prepares for the upcoming World Cup. The Iranians will play against the teams of Morocco, Spain and Portugal. The 2018 FIFA World Cup takes place in Russia from June 14 to July 15, 2018.

Singapore: Security ramped up in Sentosa ahead of Trump-Kim summit
2018-06-10 20:34
Security was ramped up on Singapore's Sentosa Island on Sunday, ahead of the June 12 summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Sentosa Island is one of the two areas, which have been declared «special event areas» for the Trump-Kim summit, with the other one being Tanglin. The Capella Hotel will reportedly be the venue for the summit, according a tweet by White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. People and vehicles entering areas near the key summit venues may be subject to bag and body checks. A blanket ban has also been imposed on bringing flags, banners or flammable materials anywhere near the summit venues.

Singapore: Trump arrives in Singapore for N. Korea summit
2018-06-10 21:21
US President Donald Trump saying *UPSOUND*: «Good, thank you. Very good.» US President Donald Trump arrived in Singapore on Sunday, ahead of the June 12 summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un Un. Footage shows Trump saying that he feels «good» about the forthcoming summit, when asked about it upon entering a presidential limousine at the Singapore airport. While at the G7 summit, Trump described his trip to Singapore for the North Korean summit as a «mission of peace» and stated he thought the summit is «going to work out very well.»

UK: Far-right and pro-Palestine supporters during London Al-Quds Day demo
2018-06-10 21:57
A group of far-right supporters faced off with pro-Palestine supporters as they rallied in London, Sunday, on occasion of Al-Quds Day. Footage shows supporters of the far-right English Defence League (EDL) trying to break the police cordon that surrounded the pro-Palestine rally. Al-Quds day, which falls on the last Friday of the month of Ramadan, is an annual event firstly introduced in 1979 by late Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, as a day of protest against Zionism and Israel's control of Jerusalem.

Spain: Thousands form 202 km human chain for independence vote
2018-06-10 22:29
More than 175,000 people in Spain's Basque Country formed a 202-kilometre (126-mile) human chain, calling for the right to hold an independence referendum, Sunday. The chain started in San Sebastian and passed through Bilbao before ending in front of the Basque Parliament in Basque Parliament in Vitoria-Gasteiz. The action was reportedly organised by the Basque group 'Gure Esku Dago' ('In Our Own hands').

Программа «Дежурная часть» от 10 июня 2018 года
2018-06-10 22:32
Могут ли летчики, уволенные за пьянство, вновь сесть за штурвал? Какие черные пятна собирался смыть высокопоставленный полицейский и почему его называют кондуктором? Ответят ли медики из Екатеринбурга за то, что оставили умирать пациента на пороге больницы? Чем теперь займется бывший король интимной империи?

Iraq: Fire hits ballot warehouse ahead of election recount
2018-06-10 22:43
A fire hit Iraq's largest storage depot for paper ballots in the eastern district of Baghdad on Sunday. Footage shows thick black smoke emanating from the storage depot as rescue workers attempt to put out flames and save the ballots by loading them onto trucks. Parliamentary elections were held in Iraq on May 12, but on June 6 the Iraqi Parliament ordered a manual recount due to widespread allegations of fraud.

Germany: Suspect behind murder of German teen taken to Frankfurt detention centre
2018-06-10 23:09
The suspect in the murder of German 14-year old girl Susanna Feldman, Ali Bashar, was escorted on Sunday by police into a helicopter in Wiesbaden, which will take him to a detention centre in Frankfurt am Main. District attorney for Wiesbaden Oliver Kuhn said that the Bashar's «appearance before the investigative magistrate of Wiesbaden, which lasted almost six hours, confirmed all the information gathered during the suspect's police interrogation.» Kuhn did not reveal any information about Bashar's statement before the magistrate. The Iraqi asylum seeker is accused of raping and killing Feldman, whose dead body was found on the outskirts of Wiesbaden last Wednesday. Bashar had been arrested in northern Iraq by Kurdish security forces after fleeing Germany, according to officials. The defendant reportedly fled Germany together with eight family members by boarding a plane to northern Iraq, before the arrest warrant was issued.

Russia: Hundreds hold opposition rally in Moscow
2018-06-10 23:32
An authorised opposition rally 'For free Russia without repressions and arbitrariness' took place on Sakharov Avenue in Moscow on Sunday. Representatives of political parties, including Yabloko and Civic Initiative, addressed the protesters during the demonstration. According to the Russian Interior Ministry, about 1,700 people participated in the action.

Russia: FIFA president comments on Video Assisted Refereeing and 2026 FIFA bidding
2018-06-10 23:54
FIFA President Gianni Infantino said that he is «not at all nervous» about the Video Assisted Refereeing (VAR) because he believes there are «no negative effects,» when speaking to the press following Moscow's seventh meeting of the FIFA Council on Sunday. Infantino noted that «in those countries where VAR is being applied now, they can already not live without it.» At the meeting, FIFA's strategic body reportedly decided on a number of important competition matters, including the bidding process for the 2026 FIFA World Cup. The FIFA president said, «I am happy or satisfied that we made sure that we had a real bidding process, transparent one from the beginning to the end. Everything is public, everything has been published.» He added, «I think we prepared everything for the Congress to be able to take the decision.» Following the publication of the Bid Evaluation Report by the 2026 Bid Evaluation Task Force, the FIFA Council designated the two bids — the one jointly submitted by the Canadian Soccer Association, the Mexican Football Association and the United States Soccer Federation, as well as the one submitted by the Moroccan Football Association — to be voted on by the 68th FIFA Congress. The decision will be made on June 13.

Germany: Foreign Minister attends ground-breaking ceremony at Berlin Jewish Campus
2018-06-11 00:33
German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas was present at the ground-breaking ceremony for Berlin's new Jewish Campus on Sunday. The German politician, with accompanying hard hat and shovel, posed for photographs with prominent figures from the capital's Jewish community. The project, funded by the Chabad-Lubavitch Orthodox movement, aims to further dialogue between religions and cultures. The multi-purpose site will contain a school catering for 500 pupils, from nursery to high school, as well as a youth club, sports hall and reception centre.

Russia: Salah and Egyptian team welcomed in Grozny with lezginka dance ahead of WC
2018-06-11 00:39
The Egyptian national football team arrived in Grozny on Sunday, ahead of the 2018 World Cup. During the tournament, the Egyptian team will be based in Grozny. The team was received by Egyptian Ambassador to Russia Ihab Nasr and members of the Chechnya government. Locals welcomed the team with a traditional lezginka dance. The first open training of the Egyptian team will be held at the Akhmat-Arena stadium. The participation in the championship of Mohamed Salah remains unknown due to his injury during the Champions League final. He might not be able to play in one or two matches of the tournament. Egypt national team will face Russia on June 19.

Israel: Netanyahu urges countries to relocate embassies to Jerusalem
2018-06-11 03:38
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu encouraged countries and organisations to relocate their embassies or offices in Jerusalem, in a speech to the American Jewish Committee (AJC) Global Forum in Jerusalem on Sunday. «You can go back to your respective countries and make sure for those who haven't yet moved their embassies, do it. And for those who haven't yet established their embassies, we're waiting patiently but we know that will happen too,» Netanyahu said. On 6 December 2017, the US announced it would move its embassy to Jerusalem, choosing to formally recognise it as the capital of Israel. Guatemala and Paraguay have since followed suit. The status of the Holy City is contested in the conflict between Israel and Palestine, both of whom claim Jerusalem as their capital.

France: Farmers launch blockade of oil refinery in Grandpuits
2018-06-11 04:14
Farmers launched a four-day blockade at the Grandpuits oil refinery on Sunday, to protest against the import of palm oil for use in fuel at the expense of locally-produced biofuels. Tractors and trucks blocked the entrance to the refinery and dumped farm waste in front of the facility. Farmers view palm oil as «unfair competition» to more expensive oils produced by local producers like rapeseed and sunflower. The four-day blockade will target thirteen French refineries from June 10-13.

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